Accepted Manuscript Clinical usefulness Respiratory Support for Infants with Bronchiolitis, a Narrative Review of the Literature Donna Franklin, John F. Fraser, Andreas Schibler PII: DOI: Reference:
S1526-0542(18)30116-7 YPRRV 1290
To appear in:
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
Please cite this article as: D. Franklin, J.F. Fraser, A. Schibler, Respiratory Support for Infants with Bronchiolitis, a Narrative Review of the Literature, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews (2018), doi: 2018.10.001
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Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Respiratory Support for Infants with Bronchiolitis, a Narrative Review of the Literature
Donna Franklin, PhD Candidate BN MBA John F Fraser MBChB PhD FRCP (Glas) FRCA FFARCSI FCICM 1,2,3 Andreas Schibler, MD FCICM 3,4
Paediatric Critical Care Research Group, Lady Cilento Children's Hospital Mater Research Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 3 The University of Queensland, School of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia 4 Critical Care Research Group, Adult Intensive Care Service, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. 2
Address for contact: Donna Franklin Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Paediatric Critical Care Research Group (PCCRG) Centre for Children’s Health Research, Lady Cilento Children's Hospital Precinct and Mater Research Institute, The University of Queensland
Level 7, 62 Graham St, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101, Australia
[email protected]
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Bronchiolitis is a common viral disease that significantly affects infants less than 12 months of age. The purpose of this review is to present a review of the current knowledge of the uses of respiratory support in the management of infants with bronchiolitis presenting to hospital. We electronically searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINAHL and EMBASE (inception to 25th March 2018), to manually search for clinical trials that address the management strategies for respiratory support of infants with bronchiolitis. We identified 120 papers who met the inclusion criteria, of which 33 papers were relevant for this review with only nine randomised controlled trials. This review demonstrated that noninvasive respiratory support reduced the need for escalation of therapy, particularly the proportion of intubations required for infants with bronchiolitis. Additionally, clear economic benefits have been demonstrated when non-invasive ventilation has been used. The potential early use of non-invasive respiratory supports such as nasal high flow therapy and non-invasive ventilation may have an impact on health care costs and reduction in ICU admissions and intubation rates. High-grade evidence demonstrates safety and quality of high flow therapy in general ward settings.
Word Count - 185
Educational aims:
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
The reader will come to appreciate:
The management of infants with bronchiolitis who require respiratory therapies has evolved over the last two decades moving towards less invasive modalities.
The impact of non-invasive respiratory therapies has shown a likely reduction on hospital length of stay and intensive care admission.
Nasal high flow therapy is now the preferred respiratory support in the form of noninvasive ventilation as it can be safely applied in non-intensive care environments.
The use of high flow therapy is a promising intervention but needs further definition of when and how to be used.
Future research directions:
Evidence from high quality randomised controlled trials has demonstrated that non-invasive respiratory therapies for infants with bronchiolitis in Intensive Care Unit’s (ICU) is effective treatment. Future research on the use of these therapies outside of intensive care units would be greatly beneficial. The key remaining issues are:
Where and when (how early) should respiratory support be initiated?
Identifying risk factors that support the use of nasal high flow or non-invasive ventilation to avoid invasive ventilation in bronchiolitis.
What are the optimal respiratory support methods delivering better outcomes such as length of stay, reduced proportion of escalation of therapy (i.e. need for intubation) or even mortality?
Importantly, in which clinical settings (general paediatric ward or intensive care/high dependency care) should these respiratory systems be used?
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Keywords Bronchiolitis, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Infant, Nasal High Flow, Non-Invasive Ventilation, Invasive Mechanical Ventilation, Standard Oxygen Therapy
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Viral bronchiolitis is the most common respiratory disease in infants and young children less than 24 months of age, leading to a large number of hospital and intensive care admissions with an ever-increasing health care burden (1-3). The current treatment modalities of bronchiolitis either attempt to reduce hospital admission reduce the length of stay, or for the more severe disease, avoid admission to intensive care and prevent intubation and mechanical ventilation. Previously, pharmaceutical therapies have had little impact on these outcomes (4, 5). In recent studies, a greater focus has been on optimizing respiratory support of infants with bronchiolitis, particularly to prevent intubation and mechanical ventilation.
Currently, there is a wide array of modalities offered to infants with more severe bronchiolitis including standard oxygen therapy, nasal high flow (NHF) therapy, non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Depending on the course of the illness, this cohort may require a number of these respiratory support modes during one hospital admission. Larger retrospective studies have demonstrated a reduction in the use of invasive mechanical ventilation with an associated intrinsically reduced complication and morbidity rate (6). A recent epidemiological study from the United Kingdom with observations over a period of 30 years (1985-2015) showed an increasing hospital admission rate of infants with bronchiolitis and naturally increased frequency of the use of respiratory support (1).
Most of the respiratory support modes for bronchiolitis have been introduced without highgrade evidence and were based more on observation of improved physiology and cohort studies rather than prospective studies (7-9). The most pertinent questions for clinicians
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis remain: Are there factors predicting the need for respiratory support such as NHF therapy, CPAP or invasive ventilation, which is best and where and when should these therapies be introduced?
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Definitions of respiratory supports for infants with bronchiolitis. Standard oxygen therapy (SOT) for the purpose of this review was defined as subnasal oxygen with 100% oxygen up to 4L/min, facemask oxygen delivery up to 8L/min dependent on age or oxygen delivery using a head box. Most of the studies using SOT did not specify whether the oxygen delivery was humidified or not. Nasal High Flow (NHF) therapy. Accurate oxygen delivery and an estimate of the required inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) can be achieved by delivering a high inspiratory flow rate through nasal cannula using heated, humidified and blended gas as a mixture of oxygen and air. The ideal flow rates should match the inspiratory demand of the patient to avoid entrainment of air (10). The delivery of NHF therapy has several proven physiological benefits, which include: CO2 washout of the anatomical dead space of the upper airway; humidification and heating of the inspired gas; reduced inspiratory work of breathing and creation of positive expiratory airway pressure (11). As there is currently no consensus on the precise definition of NHF therapy, we accepted the definition of the authors of each individual study as a valid definition of NHF therapy. However, we evaluated the studies carefully whilst considering the flow rates delivered. The most commonly described and accepted definition of NHF therapy rates for infants with bronchiolitis was 1-2 L/kg/min. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or non-invasive ventilation using biphasic positive airway pressure [BiPAP] uses a dedicated ventilator and patient ventilator interfaces such as a face masks, nasal masks or helmets for CPAP/NIV. CPAP provides a similar airway pressure during the inspiratory and expiratory phases whereas biphasic NIV uses either triggered or non-triggered two levels of positive airway pressure, hence greater pressures during the inspiratory phase. CPAP is commonly used with a CPAP driver but can
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
also be used with a bubble CPAP device. The assumption that the CPAP pressure chosen is the CPAP pressure delivered and applied has been shown to be inaccurate with most studies showing the effective airway pressures being lower (12).
Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) This was defined as providing conventional positive pressure ventilation or high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) via an endotracheal tube and a dedicated ventilator/oscillator. Each of these respiratory modalities was additionally evaluated considering the settings in which the support was provided: emergency department (ED), paediatric ward (PW), high dependency unit (HDU) and intensive care unit (ICU).
Study population. Infants aged less than 24 months with bronchiolitis admitted to hospital requiring respiratory support or oxygen therapy were included. Definition of bronchiolitis is as a viral illness characterized by coryzal symptoms for the first 1-3 days, which worsens on days 3-5 with increased work of breathing and auscultatory findings of possible crackles and wheeze.
Search strategy and study selection. We electronically searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINAHL and EMBASE (inception to 25th March 2018), to manually search for clinical trials that addressed the management strategies for respiratory support of infants with bronchiolitis. The following key words were searched for: bronchiolitis, bronchiolitic, respiratory syncytial virus, humans, respiratory syncytial virus infections, RSV, infant, baby, babies, neonate, new-born, paediatric, pediatric, child, 12 months, respiratory therapy, respiration artificial, respiratory support, continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, positive-pressure respiration, HFNC, HHFNC, HHHFNC, high flow
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
nasal cannula therapy, high flow therapy, oxygen inhalation therapy, head box, oxygen tent, mask, hood, heliox, oxygen treatment, oxygen therapy, non-pharmaceutical, mechanical, room-air, oxygen delivery devices.
Excluded were papers with less than 10 cases discussed, papers describing the epidemiology of bronchiolitis, pharmaceutical interventions or physiotherapy. For the purpose of a more meaningful discussion we are only discussing high-grade papers with relevance to the clinical outcome, as there were many case series that were less relevant for the purpose of this literature review. Only fully reported studies were included in the reporting.
Data extraction and synthesis. All exports from the search databases were screened by both authors independently and assessed for eligibility for the purpose of this review. Grading of each paper with the level of evidence was also completed independently by each author (Table 1).
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis RESULTS Inclusion criteria included: Bronchiolitis Mist therapy Oxygen supplementation Nebulised Saline Heliox Oxygen therapy HFNC/HHFNC/HHHFNC CPAP Intubation & Ventilation <12 months & <24 months
Records identified through database searches: Medline Ebsco (760) CINAHL (195) Central Register of Controlled Trials Cochrane (136) Embase (1674) TOTAL n = 2765
Exclusion criteria included: Pharmaceutical related therapy Non-English Physiotherapy related Epidemiology studies describing bronchiolitis Abstracts Paper with <10 patients in study Duplicates (442)
Reduced down to reviewing 120 papers
33 studies discussed in the literature review
Figure 1. Literature search strategy
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Comparison of respiratory support modes (Table 2) A total of 9 relevant trials were identified comparing two or three respiratory support modes with a true randomisation. A recent well conducted RCT comparing the use of NHF therapy and CPAP in a French multi-centre PICU study showed that NHF therapy is not inferior but had a proportionally greater failure rate (need to change respiratory support method) than CPAP (13). Infants in both intervention groups had a similar intubation rate. In a small multicenter PICU study helmet CPAP was successfully compared with facemask CPAP in infants with RSV bronchiolitis. The authors have shown a higher tolerance of helmet CPAP, but there was no difference in intubation rates (14). A recent single-centre RCT comparing standard SOT with NHF therapy showed no difference in the length of oxygen therapy (primary outcome) but showed a significantly reduced failure rate (defined as intensive care admission) in the NHF therapy group (15). The recent multi-center PARIS trial performed in Australia and New Zealand, is currently the largest RCT comparing NHF therapy with SOT in paediatric ward settings in general hospitals or tertiary children’s hospitals. The results showed a reduced failure rate of NHF therapy (12%) compared to SOT (23%), but no difference in the overall length of stay in hospital (16). The trial showed a high safety and quality profile in infants with bronchiolitis aged less than 12 months.
A recent study in limited resource settings compared SOT, NHF therapy and bubble CPAP (17). This study enrolled children up to five years of age with acute respiratory failure, of which approximately 10-15 % had bronchiolitis. The trial was prematurely terminated after an interim analysis. The data demonstrated that the use of bubble CPAP reduces the mortality in comparison to SOT but no difference between NHF therapy and bubble CPAP could be found.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Thia et al. compared in a cross-over RCT, SOT to nasal CPAP in a small randomised controlled cross over study and showed significantly improved CO2 clearance using nasal CPAP (18).
A blinded RCT comparing SOT with Heliox showed reduced work of breathing after 8 hours of delivery but no impact on length of stay or oxygen treatment required (19). In subgroup of infants with severe bronchiolitis requiring additional CPAP support, those receiving Heliox on CPAP had a significant reduced length of treatment. Clement et al. could show that improved ventilator patient synchrony can be achieved with Neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NAVA) compared to standard pressure trigger ventilation, which was also confirmed in a non-randomised smaller trial by Baudin et al. (20, 21). No trials could be identified comparing outcomes directly between NHF/CPAP/NIV and IMV.
Cohort studies comparing or describing practice in intensive care (Table 3) A total of 10 trials were identified describing cohorts and practice using respiratory support in intensive care. Pierce et al. described in a prospective survey of 16 children’s hospitals the institutional differences in practice of infants with bronchiolitis requiring ICU admission (22). Clinicians in these ICUs used CPAP in 15% of infants as a first line treatment, NHF therapy in 24% and in 26% intubation and mechanical ventilation. These differences were not site specific nor disease severity related, indicating high variability in institutional approaches to offering respiratory support.
The few identified studies showed improved outcomes if CPAP/NIV is used as the first line treatment compared to IMV. Javouhey et al demonstrated, in a well matched historical control study, that during a period when IMV was used as the primary mode of respiratory
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
support compared to a subsequent period during which NIV was used, that infants receiving primarily IMV had a higher rate of secondary bacterial infections and a greater proportion of patients with oxygen dependency after 8 days (23). Another study by Borckink et al, examined the outcome of two hospitals with different respiratory management approaches (24). One hospital used NIV as the primary support whereas the other used IMV. The use of NIV was superior in regard to length of respiratory support, however there were differences noted in the severity of the disease during the inclusion phase. Reduced length of stay in PICU and the associated reduced health care costs after introduction of NIV was described in a large French retrospective cohort study (25). An observational study showed that with increasing use of NIV the proportion of intubations dropped in infants with bronchiolitis (26). Similarly, observational studies showed that after the introduction of NHF as the standard approach for oxygen therapy in intensive care that the intubation rates decreased to less than 10% from originally greater than 30% (9, 27, 28). In the younger age group of < 28 days, Bermudez showed that with the introduction of NHF therapy intubation rates could be reduced (29). A large retrospective study describes a high safety standard for the use of NHF during transport of infants with bronchiolitis (30). Two recent reports described the variability of intensive care practice in infants with bronchiolitis (31, 32). The larger Australian and New Zealand registry study showed high variability in practice with some hospitals preferentially invasively ventilating infants with bronchiolitis, a practice that remained variable after risk adjustment.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Cohort studies comparing or describing practice in general wards and emergency departments (Table 4) In a prospective study, 61 infants with bronchiolitis were allocated to NHF and compared during the same period to infants treated with SOT (33). Both groups showed a similar disease severity but infants on SOT had a significantly greater proportion of ICU admissions. The introduction of NHF therapy in an emergency department showed a significant reduction in the odds of intubation in ED suggesting the early use of NHF therapy may prevent escalation of therapy (34). A similar finding was found in an Italian study in general ward settings (35). Riese et al. showed a clinical benefit in addition to reduced health care costs once NHF therapy in the general paediatric ward was introduced with a strict protocol (36).
Physiological studies. A total of 7 trials were identified describing important physiological findings. There were several physiological studies either using a cross over or a randomised controlled trial design (8, 37-41). All of these physiological studies, with some being reported as early as the 1990’s, demonstrated significant improvement in either respiratory mechanics, work of breathing or gas exchange with improved CO2 clearance or oxygenation. Others showed success with a CPAP helmet methods approach despite relatively small numbers of infants investigated (42). The combination of CPAP or NHF with heliox may have a greater improvement of respiratory mechanics than CPAP alone (43, 44).
Studies predicting the need for respiratory support. One trial identified the best predictors for requiring respiratory support, which included a higher heart rate and higher respiratory rate, young age including gestational age and a
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
baseline oxygen requirement (45). Another trial showed that high FiO2 requirements, history of intubation, and cardiac co-morbidity are associated predictors of NHF failure (46). Economic benefits and reduced intubation. Essouri et al. showed that the use of nCPAP reduced the proportion of intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation in a historical cohort associated with economic benefits (25).
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
The review of the existing literature for respiratory support modalities in infants with bronchiolitis showed that there is increasing high-grade evidence to recommend the use of non-invasive respiratory support in the form of NHF therapy or CPAP to prevent invasive mechanical ventilation. There is also high-grade evidence that NHF therapy can be safely used in general wards and that NHF reduces the requirement to escalate therapy.
Studies reporting on respiratory support in infants with bronchiolitis need to be carefully considered in relation to the historically improved care of these infants over time and the pragmatic approach by clinicians to reduce the use of invasive ventilation. Admission to ICU is not a completely objective measure and often determined by a number of variables other than just the physiological status of the patient, particularly for a low mortality condition like bronchiolitis. All studies uniformly suggest that on the more severe end of the disease spectrum, any form of non-invasive respiratory support (NHF therapy or CPAP) has the potential to reduce the intubation rate. The question remaining however is: where and when (how early) should respiratory support be initiated? Traditionally respiratory support for infants with bronchiolitis in the form of CPAP and NIV has been the domain of intensive care. With the introduction of NHF therapy however, the option to start early respiratory support as early as when an infant presents to the emergency department or when transferred to a general paediatric ward, has widened the scope of non-invasive ventilation for infants with bronchiolitis.
Two recent randomised controlled trials showed a reduced failure rate if NHF therapy is started immediately after hospital admission compared to SOT (15, 16). Both trials offered
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
rescue NHF therapy after treatment failure in the SOT arm of the study and the use of rescue NHF was successful in both studies. The results of both of these trials therefore are nonconclusive in regard to answer the question if early or late (rescue) NHF therapy is superior. Both studies showed no difference in length of oxygen therapy or length of hospital stay. The key messages of both trials are: NHF therapy can be safely used in general wards and can be used in hospitals without direct access to a paediatric intensive care. In both studies, NHF therapy was comparable to SOT without any change in staffing or patient flow. NHF therapy can be recommended in general paediatric wards normally caring for infants with bronchiolitis and with an oxygen requirement. The optimal threshold for oxygen therapy in infants with bronchiolitis remains a topic of debate. The UK SIGN guidelines recommended oxygen therapy in bronchiolitis to achieve oxygen saturations of 94% whereas the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a more conservative approach with saturation of 90% (47, 48). Oxygen saturation targets in infants with bronchiolitis were investigated previously in a double blinded study, which showed no clinically relevant differences between an oxygen saturation threshold of 94% or 90% (49, 50). In the recent PARIS trial, the average inclusion saturation at the start of the intervention was 88% in room air (16).
Reviewing the literature for respiratory support in bronchiolitis in intensive care, CPAP showed slightly superior results compared to NHF therapy with a higher success rate but no differences in the intubation rate (13). Very few infants have been studied on facemask or helmet CPAP (14). The helmet CPAP seems to have a high tolerance level. Despite the lack of RCTs comparing invasive ventilation as the primary modality of respiratory support versus NIV/CPAP, several convincing historical case control studies indicate that CPAP/NIV should be used as the first line therapy over invasive ventilation.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
Invasive ventilation was associated with a greater rate of secondary infections and prolonged stay in PICU (51). Despite not being directly reported in these studies, it is likely that these invasively ventilated infants received a greater amount of sedatives, which is well known to be associated with potential impact on neurodevelopment (52). Considerable variability in practice between units is observed, with six-fold differences in risk-adjusted intubation rates that were not explained by ICU type, size, or major patient factors (32).
A randomised controlled trial, comparing SOT versus NIV or NHF therapy without offering any form of NIV/NHF therapy before IMV is likely ethically unacceptable these days but would contribute to the scientific knowledge such as a recent adult RCT, in which SOT, NIV and NHF therapy were directly compared for intubation rates (53). Interestingly this trial did not show any difference between NHF therapy and NIV, but the 90-day mortality rate in the NHF therapy group was significantly lower.
The findings of this review suggest that there is increasing data which indicates that commencing respiratory support with NHF therapy in the emergency department or general paediatric wards is of reasonable clinical benefit. The exact timing of the start of the NHF therapy in these wards is still unclear as to whether early or late (rescue) therapy should be recommended. If an infant with bronchiolitis then further deteriorates requiring HDU or ICU, then CPAP is likely the rescue option for some of these infants and may prevent intubation.
Conclusion. Bronchiolitis remains one of the most common reasons for non-elective hospital admission with a high rate of ICU admission but with a very low mortality rate overall. The use of NIV or NHF therapy historically has reduced the intubation rates. The future trend is to offer
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis
respiratory support such as NHF therapy outside high dependency or intensive care, reducing health care costs and potentially further reduced the need for invasive ventilation. There will always remain a selective high-risk subgroup of infants with bronchiolitis who are more likely to not benefit from NIV or NHF therapy.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Table 1: Grading of studies.
RCTs (or meta-analysis of RCTs)
Studies using concurrent controls without true randomisation
Studies using retrospective controls
Studies without a control group
Studies not directly related to the specific patient/population
LOE: Level of evidence
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Table 2. Comparison of respiratory support methods.
Key results
NHF therapy and Higher success rate
High failure rate
nasal CPAP in
using nCPAP but no
of NHF therapy
difference in
but no difference
airway pressure (nCPAP)
secondary outcome
in patient centred
for the initial respiratory
such as intubation rate,
outcomes such as
management of acute
duration of NIV or
intubation rates.
viral bronchiolitis in
invasive mechanical
NHF therapy
young infants: a
was better
High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) versus nasal continuous positive
multicenter randomized controlled trial. (Milesi et al. 2017) (13)
Disease and age
Bronchiolitis < 6 months
Study type
Devices and
and design
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Continuous Positive
CPAP delivered
The number of days on The treatment
by helmet or
CPAP was similar in
failure rate was
Helmet Versus Mask in
facial mask in
both groups (P = .72),
higher with the
Infants with
infants with
as was continuous
CPAP facial
Bronchiolitis: An RCT.
CPAP application time
mask (P = .009)
(Chidini et al. 2015).
syncytial virus-
in the first 24 hours (P
mainly because
induced ARF in
= .091). Total
of intolerance (P
application time of
= .014)
Airway Pressure with
Bronchiolitis 6-12
CPAP during the PICU stay was longer with the helmet (P = .004). High-flow warm humidified oxygen versus standard low-flow nasal cannula oxygen for
Bronchiolitis <24 months
Standard oxygen
No reduction in length
Reduced failure
versus Nasal
of oxygen therapy
rate and
(primary outcome)
intensive care
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis moderate bronchiolitis
between the two
admission in
high-flow arm
Standard oxygen
Reduced failure rate
High grade
versus Nasal
with NHF
evidence for the
open, phase 4, randomised controlled trial (Kepreotes et al, 2017) (15) A Randomized Trial of High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in Infants with
1472 Bronchiolitis < 12 months of age
use of NHF in
Bronchiolitis (Franklin et
general wards
al. 2018) (16)
with reduced failure of allocated treatment in the NHF arm
Table 3. Cohort studies comparing or describing practice in intensive care.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Bubble continuous
positive airway pressure
Bronchiolitis and
pneumonia < 5
Bubble CPAP,
Oxygen therapy
Any respiratory
delivered by bubble
support greater
Study for children with severe n
Disease yearsand
Study type and
Devices and
pneumonia and
Substantial institutional differencesmortality Identificati 3 SOT
of clinicians
found in the use of respiratory
on of
Management for randomised controlled
preference in
support methods independent of the
children withet al. 2015) trial (Chisti
the use of
severity of the disease
Variability hypoxaemiaofin
324 Bronchiolitis
Intensive Care Bangladesh: an open,
< 24 months
bronchiolitis (Pierce et (17) al. 2015) (22)controlled Randomised trial of nasal continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) in bronchiolitis (Thia et al. 2008) (18)
Outcomes CPAP reduces mortality compared to
respiratory 31
Bronchiolitis < 12
in versus Cross-oversupport CPAP
Key than standard
results oxygen improves
preference Infants on CPAP
s in CO2 Improved
PICUstandard (16 oxygen
showed a greater
respiratory clearance with
hospitals) in PICU
reduction in CO2
methods that are not necessaril
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Heliox therapy in
bronchiolitis: phase III
Bronchiolitis < 12
SOT versus
No differences found
In mild y patient
in the length of
bronchiolitis centred.
multicenter double-blind 107 Bronchiolitis Non-invasive
Report of a
treatment The intubation rate was reduced
randomizedascontrolled ventilation primary
< 12 months
period when
during NIV period (p < 0.001). Norequirement, requireme
trial (Chowdhury al. ventilatory supportetfor
of age
no NIV was
children had ventilator-associated helioxntdoes of
2013) (19) infants with severe
used versus a
pneumonia (VAP) during NIV
period when
but not period compared to nine during IVbreathing ventilation
(Javouhey et al. 2008)
NIV was
period (p <0.05). The length of
Neurally triggered (23)
without oxygen Reduced
design in ventilator adjusted ventilation breaths were similar reduce trigger
delay and improve
improve work of invasive
length of therapy
support ventilator assist
delay, improve
ventilator response Infants with severe times 133 RSV
One unit uses
ventilator response nCPAP was associated with a shorter
in ventilatedsyncytial infants with respiratory
between two
IMV only,
times, and maysupport after duration of respiratory
should be
bronchiolitis et virus needed (Clement less
< 6 months
the other
work adjustingdecrease for severity ofof the disease
used over
nasal continuous
Cross overprimary Neurally hospital stay Neurally and the triggered duration of
breaths reduce trigger
al. 2011) (21) ventilator time with
nCPAP as the
breathing in children
IMV as
with bronchiolitis.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Pilot study airways pressure of vapotherm then
oxygen delivery invasive mechanical in
Small single primary Comparison
No difference in
center RCT support between high-
physiological and
respiratory support
moderately(Borckink ventilation severe
flow and head
other outcome
bronchiolitis et al. 2014) (24) (Hilliard et
box oxygen
parameters between
al. 2012) (54) Improved clinical and
CPAP and
NHF therapy andofSOT The introduction and use CPAP as
a primary support mode significantly
severe bronchiolitis
reduced LOS from 7.4 ± 5.7 to 5 ±
health care
with pre-emptive
3.9 days
costs were
economic outcomes in
525 Bronchiolitis < 3 months
nCPAP ventilatory
strategy (Essouri et al.
tely A$ 1
2014) (25)
Increase in use of non- 520 Bronchiolitis invasive ventilation for infants with severe
NIV in a
Reduced intubation rate but longer
NIV can
tertiary PICU
overall LOS if infants failed NIV
with subsequent intubation
bronchiolitis is
Raises the
associated with
question if
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis decline in intubations
NIV may
(Ganu et al. 2012)
the mechanica l support if failed, this occurred most likely in infants with preexisting risk factors
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Reduced intubation
The rate of intubation in infants with
of NHF
viral bronchiolitis reduced from 37%
introduction of high-
therapy in
to 7% over the observation period
flow nasal prong
corresponding with an increase in the
rates for infants after
298 Bronchiolitis
< 12 months
oxygen delivery
use of NHF therapy.
(Schibler et al. 2011) (9) High flow nasal
Following the introduction of NHF,
of NHF
only 9% of infants admitted to the
infants with
therapy in
PICU with bronchiolitis required
intubation, compared with 23% in
cannulae therapy in
115 Bronchiolitis < 24 months
(McKiernan et al.
the prior season (P=.043). The
2010) (27)
median PICU length of stay decreased from 6 to 4 days after the introduction of NHF therapy.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis High-flow nasal
NHF therapy was successful in most
cannula use in a
(79% of
patients. Most failures occurred
paediatric intensive
within 8.25 hours.
care unit over 3 years
(Wraight & Ganu, 2015) (28) High flow nasal
112 Bronchiolitis
Reduced intubation and ventilation
rate after introduction of NHF
cannula oxygen
in <28 days
therapy in the
and prospective
use of
NHF in
treatment of acute bronchiolitis in
neonates (Bermudez
et al. 2016) (29)
onates High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC)
793 Respiratory insufficiency
Use of NHF
NHF therapy was increasingly used
and was not inferior to low-flow
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis support in inter-
of which
oxygen or NIV during transportation
hospital transport of
57% were
of the critically ill child
critically ill children
(Schlapbach et al.
< 2 years of
2014) (30).
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis Table 4. Cohort studies comparing or describing practice in general wards and emergency departments
Disease and
Study type and
Devices and
4 x greater likelihood of ICU
cannula oxygen
in infants <
admission in the SOT
therapy for infants
12 months
With the introduction of a NHF
protocol and use the intubation rate
High-flow nasal
results 2
with bronchiolitis: pilot study. (Mayfield et al. 2014) (33) Use of high-flow
204 Infants with
nasal cannula support
in the emergency
described as
department reduces
part of a
the need for intubation
larger study
in pediatric acute
dropped from 21% to 10%.
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis respiratory insufficiency. (Wing et al. 2012) (34) High-flow nasal
Demonstrates feasibility of the use of
cannula oxygen for
< 12 months
bronchiolitis in a
of age
and general
pediatric ward: a pilot
study. (Bressan et al. 2013) (35) Effect of a hospitalwide high-flow nasal
290 Bronchiolitis
Comparing 2 groups, the median
LOS was significantly reduced (4
cannula protocol on
days vs 3 days; P < .001), as was the
clinical outcomes and
median total hospital charges ($12
resource utilization of
257 vs $9337; P < .001). After
bronchiolitis patients
starting NHF therapy use on the
admitted to PICU
wards, 30% of patients initially
Respiratory Support for Bronchiolitis (Riese et al. 2015)
admitted to the PICU were ultimately
transferred to the wards while still on NHF therapy. There was no difference in intubation rate or 30day readmission between the 2 groups
Acknowledgments: We thank Professor John Fraser for his mentorship to the first author over the course of her PhD studies.
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