Report on the use of the hot air blast in iron furnaces and foundries

Report on the use of the hot air blast in iron furnaces and foundries

Pro,nress 354 of Practical and Theoretical Mechanics. In wjtness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, this twentysixth day of August, In...

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of Practical




In wjtness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, this twentysixth day of August, In tlle year one thousand eight hundred and thirtyJOHN STEELE, Jr. five. progress of Practical Report

and Theoretical

on the use of t!le Rob

J~J A.






.I%?- Blast

in irOn .8%maaces and _i?oundries. and Profeessor in the Royal School of Mines.

[Concluded from p. 139.7 II. FORGES,






The hot air blast appears to have been applied with great advantage, in England, in furnaces for remelting pig iron. The consumption of coke, per ton of iron, was reduced from 400 to 880 lbe., one ton of metal passing per The blast was heated by an apparatus placed at the trunnel head. hOIS The f’usion There are various advantages resulting from this application. of the meta takes place in about half the time required to melt it by the cold blast; it is thus less exposed to the injurious action of the blast, and while twice the quantity of iron can be melted is a given time, the quality of the of the material is better. It is further stated that the quality iron is improved by the melting, and that it is more easily cast, owing to its greater fluidity. At Vienne, France, there are two cupola furnaces supplied with hot air. The apparatus is at the trnnnel head, and consists of two bell-shaped vessels, through the interstice between which the draught is forced. This form of apparatus is decidedly bad, the alternate expansion and contraction of the parts renders it leaky in a very short time. The efficacy of the hot air blast is felt, holvever, even at this furnace. In applying the heating apparatus at the trunnel head of furnaces, for smelting lead, copper, &c. care must be taken to protect the pipes from the sulphurous and metallic vapoure, which, issuing from the furnace, would destroy them very rapidly. The Fan, or rotary, blowing machin e is used in several establishments at This though a Paris, Rouen, kc. for supplying cupola furnaces with air. simple means of applying power, does not seem to be an economical one. Even when great veiocity is given to the fans, the force of the blast is inconsiderable, but by increasing the opening of the blast-pipe, the quantity of air thrown in may be rendered very great. In one case at Kouen, by increasing the diameter of the tuyeres from 30 to 54 lines, the daily yield of the furnace was nearly doubled, and an economy of fuel (coke) of ~0 per cent. resulted, the cold blast king used in both cases. At La Vouite the fan makes from 800 to 1000 revoiutions per minute, and the pressure at the tuThree ;md a half to four yere is only four-tenths of’ :In inch of mercury. inches is the ordinary pressure with other blowing machines. If the air were to be heated, this machine would hc hardly applicable, as the iiictiou in the tubes of' the heating apparatus would tend materially to diminish the draught. Unsuccessful attempls have been made both in Xngland and France, to * Translated for this Journal, by Prof. A. D. Bathe. 3% %

Use of the Hot





apply the hot air blast to bloomery furnaces. The causea of fd1m-e are, however, not known. to fmery furnaces, using charcoal aa fuel, hse au& A similar application ceeded. fiIr. Combes states that at Lausen, (in Wirtemburg) the h1-t L heated by pipes below the hearth of a finery furnace, and has ita tempew Fah. turc raised to 300° With the cold air blast, they used 40 cubic feet of chitrc~al to produce 200 Ibs. of bar iron, and the weekly yield of’ the L‘UIYlilCe WRS 6,000 11%. ITow, with the hot air blast, they consume 30 cuk feet of charcoal to the two hundred pouncls of iron, or about one part i )y weight of charcoal, to one of malleable iron ; the weekly yield is from 7,L’W to 7 UOO Ibs. On several occasions the consumption of charcoal per 2W Ibs. 0; iron was as high as St; cubic feet, which the workmen attributed to their using l)ig iron obtained by the hot air blast, which they considered more diflicuit to reline than Ihat made with the cold blast. This last conjecture is opposed to the expcricoce at Konigsbronn, where they do not conrider iron reduced by the I101 air blast as dificult lo reIine. The economy more 01’ fuel by this method of’ rc!Lioitlg, has been rather than one-sixth, and the loss in rendering tlrc iron malleable is diminished. This successful result is obtained by u5in g the hot air blast in melting the metal, while it is decarbonizecl I)y the aid of the cold blast. ‘l’his method of operating hits been followed with success at the linery furnace6 at Creusot and Dccazeville. I was present at some trials made upon a Catalonia forge by an association of iron masters of the dcllartment of AGege. ‘These were entirely unsucccsst~ul. In the IihSt of‘ them the consumption Of coal was not greater than with the cold hlilSt, but the iron was of very inf’erior quality. ‘l’lle Ilot air blast has been applied to the smith’s forge with euccess. The iron was I)rougtrt more r;ll)itfly to a weltling heat, and the loss by oxidation There \~i~s no gain in the consumpfion was less th:in with lhc co111 I)lasl. This metbotl lvill probably be found useful in the working of steel, of fuel. but no experiments have yet been made of a decisive cliarecter. IN kJlGIi k-UKNACES, 8.X. us TIIE USE: OF IInw COAL, 01~ OF \vOOl,, it is obviously neorder to produce a high temperitturc in :t filrnace, cessary that the. fuel should be consumctl rapidly, and should not give OK IVhen heated, any vnpours or incombustible gases, to carry elf heat. The four-fifths of its weight of nitroair thrown in by the draught contains gen, Tvhich becoming heated causes R waste of fuel; if in addition to tbig, the loss of heat is greatval~ourizable matters are present in the fuel, ly increased. Charcoal, coke, &c. make such hot fares because their volatile parts have been driven OK by preb-ious heating. ln lligtl furnaces wood has been used to advantage, even in the smelting In the fbrmer the fuel da$cends while it has Liled in low ones. of iron, slOrvly, and after having its temperature gradually raised, reaches the Part At this place the of the furnace in which t11c blast is most operative. and hc!re the principal CtJemiCill chilngcs take highest heat is to be found, dried and carbonized before it ‘J’hus in iilct the I’uel is gr;ltlll;llly place. 11’it were otherwise, the working of reaches the pl;tce of greatest bent. the funlace would be very unsatisfactory. ExllerimerJt IJas pJ?oyed the IlOsitiOn just taken, however liable to objecmay be supposed, in tion it may seem on the score Ot the tligh heat which it was f01md in the Hartz, by much above the luyeres. every furnace, lead and copper ores trial in a furnace of twenty feet in hel,-r&t, in which In



of Practical

and Theoretica


were smelted, that the wood used as fuel came within six or eight inches of The experiment was made ahe tuyeres, without having been carbonized. by having small openings made at intervals in the stack, through which the In this case the use of wood progress of the operation could he examined. vvas abandoned, the furnaces being worked, as before, with charcoal. A further proof of the same position may be drawn from the fact that raw coal, although substituted for coke, with advantage, in some high furnaces, has not been used in cupolas. It is then absolutely necessary that the wood, or coal, should be converted into charcoal, or coke, before reachitg the reducing part of the furnace. When this does not occur, and this is proved to be sometimes the case, the The nature of the coal will proworking of the furnace is unsatisfactory. duce different effects in the same kind of furnace. Thus at Alais a gradual deterioration in the working of the furnace resulted from the use of raw coal; at Creusot it was found necessary to mix the raw coal and coke in nearly equaI proportions; in Scotland the hot air blast is required to enable them to use raw coal, while in Wales and at Decazeville The effect of the hot air blast is they use raw coal with the cold air blast. To use wood for the doubtless to facilitate the carbonization of the raw fuel. smelting of iron, even in high furnaces, it has been found necessary to dry it furnaces, and at heforc charging with ii. This is true both in the Russian ‘Plans, in the latter of which the hot air blast is used, and the wood is mixed It should be observed f’urther, that resinous woods, easily with charcoal. charred, have been the only ones hitherto tried. This reasoning shows also why the more or less perfect roasting of an ore, the more or less moist state ot’ the materials of the charge, the more or lec;~ complete carbonization of the wood or coal, produce such important effects, even in the largest furnaces. It is plain that the temperalmre just above the point when the ore is reduced is low, since coal, or wood, is sot charred, and that to this we must look for the reason why it is so dificult to use these combustibles in the raw state. M. Lampadius, of Freyburg, in his essay ‘6 on the use of combustibles in their crude state,“* has shown how necessary to a point near tb that in which it begins to

it is to heat



or turf,

carbonize, before using it as He remarks that the cost of transporting wood or turf being, of fuel. course, much greater than the freight upon the charcoal f’rom them, wili prevent their use in many cases. Thus if it be supposed that there is a gain of twenty-Gvc per cent in the quantity ofcharcoal, by using wood not carbonized, as was the case in the Russian furnaces, the balance would at Freyburg, be against the use of the raw material, on account of the cost of transportation. M. Lampadius concludes that when the material is at hand, or Ihe cost of’ transportation Iow, uncarbonized wood may be used to advantage, in high furnaces, for smelting iron, if it has been duly dried; a result due to the heat given out in the combustion of the gases driven off from the wood, and to their reducing power. The cause just assigned seems to me insuecient to explain the very great economy sometimes resulting from the use of the raw material; I consider the effect mainly due to the mode of carbonization, by which a n~uch larger per centage of the carbonized fuel results than by the ordinary methods. The volatile parts of the fuel are driven off by the heated and “~r(hnalm’S Jonrnal of Chem.

and Technology,

vol. XII.



of the Hot Air Blasf

in Franct.


incombustible gases passin, - through b7 comburit, and there is no waste, tion. Reing carbonized slowly, uniformly and without eeoeible waste, the greatest useful effect must result, and it ‘Is easily understood why a givea weight of dry wood, or coal, may when thus circumstanced, yield a fourtb, or even a half more charcoal, or coke, than it would by the ordinary meto reduce a ftburth, or half more ore. thod, and thus may be competent It must be admitted however, that this explanation does not account satisfactorily for the very great advantage found in the use of raw coal, in and at Decazeville the high furnaces of Scotianti, with the hot blast,

with the cold blast. At Decazeville, coal more than replaces an equal weight of coke. Thus one part by weight of coke was used for the fusion of 1.131 of mixed ore and Hun, and now one part of coal is used to 1.675 Of ore and flux. This coal woultl yield but .:?8 (Gths) of its weight of coke, but .43 of mixed ore and flux. and melt therefore The causes assigned by &I. Jnnp~lius, are therefore probably correct, being necessary in addition to tlrnt .just ex;tlnincd, to explain the various eltcts. OX It is plain








110-r AIR


that iF cold

materials are intlotlucrd within a furnace, they tend to lower its temperature , whiie their own is raised. If then the fuel nearly and the blast be heated before they act chctuicnlly, to a temperature equal to that of the part of the furnace at which the combination takes place, this heated portion will be increased in extent, its ternperalure will be higher than it would be under other circumstances, and the amount of heat, therefore, available in melting the ore, kc. will be greater. In smeltiug furnaces the fue\ and ore are always thus heated. This is not the case, however, In fact it has hitherto been considered an advantage to have with the blast. more oxygen in a given the air as colcl as possible, that it tni ght contain and experience showed, in coutormity with this view of the matter, bulk, than in sulntner, and better at that blast furnaces worked better in winter The expansion of air by heat causing, under a night tllan during the day. given pressure, less oxygen to be thrown into the furnace, will produce_a diminished consumption of fuel, and yield of metal. In wind furnaces, 1,” and generally in all where an ordinary draught IS reverberating furnaces, in the air diminishes the draught. It used, an increased temperature of the air in the furnace, can only be increased by raisin, * the temperature attention in firidg, by the use of a more freely burning fuel, by additional &c. The same difficulty occurs in the blast furnace, if the power of the

blowing machine cannot be increased. It su happens that at the very time the air is warmest, springs are lowest, and the condensation of steam most dillicult, two facts which will explain both as to quantity and quality, is better in why the workin, v of furnaces, If tile weigtlt of air thrown into the furnace had winter than in sutnmer. as in winter, by increasing the power of the been made the same in summer and the area of the blast pipes, it is probable that the blowing machine, in the former season than in the working would not have been worse, latter. An

artificial heating of the blast should produce the same effects as that surprising that the efficacy of the just alluded to, and it is bp no means It remains to be seen whence this efficacy hut blast has been doubted. results. nf. Dufrenoyv has, in his explanation of the advantages of the hot air 4 AnTIales Jes Mines,

vol. IV.

This Journal, page 419% Vol+ XV*

b1aSt3 shownthe difference between the ClUantities of lIeat intro{)uccd into the furnace kvith the hot and cold blasts, and in an assumed ,_a9e has deter_ mined this difference to amount to about one-gxtcenth <)f the heat cvo~Yed by the combustion of the fuel. Since less air js throrvn into the fur~~c In using the hot blast, there of course is on tfiat iiCCQUnt, lcs* cdng effect to collknd against than in theother c’,s, Mb Clement Desormes concludes by calcuia;ian from data in an ,?sSuJl~d case, that the temperature within the futnace is i r,&asec~ betlr-ccn ~3-0 ’ anti S%’ MI. by the heated air blast; an increase ~vlric12 ire consillers n;~equate to explain all the observed eff&cts, These theories are fctr from settling entirely, tjle rlucgfjorl ifr it~3 ccorwnical point of view. ‘rhtty suppose indeed, tllat the consumptitan of fuei in heating the air may be equal to that SZLW~I in the reductiorr UP the ore, which is by no means the case. 1 propose therefore toclassiFy the obscrverl eKect$, arlrl 60 point out their relative degrees of importance, and their conraexion wjtb each other and with established physical princit,les. ‘rbe effect of heating air being to dirnini& its dens;tv, unlj the c~msequences of this being decicted\y bad wherl the air is btjt st’ilot,t~y hpatetf, why should a further increase OF temperature , even with a tlir71inishcll pl'es5ure and density, produce sogreat advantages? ‘l’lkc c.uplnn:ttir,rl is that tilt: Ifmperature of the air has a most irnportarlt ~t~i:ct (1r1 tire jlrtprisiiv ot ctrlltlluiticlrr, and there

is no doubt

a point

at which tlli~ elY~ct t,cg;j,,,,



it would hardly be sensible. Observati~Jr~ WII~~~~IIXSthir t~spl:~r~:~tit)rt. Bars of iron are readily raised to a ~e~t~it~,_, ‘r lIc!at in ;1 srnilh’s fOr-;;~, supplied with hot


in hall’ tire time



the most





tlic siirne


eKQct in

by the c(11tfbJ;ist, arjll

quantity of coal is consumed per day itI both the former can only result from an incrcasctf air was




cwnbuslion.* to :770va and the tlinrncter



of the blast pipe not being changed, the quantity thrown in was aCtu&liy diminisherl, and get there was an increased consumption of fuel. It is then the temperature of tbc air, and not its density, which determints the intensity of the fire. to the greatest arlvantagc; hut, In the furnace, then, the fuel is burned further, Ihe heat thus produces is rentierer! most elective. ‘~‘h~e can be no doubt that, in order to the regular workin, R (jf tile f~rn~cc, tire ditt’erent Bg the hot layers of the charge must descend regularly ancl horizontally. aif process, the fuel is more cornplcfely converted into carbonic acid, than in the old process; more fuel is consumed in a given pkice, the temperature of whicll is, therefore, higher than in the former case; and this #ace of intense heat is more extendecl. As consequences, 8 greater mass of ore is arid more refractory reduced in a given time by the same weID-0&t of fuel, ores can be reduced. The charges descend more slowiy, probabfy, because jt requires more time to consume a large quantity of cotnbustib(e In a grven place, than to burn it through a considerable extent of the fUrnaC% ‘rh air bfJ~U6r Corn--” J

coal merely requires its temperature t0 be SUflfiC$ntl_Y I&Cd t5 make it combustion by the heat which it gives out. I~oT~ W,ire, to FLIPS, in oxygen, qnd may be burlled Ln clrlohrie If f;rst fired requires its temperature to be first raised, L Iron filillffs, finely diuidcd, bUrl1 in the air, and in by the cumbustion of copper wire. the experiments of Mr. Tyler, a fire was made in a ~mith’s forge, from ifun turnings, At last thy wl!oIo burning mass was by raising the temperature with fine turtlings. [Trans. ] iron, and a welding heat was produced upon a bar thrust Into It* *


Anthracite up


pletely deprived of its oxy en in the lower part of the furnace, cana@ COIlb sume any of the combustlh -B e higher up. The charges have all moisture, tir gaseous matter, completely driven off by the hot gases passing through them, and arrive, duly heated, at the place where the most intense heating effecte are produceJ. This diminished rate of descent is entirely consistent with an increased yield of metal, since the amount of ore in each charge is increased. From t!le intense action referred to above, results P, greater fluidity in the slag, a diminution in the quantity of fux, the possibte use of more refractory ores, or an increased proportion of others in the charges, and the procluction of gray pig iron, by proportions in the charge in a furnace, which, before, would yield only white, or mottled, castings. In conclusion, it may be remarket! that some changes may probably be made with advantage in the forms of furnaces using the hot air blast. It is difficult to point them out, alltl their determination will require repeated trials,ant! with the precise ores and combustibles intended to be used in a where forged iron is particular case. I would suggest, however, especially to be made, enlarging the furnace at and above the bushes, diminishing, at the same time, the height of the whole furnace. This latter change is understood to have already been mat!e with advantage, in certain furnaces using charcoal as a fuel. E’ect of Drawing, Holiiug, Annealin,o, Qc., of the Metals.-In a paper on the tlrrctility and malleability of certain metals, and on the variations of density which they undergo by difGrent operations, M. Baudrimont develapes the fullowing interesting facts. three At a temperature rather above a cherry red , iron wire remained without cementation taking place. A surrounded by charcoal, monrhs, of cast-iron to 3 square bar white heat, in five minutes, ,,*aye the properties of mallcalle Wires


of four-tenths

at’ an inch

on a sitle.


co!)per, and of alloys of eter, ant! tliminlshed in density, by condenses the metals more than that and copper is greater, if the metals

cnpper ant! zinc, are increaset! in tliamThe operation of rolling annealing. ‘The density of iron of wire drawing. are heater! before being passed throu h The reverse is the case with alloys of copper and zinc. the rollers. TL density of the metals is greatest when drawn into very fine wires. Wires may be increased in length in two ways, by a diminution in the area of particles. turn to




between their section, or by increasin, 0 the distances wires are lengthened in the manner Iast named, they re-

their former length llyclrogen has an action




even of silver and copper, \Vires

of different

by annealing. on copper and silver,



at high temperatures, which On alloys of copper and zinc, and particles. has no such action. which, after passing through the same hole in

the Ivire drawing plate, have diff’erent diameters, acquire equal diameters by annealing. The tliameter of a wire increases, very slowly, by time, after passing Wires which have been bent, and then through the wire drawing plate. straightened, re-acquire a curvature. They require Wires exposed to a high heat: lose a part of their tenacity. but to to be annealed in wire tlrawin,, v not to render them more tenacious, allow the particles to resume the positions from which they may again be









The loss of tenacity is common to copper, iron, platinum, and displaced. the alloys of copper and zinc. Brass wire approaches to iron in strength, while copper is inferior to it, Brass may be used instead of iron, where the latter would oxidate too rap. idly. The iron wires are given at strengths from 79,000 lbs. to the square inch The brass wires, from 78 to 87,000 lbs. to the square inch. to 127,600 Ibs. The diameters of the least and greatest Copper, from 38 to 44,000 Ibs. wires were, iron, .014 inch, and .205 inch; brass, ,070 and .267 inch; cop. per, +Ot9 and .285 inch. The finer wires bear greater weights, in proportion to their areas, than the coarser ones, because the particles of the former are compacted through the whole cross section, while those of the latter, for a certain depth only, are thus forced together.-&rt. de Chim. et de Piys. fl short Remark or two on what is commonly called Dy) Rot, Iry Churles This disease rn timber ought to Waterton, Esp .---Dry rot is a misnomer. be designated a decomposition of wood by its own internal juices, which have become vitiated for want ot a free circulation of air. newly cut down, in an upright position in If you rear a piece of timber, Put another piece OF the same tree into the open air, it will last for ages. a ship, or into a house, where there is no access to the fresh air, and ere long it will be decomposed. But should you have painted the piece of wood which you placed in an the paint having stopped upright position, it will not last long ; because, up its pores, the incarcerated juices have become vitiated, and have caused The upNioe times in ten, wood is painted too soon. the wood to rot. though exposed to right unpainted posts, in the houses of’ our ancestors, the heats of summer, and the blasts of winter, have lasted for centuries; because the pores of the wood were not closed by any external application of tar or paint; and thus the juices had an opportunity of drying up gradually. In 1827, on making some alterations in a passage, I put down and painted a new plinth, made of the best, and apparently, well-seasoned foreign deal. The stone wall was faced with wood and laths; and the plaster was so well worked to the plinth, that it might be said to have been air-tight. In about four months, a yellow fungus was perceived to ooze out between the bottom of the plinth and the tiags; and on taking up the plinth, both it and the laths. and the ends of the upright pieces of wood to which the laths had been nailed, were found in as complete a state of decomposition as though they had been buried in a hot-bed. Part of these materials exhibited the appearance of what is usually called dry rot; and part was still moist, with fungus on it, sending forth a very disagreeable odour. A new plinth was immediately put down; and holes, 14 inches in ctiameter, at every yard, This admitted a free circulation of were bored throu_gh it. air; and to this day the wood IS as sound and good as the day on which it was first put down. The same year, I reared up, in the end of a neglected and notoriously damp barn, a lot of newly felled larch poles; and I * placed another lot of larch poles against the wall on the outside of the same barn. These are now good and well seasoned: those within became tainted the first year, with what is called dry rot, and were used for firewood. If, then, you admit a free circulation of air to the timber which is used in a house (no difficult matter) and abstain from painting that timber till it

Dry Rot. --New


tam., ac.


be perfectly seasoned, you will never sufYer from what is called dry rot. Anll if the naval architect, by means of air-holes in the gunwale of a vcamight be closed in bad weather), could admit a free circulation se1 (which of air to the timbers; and if he could, also, abstain from painting, or doing with turpentine, &CL, the outer parts of the vessel, till the wood had bcCome sulliciently seasoned, he would not have to complain of dry rot_ 1 am of opinion, that if a vessel were to make three or four vo ages beforeit is painted, or done with turpentine, &c., its outer wood wou Td suffer much of the weather than it usually suffers from its own less from the influence internal juices, which cannot get vent, on account of artiticial applications to the pores. But still the timber would be subject to the depredation of the insect. ‘ro prevent this e&ctuallp, Mr. Kyan’s process must absolutely bc atIolJtct1; and it must also be adopted to secure wood from what is calle(l dry rot, iu ~~lnccs where a free circulation of air cannot be introtlucctl. process perfectly unexceptionable. The 1 consider Mr. Kyan’s ion;: at-rows which the Indians use in Guiana are very subject to be eaten by the worm. 111 1810, L applied the solution of corrosive sublimate to a large quantity of these arrows. sound, and At this hour they are perfectly show no appearance that the worm has ever tried to feed upon them. I have penned dolvn these transient remarks by way of preface to others, which I may possibly write, at some future time, on decay in livin trees. %lag. Lotdon’e JSrchitect. 1 New Spirit Lamp.-1 Z new and convenient spirit lamp, with an eolip le having a vertical jet, is described by M. Pelletan, as the invention of K. Istancc is obtained by adding a decoction of gall nuts, su_mBc, oak to a solution of glue or Isinglass, bark, or other substance containing tannin, When exposed to the air in It is tibrous and nearly insoluble. in water. thin layers, jt hardens. When moist, it is elastic. ‘rhe-substance which was found to give the best mixture for casts, was Silica, emery, kc. give pastes which harden, a~41 finely pulverized slate. may be used for razor straps. In makillg casts of the mixture of tannate of gelatin and pulverized in the mould, in nrtler to preeerve slate, it must be left for a certain time it is allowetl to remairl tltere too long, it adIt; however, the impressioo. The only glitficulty in the application is to ascertain the heres strongly. precise time required for due hardening. This substance may replace bronze in ornaments, papier macb& card I6id. work, pit. 34 VOL. XVII.--X0. S.-MAY, 18SG.



0f Phpf~d

Ana(yC~i5 Ofttcouccrieties of Bronze.-


Scienceb specimens

were analyzed



‘~‘he first was intended for the manufacture of cannon, but Berthier. was ascertained to avoid the same proved of bad quality; its composition It consisted in 100 parts, of copper 83.8, $aroportions in other mixtures. tin 15.7, lead 0.5. The bronze used at Paris for the striking parts of clocks, was fpund to be composed in 100 parts, of 71 t0 72 of cOpper, 26.56 to 27 of t% l-44 tU 2 of iron. dhn. des Mines, vol. VII. le sheathing of this metal has been A%eulhing of Ships wik?h Bronze.--‘rl found by experiment, to lose but half the weight, in a given tinle, which the cornposition used for making sheet bronze is copper would have lost. .L$&$. 9 1 of copper and 9 of tin. galleries at It was found that in the mining Ihrabitit~~ of Acacia Wood.Carmaux, (Lrance) the oak timber used to support the sides and top of the A comparagalleries, decayed very rapidly, being affected by the dry rot. tive experitnent was made wiitl acacia wood, from which it resulted that the exposed in such [atter wood is much more durable than the former, when situations. Oak timber decayed in three months, while the acacia was unacted upon, except at the sap-wood surface, in four years. ot’ this wood is about equal to that of Norway pine. The lateral strength Jhn. des Mines, ~01. VII.

Progress Experimenlal


PhysiertP Scienoe.

$&$bth Series. By Rcsenrches in Electricity. FAWMY, &c. &c. Phil. ‘Trans., Lord, 1835.


from page 285.) (Abstract concluded 13. The actions of diIute sulphrlric acid on the zinc plates of a galvanic circle, may be distinguished into two parts. one which acts directly on the zinc, evolving hydrogen on its surface, the other which “producing an arrangement of the chemical forces throughout the electrolyte present (in this case water) tends to take oxygen from it, but cannot do so, nnless the electric current consequent thereon can have free passage, and the hydrogen l3e delivered elsewhere than against the zinc. The electric current dez>ends altogether upon the second of these.” use of zinc in the galvanic battery, there is a waste (a.) In the ordinary OF power amounting to all the chemical action which takes place when the
zinc. (c.)



has no such defects.

It decomposes

the acid solution only when the circuit is completed. soon as the poles are Separated, and hence economy ‘+‘he_mercury prtlbably acts by bringing the whole a uniform condltlon, Su that one part has no more tricity than another, and hence no discharges take the metal to another. A battery formed of such


of both


the water of to act as


and acid.

surface of the zinc into tendency to evolve elecplace from one point of plates has the powerful