Slopes Se~ also abstcacts: ~79,565,569.
537 HUA~NG,TH UNIV. KENTUCKY, LF.XL-NGTON, USA ATERY, C]4 TP~IV .KE~I~JC~C~,L~INGTON,USA Stability of slopes by logs,~ifPnnie-splral method. hF, IT,8R: J. GEOTEC].4.E~GNG DIV .ASCE,VI02, GT1, JAN., 1976, P41- h9. A logarlthmlc.splr~l method programmed for a computer is presented for determining the factor of safety of a simple slope. The method differs from T~loz's in that the friction angle of the logarithmic spiral is not a constant but varies with the factor of safety. The method yields a factor of safety with respect to st~=ngth, instead of that with respect to cohesion. Furthermore, the inability of T~kylor's method to obtain a factor of safety, when the slope s~gle is smaller than the angle oi' internal friction of the soil, is circumvented. The result of this study sho~s thmt th_o factor of safety for a simple slope can be determined effectively by the logarithmicspiral method. It was found that the factor of safety obtained from the logarithmlc-spiral method checked mlosely with that from the IC~.LEASE computer program, based on the simplified Bishop method, as well as from the finite element program developed by the U.S .Bureau of Mines. Auth.
538 GIGER, MW ILL. INST. T~DCH.,CHICAGO, USA ~R IZ~[, RJ NORTIT~T. UNI., ~IANS'IDN, ILL., USA Stability of vertical corner cut with concentrated surcharge load. 6F,4R. J. GEOTECH. F~GNG DIV. ASC E, Vl02, GT~, JAN, 1976, P31- 40. The upper bolind theorem of the generalized theory of perfect plasticity has been employed to estimate the stability of a vertical cut with a variable corner Bugle; the driving forces are the self-weight of the soll comprising the back-slope and a concentrated surcharge load that acts in the vertical plane of symmetry of the cut. The solution is based on a three-dlmensional collapse mechanism in which the failure plane is allowed to pas~ through or a b ~ e the tos of the cut, and results involving the f~uucticmal relationship between the critical surcharge lo~d snd a normalized distance are presented are presented graphically in dimensionless form. The critical surcharge load was found to vary nonllnearly with respect to normalized distance from the corner, the friction angle# and the normalized height of the cut. Auth.
539 GIGER,Hd RAYMOND, JK Stability ~nalysis of vertical cut with variable corner eagle. SOILS FOUND.V15, N2,1975, P63-71. The stability of a ~ertical' cut with a variable corner angle is analysed by use of the upper bound theorem o~ the generalized theory of perfect plasticity. A three- dlmension~l collapse mech~uism, symmetric in the vertical plane bisecting the eocnec opening, is assumed. Quantitative results are presented graphicallcf and the pbiysical meaning 8nd general implication of these results are discussed. Included in the generalized appros,ch is the special case where the corner angle is equal to one hundred and eighty degrees, for which a solution exists. Auth.
54O M.~GOWN, A UNIV. STRAYHCLYDE, GIASGOW, GB R.a/~AN, A UNIV. S T R A ~ C LYDE, GLASCKT~, GB Cutting slopes In fissured Scottish boulder clay. 13F, 2T, 18R. PROC.2ND INT.CONGRESS, IAEG,SAO PAULO,197h,PAP~Z]R V-8, V2,197~, 9P. Failures have occured in a number of cutting slopes in fissured Scottish boald~ ~ clay. Investigations of the
fissure distribution and orientation revealed that they were arranged in definite geometric patterns ~nd that a relationship between fissure patterns, direction of ice flo-# and topography of the existing ground surface exists. In the cases studied, failures were found to take place •#here the fissure patterns were sympa+/aetically oriented with respect to the cutting slope. Auth. 5hl R.~MOS,JM COMPAN~IA VALE DO RIO DOCE, ITABIRA,BR ABRAO,PC G~T~X~,H~IICA S.A.SAO PAT~,~R GULM~RAES,PF COMP~NHIA VALE DO RIO DOC~,ITABIRA,~R Slope stability studies at CVRD CAUE mine. Itabira, Brazil. 5F, 9~. PROC. 2LVD LNT. CONGRESS IAEG, SAO PA'Y~O,197 i, P A P ~ V_ 2 h , V2,1974,1OP. This paper deals with the slope stability works being performed at Cs~e Mine, Compszahia Vale do Rio Doze, Itabira, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil with special reference to the investigation phase. The Caue Mine is sa iron ore open pit of high grsde hematite and ItaOirite. It has a Syncline form sad the final slopes are cut on hard ~ud weathered schists and qua~tzites. Investigations such as geoological-geotechnioal mapping, laboratory tests, subsurface exploration - drillings, pits, adit-piezometers, weatherability tests and blasting vibration meastt~aments are presented as -#ell as the criteria s~opted for the stabilization desi@~, which have been cut to slopes ~nd berms in the barren materials. Auth. 5~2 K~/I~fER, kX Rr]HR.UNIV., BOCHUM, D Analytical methods for rock slope s~n~lysis. 6F, IR~. LNT .CENT.MECH. SCI .UDINE, ITALY, 197 b ,COUPLES & LFCI~E? NO. 165, SPR INGEP_ VERLAG, 197h, P198- 211. The limit-equilibrlum method Baud its application to rock slopes is discussed. Rapid design methods - Bray's circular failure analysis ~nd Hoek's design ~harts for pl~ae and circulsr failure sre briefly summarized.
543 KI/I~ER, HK RUHB.UNIV., BOCHUM, D Mechs.nisms of slope failure other thsca pure sliding ~ e phenomena of toppling and buckling are discussed, bF, ~.p. INT.C~IT.MECH.SCI .UDINE, ITALY, 197b, COLrP-SES p, LFCIX]R~? NO .165, SPRINGER. VERLAG, 1075, P21 b_ 21Q. -
5hh JOHN, KW RUHR_ UNIV. BOCHUM, D Graphical methods for slope stability analysis. 14F,16R. INY.C~TT.MECH.SCI.UDINE, ITALY,1974,COURS~ & LECTURES NO. 165, SPR ING~R. VERLAG, 197~, P222 - 239. 545 KALE, SM TRUDINGER, JP Slope stability investigations at the ~.~.Whaleback iron ore mine, Western Australia. S. AUSTRALIA CONF .AUS. IMM, TKEBARTON, S .A., 1975.
546 NASC I M ~ , U LAB .NAC .DE ~ G ~ . CIVIL, LISBON, P FALCAo, JC LAB .NAC.DE ENG,. CIVIL, LISBON, P PINELO, A LAB .NAC.DE ~ G ~ . CIVIL, LISBON,P Exte~sometric rods in slope observation. 7F, IR. PROC.2ND INT.CONGRESS IAEG, SAO PALTLO,1974,PAP~R V-20, V2,1974, 7P. A brief account is given of techniques currently used at LNEC for observing slope displacements, experience gathered in this field being ~ i z e d . A description is made of the extemsometric rod technique and some instances of slope observation through this technique are reported. Results obtained are presented as well as some aspects in which this technique is defective. Auth.