applied for the preparation of maps for the Quetta district. The purpose of the study is to show the overall picture of the seismic risk in Pakistan. This kind of study in future will be helpful for further comprehensive analysis and to suggest a design procedure for structures such that an acceptable risk level is chosen. (from Author)
965026 Well water warned of Kobe quake P. Hadfield, New Scientist, 147(1986), 1995, p16. Reports on surges of radon, sulphate and chloride in the groundwater beneath the city of Kobe prior to the 17th January 1995 earthquake. The findings of two different research groups are reported which suggest that these substances leaked into Kobe's water supply through newly opened fissures. Results support the contention that groundwater monitoring could provide an early warning for forthcoming earthquakes. (S.J.Stone) 965027 Attenuation charueteristies of the strong ground motion during the southern Hyogo earthquake R. Mohamed, Individual Studies by Participants at the
International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 1995, pp 1-14. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the attenuation relation of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) during earthquakes. The used strong ground motion records were provided by several institutes for the Southern Hyogo earthquake of January 17, 1995. The effects of the following factors were considered: selection of distance, direction of the fault rupture, soil condition and comparison of attenuation relation with other authors. Additionally, the attenuation of the vertical component, which seemed to have played an important role in the damage in Kobe area was covered. (from Author)
HYDROGEOLOGY General 965O28 Water resources engineering. Proceedings of an international conference, San Antonio, August 1995. Volumes I & 2 ed W. H. Espey Jr & P. G. Combs, (American Society of Civil Engineers, New York), ISBN (paperback) 0 7844 0108 X, 1995, 1872 pp, indexes. These two volume proceedings contain papers presented at the First International Conference on Water Resources Engineering. The themes discussed are: new methodology of hydraulic engineering; new directions for hydraulic research; disaster hazard reduction; groundwater; sedimentation; hydraulic data ac~luisition and display; innovative hydraulic structures; wetlands mitigation/sedimentation; environmental hydraulics; stream restoration, optimization of water resource systems; water quality enhancement technology; irrigation and marginal reclaimed water; 3D free surface modelling; flow forecasting under uncertainties; irrigation efficiency and uniformity; theory, numerical modelling and numerical analysis of flow in steep chanels. (from Publisher)
limited mainly to formations with a bimodai particle size distribution. In formations with a log-normal distribution, particle movement is restricted to all but the finest particles. The key factor governing particle mobility is therefore the structure of the porous medium. (from Authors) 965O30 Permeability impairment around boreholes in micaccous aquifers I. M. Blackwell, P. Howsam & M. J. Walker, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 28(Suppl.2), 1995, pp S163S175. A number of possible mechanisms, both physical and chemical, are postulated as being potentially damaging to hnrehole performance in micaceous aquifers. Some of the processes studied are unique to micaceons formations, while others are enhanced where mica is present. Two key processes identified by the study are: 1) mineralogical and structural alteration of mica particles as as result of increased groundwater salinity; and 2) mixing of formation sands, either between layers, or with gravel pack material. The studies together with field evidence show that both of these processes can cause a significant reduction in permeability in the vicinity of a borehole, leading to a deterioration in borehole performance. (from Authors) 965031 Tecnicas pars In simulation numerica de acuiferos costeros con intrusion salina (Techniques in numerical simulation of coastal aquifers with salt intrusion) L. E. Marin, Ingenieria Hidrauliea en Mexico, 10(2), 1995, pp 39-44. Several techniques to simulate ground water flow in coastal aquifers are presented. A review of the literature is presented with a summary of models which may be used to simulate groundwater flow in coastal aquifers with saline intrusion. (from English summary) 965032 Picard and Newton Hnearization for the coupled model of saltwater intrusion in aquifers M. Putti & C. Paniconi, Advances in Water Resources, 18(3), 1995, pp 159-170. Difficulties in the numerical solution of the partial differential equations governing seawater intrusion in aquifers arise from the coupling between the flow and transport equations and from the nonlinear aspects of this coupling. Several lineafization approaches are discussed for the solution of the nonlinear system which results from a finite element discretization of the coupled equations. (from Authors)
965033 Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program of the US Geological Survey, 1978-1992 Ren Jen Sun & R. H. Johnston, US Geological Survey Circular, 1099, 1994, 126 pp. The major ground-water systems of the US have been investigated by the US Geological Survey through its Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) Program. This report summarizes the status of each RASA study and briefly describes the hydrology of the 25 regional aquifer systems. Important study results and examples of applications of study results are presented for some of the completed RASA investigations. (from Authors)
965029 Borehole performance in alluvial aquifers: particulate damage I. M. Blackwell, P. Howsam & M. J. Walker, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 28(Suppl.2), 1995, pp $151$162. Particulate movement and redistribution under borehole operating conditions has been assessed for a range of artificial and natural formations. It has been shown that movement is
965034 The hydrugcology of the Enfleld-Haringey artificial recharge scheme, north London M. J. O'Shea, K. M. Baxter & A. N. Charalambous, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 28(Suppl.2), 1995, pp $115-S129. The hydrogeology of the scheme, revealed by the drilling and testing of 15 new production boreholes is described and its strategic use summarized. The hydrochemistry of the ground-