Special Problems of anesthesia in infants

Special Problems of anesthesia in infants

BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 748 strychnine poisoning in the case of an 18-year-old girl (Heidrich, Ibe and Klinge, 1969), and recently by Jackson,...

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748 strychnine poisoning in the case of an 18-year-old girl (Heidrich, Ibe and Klinge, 1969), and recently by Jackson, et al. (1971) in the case of a 13-monthold child. Administration of this drug by intravenous administration induces muscle relaxation within 2 minutes and has a long-lasting effect on the contractions. These qualities, and its large safety margin and lack of any respiratory or circulatory depression even after very large doses, recommend its use as a drug of choice in strychnine poisoning.


Une petite fille de 20 mois, ayant accidentellement avale une grande quantite de comprimes laxatifs contenant de la strychnine, a ete traitee avec succes a l'aide de diazepam. Diazepam semble etre le medicament de choix pour l'empoisonnement par strychnine en raison de ses excellentes propri£t£s anticonvulsives et sa large marge de securite. DIAZEPAM BEI DER BEHANDLUNG DER STRYCHNINVERGIFTUNG ZUSAMMENFASSUNG



Una nifia de 20 meses quien ingiri6 accidentalmente una gran cantidad de tabletas laxantes que contenian estricnina fue tratada con exito con diacepam. El diacepam parece ser el medicamento de election para el envenenamiento por estricnina a causa de sus excelentes propiedades anticonvulsivas combinadas con su amplio margen de seguridad.

BOOK REVIEWS Year Book of Anesthesia 1971. Editor in Chief: James E. Eckenhoff. Published by Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago. Distributed in the United Kingdom and Europe by Lloyd-Luke, London. Pp. 406; illus; indexed; Price: £5.85. As always this volume covers all the aspects of anaesthesia. The editors are however particularly to be commended on the very widely ranging selection they have chosen for abstract. For example subjects like acute medical care, inhalation therapy are dealt widi at some length. A section on trauma is separate from that on shock. One particularly interesting section is entitled "The Informed Anesthesiologist". It deals with subjects as diverse as brain metabolism in experimental uraemia, betaadrenergic receptor hyper-responsiveness, implaptable nuclear powered pacemakers and electrical hazards in the operating room. Nearly all the summaries of articles are followed by pithy comments, though the editor has allowed his colleagues to extend their activities in this direction beyond the single sentence or so which used to be found in previous volumes. The pithiness, however, remains. The team from the Northwestern University of Chicago who have produced this volume under the able editorship of Dr Eckenhoff has, as previously, done an excellent job and this Year Book like its predecessors is heartily commended to all anaesthetists who wish to be up to date. A. R. Hunter

Special problems of anesthesia in infants. By Zdzislaw Rondio. Published by the Polish Medical Publishers, (PZWL), Warsaw, (1971). Pp. 147. No index. Price $4.75. This book has been produced for the National Library of Medicine, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare by the Polish Medical Publishers and written by Dr Rondio of the Department of Pediatric Anesthesia, Warsaw, Poland. It is to be regretted that the final version of the text has been allowed to appear without adequate editing. The continental flavour of expression gives the impression, probably quite erroneously, that the book has been hastily prepared with too little checking, so that grammatical and other minor errors are most noticeable. The author is obviously thoroughly acquainted with the subject and there is a useful bibliography of just under 400 references at the back of the book. It is difficult to judge for whom this book is intended. With only 147 pages, it is by no means a comprehensive text and without an index, it cannot be used as a source of reference. The book must therefore be regarded as an introduction to the problems of paediatric anaesthesia with particular emphasis on the differences that exist between the infant and the adult. The postgraduate student will find a great deal of information about the various aspects of paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia in particular. In view of its limitations, even if this book can only serve to whet the appetite for more detailed knowledge it will have achieved a worthwhile objective. Gordon H. Bush

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Bradley, K.; Eastern, D. M., and Eccles, J. C. (1953). An investigation of primary or direct inhibition. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 122, 474. Esplin, D., and Zablocka-Esplin, B. (1970). Central nervous system stimulants; chap. 18 p. 348, in The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 4th edn. (L. Goodman and A. Gilman, eds.) New York: Macmillan. Femi-Pearse, D. (1966). Experience with diazepam in tetanus. Brit. med. J., 11, 862. Heidrich, H., Ibe, K., and Klinge, D. (1969). Akute Vergiftung unit Strychnin-n-Oxydhdrochlorid (Movellan-Tabletten) und ihre behandlung mit Diazepam. Arch. Toxikol., 24, 188. Jackson, G., Ng, S. H., Diggle, G. E.3 and Bourke, J. (1971). Strychnine poisoning treated successfully with diazepam. Brit. med. J., 3, 519.

Bei einem 20 Monate alten Madchen, das versehentlich eine grosse Anzahl von Tabletten eines Strychnin-haltigen Laxans eingenommen hatte, wurde eine erfolgreiche Behandlung mit Diazepam durchgefuhrt. Diazepam scheint bei der Strychninvergiftung wegen seiner ausgezeichneten anticonvulsiven Eigenschaften und seines grossen Sicherheitsbereiches das Mittel der Wahl zu sein.