Sixth European seminar and exhibition on computer-aided molecular design
Announcements Sixth European Seminar and Exhibition on Computer-Aided Molecular Design 5th/6th O c t o b e r 1989, L o n d o n Press Centre, U K ...
Announcements Sixth European Seminar and Exhibition on Computer-Aided Molecular Design 5th/6th O c t o b e r 1989, L o n d o n Press Centre, U K Interest in computer-aided molecular design lS booming, and the pace of progress shows no sign of slackening in either industry or academia The subject is so fast-mowng that regular updating on the most recent developments is essential, and is amply provided by this meeting, the sixth in a successful series The meeting and accompanying exhibition will prowde a forum for discussion and display of the latest novelties in both hardware and software, demonstrating that rational design of molecules has become a reality
The Platelet in Health and Disease 24th/25th O c t o b e r 1989, Royal College o f Physicians, L o n d o n This meeting will bring together experts from a variety of backgrounds to discuss the latest e~ldence for the role that platelets play in both health and disease Although well estabhshed as participants in haemostasls and disorders such as thrombosis and atherosclerosls, there is now a growing recognition that the platelet has both additional physiological and pathophyslologlcal roles Where possible, the meeting will attempt to identify new avenues for drug development based on current knowledge of platelet function
Drug Delivery and Drug Targeting Systems: latest advances 30th N o v e m b e r / 1 st D e c e m b e r 1989, Royal Lancaster Hotel, L o n d o n New delivery systems for pharmaceuticals continue to captivate international interest a constant flow of patents and pubhcatlons attests to the technical advances being made, while the emergence of new companies and hcenslng agreements underhnes the commercial prospects This meeting will cover the latest advances in the field, from novel concepts to new practical developments, with emphasis on clinical aspects, including both possible advantages and potential pitfalls Speakers will also cover registration and marketing of these novel devices- and a concurrent trade exhibition wdl allow direct contact with the many groups already involved in this field