ABSTRACTS of four cases in which alternation of the first and of t:he alternation of the first sound was perceived easier Alternation of the sounds is detected by means of ferences in the intensity, pitch, and sound that the cessive cardiac cycles. In certain cases there may c:adenee, namely, of the rhythm of their succession.
the second sound was present, than that of the second sound. auscultation by the slight difsame sound shows in two SUCbe a slight typical change in AUTIIOR.
Polanco, Mario : The Relation tribution in 242 Fatal Cases.
of Coronary Am. J. Med.
Sclerosis SC. 192:
and Its Dis-
to Symptoms 840, 1936.
Study was made of 242 consecutive cases with hearts whose coronary arteries were found postmortem to be sclerotic. There were 156 males (64.5 per cent) and 86 females (35.5 per cent). History of pain of cardiac origin was given in 14.9 per cent of the cases, of which 24 were males and 13 females; 91.7 per cent of these were associated with marked sclerosis and 8.3 per cent with moderate sclerosis. No cases with mild selerosis gave a history of pain. Dyspnea and cardiac pain were the symptoms most frequently encountered. signs of congestive heart failure were also predominant; of the arrhythmias, auricular fibrillation was the most common, and extrasystole, frequent. The anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery was the most frequent to be “markedly” involved in the sclerotic process (eighteen times). Of arteriosclerosis in other organs, the kidneys and spleen were more markedly attacked. Other organs were involved in varying degrees, showing that visceral arteriosclerosis tends to be generalized, although usually affecting the vessels of some organs more than others. The ratio of heart weight to body weight was found to be increased in 90.8 per cent of the males and 91.3 per cent of the females. The average heart weight in 149 males was 417 gm., or 123 gm. (42 per cent) above normal. Of these, 84 per cent weighed more than normal. Of 78 females, the average weight was 387 gm., or 137 gm. (55 per cent) above normal; 83.3 per cent showed definite increase of heart weight. AUTHOR.
The author of Streptococcus neosalvarsan.
reports forty-three viridam. In Other procedures
83: 469,
cases of this disease with positive bload cultures only one case was an apparent cure induced by in this series were without avail. L. N. II.
Kraiss, II. : Recovery in Endocarditis A case of endocarditis years’ duration is presented. wlhich the patient recovered
566, 1936.
lenta with possible recovery (or intermission) of two The possibility is considered that a pneumonia from might have been responsible for the apparent cure. L. N. K.
The signs of congestion are due of the veins entering the pericardium.
only to heart failure Surgery gives excellent
but to results.
constriction L. N. K.