Proceedings of the Special Meeting held Monday, June 25, 1917

Proceedings of the Special Meeting held Monday, June 25, 1917

THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE (Proceed4ugs of the 5pecial Mectiug held Monday, )iune 25, I9z7.) t-[ALL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, June 25, 1...

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(Proceed4ugs of the 5pecial Mectiug held Monday, )iune 25, I9z7.) t-[ALL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, June 25, 1917. VICE-PRESIDENT COLEMAN SELLERS, JR., in the Chair. The Chairman announced that the meeting was called for the purpose of t r a n s f e r r i n g certain property devised to the Institute by the late William H. W'ahl to the Institnte's Board of Trustees and called upon Mr. Louis E. Levy to present the necessary resolntion. Mr. Levy then offered the following resolution:

"Resolved, T h a t the title to premises i~o6 H a r l a n Street, in the City of Philadelphia, being a part of the devise to The Franklin Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts under the will of William H. Wahl, deceased, and known as the 'John H. W a h l Fund,' be conveyed to the Trustees of The Franklin Institute in accordance with Article I, Section I, of the By-Laws of the Institute, and that the President and Secretary be, and they are, hereby authorized and directed to execute the deed for the same." A f t e r being duly seconded it was passed mlanimously. Adjourned. R . B . OWENS.


C O M M I T T E E ON SCIENCE A N D T H E ARTS. (Abstract of Proceedings of the Stated Meeting held Wednesday, June 6, 1917.) HALL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHII.ADELPHIA. June 6, 1917. MR. ~VM. CHATTIN WETHERILL ilk the Chair. The following report was presented for first reading: No. 2694.--Lewis Machine Gun. Tile following report was presented for final action. No. 2687.--Brinell Meter. R e c o m m e n d e d t h a t E d w a r d L o n g streth Medals of Merit be awarded to Albert Ringland and F r a n k H. Schoenfuss, of Philadelphia, Pa., for their joint invention of this device. R. B. OWENS,

Secretary. 123