HE majority of our Committee has agreed on submitting amendment to the By-laws to the Board of Directors : SECTION
the following
A person who has been in the exclusive practice (as in present By-laws, ‘ L exclusive practice ” as used in these By-laws shall mean that the member shall not engage in any type of practice other than that traditionally associated with the practice of orthodontics) of orthodontics for at least five years ant1 who is a member in gootl stantling in his local, state, and national dental organizations may be elected to active membership through the constituent society, provided the applicant has: 1. Five years in the exclusive practice of orthodontics, including a successfully completed orthodontic course of a minimum of 1,500 hours in an approved dental school. He must be recommended by two active members in the area in which he resides, or 2. Five years in the exclusive practice of orthodontics, including three consecutive years’ preceptorship in full-time association with an active member of the American Association of Orthodont,ists who has been an active member not less than eight years. He must be recommentlecl by two active members in the area in which he resides. a. Notice of the inception and termination of warded within thirty days to the secretary societ,y and the secretary of the American In addition, the preceptor shall inform the ciety that the applicant has completed the ship when the applicant makes application
this preceptorship shall be forof the preceptor’s const,ituent Association of Orthodontists. secretary of the constit,uent SOrequired time of the preceptorfor active membership.
b. Under certain unforeseen circumst,anees, such as the (leath of the preceptor, the applicant may apply directly to the Allmissions Committee of the constituent society in the district in which he practices for exceptional consideration. 3. All applicants for membership shall be required to have a personal interview The Admissions with the Admissions Committee of his constituent society. Committee of the constituent society may require the applicant to satisfy the committee as to his qualifications by oral or written examination.
The Committee suggests that tho Admissions Committee of the American Association of Orthodontists establish uniform rules and regulations under which the Admissions Committee of the constituent societies shall operate. BROOKS i8il
This report was made to the Board of Directors, and the following minority report from Dr. George 1%‘. Hahn of the Committcx~ was also made to the Directors. MINORITY REPORT I would like to bring to the attention of the Association the real objective for which not only this comrnittce but the previous committee was appointed. That is, broadly speaking, to set up certain standards or requirements for membership in the American Association of Orthodontists. In attempting to do this, the mcmbcrs oi’ both committees hart tended to confuse this obj~tivc with the teaching or training of orthodontists. With the exception of the few states now enjoying specialty acts, any dentist may set himself up as a specialist in any branch of dental practice without further training. As a member of the former commit,tec I was primarily interested in raising the rcquircmcnts for mcmhcrship in the American Association of Orthodontists, feeling that when this was accomplished it would gradually lead to a,n improvement in the quality of orthodontic service rcndcrcd by the future members of the Assoc4ation. The amcndmcnt adopted at the meeting in San Francisco in 1955 is th
78% Unlrss we arc tletcrmincd to lower the rcquircment,s for mcmbvtship ill the American Association of Orthodontists, 1 S(Y ILO valid I’CRSOII I’or cdt.hor rcl)ucliating or (ahanging without givilq iL fair trial the iIll~c~~tl~~~(~llt IO the I)y-laws atloptc~tl at San I+an(Gxo in 1955. GEORGE
S YOU arc aware, the by-laws tlcfining eligibility for active mcrnbcrship A were amcndrd in 1955 to take effect in 1957. A special committee was also appointed to give further study to the rcvquircments for eligibility to membership in the A.A.O. This C’ommittee has studied the ~ccotn~nc~~ltlntions: of the special c’ommittec :tncl subtuits the following resolutions to irnplcment those rxw~rmcndations : 1Zesolution RESOLVED, that Chapter 1, Hev. 2-h of presently effective provisions anti the pending therefore the following: (A)
the by-laws provisions
bc amended by striking out passed in 19.55, and substituting
A person who is in the exclusive practice of orthodontics* and who is a member in good stantling of his local, state, ant1 national dental organizaCons may be electetl to membership through his const,ituent society, pro\-idetl the applicant had been: 1. Five years in the exclusive practice of orthotlontics, including a suecessfully coqletetl orthodontic courhe of a minimum of 1,500 hours in The applicant must be recommende~l 1,) an approved dental school. IWO active members of the constituent society within whose juris(liction he intends to practice; or 2. E’ibe years in the exclusive practice of orthodontics, at least three consecutive gears of which shall have been in the ofice of, anil in fdl(7 member of the American Association time association with, a practicin, of Orthoclontists. This practicing member shall have been an active nlenlber of the American Association of Orthorlontists for not less than eight years. The applicant must be recommended by two active memI~rs of the constituent society in whose ,jurisrliction he intemls to praclice. (a) Sotice of the inception of thiH associateship shall l)e forwarllefl within thirty clays to the secretary of the constituent society of which the senior associstc is a member. The senior associate shall inform the secretary of his constituent society of the completiorl of the three years of associateship. (b)
Should associate rrlissions
cliction engage
*Exclusive in any
practice type of
this associateship Ix unavoi(lably t,errninated, may apply for special consideration tlirectly Committee of the csotlst itutnt society within he practices. as used in practice other
these than
by-laws shall that traditionally
mean that associated
the to whose
the with
the AtI-
member the
shall practice
not of