398 WOLVERHAMPTON AND SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL HOSPITAL.-200 beds. Attendance recognised by examining boards. Pupils resident and non-resident. The hospital contains large male and female accident wards, general medical and surgical wards, a children’s ward, a ward for diseases of women, and a fever wing. The out-patient department, commodious and convenient, is semi-detached from the main building. The practice of the hospital is very extensive and va.ried; the number of cases annually treated being large and important. Practical instruction in surgery to Rrst-y ear’s
students, and dresserships for students after two years’ professional education, both in accordance with the Roytl
College of Surgeons of England, may be obtained at this hospital; also clinical clerkships. Fees for hospital practice: one year, ten guineas ; perpetual, twenty guineas. The fees must be paid to Mr. Frank Foster, secretary to the hospital. Physicians: Dr. Millington and Dr. Totherick. Surgeons: Mr. Vincent Jackson, Mr. J. O’Brien Kough, and Mr. C. A. Newnbam.
House-Surgeon : Mr. Burton-Ravenhill.
PhysiCIans’ Assistant : Dr. A. H. Carter. Operations are performed in the theatre every Thursday morning, at 11 o’clock. For further particulars, apply at the hospital to Mr. Vincent Jackson, Hon. Secretary of the Medical Committee. YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL. -Established 1740 ; rebnilt 1851. In-patients, 687; out-patients, 3213. Physicians: Drs. G. Shann and W. Matterson. Surgeons : Messrs. W. D. Husband. G. Hornby, and R. Hewitscn. Honse-Surgeon : Mr. F. H. Hodges. Secretary: Mr.R. Holtby.
SCOTTISH HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL SCHOOLS. ROYAL INFIRMARY, EDI.NBURGH.-Beds are set apart for Clinical Instruction by the professors of the University of Edinburgh. Courses of Clinical Medicine and Surgery are also given by the ordinary physicians and surgeons. Special instruction is given in the medical department on Diseases of Women, Physical Diagnosis, &c., and in the surgical department on Diseases of the Eye. Separate wards are devoted to fever, venereal diseases, diseases of women, - diseases of the eye, also to cases of incidental delirium or insanity. Post-mortem examinations are conducted in the Anatomical Theatre by the pathologist, who also gives practical instruction in Pathological Anatomy and Histology. Hospital tickets: Perpetual, in one payment, £10 ; annual, £5 5s. ;half-yearly, £3 3s. ; quarterly, £1 lls. 6d. Separate payments for two years entitle the student to a perpetual ticket. No fees are payable for any medical or surgical appointment. The subordinate appointments are open to all students and junior practitioners holding the hospital ticket during the period over which the appointment extends. These appointments are as follows :-1. Four resident physicians and four resident surgeons are appointed, and live in the house free of charge. Candidates must be registered as legally qualified practitioners. The appointment is for six months, but may be renewed at the end of that period by special recommendation. 2. Nonresident clinical clerks are appointed by the physicians and surgeons for such periods and under such conditions as they deem expedient. 3. Dresserships: Each surgeon appoints from four to nine dressers, the appointment being for six months. 4. Assistants in the Pathological Department are appointed by the pathologist. ROYAL DISPENSARY, EDINBURGH.—Prof. Sanders, Consulting Physician; Prof. Spence, Consulting Surgeon. Medical Officers: Dr. William Stephenson, F.R.C.S.; Dr. Cairns, F.R.C.S.; Dr. Linton, F.R.C.P. ; Prof. Spence, F.R.C.S.; Dr. George W. Balfour, F.R.C.P.; Prof. Sanders, F.R.C.P.; Dr. W. Husband, F.R.C.S. ; Dr. James Andrew, F.R.C.P.; Dr. D. Wilson, F.R.C.S.; Dr. R. P. Ritchie, F.R.C.P. ; Dr. F. W. Moinet, F.R.C.P. Midwifery Department : Dr. Keiller, Dr. J.Matthews Duncan, Dr. Cairns, and Dr. Stephenson. Vaccination: Dr. Husband. Apothecary : Mr. R. Urquhart. Secretary to Medical Officers: Dr. Andrew. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, EDINBURGH.-The courses of lectures on Medical and Surgical Science qualify for the
University of Edinburgh and other universities; the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh, London, and Dublin; the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; the Apothecaries’ Societies of London and Dublin; the Navy, Army, and Indian Medical Boards; and the Poor-law Boards of Scotland, England, and Ireland. In accordance with the regulations of the University of Edinburgh, any four of the entire medical classes required, two anni medici, may be attended under the teachers in this Medical and Surgical School; and one annus medicus may be constituted by attendance, in one year, on two of the six months’ courses, or on one of these aud two three months’ courses. The regulations require that the fee for any class taken for graduation in Edinburgh shall be the same as that for the corresponding class in the University. The courses qualify for graduation in the Universities of Glasgow, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, Oxford, Cambridge, and Ireland, during the years in which residence is not necesor
sary. The whole of the education
required for graduation at the of London may be taken under the teachers in this Medical School. The minimum cost of the education in the above school for the double qualificaiion of physician and surgeon from the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, including thefees for the joint examination, is £90 4s., which is payable by yearly instalments during the period of study; whilst the minimum cost for the single qualification of either physician or surgeon, including fees for examination, is £80. University
EDINBURGH EYE INFIRMARY, 6, Cambridge - street, Lothian-road.-Number of beds, 6. Surgeons: Mr. B. Bell and Dr. Joseph Bell. Three months’ attendance fee, £1 Is. Instruction in the use of the Ophthalmoscope is given. Hour of visit, 1 to 2 daily. Average number of out-patients, 900 to 1000. ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Meadowside House, Edinburgh.-Consulting Physicians: Professor Sir Robert Christison, Bart., Drs. Charles Wilson, Graham Weir, and Matthews Duncan. Consulting Surgeon : Professor Spence. Pathologist: Professor Sanders. Ordinary Physicians: Drs. Stephenson, Ritchie, Linton, and Gamgee. Extra Physicians : Drs. Brakenridge and James Dunsmure, jun. Assistant-Physician : Dr. Gerald Bernard. Surgeon-Dentist : Dr. Smith. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Dr. Argyll Robertson. Resident Physician : Dr. F. P. Y. Banson. Matron : Miss Elizabeth Greenhill. Honorary Secretary: Mr. John Henry, 20, St. Andrew-square. Fees: To hospital, three months, £1Is.; to dispensary department, three months, .81 Is. NEW Towrr DISPENSARY, 17, Thistle-fitreet, Edinburgh.Hour of visit, 2 to 3 daily. Medical Officers: Drs. Dycer, Dickson, Cunynghame, Brakenridge, Affleck, Cddell, Dunsmure, and Wyllie. Vaccination on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 12. Midwifery cases attended at their own homes by the pupils under the superintendence of Dr. Angus Macdonald. Practical Pharmacy at 2 and at 7. Fee for six months, .833s. Secretary to medical officers: Dr. R. J. Blair
ANDERSON’S UNIVERSITY, GLASGOW.-The winter session 1872 opens October 29th. Chemistry, Practical Chemistry, and Laboratory, Dr. Thorpe; Surgery, Dr. James Dunlop; Institutes of Medicine (Physiology), Dr. Watson; Anatomy, Anatomical Demonstrations, Practical Anatomy or Dissection, Dr. G. Buchanan; Practice of Medicine, Dr. M’Call Anderson; Materia Medica, Dr. Morton; Hospital Practice in Royal Infirmary; Clinical Lectures in Royal Infirmary.Summer Session: Midwifery, Dr. J. G. Wilson; Medical Jurisprudence, vacant; Surgical Anatomy, Practical Anafor beginners, Dr. George Buchanan; Practical Chemistry, Dr. Thorpe. Class Fees: For each of the above courses of lectures, first session, .62 2s. ; second session, £1 1s.; afterwards free. Anatomy Class Fees : For both courses (lectures and demonstrations), first session, £4 4s.; second session, £44s.; afterwards free. Practical Anatomy : The dissecting-room is free for two sessions to those who attend both courses of Anatomy. After the second year the fee for Practical Anatomy is £1 Is. per session.
tomy, Osteology
399 The fees for all the lectures and hospital practice reof candidates for the diplomas of Physician and
to £45. to be had from Arthur Forben, solicitor, Buchanan-street, Clerk to the Medical Faculty.
Surgeon amount A syllabus, &c., 146,
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY. - 583 beds. Physicians : Drs. W. T. Gairdner, Steven, Perry, M’Call Anderson, and Scott Orr. Surgeons: Drs. E. Watson, Dewar, G. H. B. Macleod, G. Btiebanan, and Morton. Special Fever Physician : Dr. James Maclaren. Besides the clinical instruction given at the bedside, lectures on the cases are given four times weekly, at 9 A.n2., during the winter and summer sessions. The Pathological Museum is open to students. There are five physicians’ and five surgeons’ assistants, who perform all the duties of house-physicians and house-surgeons. The qualification is possession of a local qualification to practise medicine or surgery, or that candidates have completed three winter sessions of medical study, and passed all the professional examinations but the last, and hold a certificate of qualification in vaccination from a public vaccinator. They are lodged and boarded in the hospital for £25 per annum. There is also a Fever assistant, who receives a salary of .825, and is boarded free. Dressers to the surgical wards and clerks to the dispensary are appointed without fee. - DISPENSARY.-Physicians : Drs. Alex. Lindsay and M. Charteris. Extra Physician : Dr. Wood Smith. Surgeons : Drs. Dunlop and Patterson. Extra Surgeons: Drs. Smart, Watson, and H. C. Cameron. Fees admitting to the Medical and Surgical practice of the hospital: First year, £3 3s. ;second year, £3 3s. ;third and perpetual, .81Is. Winter course : for six months, .822s.; for three months, .,81lls. 6d. ;for the clinical lectures on medicine, .83 3s. ; surgery, £3 3s. Summer course: medicine, £1 11s. 6d.; surgery, .81Ils. 6d; practical pharmacy, £3 3s. Vaccinator : Dr. R. Tannahill ; fee for instruction, £1Is. Medical Superintendent: Dr. M. Thomas. Secretary : Mr. H. Lamond, 64, West Regent-street. DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASES, 63, John-street, Glasgow.-Physician : Dr. McCall Anderson. House-Physician: Dr. Provan. Number of new cases annually about 1400. Practical courses on Diseases of the Skin and on Diseases of the Ear are held during the summer session. Fee for each course, .81 Is. James Grahame, Hon. Secretary. This dispensary is in connexion with the cutaneous wards in the University Hospital, which is at present in course of erection. GLASGOW ROYAL AsYLUM FOR LUNATICS. The asylum contains nearly 600 patients, including all classes and rates. A limited number of pupils are permitted to witness the practice. Clinical instruction is given. Fee, C22s. GLASGOW EYE INFIRMARY.-Physician: Dr. Harry Rainy. Consulting Surgeon : Dr. George Buchanan. Surgeons: Drs. William Brown and Thomas Reid. Assist.-Surgeons : Drs. M. Charteris and Robert Watson. Secretary: George Black, 88, West Regent-street. Hour of visit, 1 P.M. Students’ fee for six months’ attendance, £2 2s. ;or for one year’s attendance, £3 3s. To those attending, or who have attended, the lectures on the Eye in Glasgow University, .81Is. for six months; or .81 11s. 6d. for twelve months. GLASGOW MATERNITY, OR LYING-IN HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Rotten-row (corner of Portland- street).-Consulting Surgeon: Dr. Geo. Buchanan. Physicians-Accoucheur: Dr. J. G. Wilson and Dr. R. D. Tannahill. This hospital contains 24 beds. The number of women delivered in connexion with the hospital exceeds 1000 annually. Clinical instruction is given by the attending physician three days in the week. Fee for six months’ attendance, including certificate, .81Is. All students of the hospital have the privilege of attending the clinical lectures. Out-door Accoucheurs : Dr. B. J. Paton, Dr. Geo. Miller, Dr. Hugh Miller, and Dr. M. Hunter. -
ABERDEEN ROYAL INFIRMARY.-Contains about 300 beds.
Consulting Physician : Dr. A. Harvey. Physicians : J. W. F. Smith, R. Beveridge, Angus Fraser. Surgeons: Messrs. W. Pirrie, D. Kerr, D. Fiddes, and A. Ogston. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Dr. Alex. D. Davidson. Pathologist: Dr. James Rodger. Dental Surgeon: Mr. Williamson. Resident Superintendent and
Dr. B. Rattray. Resident AsMr. F. M. Moir. Resident Assistant-
Apothecary :
Surgeon : Mr. W. I. Sinclair. Pathologist and Curator of Museum : Dr. J. Rodger. Treasurer and Secretary: Mr. W. Carnie. ABERDEEN OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTION, Dispensary Court, Guestron.-Surgeon: Dr. A. D. Davidson. No fee charged to students. Daily at 2.30 r.M. Number of patients, 900 annually. TnE ABERDEEN ROYAL LuNATic ASYLUM.-Contains about 450 beds. Physician and Clinical Teacher: Dr. Jamieson.
QUEEN’S COLLEGE, BELFAST.-Fees : Anatomy and Phy-
siology, first course, £3;
each subsequent course, .,82. Anatomical Demonstrations and Practical Anatomy, each course, .83. Practical Chemistry, £3. Other Medical Lectures: first course, £2 ; each subsequent course, £1. BELFAST GENERAL HOSPITAL.-Physicians; Drs. Pardon, Smith, Ross, and ProfessorCuming. Surgeons : Drs.Browne, Dr. James Moore. This institution presents excellent opportunities for the study of Medicine; and being the only hospital for tho reception of injuries and surgical diseases occurring in the large manufacturing town and seaport of Belfast, it affords unusual facilities to the student for acquiring a knowledge of Practical Surgery. There is an extern department for the treatment of diseases and injuries not admitted into the hospital. Four pupils are permitted to enjoy the advantages to be derived from a residence in hospital; .830 per annum is charged for board, &c. The appointments are open to all students attending the hospital, and are given to the most proficient as ascerAssistant clinical tained by competitive examination. clerks and dressers for the wards and extern department are appointed from the most deserving students, without any additional fee. Fees.-For Clinical Instruction, including hospital fees and 10s. 6d. registration fee at the beginning of each session: First winter session, five guineas; second, five guineas; third, five guineas; fourth and afterwards, one guinea. First, second, and third summer sessions, X-212s. 6d. ; fourth session and afterwards, .8212s. 6tZ. Perpetual fee, .810 10s., payable in two instalments. Malcolm Exhibition : A sum of £400 has been vested in trustees by the widow of A. G. Malcolm, M.D., the interest of which is appropriated as an exhibition, to be competed for annually in May by the students attending this hospital. SIR PATRICK DuN’s HOSPITAL. Consulting Physician : Dr. W. Stokes. Consulting Surgeon : Dr. R. Adams. The Clinical Lectures in Medicine and Surgery are delivered by-Physicians : Dr. R. Law, Dr. Wr. Moore, Dr. Aquilla Smith, Dr. E. B. Sinclair. Surgeons : Dr. R. W. Smith, Dr. Ed. H. Bennett, Dr. R. G. Butcher, Dr. Thos. E. Little. Hospital fee for twelve months, including nine months’ Clinical Lectures, £99s. CARMICHAEL SCHOOL OF ANATOMY, MEDICINE, AND SURGERY, North Brunswick-street, Dublin.-Premiums to the value of .860 are awarded at the end of the session; and the Mayne Scholarship, value £15, will be given for proficiency in purely Practical Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy, as tested by clinical examinations in the hospitals, as well as by operations and dissections on the subject. Dr. Corley, Registrar, 30, Lower Baggot-street, Dublin. RICHMOND (SURGICAL), WHITWORH (MEDICAL), AND HARDWICKE (FEVER) HOSPl’l’ALS, North Brunswick-street, Dublin. - These hospitals contain 312 beds, and have attached to them the Carmichael School of Medicine, a new building, with large dissecting-rooms, museums, and where lectures are given on all the different branches of Medicine and Surgery. Two clinical lectures are delivered in each week, in addition to the usual bedside instruction, which is given daily by the physicians and surgeons. Practical Pharmacy is taught under the superintendence of the apothecary of the hospitals. Eight resident clinical clerks and the dressers are selected each half-year from among the best qualified of the pupils, without the payment of any additional fee. Eight interns will be appointed on the 1st November, and provided with furnished apartments, fuel,
Murney, and