Abstracts for Card Indexa
Excitability blockade of the squid giant axon by the venom of Latrodectus macrons (Black Widow spider) : R. GRUENER, Toxicon, 11, 155 (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85724, U.S.A.). Abedract-Extennal and inten~al application of Zatrodectus maclons venom (l x 10'' g/mn to the squid giant axon resulted in complete but reversbk loss of excitability. Venom application resulted in a marked shortening of action potential duration with consequwt reduction in amplitude and eventual failure. Sodium and potassium conductances were not signiScantly affocted but their kinetics were markedly altered. The onset of the inward sodium current and its inactivation were accelerated, resulting in a reduction of the inward-going current phase duration . The onset of the outward potassum current was markedly aoxlerated and its amplitude slightly incrs~. These kinetic changes result in the reduction to a critical level of inward current flow resulting in the loss of excitability.
Some pharmacological properties of the venom of the scorPionftsh Scorpaena guttata: R . W . CARLSON, R . C. SCHAEFF~t, JIt., H. WxICIIAtK, M. H. WEir, and F. E. RLJSSIEIL, Toxicon, 1973, 11, 167. (Laboratory of Neurological Research and Shock Research Unit, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.) A6atr~ad-Labile components of California scorpionßah venom produced marked resphatory and hanodynamic changes in cats, rabbits and dogs. The venom affaxs respiratory rate, causes brorrchooonatriction and pulmonary edema; large doses cause respiratory arrest . The vwom products arterial hypotension within 15 sac, followed by a period of increased pressure. The hypotension rspr+eaenta a mßjor distributive defect of blood volume in the peripheral circuit due to a defect in arterial resistance most Irkely due to the ukase of endogenoua soetykiroline . This effect can be inhibited by pretreatment with atropine . Other prominent altaatiana include puhna®ary artery hypertension, ekvatien of left ventriwlar end-diastolic prssaure, portal vinous hypertension, ECCi changes, elevation of the packed cell volume and initial sugmeatation of ayatemic venous return. It is most likely that the venom acts through a combination of direct adiama, neurogenic reflex mechanisms and effaxa induced by the liberation of sutopharmarnlogical substances.
Effects of hydrocortisone and polyvalent antivenin on the histological changes in the lung after Naja nigricollis envenomation : A. H. Mo1~luEn, N. N. Y. New~It Bad FATMA A. MOxAMm, TOxicort, 19'73, 11, 181. (Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.) Abatraat-The efforts of repeated igjectiona of N. rrigricollls venom on the lung tissue of albino mix have been studied. The venom resulted in exudatlon, haemorrhegea and emphysematous changes in the alveoli of the burg, as well as perlbronchial i~ltratiama of iymphocytes and plasma xlJs . Oedematous changes were obfervod in the blood vessel walls. These lesions wore prevented by the treatment of the venom with anti-soako-vaaom serum, but wens wily ameliorated when hydr+ooortisone was igjected with the venom. 7~OYICON 1973 YoL II .