46 practitioners should, I think, not be de- the circumstance noticed in any writers on I am, Sir, terred from giving it a trial in a disease in the ...

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practitioners should, I think, not be de- the circumstance noticed in any writers on I am, Sir, terred from giving it a trial in a disease in the subject. Your obedient servant, which, as the friends of Dr. Sharkey’s paFLEMYNG PORTER, M.D. tients expressed themselves, death, should WM. FLEBSYNG One of the Physicians to the Cork it follow, would be preferable to its conGeneral Dispensary. tinuance ; and when we further consider, Cork, September 24, 1831. that though some of that gentleman’s patients seemed alarmingly affected by the medicine, yet that none of them died, we have, I think, good reason not to dread, greatly, its effects. EXTERNAL APPLICATION OF THE In the case just related, every remedy that the most experienced practitioners CHLORIDE OF SULPHUR IN could suggest was tried previously, and it CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. will be observed that the dose exhibited considerably (and probably unnecesthan any given by Dr. Sharkey.


To the Editor

sarily) stronger




the following outlines of cutaneous affections cured by the external application of the chloride of sulphur, a remedy scarcely noticed as a therapeutic agent. The beneficial effects resulting from its use for these fourteen months, induce me to intrude upon your valuable pages as the best means of giving it publicity. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, J. PELHAM BUCKLAND.


Broadstairs, Oct. 1831.


of THE

SIR,—I shall feel obliged by your insert.


20, Great Trinity-lane, Oct. 1831. To the Editor

of THE



SIR,—I have, in inflammatory affections

A young gentleman, who suffered seof the lungs, been in the practice of pre- verely from a periodical psoriasis for many scribing, upon the Italian and French plan !, years, consulted me, September 29,1830, for of treatment, the tartrate of antimony, in the above disease, which had attacked him i very considerable doses; viz. from ten to six weeks previously ; during that time he in the in thirty grains day, solution, gene- employed several means to eradicate it, with effect. -good My opportuni- without effect ; the leg was entirely corally ties of observation are numerous, as in- vered with scales and deep fissures pouring flammatory diseases of the chest are fre- out an acrid discharge ; the thigh and arm quent in this city from the excessive atmo- were in a slight degree affected. I ordered spheric moisture that prevails at almost all him alterative doses of the pilul. hydrargseasons, and as the duty of attending all with geutle saline aperients, and to rub the acute diseases, with very few exceptions, parts affected with an ointment composed requiring gratuitous aid, devolves on the of 3i of the chloride of sulphur, to 3i of dispensary to which I have been attached simple cerate ; he continued this treatment for the last five years, my practice has been for a week, when he was completely cured, extensive. After some days use of the and remained so until the beginning of antimonial, I have occasionally met with September in the present year, when he pustular eraptions of the tongue and lining used the ointment for a few days, and is membrane of the mouth, of the character, to again quite recovered. all appearance, of the pustules produced on In December, 1830, a medical friend sent the skin by the application of the ointment me a young woman, affeoted with lepra vulof the tart. ant., and that without any pre- garis, on purpose to try the effects of the vious excoriation. In the last case in which chloride of sulphur. The case was one of I observed it, the tongue only was affected ; six years standing, but had never during the medicine was discontinued and the pus- that time been completely cured ; she was tules healed in two days; but the inflammain-patient in several hospitals, and obtory action still going on, the use of the tained other professional advice, sometimes solution was resumed, and again pustules relief for a few weeks; her head, face, were produced. part of the body, wereentirely coMy object in this communication is, to vered with the eruption : she usedthe ointof the chloride of sulphur for six elicit the observations of others more practised and more competent. I have not seen weeks, and was completely cured.



and every
