Scottish Branch

Scottish Branch

1936 Replying, Dr. Pickup said that he had served in three different camps as general practitioner, as general practitioner and part-time M.O.H., and ...

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1936 Replying, Dr. Pickup said that he had served in three different camps as general practitioner, as general practitioner and part-time M.O.H., and as part-time M.O.H. alone. From his expelience he felt that the qualifications required of M.O.s H. were higher than those of the G.P. He concluded by thanking the Branch for their encouragement in giving him a start as President, SCOTTISH BRANCH. President : Dr. A. S. M. Macgregor (M.O.H., Glasgow). Hon. Secretary : Dr. W. G. Clark, Public Health Dept., Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh. The Scottish Branch have re-elected their Office Bearers for a further period of one year as under : President-Dr. A. S. M. Macgregor, Medical Officer of Health, Glasgow. Vice-Presidents--Dr. A. K. Chalmers, late Medical Officer of Health, Glasgow; Dr. Thomas Adam, Medical Officer of Health for the County of Stirling. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer--Dr. W. G. Clark, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Public Health Department, Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh. At the same time the Branch recommended that Dr. A. K. Chalmers, who has been a member since 1895, should be elected to life membership under the Society's constitution, and that Dr. William Robertson, late Medical Officer of Health, Edinburgh, be also elected for life membership under the same Article. HOME COUNTIES' BRANCH. President : Dr. R. P. Garrow (M.O.H., Hornsey). Hon. Secretao, : Dr. C. Herington, M.O.H., Dagenham A meeting was held at the House of the Society on November 6th, there being present twenty-seven members, the President occupying the chair. Apologies for non-attendance were received from six members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Arising from the reference in the minutes to the nomination of a President of the Society for the next session, Dr. E. W. Caryl Thomas proposed that the name of Dr. E. H. T. Nash should be submitted. This nomination was seconded by Dr. E. H. R. Smithard. Dr. C. Sanders, a former President of the Society, rose to support the nomination which, being put to the meeting, was carried unanimously and by acclamation. The Secretary was instructed to enlist the interest of other branches for the candidature of the Branch's nominee. Dr. Nash rose and expressed his thanks to the Branch. A paper was then read on the Kensington Rheumatism Scheme by Dr. Janet K. Aitken, Physician-in-Charge of the Kensington Rheumatism Clinic. This proved of great interest, many new aspects of the condition known as rheumatism were described and an ,account of research into the etiology of the condition was given. A full discussion ensued and questions were asked by many members and answered by Dr. Aitken. Dr. C. L. Williams asked under what conditions rheumatic childreli should be excluded from school; the reply given was that this largely depended on the response of the .patient to exercise, moderate exercise being encouraged in mild cases. Dr. Aitkin advised that

PUBLIC H E A L T H severe cases should be admitted to special schools From the point of view of infectivity, she was of the opinion that no exclusion of the patient was necessary. Dr. D. H. Geffen objected to the word " carditis " and he asked for a more specific definition of the rheumatic heart lesion. The answer given was that the word was used more on account of its convenience than its clinical accuracy and was intended to convey the condition of the heart as found after a rheumatic infection. Several other speakers including Drs. Powell and Hunter raised questions. T h e President remarked that in his view rheumatism was a rapidly disappearing disease and he suggested that areas in which there was a high incidence were those in which the supervision was most complete. T h e suggestion that Dr. Aitken's paper should be published in extenso in PUBLIC HEALTH was received with enthusiasm. A vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Williams, seconded by Dr. Nash, and unanimously carried. MIDLAND BRANCH. President : Dr. Arthur Massey (M.O.H., Coventry C.B.). Hon. Secretao; : Dr. R. H. H. Jolly, Health Department. The second meeting of the session was held at the Medical Institute, 154, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, on Thursday, November 5th, 1986, at 8.15 p.m. T h e President (Dr. A. Massey) and thirty members were present. Apologies for absence were received from six members. The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on October Ist and the Special Meeting on October 15th, which had been printed in PUBLIC HEALTIL were taken as read and signed. The Branch first considered the memorandmn o11 " Methods of Appointment of Medical Officers of Health," which had been previously circulated. After considerable discussion, Dr. Horsburgh proposed, and Dr. Paul seconded, the following resolution which was carried : - - " That having considered the memorandum on t h e ' Methods of Appointment of Medical Officers of Health,' referred to it by the Council of the Society, the Branch sees no advantage accruing from the setting up of a separate advisory body as the existing machinery is considered sufficient." Dr. Nicholl's memorandum on " Facilities for PostGraduate Study by Departmental Medical Officers " was next considered and it was resolved to inform the Council that the recommendations contained in it were generally approved. The Hon. Treasurer presented his report and balance sheet for the session 1935-36 which were received and adopted. A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Dr, Snell for his able and painstaking work as Hon. Treasurer. Dr. M. Burn (Senior A.M.O.H., Birmingham) then opened a discussion on the exclusion of children from school on account of infectious disease. Others who took part were Dr. H. Paul (M.O.H., Smethwick), Dr. J. A. M. Clark (M.O.H., Watsall), and Dr. P. G. Horsburgh (, Nuneaton). The discussion will be summarised in a later issue of PUBLIC HEALTH. 107