SCF discrete-variational Xα calculations of the NH4Cl Auger spectrum

SCF discrete-variational Xα calculations of the NH4Cl Auger spectrum

CHEMICAL PHYSICS I. IntrodIIctioIl \ugc~ spc’~-Iros~c~p~ JII\csII~.IIJ~I oI‘Il1~ 15 wideI>’ &x-Ironic used structure 3s J Illefhod for of ...

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I. IntrodIIctioIl

\ugc~ spc’~-Iros~c~p~ JII\csII~.IIJ~I







3s J Illefhod


of nlolccules,

.\llhdS Jld c~lIII~WJlIdS (111 SlldXCs 11 ]_ %\VCVeT, the ~w~prmiiwt 01 Auger bpcctn veryuitenneedsquite III\ uh’d





c.mIed WI and they WCIC able to describe Iirx4~qm .ind lint structures of Auger spectra quanIII.III\C~! . In p.IIIImlJr. .Ib Initio calcuiarions of Augc~ cnCIpies JS differences of the initial- and fin,& ‘~I.IJL! Ik11.drnerpm glvc good agrecnient with e.\periIllen 13 61. I Io\seVer. Ihe clnpioywx~t of ab initio 1J1~1hld~ IS IcsI~Icrcd Iu ~~11 niolecules for computaIICIIIJI 15.~boJJ5. CbJJlg Iiie srniicInpIric~1 approxh of JL’IIIIISOI~17.51 me nny c.~kul~Ic Auger transitiori ~SI~;ICS I;lr qu~fc’ Iic0y mulcculrs. Unfortunately. I~IIS.IpprL).xh m]IIIrcs knowledge of the energy of the hQ hole mIc’~.Ic’tJorI and c.\perimental ionization p~re1ir1;115 (II’) \\liich ni~y not be known in every case. .\ c~lIllpJOIllISC be~\ve~n db initio Inethods and

II.I\LT l1w11



is represented



nectcd wirb calculations of energies and intensities of the Auger transitions within the Xa model are yet to be answered. In this work the self-consistent discrete-variational Xa Inethod(DVh1) 1151 is applied to calculations of the KVV hueshape for solid NH,Cl_ A new formalim 1o determine the singlet-triplet splitting of the Auger transition energies is suggested.

2. Calculations

of the Auger energies and line&apes

The kinetic energy of an Auger electron is equal to the difference of total energies for an initial state with a vacancy on the inner shell and a final state with fwo vac3ncies on valence NOS.



~IicIllo~is ~vtliclJ e~nploy the local eschange potentials, c g _\a. l~~~cntly SOIW applications of such methods N err’ Icportrd. for example. LCXO Xa to O2 [9] and It> SdJd ~YNO; 1lo]. SW Sa IO CF4 11 I], Co [I?] .ml .~t~ms 1131. ,1nt1 lo La-,‘33 in a cluster model 11-i I. I IuWvcx. sonw inctllodologicsl questions con-


75 hlarch


where $‘i are occupation numbers of the ith spinorbitals with spin oi participating in the transition and X is the final electronic configuration. For systems whose ground state is a closed shell, and NH,Cl in particular, the electronic configuration of the final state with two vacancies on valence MOs 0 0092614/83/0000-0000/S

03.00 0 1983 North-Holland

may be either singlet or triplet.

Because in +&e aingle-

determinant spin-polarized approximation of the wavefunction, spin and orbital angular momentum

G?t33 _





then average energies of singlet (S) and triplet (T) multiplets according to this sum rule are equal to ET@“2 = 0 ,n$ =0)= Es@







From eqs. (l)-(3) for Auger energies of S and T states we obtain the following expressions:

(4) K&3 = 2&$a



,n3 =1)-E(r~l=1,tr2=0,n3=0)


= -e&


with an accuracy up to the third terms of (6). Here e&are orbital energies detemrined for TS. Estimations of the Auger energies using (4) and (5) require in the common case two spin-polarized calculations for every transition with occupation numbers determined by the corresponding configuration of configuraholes. The calculation on a clfla~~P-a~~~a tion gives immediately the triplet component of the Auger transition K 53 = -ey

= 0 , n$ = 0) = ET - 2(ET - Eaza3)


algebra E(rtl=0,n2=1

multiplet splitting cannot be treated uambiguously, we use in calculations of multiplet energies the sum rule [ 161. In this approach the energies of singlet and triplet states are averages of all states (with unknown weights in a common case) which arise from the given electronic configuration. if we define E o2 + = E(n;’

25 March 1983


Volume 96, number 1

+e7Q +&J .


The calculation-k a c1flav~/2%~/2fl configuration yields the energy Kt& = -rzy + &q + $ which is required by (5) to determine the singlet component of a transition_ It is pertinent to emphasize the model character of the TS computations_ The high multiplicity in the Auger energy calculations is due to the mathematical formalism [see (6) and (7)] and not to the physics of the Auger process. For closed-shell ground-state molecules the intensities of the Auger transitions are connected with Coulomb


The spin index in K123 is omitted because the difference between hdoZa3 and K$a o3 does not exceed tenths of one eV according to our calculations. For valence orbitals this index is omitted due to equality ofEazp3 and E8ap3 in the case of closed-shell systems. Now we expand the total statistical Xo energy in a Taylor series in occupation numbers of MOs involved in the Auger process,

(6) and following the Slater transition state(TS) concept [ 171, select a state in the middle of the initial (11~ = 0, I’2 = 1, "3 = 1) and final (n, = 1, “2 = 0, it3 = 0) states. For the TS should be assigned occupation numbers nl = l/2, n2 = 112 and ns = 112. Using the expansion (6) with respect to TS one may deduce after some

where Q and b denote valence MOs involved in the Auger process and Q(E) is the wavefunction of an Auger electron. In the one-center approsimation which has been commonly used [2,5,6] Q(E) is a spherical wave centered at the atom with the primary vacancy (at N in our case)_ @I,,,(e) = RI(~) YI,,, >


where R](E) is the radial function of a continuum wavefunction and Ylm is the spherical harmonic_ The one-electron MOs are determined in DVhl by the usual LCAO expansion: pi = c




(11) 72

Voluttxe 96. number 1


where X~ are atomic basis functions. In the one-center approximation

where pi are atomic functions centered at an atom with the primary vacancy. The matrix elements in (117) Jlnve been calculated [ 181 using HFS numerical functions. Here we use numerical HF functions which are practically tile same as HFS ones. Notice that the Auger energies given in the tables are calculated within the doubfc-zeta basis of Clenlenti [20]. Auger energies obtairwd within tile HF basis slightly differ from tile latter ones mainly due to the distinction of calculdtcd energies of the N Is A0 in both bases. The N 1s 11’is 3 11.9 or 406.3 CV against the experimental v&c 403 eV [ 191 of a free atom. Only main Auger lines are calculated witllout taking into account llie processes of shake-up and shake-off types The half-~ idths of a gaussian decomposition of the t?rpcrimental spectrum of NH_+Cl are used wflen plotting the tfleoreticai spectrum.

3. Results and discussion The geometry

of the NJ-J_+Clmolecule

25 hfareh 1983


is taken

partly from the X-ray data on solid NH,CJ 1211, i.e. the point group is C&, R(N-H) = 2.1 au, and from the ab initio calculations of Clementi [22], i-e_ R(H-Cl) = 3-4 au- The hydrogen atoms are assumed to form an undistorted tetrahedron. The cafculations are carried out as within HF using Clementi’s doublezeta f201 functions on N and CLand fs the H. In table 1 we give the IPs, Mulliken charges on atoms and experimental 1Ps of the constituent atoms N, CJ and H, table 2 presents the energies of Auger transitions calculated within the dot&e-zeta basis according to (5) and f7), and the integraf intensities determined by (I f) using the LCAO coefficients of the ground-state wavefunctions within the HF basis. Because the number of fine-structure lines for the main Auger transitions is quite large, seven peaks are selected for comparison with features of the expcrimental spectrum. The theoretical intensities are caJculated to be integral intensities of Auger Iines determining the peaks. In table 3 are given the calculated Auger energies and relative intensities of peaks 1-7 and the experimental v&es obtained by a Gauss decomposition of the experimental spectrum. The latter is recorded for polycrystalline N&Cl using the Mg I& We_ A more detailed description has been published elsewhere [23]. The spectrum after substraction of the back-

l‘&lc I The


1%. MuIlAen



Itzoms of NH~CI. and rhe experimental

IPs of N. H and Cl atoms (in eV)

Experimental IFS a)

bfcJ double-zeta - ._.--------7.8



17.4 18.9 20.3 19.1

17.2 18.9 20.0




207.0 208.5 264.6 411.9 2832.9



---.. 3)


- -.. -


ret 119).

I ----





0.37 0.30 -0.80 -0.62

13.7 13.2 13.6

3PC1 2px 1SH

199.8 201-4 258.9 406.3 2806.5 0.28 0.70 -0.40 -0.60

2%2,3, 2sfl 1Sh’



25.3 26.0 206 204 274 403 2827


Volume 46. number 1

25 March 1983

Table 2 The calculated Auger energies (in ev) and integral intensities of the N KVV transitions in NH,Cl Confiiuration


Kinetic energy

integral intensity

Number of peak






347-O 349.6





345.6 350.4

0.730 I 0.112


0 1

351.2 352.2

0.528 0.074 I 0.170

6a;* 6a;’ Ze;’

0 0 1

359.7 358.8 360.4



358.3 361.7






362.7 362.9




0 0

1 6a;’ &I;’

0 1



8ai’ 2e;’



362.8 362.7 362-V

I.020 0.038




372.0 374.2

0.536 0.020




0.034 O-1 24 j



eV to match the first peaks of the

spectra. This shift is due to different phases of NH4CI in the calcnlations and the experiment. After the shift

a close resemblance of both curves is evident. Note that the more traditional approach in calculations for solids is a cluster model within which one should calculate the cl?ster NH4@-. However, as



0.018 J 0.584

368.1 370.3

ground is presented in fig. 1 together with the theoretical one. The experimental Auger energies are

displaced -9.5




has been noticed f24], a cluster simulating a solid should preferab3y consewe the stoichiometry of the solid. From this point of view the molecule NH&C1is the minimal stoichiometric cluster for solid NH,Cl. Most calculated Auger lines are located near experimental peak positions within limits of experimental errors. The exceptions are peaks 4 and 7 orig-&ating from the 2e- 2 and Sai_ 2 configurations.

agreement for 2e-’

The dis-

may be explained by the one-de73


96. number



T.Me 3 The c\perimcnwl and calculated enersies(in intensirxs for the N KVV i\uger transitions ~-_ . -~- _-__-_ Number



&or a)




lfheor IS G)

Iexp (%)

1 ,

336.8 34x5 351.2 35s.3 362.7 371.8 3Sl.h

336.S 317 352 362 363 373 379.5

7.7 11 10 ‘2 16 I9 3.7

5.6 13 5.6 41 14 18 2.8

9.2 11 10 20 23 22 4.1

3) fi;s arc hcor and IIS lllr: I \tb LCt$@ coetkicnts

inre_er~lintcnsitirs wlculated using for the ground- and initial-state ~.~\ciuncrionc respccti\ely. The expcrinlental Au_ecrenerSIC<.IIL’zhlftcd h? -9.5 eV.

Icrnunxlt approximation used because we do not resolve rhe multlplet structure of this configuration and dccounf for the configurarion interactions. and for S.I~ ’ ir may be connected with a lattice potential inllucnrc. The theoretical inrensities of peaks l-7 are 111a good agreement with experimental ones if one uses t!lc l-C.40 coefficients of the ground-state wave-

function. Thr intensilies were calculated using the Xl0 LCAO coefficients of the initial state wavefunctiorl with a vdcmcy in the K shell of N as well. In the



25 March 1983

latter case the contribution

eV) and peak in NbCl

of pc.A

; J 5 6 7


of p AOs does increase to the influence of the core vacancy field, leading to a considerable relative Increase of amplitude of peak 4. The same trend is observed when calculating the intensities with the use of LCAO coefficients for TS of the 7ai’2e? ’ configuration. Recently [23 ] we have qualitatively assigned the fine structure for the N KVV Auger spectra of NHdX, X = Br and Cl, assuming the approximate equivalency of the NH; and CH4 electronic structures, accounting for their isoelectronic character. The high-energy peaks 7 and 8 were considered to be satellite ones for transitions from the highest valence MOs composed mainly of N AOs. According to results of the DVM calculations the appearance of peaks 7 and 8 (see fig_ 1) is due to a substantial delocaliiation of the N-H-Cl bond owing to hybridization of N 2s, 2p,, the bridge H Is and Cl 3s. 3p, AOs. It is interesting to note that the shape of the other peaks l-6 is similar to that of the carbon Auger lines in CH,. It allows us to connect the intensities of peaks 7 and 8 with the covalency strength of the Cl-NH, bond. due mainly

Acknowledgement The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to Drs. Ju.M. Shul’ga and A.F. Shestackov for discussion and critical remarks, and to the referee for valuable comments_



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387 Et,”


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