On March 23 through 25, 1988, the Reproductive Toxicology Center and Georgetown University School of Medicine sponsored a program on Clinical Issues in Reproductive Toxicology. Participants from throughout the United States and Europe gathered to hear presentations from workers in the field. The diverse backgrounds of the participants gave added value to the meeting as areas of mutual concern were discussed among practicing physicians, epidemiologists, genetics counselors, and bench scientists. The meeting provided an opportunity for the staff of the Reproductive Toxicology Center and several members of the Editorial Board of Reproductive Toxicology to get to know Center members and journal subscribers. The personal feedback and suggestions received will be most helpful in making the Center and the journal responsive to the needs of the scientific and practitioner community.
Faculty member Donald R. Mattison conducts a workshop. Small group meetings such as this permitted participants and faculty to interact on an informal level with active exchange of ideas.
Reproductive Toxicology
Volume I. Number 4, 1987,'88
Participants gather informally between scientific sessions to renew old acquaintances and establish new ones.
A luncheon meeting of the Editorial Board of Scialli.
Reproductive Toxicology is conducted by editor-in-chieL Anthony R.