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1871. Mr. Coleman
The minutes of the last meeting wcrc wad and approved. The Actuary, 1”.I) t(~wl~~q ~ubmittttl the minutes of the Board of Managers and rcportell that, at their :necting held June l-Ith, donations to thfl library N-NV rewivc~l from The V. States Patent Olficc, Washington, D. C. C. E. Rice, C. E. Frederick Graeff, Annual Report of the Chief Eng. of the Water Department of the City of Philatlclphi;~. Board of Public Charities, for 1870. New York, their hpnrt Navy Department, the Naval John C. Cresson, the Third Register of the Vnitetl States for 1871. Annual Report of tllc C~,mmissioncrs of Fairmount Park, Philada,. The Iuetit,utc of Actuaries, the Societies of Arts, the Chemical and Royal Geographical Societies, of London. Royal Astronomica! The Manchester Stcnm Users ilssoci:~tion, of I1Ianchcster, Englantl. The Austrian Society o 1’Engineers and Architects, Vienna. Ant1 from 1). d. Iloluian and William II. Wahl. The Actuary, /,~r, tc’///.. lik~~wisc reported the following resolutions from the Bo:~rtl : Hesol~erl, ‘l’h~t in view of ihc lon,g and faithful services of William Hamilton, late Actnaryfof the Franklin Instltutc, the Hoard rccommeod to the Institute at its nest mect.ing to take nleasures for the crcction of a memorial stoue or monument, ovc’r hii: Kr:rve.
h’~s~~ir~ecl, ‘I’llat,. in the event of the adoption by the Institute of this recommetidation, n committt~c of iiw bc appoitlted to define the character of the memorial, asccrtniu its cost and to preparc subscription lists to defray the same. The resolutions llc~rrwith prcscnted \vertl unanimously adopted by the Institute, and tile l’resi(lcut was recluestc~~l to appoint the committee. !L’hr~ Comluittcc consists of Xcssrs. J. V. Derrick, Frederick Fraley, Wm. Scllcrs, B. II. nIoow, W. .Jones. The Secretary nest real1 his Xonthly Report on Science ant1 the Arts, after which t,lie mcl~oting acl,journcd. VTLLTA3I IT. WATIL, ,Gv-PtcY~Yy.