Subject index to volume 70

Subject index to volume 70

SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 70 METHODS Theoretical Ciassicai nlechanics atzdjXd theory On the calculation of classical time-correlation matrix”. J.W. All...

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METHODS Theoretical Ciassicai nlechanics atzdjXd theory On the calculation of classical time-correlation matrix”. J.W. Allen and D.J. Diestler



of the “‘Liouville 70 (1982) 241

70 (1982) 189 70 (1982) 199

Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states of H;, Ch. Hager and M. Jungen Medium stabilization of localized Born-Oppenhe’kner states, M. Bixon Tramport and relaratioz ~heom Electronic excited state transport and trapping in one- and two-dimensional disordered systems, R.F. I-oring and A1.D. Fayer Gaseous ion transport coefficients, L.A. Viehland Circulation reactions. IV. Applicability of phenomenological reaction rate constants: a stochastic approach, A.V. Zubkov On the calculation of classical timecorrelation functions: diagonahzation of the “Liouvllle matrix”, J.W. .4!ien and D.3. Diestler

70 (1982) 241

Statistical mechanics of equilibnirm mrd stationav states Multiphoton absorption of SF6 : a numerical analysis of the density-matrix M. Dilonardo, G. Petrocelii and M. Capitelli

70 (1982) 247

70 (1982) 157


Eia~~~*-bod~ approaches Simulation of relaxation by binary collisions: comparison with relaxation in a fluid for bromine in argon, D.L. Jolly, B.C. Freasier, ND. Hamer and S. iL’ordholrn Conlprttatioual methods The challenge of fitting ab initio surfaces. I. figid-rotor C02-H2 potential, C.P. Shukla, AK. Bachhawat and K. Sathyamurthy Simulation of relaxation by binary collisions: comparison with relaxation in a fluid for bromine in argon, D.L. Jolly, B.C. Freasier, N.D. Hamer’and S. Nordholm Gaseous ion transport coefficients, L-4. Viehland A new NDO-type procedure for conjugated non-rigid molecules. I. Ground-state conformations and barriers to internal rotation, F. Momicchioli, I. Baraldi and M.C. Bruni Ccirelation structure-magnetic properties in (Cr20t0) 14- dimeric units: a theoretical approach, M.F. Charlot, 0. Kahn and M. Drillon


70 (1982) 139 70 (1982) 149

70 (1982) 127

70 (1982)


70 (1982) 127 70 (1982) I49 70 (1982) 161 70 (1982) 177

Subject index


TIzeory ofdjnamics and scattering The challenge of fitting ab initio surfaces. I. Rigid-rotor CO+2

potential, C.P. Shukla, A.K. Bachhawat and N. Sathyamurthy Semiclassical analysis of measurements of the total cross section Q and the small-angle differential cross section for CsF-Ar: an accurate method for absolute Q values, J&l. Henrichs, H.C.W. Beijerinck and N.F. Verster Simulation of Doppler profies of atomic radiation excited by molecular dissociation. The effect of population of magnetic sublevels, N. Kouchi, K. Ito, Y. Hatano and N. Oda Theoretical study of the kinetic isotope effect in proton-tzansfer reactions. Influence of &e interaction potential of reactants on the kinetic isotope effect, J. Siihnel and K. Gustav Classical path calculation of differential cross sections for rotational excitation of CO colliding with Da at 87.2 meV, G.D. Billing and L.L. PouIsen Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states of H,, Ch. Nager and M. Jungen Medium stabtiation of localized Born-Oppenheimer states, M. Bion Density and flux analysis for the collinear H + H, reaction, E. PoIIak, J.F. McNutt and R.E. Wyatt On a semiclassical approach to energy transfer by atom/molecule-surface collisions, G.D. Billing

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 105 70 (1982) 109

70 (1982) 119 70 (1982) 189

70 (1982) 199 70 (1982) 207 70 (1982) 223

Experimental Magnetic and electric resonance

Transition probabilities in electron-nuclear double- and multiple-resonance spectroscopy with non-coherent and coherent radio-frequency fields, A. Schweiger and Hs.H. Giinthard



Microwave spectroscopy

Experimental angular velocity correlation functions for CHCI,, B. Janik, J. &ies&ki, M.W. Evans, E. Kluk and T. GrochuIski

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982)


In.tTared and Raman spectroscopy

Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of small antimony clusters, H. Sontag a,nd R. Weber Experimental angular velocity correlation functions for CHC13, B. Janik, J. !&iesi&ki, M.W.Evans, E. Kluk and T. Grochulski Raman excitation profdes for some A, modes of. biphenyl in the pre-resonance region, A. Bree, R. Zwarich and C. TaIianl Resonance Rarnan studies on [FeCl,]- and [FeBr4]-, R.J.H. Clark and T.J. Dines Near-infrared-induced conformation isomerization of 2-chloroethanol in an argon matI+, H. Takeuchi and M. Tasumi Hydrogen-bonded complex between HNO and formaldehyde. Photolysis of methyl ;litrite in an argon matrix, R.P. Miiller, P. Russegger and J.R. Huber

70 (1982) 257 70 (1982) 269 70 (1982) 275 70 (1982) 281

Visible ai;d ultrmiolet spectroscopy

Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of small antimony clusters, F. Sontag and R. Weber Absorption spectra of Na and Naz in inert-gas matrices, J. Hormes and B. Karrasch Vacuum W photolysis of CO,. Rare-gas oxide formation in matrices, J. Foumier, H.H. Mohammed, J. Deson and D. Maillard Optical dispersion and molar refractivities of alkali halide crystals and aqueous solutions, A. Penzkofer, H. Glas and J. S&ma&l Gas-phase phosphorescence of thioformaldehyde, DJ. Clouthier and C.M.L. Kerr

70 (1982) 70 (1982)

23 29

70 (1982)


70 (1982) 70 (1982)

47 55


Subfect index



and JJ.

and fragmentation


of CS,,

hi. Seaver, J-W. Hudgens

de Corpo


Raman studies on [F&I,]-

and [FeBq]-,


Clark and T-i. Dines

energy-loss spectroscopy of forbidden transitions to valence and Rydberg states of formaldehyde, S. Taylor, D.G. Wilden and J. Comer Zero-fieid Stzrk ievel crossing and Stark-Zeeman recrossing experiments in the 593 ~TI band of NOZ, F. Bylicki and H.G. Weber

70 (1982) 63 70 (1982) 269





singlet exciton




in an amorphous

70 (1982) 291 70 (1982)


70 (1982)


organic solid

and H. E%sler

Photoelectron mzd ESCA spectroscopy He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy of transient species: germanium dichloride and germanium

dibromide, G. Jonkers,XM van der Kerk and C.A. de Lange Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of forbidden tramitions to valence and Rydberg states of formaldehyde, S. Taylor, D.G. WiJden and J. Comer A photoelectron-photoion coincidence study of acetaidehyde and ethylene oxide molecule ions, K. Johnson, I. Pow& and C.J. Danby Double resonance spectroscopy Transition probabilities in electron-nuclear double- and multiple-resonance spectroscopy with non-coherent and coherent radio-frequency fields, A. Schweiger and Hs.H. Giinthard. Rotational and hyperfiie structure in the B 3II,,+ excited state of ICI, H. Knijckel and E. Tiemann


70 (1982) 291 70 (1982) 329



70 (1982) 345

Gas-phase phosphorescence of thioformaldehyde, Aromic

70 (1982j

D.J. Clouthier and C.M.L. Kerr

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1952)


arrd molecular beams

Semiclassical analysis of measurements of the total cross section Q and the small-angle differential cross section for CsF-Ar: an accurate method for absolute Q values, J.M. Henrichs, Zero-field

H.C.W. Beijerinck

and N.F. Verster

Stark level crossing and Stark-Zeeman

band of NO,.


F. Bylicki




in the 593 nm

and H.G. Weber

of deuterium

in argon flus,

P. R_~ussignol, C. Delalande

and G.M. Gale

Relaxation of dihaloacetylene cations in their A and B states studied by photoelectronphoton coincidence spectroscopy, J_P. Maier and F. Thommen AIass spectra Multiphoton


and fra,smentation


of CS,,

and J.J. de Corpo A photoeiectron-photoion coincidence study ofacetaldehyde ions, K. Johnson, I. Powis and C.J. Danby

M. Seaver, J.W. Hudgens

70 (1982)


and ethylene oxide molecular 70 (1982) 329


sicbject index OBJECTS Bulk systems Gases Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation mechanisms of CS,, M. Seaver, 3-W. Hudgens and JJ. de Corpo CIassicaJ path calculation of differential cross sections for rotational excitation of CO colliding with D, at 87.2 meV, G.D. Billing and L.L. Poulsen Gaseous ion transport coefficients, L.A. Viehland On a semiclassica! approach to energy transfer by atom/molecule-surface collisions, G.D. Billing Multiphoton absorption of SF, : a numerical analysis of the density-matrix approach, M. Dilonardo, G. Petrocelli and M. Capitelli

70 (1982) 247

Liquids Vibrational

70 (1982) 319


of deuterium

in argon fluid, P. Roussignol,

C. Delalande and GM. Gale

Optical dispersion and molar refractivities of alkali halide crystals and aqueous solutions, A. Penzkofer, H. Glas and J. Schrnailzi Theoretical study of *the kinetic isotope effect in proton-transfer reactions. Influence of the interaction potential of reactants on the kinetic isotope effect, J. Siihz;el and K. Gustav EIectronic excited state transport and trapping in one- and two-dimensional disordered systems, R.F. Loring and M.D. Fayer

70 (1982)


70 (1982) I19 70 (1982) 149 70 (1982) 223

70 (1982)


70 (1982) 109 70 (1982) 139

Absorption spectra of Na and Na2 in inert-gas matrices, J. Hormes and B. Karrasch Raman excitation profues for some A, modes of biphenyl in the pre-resonance region, A. Bree, R. Zwarich and C. Taliani-

70 (1982) 257

GIasses and liquid crystals Energy-dependent incoherent singlet exciton motion in an amorphous carbazole), K.-D. Rockwitz and H. B%sler

70 (1982) 307

Surfaces On a semiclassical approach to energy transfer by atom/molecule-surface Dielectrics Low-temperature dielectric losses of hydrocarbon J. le G. Gilchrist Microscopic

media containing

70 (1982)


organic solid (polyvinyl-

collisions, G.D. Billing

70 (1982) 223

polar additives, 70 (1982) 353


Atoms Absorption spectra of Na and Na, in inert-gas matrices, J. Hormes and B. Karrasch Vacuum W photolysis of C02_ Rare-gas oxide formation in matrices, J. Foumier, H.H. Mohammed, J. Deson and D. Maillard Simulation of Doppler profiles of atomic radiation excited by molecular dissociation. The effect of population of magnetic sublevels, N. Kouchi, K. Ito, Y. Hatano and N. Oda

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 105

Transition probabilities in electron-nuclear double- and mdtiple-resonance spectroscopy with non-coherent and coherent radio-frequency fields, A. Schweiger and Hs.H. Gtithard Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of smali antimony clusters, H. Sontag and R. Wcber V2cuum UV photolysis c&C+. Rare-gas oxide formation ti matrices, J. Fournier, HH. Mohammed, J. Deson and D. Maillard He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy of transient species: germanium dichIoride and germanium &bromide, G. Jerkers, SX van der Kerk and CA. de Lange The challenge of fitting ab initio surfaces. I. Rigid-rotor C02--fiz potential, Cl’. Shukla, AX. Bachhawa: and N. Sathyamurthy Semiclassical analysis of measurements of the total cross section Q and the small-angle differential cross section for CsF-Ar: an accurate method for absolute Q values, J.M. Henrichs, H.C.W. Beijerinck and N.F. Verster Simulation of Doppler profiles of atomic radiation excited by molecular dissociation. The effect of population of magnetic sublevels, N. Kouchi, K. Ito, Y. Ha&no and N. Oda Theoretical study of the kinetic isotope effect in proton-transfer reactions. Influence of the interaction, potential of reactants on the kinetic isotope effect, J. Siihnel and K. Gustav Classical path calculation of differential cross sections for rotational excitation ofC0 colliding with D1 at 87.2 meV, G.D. BilIing and L.L. Poulsen A new INDO-type procedure for conjugated non-rigid molecules. I. Ground-state conformations and barriers to internal rotation, F. MomicchioIi, I. Baraldi and M.C. Bruni Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states of H,, Ch. Nager and M. Jungen Mediuln stabilization of localized Born-Oppenheimer states, M. Bixon Multiphoton absorption of SF, : a numerical analysis of the density-matrix approach, M. Dilonardo, G. Petrocelli and M. CapiteUi Raman excitation profdes for some A, modes of biphenyl in the pre-resonance region, -4. Bree, R. Zwarich and C. TalianiNear-infrared-induced conformational isomerization of 2-chloroethanol in an argon matrix, H. Takeuchi and hi. Tasumi Hydrogen-bonded complex between HNO and formaldehyde. Photolysis of methyl nitrite ir, an argon matrix, R_P. Mfiller, P. Russegger and J.R. Huber Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of forbidden transitions to valence and Rydberg states of formaldehyde, S. Taylor, D.G. Wden and J. Comer and hyperfiie structure in the B 3110+ excited state of ICI, H. Knijckel and E _Tiemann Low-temperature dielectric tosses of hydrocarbon media containing polar additives, J. le G. Gnchrist

70(1982) 70 (1982)

1 23

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70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 105 70 (1982)




70 (1982) 70 (1982) 70 (1982)

161 189 199

70 (1982) 247 70 (1982) 257 70 (1982) 275 70 (1982) 281 70 (1982) 291 70 (1982) 345 70 (1982) 353

Free radicals Relaxation of dihaIoacety!ene

cations in their x and g states studied by photoelectronphoton coincidence spectroscopy, J.P. Maier and F. ‘Ihommen

Electronic excited state transport and trapping in one- and two-dimensional disordered systems, R.F. Lo&g and M.D. Fayer Energ-dependent incoherent singlet exciton motion in an amorphous organic solid (polyvinylcarbazole), K-D. Rockwitz and H. Bsssler

70 (1982) 325

70 (1982)


70 (1982) 307

Subject index


Ions and complexes Transition probabilities in electron-nuclear double- and multiple-resonance spectroscopy with non-coherent and coherent radio-frequency fields, A. Schweiger and H&I. Giinthard Resonance Raman studies on [FeC14]- and [FeBrq]-, R.J.H.‘Clark and T.J. Dines A photoelectron-photoion coincidence study of acetaldehyde and ethylene oxide molecular ions, K. Johnson, I. Powis and C.J. Danby



70 (1982) 269 70 (1982) 329

Dimers and molecular clusters Absorption spectra of Na and Naa in inert-gas matrices, J. Hermes and B. Karrasch Correlation structure-magnetic properties in (Cr,0,0)14dimeric units: a theoretical approach, M.F. Charlot, 0. Kahn and M. Drillon

70 (1982) 177

Polymers and biological macromolecules Energy-dependent incoherent singlet exciton motion in an amorphous carbazole), K.-D. Rockwltz and H. BIssler

70 (1982) 307

70 (1982)


organic solid (polyvinyl-

PHENOMENA Atomic and moIecuhzr structure Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of small antimony clusters, H. Sontag and R. Weber Vacuum W photolysis of COz. Rare-gas oxide formation in matrices, J. Foumier, H.H. Mohammed, J. Deson and D. Maillard He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy of transient species: germanium dichloride and germanium dibromide, G. Jo&em, SM. van der Kerk and CA. de Lange Anew INDO-type procedure for conjugated non-rigid molecules. I. Ground-state conformations and barriers to internal rotation, F. Momicchioll, I. Baraldi and MC. Bruni Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states of H,, Ch. Nager and M. Jungen Medium stabilization of localized Born-Oppenheimer states, M. Bixon Near-infrared-induced conformational isomerlzation of 2-chloroethanol in an argon matrix, H. Takeuchl and M. Tasumi Hydrogen-bonded complex between HNO and formaldehyde. Photolysls of methyl nitrite in an argon matrix, R.P. Miiller, P. Russegger and.J.R. Huber Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of forbidden transitions to valence and Kydberg states of formaldehyde, S. Taylor, D.G. Wilden and J. Comer Zero-field Stark level crossing and Stark-Zeeman recrossing experiments in the 593 nm band of N02, F. Byhcki and H.G. Weber Rotational and hyperfme structure in the B 311,-,+excited state of ICI, H. Knzjckel and E. Tiemann Energy levels Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of small antimony clusters, H. Sontag and R. Weber Gas-phase phosphorescence of thioformaldehyde, D.J. Clouthier and C.M.L. Kerr He(J) photoelectron spectroscopy of transient species: germanium dichloride and germanium dibromide, G. Jonkea, SM. van der Kerk and C.A. de Lange

Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states of H3, Ch. Nager and M. Jungen Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of forbidden transitions to valence and Rydbeg states of formaldehyde, S. Taylor, D.G. ?Wden and J. Comer Zero-field Stark level crossing and Stark-Zeeman recrossing experiments in the 593 nm band of NO,, F. Bylicki and H.G. Weber

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 161 70 (1982) 189 70 (1982) 199 70 (1982j 275 70 (1982) 281 70 (1982) 291 70 (1982) 299

70 (1982) 345

70 (1982) 70 (1982)

23 55

70 (19S2)


70 (1982) 189 70 (1982) 291 70 (1982) 299



Electric and mg22etic propehes Transition probabilities in electron-nuclear double- and multiple-resonance spectroscopy with noncoherent and coherent radio-frequency fields, A. Schweiger and Hs.H. Giinthard Correlation structure-magnetic properties in (Cr2010)14dimeric units: a theoretical approach, M.F. Charlot, 0. Kahn and M. DriBon Potential surfaces for the Rydberg states ofH3, Ch. Nager and M. Jungen Low-temperature dielectric losses of hydrocarbon media containing polar additives, J. le G. Gilctit Spectral bandshapes and inte:lsities Simulation of Doppler profiles of atomic radiation excited by molecular dissociation. The effect of population magnetic sublevels, N. Kou&i, K. Ito, Y. Hatano and N. Oda Raman excitation profdes for some A, modes of biphenyl in the pre-resonance region, A. Bree, R. Zwarich and C. TalianiResonance Raman studies on [FeCI,]and [FeBr4]-, R.J.H. Clark and T.J. Dines




70 (1982) 177 70 (1982) 189 70 (1982) 353

70 (1982)


70 (1982) 257 70 (1982) 269

Relaxation phe?zomena

Gas-phase phosphorescence of thioformaldehyde, D.J. Clouthier and CM.L.Kerr Experimental angular velocity correlation functions for CHCl,, B. Jar&, J. Scies%ki, M.W. Evans, E. Klulc and T. Grochulski Simulation of relaxation by binary collisions: comparison with relaxation in a fluid for bromine in argon, D.L. Jolly, B.C. Freasier, N.D. Hamer and S. Nordbolm Circulation reactions. IV. Applicability of phenomenological reaction rate constants: a stochastic approach, A.V. Zubkov On the calculation of classical time-correlation functions: diagonalization of the “Liouville matrix”, J.W. Allen and D J. DiestIer Resonance Raman studies on [FeC14]- and [F_eBra]-_, R.J.H. Clark and T.J. Dines Relaxation of dihaloacety!ene cations in their A and B states studied by photoelectronphcton coincidence spectroscopy, J.P. Maier and F. Thommen Energy transfer and conversion Classical path calculation of differential cross sections for rotational excitation of CO colliding with D? at S7.2 meV, G.D. Billing and L.L. Paulsen Simulation of relaxation by binary collisions: comparison with relaxation in a fiuid for bromine in argon, D.L. Joily, B.C. Freasier, N.D. Hamer and S. Nordholm Electronic excited state transport and trapping in one- and two-dimensional disordered systems, R.F. Loring and M.D. Fayer On a semiclassical approach to energy transfer by atom/molecule-surface collisions, G.D. Billing Near-infrared-induced conformational isomerization of 2-chloroethanol in an argon matrix, H. Takeuchi and M. Tasumi Energy-dependent incoherent singlet exciton motion in an amorphous organic solid (polyvinylcarbazoie), K.-D. Rockwitz and H. Bissler Vibrational relaxation of deuteriumin argon flui$,P. Roussignol, C. Delalande and G.M. Gale Relaxation of dihaloacetylene cations in their A and Estates studied by photoelectronphoton coincidence spectroscopy, J.P. Maier and F. Thommen Reactions Theoretical study of the kinetic isotope effect in proton-transfer reactions. Influence of the interaction potentiaI ofreactants on the kinetic isotope effect, J. Stihnel and K. Gustav

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 127 70 (1982) 157 70 (1982) 241 70 (1982) 269 70 (1982) 325

70 (1982) i 19 70 (1982) 127 70 (1982) 139 70 (1982) 223 70 (1982) 275 70 (1982) 307 70 (1982) 319 70 (1982) 325

70 (1982) 109

Subject index

Circulation reactions. IV. Applicability of phenomenological reaction rate constants: a stochastic approach, A.V. Zubkov Density and flux analysis for the collinear H + Hz reaction, E. Polk&, J.F. McNutt and R.E. Wyatt Hydrogen-bonded complex between HNO and formaldehyde. Photolysis of methyl nitrite in an argon matrix, RJ?. Miiller, P. Russegger and J.R. Huber A photoelectron-photoion coincidence study of acetaldehyde and ethyIene oxide mclecular ions, K. Johnson, I. Powis and C.J. Danby Inte.molecu~ar interactions Vacuum UV photolysis of CO,. Rare-gas oxide formation in matrices, J. Fournier, H.H. Mohammed, J. Deson and D. Maillard The challenge of fitting ab initio surfaces. I. Rigid-rotor C02-Hz potential, C.P. Shukla, AX. Bachhawat and N. Sathyamurthy Semiclassical analysis of measurements of the total cross section Q and the small-angle differential cross section for CsF-Ar: an accurate method for absolute Q values, JM. Henrichs, H.C.W. Beijerinck and N.F. Verster Simulation of relaxation by binary collisions: comparison with relaxation in a fluid for bromine in argon, D.L. Jolly, B.C. Freasier, N.D. Hamer and S. Nordholm Gaseous ion transport coefficients, L.A. Viehland Hydrogen-bonded complex between HNO and formaldehyde. Photolysis of methyl nitrite in an argon matrix, R.P. Mtiller, P. Russegger and JR. Huber Low-temperature dielectric losses of hydrocarbon media containing polar additives, J. le G. Gilchrist Iotric and excited state phenomena Simulation of Doppler profiles of atomic radiation excited by molecular dissociation. The effect of population of magnetic sublevels, N. Kouchi, K. Ito, Y. Hatano and N. Oda Relaxation of dihaloacetylene cations in their x and Estates studied by photoelectronphoton coincidence spectroscopy, J.P. Maier and F. Thornmen A photoelectron-photoion coincidence study of acetaldehyde and ethylene oxide molecular ions, K. Johnson, I. Powis and C.J. Danby

Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation mechanisms of CS,, M. Seaver, J.W. Hudgens and J.J. de Corpo He(I) phdtoelectron spectroscopy of transient species: germanium dichloride and germanium dibromide, G. Jonkers, SM. van der Kerk and C.A. de Lange Isotope effects Theoretical study of the kinetic isotope effect in proton-transfer reactions. Influence of the interaction potential of reactants on the kinetic isotope effect, J. Stinel and K. Gustav Nonlinear optical effects Optical dispersion and molar refractivities A. Penzkofer, H. Glas and J. S&ma&l Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation and J.J. de Corpo


70 (1982) 157 70 (1982) 207 70 (1982) 2e1 70 (1982) 329

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70 (1982) 127 70 (1982) 149 70 (1982) 2s: 70 (1982) 3.53

70 (1982) 105 70 (1982) 325 70 (1982) 329

70 (1982)


70 (1982)


70 (1982) 109

of alkali halide crystals and aqueous solutions, 70 (1982) mechanisms


of CS,, M. &aver, J.W. Hudgens 70(1982) 63


Sil b+cr index

Structure of solids and liqukis Optical dispersion and moktr refractivities A. Penzkofer, I-I. Glas .znd J. SCM

of alkalihalicle


ma aqueous soIutions, 70 (1982)