Bol~k Rev,cw,,
Theory o1' Fog Condea.,mtion A (3 AMeLIN (Irl Russlarl) Kh,miya, Moscow, 1972.
~rd E'drl Rev,,~ed and enlarged Izdalel',,Ivo
Tl-~ ~,e,..'ond edtlion ~d IIits work was published ,n 19hh arid, a year laler, an E ngh:,h Iran,dalion h',, Ihe Israel ProKramrri¢ I~,~r ~%.',enld~¢ Translal,ons appeared The new ed,l,on Inllows Ibe ~.;ame arrangerrienl a,., Ihe previous one wtlh minor add,hons and ,.,nine new relerence,, T'her¢ are seven Cllapler,.i. 'The i~r'.~l cover'., Ihe Kelvin eql.lallon and conden'.,al,~.m Iheory, including ralcs ol nuclealu~,n and conderi;,alion 'The ~,econd ~.'liapler i,~ devoled I1~ c~~ltn~ by adiabalJ~.' expansion, Ihe *.'h.)ud chamber and radioacl,ve cool,ng. (.?lJapler If, tee deals wilh condennal,on due Io ILu'bulenl m,xmg ol gas arid vapour and chapler I\~ur w,th Ihe producl,on of '.,uper,;alural,~n by d,ITus,on, ,ncludmg a br,el' accounl ol a d,tTu.,.,,on chamber E'ngmeenng apphcalion,., appear m chapler five where Ihe cause ~d' ,.,uper,.,aluralu~n and log Iormah~m in pipes, boundary laver.,, and c~mdensalion ,.m '.,ohd ~,urface~ ,~ slud,ed In ,rome detatl, Ihe pr~'aulions necen~ry I'c~r II=e prevenlion ol log h~rmahon in '-,pray lowers; and bubbler.',; are cons,dered Chemical fobF., are Ih¢ subjecl of chapler !,ix, wh,ch r~ again mduslrv,.dlv or,enled and include.'., Ihe form al,on ol colloidal s,lica, ~arbum black and alumin,um o~=de Sulphur,c ac,d-~,ulphur Ir,oxide '.;yslem',] arc d,scu',,scd In ,.,om¢ delail and Iher¢ ,~ an accounl of nephelomelr,c melhods of prc~.-es.,.,conlrol 'l"l=e tinal chapler ,s concerned will'i Ibe particle .s,ze and concenlralu~n ~~1'I'og,., and Ih¢,r eonlrol, bL~lh ,n proces~,~ when they are unwanled and al.',,o ,n ca~es, ,.~uch as med,cal aerosol'..; and pesl,clde% where Ihe d,,,per.,.;e system ,s Ih¢ e.ssenl,al means of apphcahon The append,c~.~ now mclude an enlarged lable ol vapour pr¢.~,.,ur¢,,, ,.,aluralion dala Ior 9h ~ per cenl ',;ulphunc ac,d and con,,tanl~, Ior various vapours from O Io 8tX)"C (' N Davtes ~'rubber Handbook, Vol I SEI','M(.~UrC ~ v e r t , JHUDA G~,LD~IVur), DavIt} L.[BtH and Dt[te ME.HI"a pp. ~xix ÷ 7q4 C'yclo;:,tyle, hmp cover. $1 1 '~O Nal,onal 'T'echmcal Infrt, rmal,on ,~q...~rv14.'e,I_1 S Depl ol' (.'ommerce, Spr,nt,dield, Virg,nta, 221'=il, LI S A , Iq'72 THIS volume I~, Ih¢ resull ol a sludy hi' wel ,,~.rubber,., ~p(t,n,~,ored by Ihe F"nvlronmenlal Pr,L)IcL'IIOn Agen~.y and is followed by a linaJ report and biblio~aphy tn Vol II I'Prtee Sh) II Lon,.,isls of 1'2 chaplers, wh,ch are paged separalely 'They cover ba_s~csvienltfic concepls, rriclhod,, ol design, performance, cosl analyst,., and wa.sle drspo;,al Mucl= ~'d' Ibe book deals wtlh Ihe mass fransler ol gases bul Ihere are ,.;elehons on part,tie '.,eparalion rn Ibe fw~) ba.stc chapler,.~ T'eD distmcl lypes ol wel '.;crubber are defined and Iheir perlormanc¢ aga,nsf parl,cles ,s ,ndtcaled in general Ierms. One hundred and Ihirly Iwo commercially avadabl¢ ~"Tubbers are h,.,led. 'There is an index o1' LJ S palenls Ior ~crubbmg ,,yslems go,ng back Io 18gl Over I'=alf Ihe ehapler on ba.~,c concepl'., u.,'concerned w,lh aero.~ol,,, Log normal ~.,tzedi~lr,bul,on, ,Sloke~' law of lall, C'urmmgham correclion, Browman molion, dilTu.~,on, eleclr,c f.:har/,.,',qng,drfTu,,.,,opl'iores,s, pholo phore'.,,'.,, II'=erm~~phores,.,.,,coagulal,on and evaporahOn are briefly de~,cribed and Ih¢ formulae are quoled 'T'hese are drawn upon m Ihe ~cllon which hsl,,, uri,I mechanism.~ for pa.rlicle separal,on---collecl,on by drops, cyl,nders, bubbles, mler,or su.rl'ace,., of ptp¢,., and I,qu,d )el~. T'be eI-T~'I,~ of pressure and lemperalur¢ upon II'=e basic mechanism=',, are evalualed In Ibe following chapler, on de,.~agu, Ibe un,I mccha.n,.,.,m,., are filled inlo a ~er,e'.; ~'~1spec,fic lype.,., ol scrubber and Ihe appropr,ale des,/,.,m ¢qual,ons lu,r Ibe crtlical para melers are Iormulaled The var,ely cd scrubbing sy.~lems ava,lable h) Ih¢ chen-i,cal engineer ,~, remarkable and Ihere ,,,; no doubl Ihal Ihis book i,.; a mosl valuable guide Io Ibe de~,gn o1' planl and Ibe evalualton of ,Is performance (" N Davi[.~