Oceanographic: Abstracts
d. freedom from environment e. low cost. Thermoelectric generators now being developed for various go',ernment agencie,~, gl~e gloat promise towards fulfilling these requirements. Before describing these new developments 1 ~ot~lc! like to briefly provide some background in thermoelectricity. BARNES, H., 1962. Note on variations in the release of nauplii of Balanus balanoi, h'~ ~ith N~ccJa reference to the spring diatom outburst Crustaceana, 4 (2): 118122. Balanus balanoides h~lt seine Larven in der Mantelh6hle des Adultus zuriick Image nachdcm ic bensfiihige Nauplien v o n d e r herauspr~.parierten Eimasse erhalten werden k6nnen. Diese Retention seheint in Verbindung zu stehen mit einer Synchronie zwischen Nauplienentlassung und Friihjahrs datomeenbliiteli mit entsprechendem Uberlebenswert ffir die nahrungsaufnehmendeu, freilebenden Planktonstadien. Freitandbeobachtungen und Experimcnte machen wahrscheinlich, dass de~ Schliipfstimulus tiber eine Substanz vermittelt wird. v,elche bei Wiederaufnahme intensiver t:resst~itig. keit im Friihling von3 Adultus produziert wird. lm einzelnen variiert der Entlassungsmechanismus und seine Beziehung zur Diatomeenproduktion jedoch yon Jahr zu Jahr. Angesichts der Schwierigkeiten synoptische Daten fiir eine ganze Reihe ver~hiedener Situationen zu erhalten und gleichzeitig allc m6glicben Umweltqualit~iten zu registrieren, werden einige Einzelheiten fiber die in Millpori, Schot land, w/ihrend eines Zeitabschnittes yon 17 Jahren angetroffenen Verh~iltnisse pr~isentiert. Gew6hnlich ist die Synchronie mit der Diatomeenzunahme i.iberraschend eindeutig, wobei dic Tiere der oberen Kiistenregion zeitlich yon denen der unteren Region liegen. Verz6gerung in der Diatomeenzunahme ist hfiufig gekoppelt mit einer Verz6gerung in der Nauplienentlassung. Letzterc kann jedoch stattfinden wenn die Diatomeesbliite stark verspiitet eintritt, und zwar nach oll'cnba~ geringffigiger Stimulation ; die Tiere der oberen und unteren Kiistenregion kOnnen dann ihre Nauplien gleichzeitig entlassen. Stimulation durch erneute Nahrungsaufnahme ist normal aber nicht obligatorisch; es ist nur eine Facette der Nauplienentlassung. BAYER, F. M. 1962. Pogonophora in the western Atlantic Ocean. Science, 137 !353 ~ o70. The occurrence of pogonophoran worms of the genus Siboglinum off the east coast of Florida ~s reported. Their presence in association with pennatulids is noted, and compared with a similar instance in the Bering Sea. This association is probably due to similar ecological requirements Bt~., ALLAN W. H., 1962. Quantitative multiple opening-and-closing plankton sampler=
Sci. Instrum., lnstrttm. Sot...4mer., Plenum Press, N.Y.. 1: 156-162. Two quantitative opening-and-closing plankton samplers are described for serial sampling of zooplankton in the upper IOO0 m of water. The Multiple Plankton Sampler (MPS) is designed for towing at three depth ranges ( 0 - 1 0 0 m ; 100-250 m: and 250-500m) in the upper 500m, and the Bathypelagic Sampler (BPS) is intended for simultaneous towing in the more sparsely populated 500-1000 m depths BERSAMIN, S. V., S. V. LARON, k. R. GONZALES, and R. B. BANANIA, 1962. Some ~aweeds consumed fresh in the Philippines, Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, FAO, Proc., 9th Sess.~ (2/3): 115-119. Utilization of seaweeds directly as human fo6d is well-known in the Philippines. Among the species commonly used are Acanthopora, Caulerpa, Codium, Gracilaria, Hydroclathrus, Laurencia, Porphyra and Sargassum. The seaweeds are used raw or blanched mostly as a salad vegetable. BOLSTER, G. C., 1962. The influence of wind and tide on the catch by drift nets in the East Anglian herring fishery 1952-1956. J. Cons. Int. E~vplor. Met. 27 (2): 150-161. 1. The average catches of drifters in the part of the East Anglian fishery where the main direction of tidal flow is north and south are compared for nights when the wind direction is ' across ' and • in line ' with the direction of tidal flow. In all years between 1952 and 1956 where comparison is possible the average catch is higher on " across ' nights than on ' in line ' nights. 2. In investigating the tidal phenomena relating to this fishery, the coincidence of p.m. ('i~ ii Twilighi --" the Close '--with the time of low water slack tide on nights of the full and new moons in pointed out. The significance of this in relation to the area of sea swept by the fleet of drift nets is discussed, and the average catch of" across ' nights in relation to strength and duration of tidal flow is examined BRAWN, V. M., 1962. Physical properties and hydrostatic function of the swimbladder of herring
(Clupea harengus L.). J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canad., 19 (4): 635-656. Living herring at a depth of adjustment had a mean sinking factor of 1003, density of 1.026 g;n~_i, relative sensitivity of 0-8 and percentage swimbladder volume of 4.2. Neutral buoyancy was attained at a mean pressure reduction of 5-5°~j from the adjusted pressure. Swimbladder gas was under au average excess pressure of 1 cm Hg. Gas was released through the posterior swimbladder duct during pressure reduction in 105 out of 109 herring observed. Gas release occurred at a mean pressure decrease of 6% in rapidly swimming herring, at 32 ° , in moderately swimming fish and brought the herring to within 19'~';~of perfect adjustment to a new reduced pressure within half an hour. Herring could compensate for their increased buoyancy during pressure decrease until this was reduced by