Prostaglandin bibliography

Prostaglandin bibliography

PROSTAGLANDINS PROSTAGLANDIN BIBLIOGRAPHY Selected citations from the Upjohn Company Bibliography James R. Weeks, Ph,D. BIOCHEMISTRY - TRANSPORT Pa...

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Selected citations from the Upjohn Company Bibliography James R. Weeks, Ph,D.

BIOCHEMISTRY - TRANSPORT Papanicolaou, N., Makrakis, S., Bariety, J., and Milliez, P.: Communications. Prostaglandins in rat tissues. J. Pharm. Pharmaeol. 26:270, 1974.

BIOSYNTHESIS - DEGRADATION Attallah, A.A., Payakkapan, W,, and Lee, J.B.: Metabolism of prostaglandin A, i. The kidney cortex as a major site of PGA2 degradation, Life Sci. 14:1521, 1974. Deby, C., Bacq, Z.M., and Simon, D.: In vitro inhibition of the biosynthesis of a prostaglandin by gold and silver Biochem. Pharmacol. 22:3141, 1973. Hensby, C,N.: Reduction of prostaglandin E2 to prostaglandin F2~ by an enzyme in sheep blood, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 348:145, 1974. Smith, J.B., Ingerman, C., Kocsis, J.J., and Silver, M.J.: Formation of an intermediate in prostaglandin biosynthesis and its association with the platelet release reaction. Jo Clin. Invest. 53:1468, 1974.

BLOOD - PLATELETS Solis, R.T., Wright, C.B., Gibbs, M.B., and Stevens, P.M.: Quantitative studies of microaggregate formation in vitro and in vivo. Chest. 65(Suppl): 44S, 1974,

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CARDIOVASCULAR - RENAL Arieff, A.I., and Chidsey, C°A.: Renal function in cirrhosis and the effects of prostaglandin A I, Am, J, Med, 56:695, 1974. Burchett, G.D., Hall, D,M., and Gryte, R.: Humoral influences on coronary arterial flow and cardiac function: I. Prostaglandins. J. Am. Osteopath. Assoc. 73:565, 1974. Kadowitz, P.J,, Joiner~ P.D., and Hyman, A.L.: Influence of prostaglandins E 1 and F2~ on pulmonary vascular resistance in the sheep. Proc, Soc, Exp. Biol0 Med. 145:1258, 1974. Machiedo, G.W., Brown, C.S., Lavigne, J.E., and Rush, B.F., Jr.: Prostaglandin E 1 as a therapeutic agent in hemorrhagic shock. Surg, Forum. 24:12, 1973. Somova, L., Orbetzova, V., and Petkov, O,: Quantitative changes in the renal prostaglandins induced by acetyl-salicylic acid and indomethacin, Cor, Vasa. 16:51, 1974, Terragno, N,A., Terragno, D.A,, Pacholczyk, D., and McGiff, J.C.: Prostaglandins and the regulation of uterine blood flow in pregnancy. Nature (Lond) 249:57, 1974.

CHEMISTRY Doria, G., and Gandolfi, C.: Prostaglandins V: (+)lOB-hydroxyprostaglandins. Farmaco (Sci) 29:327, 1974. Morozowich, W.: Separation of prostaglandin A 2 and prostaglandin B 2 by ion-exchange liquid chromatography. J. Pharm. Sci. 63:800, 1974. Watson, J.T., and Sweetman, B.J.: A comparative, vapor-phase (G.L.C.-M.S.) study of various derivatives of prostaglandins A and B° Org. Mass Spectrom 9:39, 1974.

CYCLIC AMP Haye, B., Champion, S., and Jacquemin, C.: Existence of two pools of prostaglandinS during stimulation of the thyroid by TSH. FEBS Lett. 41:89, 1974. Keirns, J.J., Kreiner, P.W., and Bitensky, M.W.: An abrupt temperature-dependent change in the energy of activation of hormone-stimulated hepatic adenylyl cyclase. J. Supramol. Struct. 1:368, 1973.


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Schimmel, R.J.: Responses of adipose tissue to sequential lipolytic stimuli. Endocrinology 94:1372, 1974. Zenser, T.V., Derubertis, F.R., and Curnow, R.T.: Effects of prostaglandins on hepatic adenylate cyclase activity and cyclic adenosine 3',5',-monophosphate content. Endocrinology 94:1404, 1974.




Carruther~, T.C., Manns, J.G., and Quesnel, S.J.: The effect of prostaglandin E 1 on lipid metabolism and hormone secretion in sheep. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 52:319, 1974. Demoulin, A., Thieblot, P., and Franchimont, P,: Effect of various steroids and prostaglandin E l on serum levels of gonadotrophins in the male castrate rag. C.R. Soc. Biol. (Paris) 167:1684, 1973 (French) Harms, P.G., Ojeda, S.R., and McCann, S.M,: Prostaglandin-induced release of pituitary gonadotropins: Central nervous system and pituitary sites of action. Endocrinology 94:1459, 1974.

GASTROINTESTINAL Fabiyi, J.A., and Okpako, D.T.: On the responses of the isolated rectum of the rainbow lizard to drugs and electrical field stimulation. C0mp. Gen. Pharmacol. 4:297, 1973. Kowalewski, K., and Kolodej, A.: Effect of prostaglandin-E2 on gastric secretion and on gastric circulation of totally isolated ex vivo canine stomach. Pharmacology 11:85, 1974.

HYPERSENSITIVITY - IMMUNOLOGY Arrigoni-Martelu, E., Selva, D., and Schiatti, P.: Different efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs in inhibiting the reactions to intradermal phospholipase A and PGE2. J. Intern. Med. Res. 1:120, 1973. Jaffe, B.M., and Moore, T.C.: Elevation in prostaglandin E activity of rat heart allograft coronary sinus venous blood. Int. Res. Commun~ Syst. 2:1417, 1974.

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PROSTAGLANDINS MISCELLANEOUS Persianinov, L.S., Leonov, B.V., Massal'Skaya, L.M., and Lomova, M.A.: Effect of prostaglandin F2~ on sea urchin embryos at different stages of development and on their sensitivity to neuropharmacological agents. Bull. Exp. Biol. Ivied. (USSR) 76:1229, 1973.

NERVOUS SYSTEM Pham-Huu-Chanh, Nicot~Carthery, M.C.: Prostaglandin-releasing effect of exogenous noradrenaline in isolated rabbit heart. Naturwissenschaften 60:482, 1973, Singh, U., and Sebuwufu, P.H.S.: Prostaglandins and neurosecretion: A histochemical study. East. Afr. Med. J. 50:199, 1973. Schoener, E.P., and Wang, S.C.: Sodium acetylsalicylate effectiveness against fever induced by leukocytic pyrogen and prostaglandin E 1 in the cat. Experientia 30:383, 1974.

REPRODUCTION Bruce, N.W., and Hillier, K.: The effect of prostaglandin F2~ on ovarian blood flow~ and corpora lutea regression in the rabbit. Nature (Lond) 249:176, 1974. Katz, R.L., and Katz, G.J.: Prostaglandins-basic and clinical considerations. Anesthesiology 40:471, 1974. Corson, S.L., and Bolognese, R.J.: Oral prostaglandin E 2 for induction of labor. J. Reprod. Med. 72:167, 1974. Corson, S.L., and Bolognese, R.J.: Comparison of two prostaglandin routes of administration to induce midtrimester abortion. J. Reprod. Med. 12:169, 1974. Hertelendy, F., Yeh, H., and Biellier, H.V.: in the domestic hen by prostaglandins. 22:529, 1974.

Induction of oviposition Gen. Comp~ Endocrinol.

Lau, I.F., Saksena, S.K., and Chang, M.C.: Prostaglandin F in the uterine horns of mice with intrauterine devices. J. Reprod. Fert. 37:429, 1974. Lauderdale, J.W., Seguin, B.E., Stellflug, J.N., Chenault, J.R., Thatcher, W.W., Vincent, C.K., and Loyancano, A.F.: Fertility of cattle following PGF2~ injection. J. Anim. Sci. 38:964, 1974.


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Lichtman, A.S., Brenner, P~, and Mishell, D.R., Jr., Intrauterine administration of prostaglandin F2~ as an outpatient procedure for termination of early pregnancy. Contraception 9:403, 1974. Midak, E.: Modification by PGE 1 of contractile effects of catecholamines and acetycholine on isolated human nonpregnant myometrium. Actao Physiol. Pol. 24:841, 1973. Persaud, T.V.N.: The effects of prostaglandin F2~ on pregnancy and fetal development in mice. Toxicology 2:25, 1974. Powell, W.S., Hammarstrom, S., Samuelsson, B., and Sjoberg, B.: Prostaglandin-F2~ receptor in human corpora lutea. Lancet 1:1120, 1974. Sutherland, D.J.B., Telli, A.H., and Singhal, R.L.: The influence of testosterone on the endogenous levels of prostaglandin F in the accessory reproductive glands of the adult male rat. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 52:364, 1974.

REVIEWS Beazley, J.M.: Treatment with prostaglandins. Metab. 2:411, 1973.

Clin. Endocrinol.

Flower, R.J.: Drugs which inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis. Pharmacol. Rev. 26:33, 1974. Flower, R.J., and Vane, J.R.: Commentary. Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Biochem. Pharmacol. 23:1439, 1974. Kelly, R.W., Physical methods of measurement of prostaglandins. Endocrinol. Metab. 2:375, 1973.


Nakano, J.: The prostaglandins: Their effect on 14 clinical conditions. Resident Staff Physician. 19:93, 1973. Poyser, N.L.: The physiology of prostaglandins. Metab. 2:393, 1973.

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Clin. Endocrinol.