Roadway drivage using sprayed steel fibre concrete (in German)

Roadway drivage using sprayed steel fibre concrete (in German)

226A 846179 Thermomechanical response of a disposal vault in a high horizontal stress field Lee, C F: Tsui, K K: Tsai. A In: Rock Mechanics: Caverns...

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846179 Thermomechanical response of a disposal vault in a high horizontal stress field Lee, C F: Tsui, K K: Tsai. A

In: Rock Mechanics: Caverns and Pressure Shafts (papers to the I S R M Symposium, Aachen, 26-28 May 1982) 1.2. P961969. Publ Rotterdam. .4. A. Balkema, 1982 For study purposes, it is assumed that the disposal vault will be located in a granitic pluton in the Canadian Shield, at a reference depth of lkm from the surface. The results of in-situ stress measurements have revealed a state of high horizontal compressive stresses in many parts of the Canadian Shield. Field observations indicate that fracturing and spalling of surficial layers of rock could result if the combination of thermal, insitu and excavation stresses exceeds the strength values of the rock. The rock stresses are computed in two steps using the finite element technique. A simulation of the excavation of the disposal vault is first carried out followed by a detailed analysis of the transient temperatures and thermal stresses generated by the radiogenic heat source at various times during the postemplacement period.

846180 Method for dimensioning underground oil and gas storage reservoirs (in German) Paraschkewow, R; Nikolaew, N

In: Rock Mechanics: Caverns and Pressure Shafts (papers to the 1SRM Symposium, Aachen, 26-28 May 1982) I~. P979982. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema. 1982 Presents a strength theory for the triaxial state of stress of rocks based on the combined action of geostatic pressure and the internal pressure of the underground construction. An approach to dimensioning storage reservoirs is then developed.

846181 Thermomechanicai calculations concerning the design of a radioactive waste repository in rock salt Wallner, M; Wulf, A

In: Rock Mechanics: Caverns and Pressure Shafts (papers to the ISRM Symposium, Aachen, 26-28 May 1982) IT. P10031012. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema. 1982 For the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) project near Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA, a benchmark II problem has been used to assess the capability of various computer codes for calculating the thermomechanical response of a radioactive waste repository in rock salt. This paper reports the results from using the ANSALT code.

846182 Some considerations of research on stability of underground storage caverns Zhu Weishen: Feng Dingxiang; Bai Shiwei

In: Rock Mechan&s: Caverns and Pressure Shafts (papers to the ISRM Symposium, Aachen, 26-28 M a y / 9 8 2 ) V2. P10211030. Publ Rotterdam." A. A. Balkema, 1982

846183 Rockbursts: prediction and control. Papers presented at a symposium, London, 20 October 1983 l..mhm: IM.~t. 1983. 173P

846184 State-of-the-art of ground control in Iongwall mining and mining subsidence Chugh. Y P(editor): Karmis, M (editor) Ne. York: AIME, 1982, 271P

846185 Roadway drivage using sprayed steel fibre concrete (In German) Schoenig. E: Becker, H Bergbau V34. N6. June 1983. P266-270 At Erin Colliery 300m of ventilation drift has been driven to the 5th level (685m deep). The effects of mining operations are not expected at this level, so sprayed steel fibre concrete without rock bolts was chosen for support.

846186 Cavity growth in underground coal gasification Schraufnagel, R A ('hem Engng Process V80. N2. Feb 1984. P49-55 The new HFEM technique, a detection method using highfrequency radio waves, is described. The technique has been used to monitor the advance of the gasification zone in an underground coal seam. Information on cavity growth provided by the method is discussed.

846187 Rock-burst forecasting and genetic research in coal-mines by microgravity method Fajklewicz, Z Geophys Prospect I"31, N5. Oct 1983. P748-765 Changes in gravity as a response to rock bursts have been measured in an underground mine. It is suggested that the depth of the rock burst focus may be determined on the basis of analytical downward continuation of related gravity anomalies: the focus is treated as a singular point of the gravity potential and its derivatives. The method successfully predicted a number of rock bursts. It is concluded that the rock burst gravity anomalies may be explained on the basis of the assumed dilatancy process that causes the rock burst

846188 Variability in hypsometry of coal seam roofs (In Russian) Shcherbinin, A S; Seregin, Y I &vest I/),ssh Uchebn Zaved Corn Zh N3, March 1983, P3539 Several methods of predicting roof variations are considered and are found to be unsatisfactory. A more accurate method is presented which estimates the amplitude and frequency of roof variation from standard surveying data. This is achieved by using the method of least squares.

Discusses research into several problems connected with underground storage caverns: (1) development of an energy equation for the stability analysis of a cavern, (2) in situ stress measurement, (3) use of the finite element method and (4) evaluation of fracture zones in the surrounding rock.

846189 Problems and conclusions associated with construction of the pilot mine at Bogdanka (In Polish)


Gola, Z; Zastawny, S Proj Probl Budownictwo Wegiowe V27, Ng. Dec: 1982. P3640

See also." 846260, 846261, 846266. 846267. 846283. 846288, 846386

Problems associated with the construction of the Bogdanka pilot mine in the Lublin Coalfield are discussed. Mine construction was difficult due to the presence of aquifers close to the surface and in the Jurassic strata. The lowest of the Jurassic strata consisted of weak rocks permeable to water which, under the influence of pressure, were transformed into quicksand.