Metal Injection Moulding on the Up in Europe stainlesssteel watch cases which are in commercial production, and parts such as missile fins. Sintermetallwerlc Krebsoge GmbH, of Radevormwald, Germany, also showed MetalPowderReportsome of the MIM parts it is producing commerciallyat its facility, and these included soft magnetic yokes for the heads of computer printers, a component for a copying machine, and a componentforthe tremeloofan electricguitar.
Whilst the sales of metal injection moulded (MIM) components produced in Europe are lagging somewhat behind those of North America and Japan, there would appear to be considerable interest in the market place for such MIM products, hence the abounding optimism among the companies which have already entered MIM production as to the success of their new operations.MetalPowderReport tookthe opportunitytodiscusstrends in this new technology with some of the exhibitors at PM90 held at FIG. 2 Extruder used to produce feedstock (metal powders mixed with Wembley. a wax/polymer binder) for meta injection moulding RoyalOrdnanceSpecialtyMetalsLtd (RDSM) ofWolverhampton in the UK RDSM's sales/marketing executive, Metal Group Ltd in Ipswich. The was among the first European told MetalPowderReport that two of companyreportedat PM90 that it has companies to enter MIM through a the three components originally 3 to 4 MIM parts madefromstainless licensing agreement with Degussa in selected for MIM are now in steel and Kovar alloy close to Germany to develop tooling and commercial production on the commercial production in a production know-how for three Kleckner Ferromatik FM40 injection dedicated plant at Ipswich which components for the new SABO rille moulding machine. These are the currently contains two Arberg using feedstock based on nickelsteel extractor used to extract spent injection moulding machines of 25 powders. Jonathan P. Fennell, cartridges fromthe gun [Fig.t] which and 45 tonsclampingforce- the latter successfully replaced an investment with CNC control, an air debinding casting,and a magazine catch.Several furnace and a vacuum sintering other parts are, however, said to be furnace. The company also reported that with the current level of 'very under development. RDSM is statedtohaveinvestedsome positive' enquiries for MIM parts, it £350,000 in state-of-the-art will only be a questionof timebefore equipmentused to prepare feedstock production capacity is expanded for MIM (torque rheometer, twin further. Ultra fme stainless steel screw extruder, Turbular shaker powders are being purchased from mixer, kneeder, granulating system, the company's North American UltraFine Powder and pelletiser), and in addition to associate supplying its own needs, the Technology Inc. company is now also offering to FBFC International SA of Dessel, supply feedstock to other companies Belgium· a company perhaps beller for small sample batches or for known as a manufacturer of uranium volume production to specific oxide fuel elements for the nuclear requirements. RDSM's extruder for fuel industry - is diversifying its feedstock production is shown in productbaseand has earmarked MIM as an area with potentialgrowth.The Fig.2 FIG. 1 MIM extractor component Another UK company active in MIM company showed some of its MIM produced at ROSM for use in the SASOrifle is the Manganese Bronze Powder components at PM90 including
FIG. 4 Injection moulding machine and sintering furnace at the FBFCInternational MIM facility in Dessel, Belgium
One of the highlights of the PM90 exhibition held at Wembley was the stand of the All-Union Institute of Light Alloys in Moscow, Soviet Union, which underlined the extent to which isostatic pressing, and especiallyhot isostaticpressing (HIP) has advancedin the countryin recent years. Professor Dleg H. Fatkullin, deputy director of the Institute, told Metal Powder Report that both researchand development and actual production is carried out using a number ofin-houseHIPsystems with the largesthavinga working diameter of 1100 rnm, height of 2200 rnm, and
stand,whichappearedtobeoneofthe most popular of the 1990 International PM Exhibition, included nickel-base PM superalloy partssuch as shaftsand turbine discs ofwhich'severalthousand' weresaid to be in service in some 10 different types of jet engines used in military
FIG. 3 Selection of the MIM components under development at Manganese Bronze
Soviet PM HIP Technology on Show at PM90 iscapableofpressures up to2000bars at temperatures of 1250C. He stated that there were now more than 100 HIPsystems in operationin theSoviet Union, although many of these were only small and used primarily for researchand development purposes. The Light Alloys Instituteis also said
to have facilities to produce 'superclean' metalpowdersusing the rotating electrode process for titanium alloys, plasma rotating electrode process for nickel based superalloys and ferrous alloys, and gasatomization foraluminiumalloys. H!Ped PM products on the Soviet
MPR July/August 1990
tailored for the hub, blades and outer rim. Perhaps the most novel HIPed product on display was a church bell made from a nickel-base powder, but the institute is also producing bells from titanium alloy powder. The largest bell HIPed to date is said to weigh over 1 tonne. A range of metallic filtersmade by cold isostatic pressing was also on show.
FIG. 1 HIPed PM superolloy parts on the stand ofthe All-Soviet Institute ofUght Metals including the shaft (left) and tutbitie disc [tight} already in use in Soviet aircraft engines .
FIG. 2 Further selection of HlPed I'M components developed and produced at the Light Metals Institute in Moscow and civil aircraft. Also exhibited was alarge (greater than 1 m diameter) PM superalloy combustion chamber
The All-Union Institute of Light Metalsalso gave demonstrations of a new PC-based computer program
which has been developed specifically forthe designof capsules and container shapes used to produce near net shapes by HIPing. and surprisingly but not totally unexpected it is offering to share in the useofthis softwarewith the West. HIP technology is finding applications in the Soviet Astrakan oil fields where the inner surfaces of large 'christmas-tree' shaped valves made fromcast or forged steel areclad with specially developed corrosion resistant Ni-Al·Mo·\V powders. At present some 100 tonnes/year of HIPedvalve body parts are made for oil field applications.
HIPed to near net shape with a toleranceon the OD ofthe chamber of only 1 mm, and an impeller with the shaft made from PM steel and the outer portionmadefroma PM Ni-base superalloy. The impeller is used in a pump for the new Soviet shuttle spacecraft. A number of other composite HIPed products were on display including a We-Co/steel extrusion die, a nickel-steel rotor. a molybdenum-titanium mirror for telescopes. and a turbine disc with integral ' blades made from three FIG. 3 Cold isostatically pressed filters different gradesof superalloy powder
GAS A TOMISENS WATER A TOMISERS FLEXIB LE GAS/WA TER A TOM I S ERS N & f) UN I TS 1-5 00kg PRODUCTIO N UNITS IT/yr-IOT/hr S PECIAL CO NSUMABLES SERVICE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT SER VICE SA MPLE PROD UCTIO N I kg- IT M ODERN ISA TI O N S ERVI CE Davy McKee provides a serYice 10 cusromer» in '()cOllnlrie s orollndIhe world. rhe Powder /~elollllrgy di vision exists 10 serve allin vo/, din prodllcing orp rocessing melalpo wa'" rs. No prohlem 100 smolt no pro/'ect 100 hig. Contad: John DlInK/ey General 1,,/ona9 0r - PowderMelallvrgy Division
MPR July/August 1990
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