in the house.
Consulting Surgeon : Dr. Joseph Bell, F. R. C. S. Surgeons : Dr. J. J. Kirk Duncanson, Dr. G. Hunter Mackenzie, and Mr. J. Maxwell Ross. Treasurer and Secretary: Mr. A. P. Purves, 102, George-street.
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, EDINBURGH.—The lectures qualify for the University of Edinburgh and the other universities; ANDERSON’S COLLEGE MEDICAL SCHOOL, GLASGOW.the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh, following courses are given, which qualify for all the The London, and Dublin, and the other Medical and Public licensing boards :-In winter: Anatomy, Chemistry, PhysioBoards. In accordance with the Statutes of the University logy, Surgery, Medicine, Materia Medica, &c. In summerd of Edinburgh, any four of the medical classes required for Anatomy, Practical Chemistry, Practical Physiology, Midgraduation, or two complete anni medici, may be attended wifery, Medical Jurisprudence, Botany, Hygiene, &c. The in this school, each of which ccnjai medici may be constituted Chemical is open daily from 10 to 5. Students Laboratory by attendance on two of the six months’ courses, or on one of the School are admitted to the Lectures and Clinique at of these and two three months’ courses. The regulations the Ophthalmic Institution free of charge. require that the fee for any class, taken for graduation in Fees.--Each course of lectures (except Anatomy), first Edinburgh, shall be the same as that for the corresponding session, 922s.;second session, 9-1 1s.;afterwards free. class in the University. The whole education required for Anatomy (including dissecting-room), first session, f44s.;, graduation at the University of London may be taken in second session, £4 4s.third session, £1 ls. ;summer (inthis school. cluding Practical Anatomy), i22s. Practical Anatomy Fees.—For a first course of lectures, f35s.; for a second, Students who have 911 ls. ;Osteology, £1lls. 6d. To those who have already only, f2 4s.; perpetual, £5 5s. attended classes at other schools will be admitted to such attended a first course in Edinburgh the perpetual fee is classes as they may have attended elsewhere at reduced fees. jE2 4s. Practical Anatomy (six months’ course), £3 3s.; Fees for all the Lectures and Hospital practice required of£ ’ course of demonstrations, 92 2s.; perpetual, £4 4s. Practical candidates for triple qualification, £48. Anatomy, with course of demonstrations, E4 4s. Practical The Kerr Bursary (value one-third of the interest on Chemistry, X33s. Analytical Chemistry, £2 a month, f:5for £1000 in bank on deposit) will be vacant in the Junior or for three months, £10 six months. Practical Materia Anatomy Class. Medica, including Practical Pharmacy, Diseases of the Ear, GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.— Diseases of the Skin, Diseases of Children, and Diseases of The winter session will open on October 26th. Courses of the Tropics and Climatology, each f22s. Vaccination, fl1s. lectures are all the subjects required by the licensing given on For summer courses of Clinical Surgery and Clinical Medi- bodies for qualification, and lectures and demonstrations are cine, each £24s.; Practical Anatomy, including Anatomical also given on Public Health, Practical Physiology, Operative Demonstrations, Operative Surgery, and Practical Medicine Surgery, Aural Surgery, Dental Surgery, Diseases of the and Medical Diagnosis, each X22s. Insanity, £1 Is. Eye, and of the Throat and Nose. During summer lectures. EDINBURGH SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY, on Insanity are given by Dr. A. Robertson, in the City Marshall-street, Nicolson-square.-The classes of this school Asylum under his charge. will be resumed for the winter session on October 1st next. Class Fees. -For each course, first session, f22s.;second Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, Midwifery, Surgery session, and perpetual, ElIs.; Anatomy: First winter and Medicine. From the Dispensary attached to this institu- session, £4 4s. ;summer session, £11 its. 6d.;second winter tion, Pharmacy, Practical and Theoretical. Practical Mid- session, £44s.;afterwards the fee for lectures and practical wifery. Out-door Practice. Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. anatomy is £1ills. 6d. per session. Dental Dispensary free Attendance at this institution qualifies for the University of to students of the hospital; to others, £5; first year, perEdinburgh and all other licensing boards. Tutorial classes petual, £10. Lectures on the Eye, £1Is.; other special in all the branches of the medical curriculum. Preliminary courses free. Medical Classes, 11 A.M. to 4 P.M., and in the evening. GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY.—Number of beds, 542. Particulars of R. Urquhart, Secretary. In addition to the ordinary medical and surgical wards. ROYAL INFIRMARY, EDINBURGH.—Beds are set apart for there are separate wards for the treatment of Venereal clinical instruction by the professors of the University of Diseases and the Diseases of Women, whilst Diseases of the’ Edinburgh. Courses of Clinical Medicine and Surgery are Skin, Eye, Ear, Throat, and Teeth are specially treated at also given by the ordinary physicians and surgeons. Special the Dispensary. Courses of Clinical Medicine and Surgery on Diseases are given by the physicians and surgeons; instruction in instruction is given in the of Women, Physical Diagnosis, and on Diseases of the Skin; Anatomy and Histology is given by theand in the surgical department on Diseases of the Eye, the pathologist. Ear, and Larynx. Separate wards are devoted to Venereal Appointments.—There are four physicians’ and six surDiseases, Diseases of Women, Diseases of the Eye, also to geons’ assistants. These appointments are free, and can be’ Post-mortem held for twelve months ; they are open to students who cases of Incidental Delirium or Insanity. examinations are conducted in the anatomical theatre by have passed all their examinations except the last, or tothe pathologists, who also give practical instruction in gentlemen who have a qualification in medicine or surgery. Pathological Anatomy and Histology. The fees for hospital Clinical assistants, dressers, dispensary clerks, and pathoattendance are as follows—-viz. : Perpetual ticket, in one logical assistants are selected from the students without payment, f:12; annual ticket, £6 6s.;six months, £4 4s.; additional fee. three months, dE2 2s. ;monthly, £1Is. Separate payments Fees for Hospital Practice and Clinical Lectures.—First amounting to £12 12s. entitle the student to a perpetual year, £10 10s. ; second year, :E10 10s. ; afterwards free. For ticket. No fees are paid for any medical or surgical ap- six months, f66s.; three months, JE44s. Vaccination certipointment. The appointments are as follows :-1. Resident ficates, £1Is. GLASGOW HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY FOR DISEASES physicians and surgeons are appointed, and live in the house free of charge. The appointment is for six months, but may OF THE EAR, 28, Elmbank-crescent.—The hospital, which be renewed at the end of that period by special recom- contains twelve beds for in-door patients, is always open mendation. 2. Special non-resident clerks are appointed for urgent cases. Hours of surgeons’visits 2 P.M. dailyy for six months. The appointment may be renewed for a clinical teaching daily. Out-patients are seen on Mondays,. like period by special recommendation. 3. Clerks and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays,. dressers are appointed by the physicians and surgeons. at 2 P.M., by Dr. Barr and assistants ; and operations and These appointments are open to all students and junior special demonstrations to students and practitioners take practitioners holding hospital tickets. 4. Assistants in the place on Thursdays from 3 to 4 P.M. GLASGOW WESTERN MEDICAL SCHOOL.-The school is. pathological department are appointed by the pathologists. EDINBURGH EYE, EAR, AND THROAT INFIRMARY, situated close to the University and Western Infirmary, in 6, Cambridge-street, Lothian-road. Clinical Lectures and which latter students obtain their Hospital Practice and Instruction are given in this institution, which is open at Clinical Lectures. To accommodate the increasing number1 o’clock daily for out-door patients for Eye Diseases; of students, the rooms have been recently re-arranged and Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdaysat 12 noon for out- enlarged. Lectures and Demonstrations are given on Anadoor Ear Patients; and Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 P.M. tomy and on Surgery, by Dr. D. N. Knox; on Practice of for out-door Throat Patients. Those whose diseases require Physic, by Dr. D. C. MeVail; on Midwifery and Gynaecology, operations or more than ordinary care are accommodated by Dr. W. L. Reid; on Diseases of the Ear, Throat, and Nose,.
medical department
by Dr. Walher-Downie ;
Diseases of the
Eye, by
Dr. F.
intending to compete for
of the third
of the Skin, by Dr. Murray. Fergus; and on Diseasesfor year must be of two years’ standing and not more, and the University of Glasgow, in must have attended, in some of the Queen’s Colleges, or in a The Lectures qualify accordance with the regulations, the Faculty of Physicians University capable of granting degrees in Medicine, four at
and Surgeons, Glasgow, and the other corporations.
least of the
following courses-viz. : Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Practical Chemistry, Practical Anatomy.. Matriculated students in Medicineintending to competefor Medical Scholarships of the fourth year must be of three years’ standing and not more, and must, in addition to thequalifications prescribed above, have attended, in theirthird year, two at least of the following courses-viz. : Theory and Practice ofTheory and Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and Children.. QUEEN’S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Cork.—Thebuilding is provided with a very large, well-ventilated dis-secting-room, with physiological and toxicological laboratories, materiamedica, anatomical and pathological museums, as well as a room for surgical and obstetrical instruments. and appliances. There are well-appointed physical and chemical laboratories, and a large natural history museum in the adjoining building, and part of theCollege ground is. laid out as a botanical garden. The plant houses are now completed and well filled with plants, and are open to thestudents in the class of Botany. Fees.—For Practical Anatomy andfor Practical Chemistry" £3each course; for Anatomy and Physiology, £3 first course,. and i2 for each subsequent course. Other medical classes, X2first course, and 91each subsequent course. Eight scholarships (value about E30 each), as well as several exhibitions and class prizes, are awarded every year. SIR PATRICK DUN’S HOSPITAL, Dublin (in connexion with the School of Physic).-The payment of X33s. to thehospital entitles any student to attend the clinic of the hospital for twelve months, and to attend the lectures. delivered by the University Lecturer in Operative Surgery. Students who have taken out the degrees of Bachelor in Medicine and Master in Surgery in Trinity College are’ entitled to attend the hospital as perpetual free pupils. Clinical Lectures are delivered in the hospital theatre at 10 o’clock on Mondaysand Tuesdays. In addition to the’ hospital fee, the payment of a fee of JE99s. is required for the privilege of attending these lectures. Total fees for
Class Fees.—For each course of Lectures, except in the special courses hereafter noted, first session 922s., second session £1Is. Students who have attended a first course elsewhere pay :E1Is. For the following three special courses, the fee foreach, is £1 1s.: Diseases of Ear, Throat, and Nose, Diseases of Eye, and Diseases of Skin. GLASGOW WESTERN INFIRMARY.—This hospital adjoins Number of beds upwards of the University of Glasgow. 400. Special wards are set apart for Diseases of Women and for Cutaneous Affections. In the out-patient department there are special cliniques for Diseases of Women and for The Clinical Diseases of the Throat, Ear, and Teeth. Courses are given by the Physicians and Surgeons, each of whom conducts a separate class, and students may attend whichever they select at the beginning of the session. Special instruction is given to junior students by tutors or assistants, and clinical clerks and dressers are selected from the members of the class. All the courses of clinical instruction are recognised by the University of Glasgow and the other boards in the kingdom. In the Pathological Department the course is both systematic and practical, and extends through the winter and following summer; these are likewise recognised by the University for graduation. Eight resident assistants are appointed annually, without salary, from those who havecompleted their course. The fee for the hospital practice, including the various courses of clinical instruction, is 20 guineas in one payment, or in two equal instalments for the first and second year; for six months, 7 guineas; and for three months, 4 guineas. GLASGOW HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, situated at Garnet-hill, was opened in December, 1882, and is now available to medical students for clinical instruction in the I diseases peculiar to childhood. The hospital includes 70 beds for non-infectious cases only. A specially designed Dispensary, or Out-patient Department, will be early in September. GLASGOW OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTION, 126, West Regentstreet.-40 beds. Clinical and systematic course of lectures for students during the winter and summer seasons. In,
and lectures for twelve
£12 12s.
Sir Patrick Dun’s Maternity.—Total fees for college-patients, 463; out- or dispensary patients, 3249. Operations hospital on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Consulting Physician : students, £33s. Total fees for externs, £66s. Samuel J. Moore, Esq., M.D. Acting Surgeon : J. R. THE ADELAIDE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HOSPITALS,. Wolfe, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed. Acting Physician: J. S. Peter-street, Dublin.-Fee for nine months’ hospital attend-Cumming, Esq., M.D. Assistant Surgeons: J. M’Gregor ance, £12 12s.; six months’, f88s. Summer, three months,. Robertson, M.A., M.B., C.M., and A. T. Thomson, M.D. £5 5s. At theThree resident pupils are selected half-yearly. ABERDEEN ROYAL INFIRMARY.-Contains about 250 termination of the session, prizes in Clinical Medicine and beds. Consulting Physician : Dr. A. Harvey. Physicians : Surgery, in Obstetric Medicine, and in Ophthalmic Surgery Drs. J. W. F. Smith-Shand, R. Beveridge, Angus Fraser, will be awarded. Hudson Scholarship.—In addition to the junior prizes, the and P. B. Smith. Surgeons : Messrs. A. Ugston, J. 0. Will, R. J. Garden, andJ. Hall. Dental Surgeon : Dr. Williamson. Hudson Scholarship, i30 and a gold medal, as well as a, Treasurer and Secretary : Mr. W. Carnie. prize of £10, together with a silver medal, will be awarded ABERDEEN ROYAL LUNATIC ASYLUM.—Contains about at the end of the session for proficiency in ClinicalMedi-580 beds. Medical Superintendent: Dr. William Reid. cine and Medical Pathology, Clinical Surgery and Surgical Consulting Physician : Dr. Robert Jamieson. Secretary : Pathology, Pathological Histology, Surgical Appliances" Mr. W. Carnie. Clinical instruction is given to students including instruments and bandaging, Ophthalmology, and. Gynaecology. during three months in summer. The certificates of attendance are recognised by all the universities and licensing bodies in the United Kingdom. PeterLEDWICH SCHOOL OF SURGERY AND IRISH HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL SCHOOLS. street, Dublin (furmerlv original School ofMEDICINE, Anatomy, Medi’
cine, and Surgery).—There are endowments in favour of’ MEDICINE, Belfast.- students, subject to conditions prescribed by the founder,.
Eight Junior Scholarships have been founded in the Faculty
in the
at the commencement of the second and third year of their medical course. Matriculated students in Medicine intending to compete for Medical Scholarships of the second year must be of not more than one year’s standing as students of Medicine, and must have attended, in some of the Queen’s Colleges, or in a University capable of granting degrees in Medicine, two at least of the following coursesviz.: Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Practical Chemistry, Practical Anatomy. Matriculated students in Medicine
Royal Colleges of Physicians, London and Edinburgh; by the Royal University, the Universities of Dublin, London, and Glasgow ; by the Glasgow Faculty of Physicians and. Surgeons ; and by the Queen’s University in Ireland. The Senate of the Royal University having recognised the lectures of this school, arrangements have been made to. educate students for its Medical and Surgical Degrees in This school is in a accordance with its requirements. central situation, and is replete with every convenience forstudy and successful instruction. By its teachers it is con-
following departments :--Two
Medicine, of the annual value of £25 each. Two are Physiology ; two in Minute Anatomy; two in Practicaltenable by Matriculated Students, commencing the first, Anatomy ; one in Surgery. Certificates of attendance onsecond, third, and fourth year of their course respectively. these lectures are received by the various examining boards;. The examinations for Junior Scholarships of the second by the Apothecaries’ Halls of Dublin and London ; by the: and third years in the Faculty of Medicine take place King and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland ; by the of