Adolescent and Pediatric
Subject Index to Volume 5 (Al-Abstract ACTH stimulation te stin g, 13 Adolescence , 193 Adolescent hyperandrogen ism, 97(A ), 97(A), 97(A) , 97(A) , 105(A) , 105(A ), 105(A), 105(A), 106(A), 106(A ), 106(A) , 106(A), 107(A) , 107(A), 107(A), 107(A) Anog en ital finding s , 73 Asthma , 63 Atel ec ta sis , 63 Birth outcome, 32 Chemotherapy , 21 Con gen ital, adrenal hyperpl asia, 98(A ), 98(A), 98(A), III(A) , 112(A), 112(A), 112(A), 112(A ), II3(A) Conse rvati ve surgery , 21 Contracept ion , 115(A ), 104(A) , l04 (A), 104(A ), I35(A ), 136(A ), 136(A), 136(A), 136(A), I37(A) , 137(A), 137(A ) Croup, 63 Current problems in ped iat ric gynecology , 102(A ), 103(A) , 103(A), I32(A), 132(A), I32 (A), 132(A), 133(A), 133(A) , I33(A) , I33(A), 134(A) Cystic fibrosis, 63 Dep o-pr ov era, 155 Differen tial diagnosis , 3 Eating disorders and spo rts , 99(A) , 99(A), 100(A ), IOO(A), I I3(A), 113(A), 113(A), 114(A), 114(A), 114(A ) Endomet riosis , 3, 193 Ethnicit y , 32 Extra-pelv ic manifestation s, 193 Fetal cyst, 27 Genital neoplasm s , 163 Genital ambiguity and malform ations , 102(A), 102(A), 102(A) Genital infection , 171 Genital injury, 20 I Genital a mbiguity and malformations , 102(A), 102(A), 102(A), 126(A),
126(A), 126(A ), 126(A), 127(A), 127(A ), 127(A), 127(A), 128(A), 128(A), 128(A), 128(A), 129(A), 129(A), 129(A), 129(A), 130(A), 130(A), 130(A), 130(A), I3I (A), 131(A), 131(A), 131(A) Germ ce ll tumor s , 21 Gon ad al d ysgen esis , 39 Gy neco logica l onc ology, 163 H-Y anti gen , 39 Hemoglobin sic kle ce ll disease , 196 Hemoglobinop ath y , 196 Human immunod efic iency vir us , 187 Hygiene, irr igati on, 171 Hymen, 76 Hyperandrogenisrn , 13 Imp erforate hymen , 20 1 In situ hybr idizati on , 39 Leukemia , 177 Malignant tumor s , 163 Mammar y glands , 137(A), 138(A), 138(A), 138(A), 138(A), 139(A) Marker ch rom o somes, 39 Mayer-Rokitan sky-Kuster-H au ser syndrome , 198 Medroxyproge sterone , 155 Neona ta l c yst , 27 O nco logy and tu mor s , 98(A), 98(A) , 98(A) . 108(A), 108(A) , 108(A ). 108(A), 109(A), 109(A l, 109(A), 109(A ), IIO(A), IIO(A), IIO(A), 110(A), 11I( A), 111(A), II I(A ) On cology , 98(A), 98(A), 98(A) Ovarian can cer, 21 Ovarian cy st , 27 O varian, fet al , 21 Ovaria n , neon at al , 27 Ovaria n tum ors , 163, 198 Ovarian neopl asm s. 182 Ovary , 177 Pathological findings , 182 Pel vic ogra ns , maturation , 177 Pel vic , ova ry , 177
Pel vic , uteru s , 177 Pelvic pain , 3 Pneumonia, 63 Polymerase chain re action, 39 Pregnancy, early , 196 Pre operative pulm on ar y a sse ss me nt , 63 Psych ological adj ustme nt , 8 Pubertal maturat ion , 177 Pubert y, 76, lOO(A), IOO(A), IOI(A ), 114(A), 115(A), 115(A), 115(A), lI 5(A), 116(A), 116(A), 116(A), 116(A), 117(A ), II7(A), 117(A). II7(A), 118(A ), 118(A), 118(A), 118(A), 119(A), I 19(A), 119(A), 119(A), 120(A), I20(A) , 120(A), 120(A), 121(A), 12I(A), 121(A) , 121(A), 122(A), 122(A), 122(A), 122(A), 123(A), 123(A), 123(A ), 123(A) Ren al bleeding , 196 Re sp iratory disease s , 63 Se rto li ce ll tumor , 198 Se xu al abu se , 73, 103(A ), 103(A ), 187, 201, 134(A), 134(A), 134(A ), I35 (A) , I35 (A), 135(A) Sexua l adjustment , 8 Sexually transmitted diseases, 101(A), IOI(A), IOI(A), 124(A), 124(A), 124(A), 171, 187, 125(A), 125(A ), 125(A), 125(A) Slotn ick -Goldfarb syndro me , 43 Son ographic monitoring , 177 Sero ido gene sis, 13 Streak ovary , un ilateral, 43 S urvival ra tes, ovar ian ca ncer , 2 1 S yph ilis , 187 Tanner staging, 76 Teenage pregnanc y , 32 Ti ssue expanders , 8 1 Ult ra sound, 27, 177 Vaginal Vagina l Vaginal Vagina l
anomaly, 8 agenesis, 8 douching , 171 reconstruct ion , 81
William s vulvovag inoplast y , 81