Rarefaction of the Pedal Bone.

Rarefaction of the Pedal Bone.

Rarefaction of the PetJal Bone 623 to eat any food. So treacle, milk and oatm~al gruel mixed was put into her three times a day. In time the straini...

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Rarefaction of the PetJal Bone


to eat any food. So treacle, milk and oatm~al gruel mixed was put into her three times a day. In time the straining and discharge ceased, . and in about a week she began to walk about and nibble a little grass, . and gradually recovered. This occurred in April. Some weeks l
AN INTERESTING LARYNGOTOMY. SUBJECT.-A weight-carrying brown hunter gelding. This horse· made a fairly bad noise. The owner was very anxious to win the heavyweight race of the local point-to-point, but did not want to · have the horse tubed . The horse had run twice he fore the operation' and was second once and third once, running in almost the samecompany each time. He could not quite go the distance and was· only beaten towards the end of the race. We suggested to the owner to have the roaring operation performed. He agreed. Professor Hobday came down and performed the operation. The horse was.


The Veterinary Joufnal

uhdoubtedly im~rovect , and the following year he won the heavyweight race by about 15 lengths, and the' owner, who was riding him, -said he did not have to ask him to go. He heat the same horses which :had previollsly beaten him.

Jlbstracts Of Currtnt £UualUrt MacCluskey, Lucille, and Eichelberger.- The Effect of Injections of Sanocrysin on Normal and Tuberculous Dogs.-Am. R ev. of T b., Yol. X II , NO.4, December, 1925., ex R ev. de la T uberculose, October, 1926. I N a fi rst memoir the authors study the action of sanocrysin on .the normal dog. Intravenous inj ection of sanocrysin , in the doses used , causes dia.rrhrea, oliguria, vomiting (doubtless by affecting th e nerve centres) ; the vomit does not contain gold. The inj ection has n o effect on temperature. Three to five per cent. of gold 'is eliminated by the stools in the first eight days. In the urine gold appears 30 minutes after intravenous inj ection and is eliminated for 30 consecutive days. Urine is the chief eliminating factor with this drug (60 per cent.) . The cypher of urea, chlorides and creatinin is diminished . In six cases albuminurea appeared. This increases with the dose of the drug, lasts four to ten days and may reappear later on . The highest gold figure found in the organs has been 32 per cent.

SeIter, H.- Susceptibility to Tuberculin and Action of Tuberculin.Zeitschrif t J. T uberk, Vol. X LV, No. I , I 9:?6, pp. II-27· THE essential element in the susceptibility to tuberculin is the -exaggeration of the inflamma tory aptitude of th e tissues. Tuberculin excites an inflammatory state in predisposed tissues. This action of tuberculin is not specific, for other substances which cause ." reacti ons" act on tissues sensible to tuberculin in the same way a s these and excite like it inflammatory reactions that clinically, histologically and biologically cannot be distinguished from reactions ··due to tuberculin itself. On the system free from tuberculosis, tuberculin has the same power of exciting reactions as onthe tuberculous system, but the reactions are much weaker. Do the intestinal bacteria :perhaps sensibilise the system to bacterian proteins, whatever these may be, and do they exaggerat e the inflammatory aptitude of the tissues in a non-specific way? Two explanations can be given for the relative susceptibility of tuberculin; either the pre-existing susceptibility resp ecting bacterian proteins has been increased by the fact of a tuberculous infection, ,or the susceptibility to tuberculin is created extemporaneously by the 'tuberculin itself. Other infections like syphilis or glanders show in 'this respect a nalogous considera tions. Which of the two proposed