Dr. G. W. Riddel, M.C., Municipal Offices, Norwich. Dr. Susan S. Bryce, Shire Hall, Norwich. (5) The following were elected officers of the Branch for the forthcoming Session : President :--Dr. T. L. Lack. Hon. Secretc~ry rand Treasurer :---Dr. J. T . C . Nash. SCOTTISH BRANCH. A meeting of the Scottish Branch was held Ja Glasgow on Saturday, Nov. 5th. Present: Professor Matthew Hay (in the Chair) and 29 members. A discussion on the subject of venereal diseases took place, in the course of which ~t appea.red that the general view was : (I) that compulsory notification was not likely to meet with success, and (2) that it was desirable tt~at the general practitioner should take a larger part in schemes of treatment. Dr. Campbell Munro moved : - - " T h a t the Secretary for Scotland should be pressed to give effect to the proposal which he himself has put forward, namely, that fever nurses, who have served for three years in a recognised fever hospital should be qualified for a place or, the General Register after serving for two years in a general hospital, and that nurses who have served for four years in a general hospital should be qualified for a place on the Supplementary Register on serving for a year in a recognised fever hospital." The resolution-was favourably received, and it was agreed t,, remit to the Council to consider the whole question and report. Dr. Wilson, by request, gave a sketch of the york done at Hairmyres Tuberculosis Colony, Lanarkshire. Poultry-rearing and cobbling. were-the principal occupations taught, a~Id something ha~d been done j n the way of training in forestry. The scheme, however, w~s'still i:~ the experimental stage. Dr. Robb introduced a discussion on the limitation of the reports required from medical officers; and, finally, a remit was made to the Coutacil to report on the subject. A discussion followed as to the measures to be tal~en to secure a clean milk supply for the public, when-it was remitted to the Counci] to bring up a report on the subject.
A letter from the Hon. Secretary of the Tuberculosis Group of the Society inviting suggestions as to forming a Sub-Group of the Scottish Branch, was remitted,to the Council for consideration. The proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman. TUBERCULOSIS GROUP. A Special General Meeting was held at I, Upper Montague Street, Russell Square, oi1 2;rod October, :~92I, at II a.m. Present : Dr. F. R. Walters in the (;hair, Drs. H. B. Gibbins, G. Macdonald, R. j,: Cyriax, it. Wilson, A. C. Renwick, H. A. Ellis and F. G. Catey: Drs. Peyton, l)ickinson, Dodgson, Faill, Guy, dessel, Burra, Wingfield, Woodcock and Hebert wrote regretting that they were unable to be present. The Secretary explained that the meeting ~;as called in accordance with a resolution passed at the la.st Committee Meeting to amend the Regulations of the Group to provide for the formation of Sub-Groups within Branches Or combinations of Branches of the Society. A f t e r discussion the necessary amendments Were made and the Regulations now provide for-the Iormation of Sub-Groups, which are t o h a v e control of their own meetings and business, but any resolution on matters relating to policy, constitution o1" discipline of t h e SocietyI Or Group will be referred to the Committee of the Group for consideration. T h e Regulations also provide that the Sub-Groups shaJl-elect two of their members to serve on the GroupCommittee, and one additional member f o r every'cOmpleted 2o members. ' " The'meeting was strongly :in favo.nr o f ' t h e formation of SubCGroups and suggested that it would be advisable to form them as soon as possiblb. Some discussion took place as. to,whether the word SECTION" was not more. appropriate.~han SUB-GROUP, but as the latter designation had already been adopted by other Groups, it, (vas decided to keep to it for the sake of uni.formity. A meeting of the COMMITTEE of t h e G r o u p was held on Saturday, 22nd October, Dr. F. R. Waiters in the Chair, .~nd {our members.