ECS launches integrated CADCAM system
Digital have added another member to the Professional 300 series of personal computers. The Professional 380 is intended to be a multipurpose workstation capable of acting as a node of a network or as a standalone personal computer. It has been designed around Digital's ]-11 microprocessor and can accommodate up to a megabyte of internal memory. It has twice the vertical resolution of the other members of the 300 series and offers a palette of 4096 colours. The system is available with either a standard 10 Mbyte Winchester disc or an optional RCD52 33 Mbyte Winchester disc, which costs £3504. The standard system is priced at £7518. (Digital
Engineering Computer Services has produced ARTECH, an integrated CADCAM system. It is modular in concept, both hardware and software, and can be expanded easily. ARTECH allows drawings to be edited, dimensioned, shrunk or rotated. Angles can be measured, centres of gravity can be calculated and line types may be specified with different thicknesses and colours. The design produced can be displayed in colour-coded layers. The basic ARTECH design station comprises a 32-bit Hewlett-Packard HP 9920 computer, a colour graphics monitor, keyboard, graphics tablet, electronic pencil, an alpha-numeric system monitor and a desk and cabinet. It costs around £20 000. ECS also offer the ARTECH Data Station which is a desktop PC based on the HP 9816. This may be used for running ARBASE, ARTECH's relational database software program, which files, retrieves, sorts, and selects data for presentation. The aim of this program is to enable such activities as report writing, estimate tracking, and budget planning to be carried out. Also designed to operate within the ARTECH framework are ARCAM and ARMAC. ARCAM is a version of the established ECS PULSAR CNC part programming system. ARMAC is a user programming language that allows users to program frequently performed tasks and also acts as an interface with other applications software. (Engineer-
Equipment Company L td, Digital Park, PO Box 110, Reading RG2 0TR, UK. Tel: 0734~6871 I)
ing Computer Services Ltd, Cooper House, Dam Street, Lichfield, Staffs W513 6AA, UK. Tel: 05432-58751)
The Professional 380
Another Professional from Digital
Laser plotting Laser-Scan Laboratories has developed a new laser film plotter. The Laserplot uses an enhanced version of LaserScan's proprietary vector deflection system to plot computer generated images onto film. However it needs a good process camera to produce reproduction quality masters. The Laserplot will be marketed in Canada and the USA by Opticopy with pin registration, Opticopy cameras and other enhancements under the name Lasertrace. It is aimed at CADCAM, A and E, and resource applications. (Laser-Scan Laboratories,
Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4BH, UK. Tel: 0223-
Capital injection for Taugram Tangram CAE Ltd has completed its major recapitalization programme, with the injection of £550 000 into the business. The new funds were arranged by UK stockbrokers Rowe and Pitman and came from a number of institutions including Hambros Advanced Technology Trust. Tangram specializes in supplying CADCAM systems in the £20 000 to £250 000 range. The new capital is to be spent on increased marketing efforts, research and development and future enhancements to existing products. Tangram's Managing Director Graham Bennett said 'We now intend to increase our penetration of the UK market significantly'.
SAC produce sonic digitizer Science Accessories Corporation have produced a 3D sonic digitizer. The GP-8-3D-P uses sound to determine the distance between a digitized point and four microphone sensors that are mounted on a plane. The user's host computer then converts these distances into Cartesian x, y and z coordinates; it can also select point or trace mode,
volume 17 number 2 march 1985
English or metric units, output format and number of Iocators to be used. The GP-8-3D-P consists of a digitizing locator, a control unit and four microphone sensors with mounting hardware. It costs $7.500. (Science
Accessories Corporation, 970 Kings Highway West, Southport~ CT 06490, USA. Tel: 203-255-1526)
Sonic digitizer in use