The 10th International Conference "Science of Ceramics" sponsored by the Association Europ~enne de C~ramique (AEC) will be organized by the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft. The programme will contain new, original and important scientific results from all fields of ceramics. The number of participants is limited to 200. Priority will be given to those persons who submit their preliminary registration before December 1st, 1978. Final registration forms will be forwarded after February 1st, 1979. All persons interested in submitting papers should send the title together with a provisional abstract of the paper to the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, Menzenberger Str. 47, P.O. Box 1226, D-5340 Bad Honnef 1, before December 31st, 1978. The abstract of approximately 300-500 words should be written in the language in which the paper will be presented and in English. Contributions will be presented in lecture- and poster-sessions, based on technical and organizational requirements. The authors will be informed before March 15th, 1979, about the acception of their paper. The manuscripts of the papers must be received by the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft not later than June 15th, 1979. All papers will be published in volume 10 of the series "Science of Ceramics". The 14th International Ceramic Congress will take place from September 3rd-7th, 1979, in Munich. In the course of this congress ceramitec '79, an exhibition of machines, equipment, plants and raw
materials for the whole ceramic industry will take place. Separate information will be sent out in the near future. Participation in the congress and the visit of the exhibition at a special fee will be possible for the participants of "Science of Ceramics".