Recent issues of postage stamps depicting fungi

Recent issues of postage stamps depicting fungi

116 RECENT ISSUES OF POSTAGE STAMPS DEPICTING FUNGI M 0 MOSS Department of Microbiology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH AND I P DUN...

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RECENT ISSUES OF POSTAGE STAMPS DEPICTING FUNGI M 0 MOSS Department of Microbiology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH AND


A number of sets of stamps illustrating fungi have come to our attention since the earlier lists published in Bull. Br. mycol. Soc. (lng, 1976; Moss & Dunkley, 1981, 1984, 1986). Although there is still a strong emphasis on edible and poisonous toadstools an increasing number of issues include illustrations of species which are of interest because they are indigenous or unusual. The following list is in alphabetical order of the issuing country.

BENIN (1985). Three contrasting species each depicted against an appropriately coloured background and described on the stamps as : 35 francs Cepe 40 francs Amanite phalloide 100 francs Paxille enroule Presumably representing Boletus edulis Bull.:Fr., Amanita phaJlaides (Vaill.:Fr.)Link and Paxillus invoJutus (Batsch:Fr.)Fr. respectively, although the stems of the bolete and paxillus are an uncanny green!

ANDORRA (Spanish Post Offices). Since the issue of 1983 (Moss & Dunkley, 1984) a single stamp has appeared during each subsequent year. 11 pesetas Marchella esculenta Pel's . -

CISKEI (March 1987). Designs based on beautiful watercolours of four contrasting species of macrofungi with maximum cards of photographs possibly of the specimens on which the paintings were based. 14 cents Boletus edulis 20 cents Macrolepiata zeyheri (Fr.)Singer 25 cents Termitomyces spp 30 cents Russula capensis Pearson The "'Oc stamp has been incorporated into a miniature sheet to commemorate (or raise funds for ?) a National Philatelic Exhibition held in Paarl, South Africa, 16-19 September 1987, the set was released with a beautiful first day cover envelope. It is tempting to try to identify the species of Termitomyces Heim from the interesting article by Piearce (1987).

(1984) 30 pesetas Gyromitra escuJenta Pel's . (1985) 30 pesetas Marasmius oreades (Bolt. :Fr .)Fr. - (1986)

ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (November 1986). A pleasing set of portraits set against the dark damp background of a tropical forest floor . 10 cents Hygrocybe occidentalis (Dennis) Pegler val'. scarletina Pegler & Fiard 50 cents Trogia buccinalis (Mont.)Pat. 1 dollar Collybia subpruinosa [Murr.] Dennis 4 dollars Leucocoprinus brebissonii (Godey)Locquin 5 dollars Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum (Berk. & Curtis)Singer The high value, depicting P. pyrrhurn, is set in a miniature sheet depicting ferns and a tropical sea shell. The whole set is also available overprinted 'Barbuda Mail'. BELIZE (October 1986). A set of delicately printed portraits which was also issued as a miniature sheet commemorating the Belize Audobon Society. The set also includes pictures of toucans. 5 cents Amanita lilloi Singer 20 cents BoJetellus cubensis (Berk. & Curtis)Singer 75 cents Psilocybe caerulescens Murr. 2 dollars Russula puiggarii (Speg .)Singer

COMORO ISLANDS (1985) . The stamps, from this archipelago north-west of Madagascar, are finely reproduced photographs of a group of macrofungi chosen for their photogenic appeal. 75 francs Boletus edulis 125 francs Sarcoscypha caccinea (Fr.) Lamb. - Scarlet Elf Cup 200 francs Hyphalama fasciculare (Huds.:Fr.)Kummer 350 francs Astraeus hygrametricus Pers. - an Earthstar 500 francs Armillaria melleo (Vahl:Fr.) Kummer CONGO (1985). This set of rather large stamps is also based on photographs and it is good to see one of the Bird's-Nest Fungi included. 100 francs Coprinus sp. 150 francs Corlinarius sp.

200 francs Armillariella mellea (Vahl :Fr.) Karsten 300 francs Dictyophora sp . 400 francs Crucibulum vulgare Tu!. Brodie (1975) explains why this Bird'sNest Fungus should be called C. laeve (Huds.)Kambly, Kambly & Lee . DJIBOUTI REPUBLIC (1987). The Republic. which was formerly the French Territory of the Afars and the Issas, issued a set depicting edible fungi. 35 francs Macrolepiota imbricata (P.Henn.)Pegler 50 francs Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. 95 francs Terfezia boudieri Chat. This species, and T. leon is Tul. (= T. arenaria (Moris)Trappe) depicted in the Algerian set issued in June 1983 , are hypogeous members of the Pezizales found in arid climates. EQUATORIAL GUINEA. A set of eight stamps with photographs of small mammals in which the 1 ekuele and the 5 ekuele. depicting a mouse and stoat respectively. include fruitbodies of Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr .)Hooker. GRENADA. A fascinating set of unusual species which are perhaps recently described members of the tropical rain-forest flora . The five dollar stamp forms part of a minisheet showing a delightful aerial view of rich tropical rain forest. 10 cents Lepiota roseolamellata Dennis 60 cents Lentinus bertieri (Fr.)Fr. The ' most common species of Lentinus Fr . throughout tropical America. extending from Mexico to northern Argentina. 1 dollar Lentinus retinervis Pegler. Not known outside the Lesser Antilles for certain. 4 dollars 'Eccilia cystiophorus ' (Possibly in error for Entoloma cystidiophorum Dennis ?). 5 dollars Cystolepiota eriophora (Peck)Knudsen (= Lepiota eriophora Peck). Cystolepiota Singer is close to Lepiota s. str. but with a pileipellis of loose sphaerocytes, like Cystoderma Fayod, GRENADINES OF ST VINCENT (1986). A beautiful set of delicately painted portraits of indigenous species. The Grenadines of St Vince nt are a group of islands south of St Vincent. 45 cents Marosmius pollescens Murr. 60 cents Leucocoprinus fragilissimus (Berk . & Rav .)pat.

117 75 cents Hygrophorus occidentalis A H Smith & Hesler 3 dollars Xerocomus hypoxonthus Singer. GUINEA BISSAU (1985). A sheet of six stamps depicting common species which are nicely drawn and coloured, and presented against theoretical backgrounds of imaginary foliage, the style reminiscent of the Hungarian sets of 1984 and 1986. 7 peso Clitocybe gibba (Pers.:Fr.)Kummer (= C. infundibuliformis (Schaeffer) Que!' Considered by Singer to be the type species of Clitocybe (Fr.)Staude. 9 peso Morchella elata Fr . 12 peso Lepisto nuda (Bul!' :Fr.}Cooke 20 peso Lactarius deliciosus (L.:Fr.)S F Gray 30 peso Russula virescens (Schaeffer)Fr. 35 peso Chroogomphus ruli/us (Fr.)O K Miller HUNGARY (1986). The set issued in 1984 showed seven edible species and the present set complements this with seven poisonous species. 2 forint Inocybe patouillardii Bres. 2 forint Amanita phalloides 2 forint Amanita muscaria 4 forint Amanita pantherina (DC:Fr.) Krombh. 4 forint Omphalotus olearius (DC:Fr.) Singer (= Clitocyb e illud ens (Schwein.) Sacc.] 6 forint Gyrom itra esculenta Pers.:Fr. ISLE OF MAN (1986). A beautiful set of four stamps depicting sites managed by the Manx National Trust. One of the two 12p stamps shows a site (Bride. 'A yres) where Usnea articulata Hoffm . is recorded. This lichen is one of the most sensitive to sulphur dioxide pollution of the atmosphere and is locally common in the extreme south and west of Britain. KOREA (NORTH) (1985). A set depicting good edible species of white-spored agarics. 10 chou Pleurotus coruucopiue (Paulet:Fr.)Roll. 20 chou Pleurotus astreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kummer 30 chou Catathelasma ventricosum (Peck)Singer. Catathelasma Lovej. (= Biannularia G. Beck); this species has been placed in Armillaria (Fr .)Staude. LAOS (1985). A pretty set of common agarics. 50 cents Amanita muscoria 1 kip Boletus edulis


Plate 1. Recent stamp issues from Antigua & Barbuda. Belize. Ciskei and Djibouti Republic.


Plate 2. Recent stamp issues from Hungary, Laos, and North Korea.

120 2 kip Cop rin us comotus (Mu eller :Fr .)S F Gra y 2 kip Amanit a rube scens (Pers .:Fr .)S F Gra y 3 kip Xerocomus subtomentos us (L.:Fr.) Que!. 4 kip Macrolepi ola pro cera (Sco p.:Fr.) Sin ger 8 kip Paxillu s involutus (Batsc h :Fr .)Fr. MALDIVES (1986). A group of islands west of Sri Lanka which was readmitted as an Ass ociate Commonwealth Mem ber in 1982. Th e two highe st value sta mps eac h form pa rt of a miniature she et. 15 lar ees Hyph oloma fasci culore (Hu ds.:Fr.)Kummer 50 lar ees Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Scha effer :Fr .)Singer & A H Smith 1 rupee Amani ta muscaria 2 rupees Agaric us campes tris L.:Fr . 3 rupees Ama nit a pantherina 4 rupees Cop rin us comatus 5 rupees Pholiota spectabilis (Fr.) Kummer ( = Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.)P D Orton) 10 rupees Plut eus cervinus (Sch aeffer :Fr .) Kummer 15 rupees Stropharia ae ruginosa (Curtis:Fr .}Que!. 15 rupees Armillaria m ellea MEXICO (1985). A shee t of cha rity lab els depicting fift y different species of fun gi. MOZAMBIQUE (1986). A tri vial set of rather primitive. poorly coloured, illu strations. 4 meticuls Amanita mus caria 8 meticuls Lactarius deliciosu s (L.:Fr .)S F Gra y 16 met iculs 'Amanita ph aloides ' ( = A. phall oidcs) 30 meticuls Tricholoma nudum (Bull .:Fr.) Kummer (= Lepista nuda)

PARAGUAY. Sin ce 1984 two se ts of lar ge stamps have been issu ed . Th e first dated 1984 w as issued in January 1985, the se cond w as issued in 1986 . Both sets also c ontain th e badge of the Scout Movement. 1984

0.25 guaran i Boletus lut eus L.Fr. (= Suillu s lu teu s (L.:Fr .)S F Gr ay 0.50 guarani Agaricus campestris 1.0 guarani Pholiota spe ctabilis (= Gymnopilus jun onius) 2.0 guarani Tricholoma terreum (Schaeffer:Fr .)Kummer 3.0 guarani Laccaria laccat a (Scop.:Fr.)Cook e 4.0 guarani Amani ta phalloides 5.0 guaran i Scleroderma vcrr ucos um (Bull.)Pers. The 5.0g desi gn is availabl e as a sheet of five stamps plu s four un valu ed labels in the CDrners . The se d epict Cal ocybe ga m bos a (L.:Fr.)Ku ehner, Amanita muscari a, Lactarius deliciosus a nd Lepisto nuda. 1986

0.25 guarani Lepiota procera (Scop.:Fr.)S F Gray (= Macrolepiota procera (Scop .:Fr .}Singer) 0.50 guarani Tr icholom a albobru nne um (Pers.:Fr.)Kummer 1.0 guarani Cla varia sp. 2.0 guarani Volvari a sp. (= Vo lv ariella Speg.) 3.0 gua rani Lycoperdon perlatum Per s. 4.0 gu ar an i Dictyoph ora du plicata (Bosc)E Fische r I> Phallu s duplica tus Bose) 5.0 guarani 'Polyporus rubrum '

NIGER (1985). A set of coloured photographs of co m mo n m acrofungi, incl ud in g an Earthstar. 85 franc s Boletu s sp . (possibly B. eduli s) 110 fran cs Hypholoma fasciculare 200 francs Coprinus comatus 300 francs Agaricus arvensis Schaeffer 400 franc s Geastrum fimbriatum Fr.

ROUMANIA (August 1986). An unusual set of illustrations with some artistic licence with the colours of th e toadsto ols which ar e set against contrastingly coloured monochromes of appropriate habitats. 50 bani Am a nita rub escen s 1 leu Boletu s luridus Schaeffer:Fr. 2 leu Lactarius piperatus (Scop.:Fr.)S F Gra y 3 leu Lep iota clyp eolaria (Bull .:Fr .) Kummer 4 leu Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeffer)Fr. 5 leu Tremi scus helvelJoid es (DC:Pers.)Donk - a member of the Tremellales.

NORWAY (1987). Th e two delic at ely design ed illustrations became available as a booklet c ontaini ng five of each . 2.70 krone Cantharellus tubaeform is (Bull .)Fr . 2.70 kro ne Rozites cap erata (Pers.:Fr.) Karsten

ST PIERRE ET MIQUELON (1987). A singl e stam p issued by th is group of French islands off the coast of Newfoundland. It became a n overseas department of Fr ance in 1976. 2.50 fran cs Hygrophorus praten sis (Per s.:Fr.)Fr. (= Camaroph ylJus prntensis (Per s.:Fr.}Kummer)

121 ST THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS (1986). These islands, in the Gulf of Gu inea , off West Africa, became independent of Portugal in 1975 . 6 dobra Fistulina hepatica Schaeffer .Fr . 25 dobra Coll yb ia butyracea (BulJ.:Fr.) Kummer 30 dobra Entoloma c1ypeatum (L.:Fr .) Kummer •. 75 dobra Not named but re sembles Coprinus plicatilis (Curtis:Fr.)Fr . It is printed in a miniature set depicting Stereum hirsutum (Willd .:Fr.)pers. SENEGAL (1982) . A set of stamps depicting insect pest s and plant pathogens. The 80 franc stam p depicts both Sc1erospora graminicola (Sacc .)Schroeter, a downy mildew disease of ma jor economic importance on pearl millet and foxtail millet, and the pearl millet smut, Tolyposporium penicillariae Bref., as well as th e larva of Arnsacta moloneyi , an insect pest depicted in more detail on the 100 franc stamp. The life history of another pest of millet (Raghewa albipunctella) is shown on the 75 franc stamp. The fungi are described in detail in the CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria Nos 77, 452 and 770. THAILAND (November 1986) . A se t of exquisite paintings with delicately depicted habitat ba ckgrounds. 2 baht Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq .:Fr.) Kummer 2 baht Vol variella volvacea (Bull .:Fr.) Singer 6 baht Pleurotus cystidiosus a K Miller 6 baht Auricularia pol ytr icha (Mont.) Sacco TOGO (1986). A set covering an unusually w ide range of the macrofungi occurring in the tropics. 70 francs Ramaria moelleriana (Bre s. & Roum.)Corner. Described by Corner (1950) as occurring on dead wood in tropical Africa, tropical Asia and Papua New Guinea. 90 francs Hygrocybe firma (Berk. & Br .) Singer 150 francs Kalchbrennera corallocephalo (Welw. & Currey)Kalchbr. A member of the Clathraceae confined to Africa, south of the Sahara (Dring, 1980) . 200 francs Cookeina tricholoma (Mont.) Kuntze. A discomycete occurring on dead wood (Dennis, 1970) .

U.S.S.R. (1986) 4 kopecks Amanita pholloides 5 kopecks A m anita mus cario 10 kopecks Am an ita pantherina 15 kopecks Tylopilus fellcus(Bu ll.:Fr. ) Karsten 20 kopecks Hypholoma fasciculare VIETNAM (1983) 50 xu Coprinus atram entorius (Bull .:Fr.) Fr . 50 xu Flommulina velutipes (Curtis:Fr.) Karsten 50 xu Pleurotus ostre otus 50 xu Canthorellus cibori us Fr. 1 dong Vol vari ella vol vacca (Bull. :Fr.) Singer 2 dong Agaricu s silvaticus Schaeffer 5 dong Morchello esculen to Pers. 10 dong Amanita caesarea (Scop. :Fr.) Quel. The authors thank Dr David Pegler for help in tracing some of the fungi. REFERENCES BRODIE, H J (1975). Th e Bird 's Nes t Fungi. Toronto: Un iver sity of Tor onto Pr ess . CORNER, E J H (1950). A Mon ograph of Clava rio and Allied Genera . Oxford: Oxfor d Universit y Press . DENNIS, R W G (19 70). Fungus Flora of Ve nez u ela and Adjacent Countries. Kew Bulletin Additiona l Ser ies 3. London : HM SO . . DRING, D M (1980). Co ntributio ns towards a rational a r rangement of th e Clathraceae . Kew Bull etin 35, 1-96 .

l NG, B (19 76). Fungi on sta m ps . Bulletin of the British Mycological Society 10, 3 2-37 . Moss, M 0 & DUNKLEY, I P (19 8 1). Mo re fungi on stamps. Bulletin of the British My cological Soci ety 15, 61-63. Moss, M 0 & DUNKLEY, I P (198 4 ). Fungi on stamps 1980-1984. Bulleti n of the Briti sh Mycologi cal Societ y 18 , 134 -13 8. Moss , M 0 & DU"'KLEY, I P (1986). Fungi on stamps 1984-1985. Bulletin of the Briti sh M ycologi cal Society 20, 63-68 . PIEARCE, G D (1987 ). Th e ge n u s Termitom yces in Zambia . Th e Mycologist 1, 111-116.