Subject index to volume 95

Subject index to volume 95

OpticsCommunications95 (1993) 373-376 North-Holland OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Subject Index to Volume 95 Propagation and transmission in homogeneous med...

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OpticsCommunications95 (1993) 373-376 North-Holland


Subject Index to Volume 95 Propagation and transmission in homogeneous media The impedance of a curved surface, T.T. Ong, V. CeUi and A.A. Maradudin Aberration measurement of a graded index micro cylindrical lens from the intensity distribution of a passing light beam, K. Okada and J. Tsujiuchi Blaze considerations for multilayer gratings, A. Ridgeley Propagation of focal shift through axisymmetrical optical systems, Y. Li Quality improvement of symmetric-intensity beams propagating through pure phase plates, R. Martinez-Herrero and P.M. Mejias Phase grating profiles in photopolymers, K. Curtis Thickness and dielectric constant determination of thin dielectric layers, H.E. De Bruijn, M. Minor, R.P.H. Kooyman and J. Greve Changes in the radiation spectrum arising on propagation in case of spherical symmetry, M. Du~ek Plane wave expansion of cylindrical functions, G. Cincotti, F. Gori, M. Santarsiero, F. Frezza, F. Furnb and G. Schettini

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Propagation and transmission in inhomogeneous media Enhanced backscattering of light from a random rough surface nearly perpendicular to a mirror, E.R. M6ndez, H.M. Escamilla and D.F. Hotz

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Optical information, image formation and analysis, optical computing Three-dimensional image sensing based on a zone-plate array, D. Mendlovic Real-time profiling of a pure phase object using an auto-Wigner distribution function, T. Iwai, N. Kawamura and T. Takemori Significance of spectral phase in synthesis of binarized images, M. Broja, F. Wyrowski and O. Bryngdahl Development of an optical scanning tunneling microscope, A. De Marco, R. Micheletto, A. Trabucco and P. Violino Apodization in rainbow holography, L.M. Bernardo, J.C. Pinto and N. Bolognini Basic principle of resonant detection in scanning tunneling microscopies, J.M. Vigoureux and F. Raba The positive function maximizing the normalized output from a correlation filter, L.A. Romero and F.M. Dickey Computer-generated hologram in sensing metal surface quality, R. Silvennoinen, J. R~is~inen, K.-E. Peiponen and C. Gu

95 (1993)199 95 (1993) 205 95 (1993) 210 95 (1993) 215 95 (1993) 221 95 (1993) 226 95 (1993) 231 373

Volume95, number4,5,6



Optical communications Coupling of orthogonally polarized waves in LiNbO3 optical waveguides, D. Kip, R. Fink, T. Bartholom~ius and E. Kr~itzig Stimulated Raman scattering in a multimode optical fiber: self-focusing or mode competition?, K.S. Chiang Hybrid optical spectral and time division multiplexing for passive interferometric fibre optic sensor networks, H.S. AI-Raweshidy and D.J. Edwards Infrared to visible up-conversion spectroscopy in Tm3+-doped fluorozirconate fibers, A.S.L. Gomes, G.R. Boyer, G. Demouchy, A. Mysyrowicz, H. Poignant and M. Monerie A probabilistic model of traveling wave optical amplification, G.L. Cariolaro, P. Franco, M. Midrio and G.L. Pierobon

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95 (1993) 235 95 (1993) 239 95 (1993) 246 95 (1993) 311

Atomic and molecular physics Iwasawa decomposition for SU ( 1, 1 ) and the GiJoy effect for squeezed states, R. Simon and N. Mukunda Linewidth effects in resonant CARS processes, I. Aben, W. Ubachs, G. Van der Zwan and W. Hogervorst Dips and peaks in four-photon resonant two-color multiphoton ionization signals, S.P. Tewari Populating the 6 p 2 ID 2 high-lying metastable state of Pb and related stimulated radiation, D. Zhang, Z. Li and G. Zheng Polarization oscillations of coupled laser beams in an optically pumped atomic vapour, D. Suter External photoelectric effect in CaF2: Sm 2+ crystals under irradiation with visible light, S.K. Sekatskii, V.S. Letokhov and S.B. Mirov Osp(4/2, R) supersymmetry and the one- and two-photon dressed Jaynes-Cummings hamiltonian, H.A. Schmitt Coherent population trapping: asymptotical behaviour of the atomic density matrix, V.A. Alekseev and D.D. Krylova Cavity-induced level shifts of rubidium Rydberg states, Y.I. Salamin

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95 (1993) 117 95 (1993) 251 95 (1993) 255 95 (1993) 260 95 (1993) 265 95 (1993) 319 95 (1993) 327

Condensed matter External photoelectric effect in CaF2: Sm 2+ crystals under irradiation with visible light, S.K. Sekatskii, V.S. Letokhov and S.B. Mirov Excited state dipole moments of rare earth impurities in polar crystals, V.G. Babadjanyan, G.G. Demirkhanyan and R.B. Kostanyan

95 (1993) 260 95 (1993) 269

Lasers Quality improvement of symmetric-intensity beams propagating through pure phase plates, R. Martinez-Herrero and P.M. Mejias 374

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Volume95, number4,5,6


15January 1993

110 fs Fourier-transform limited gaussian pulses from a Cr: LiSAF regenerative amplifier,

P. Beaud, E. Miesak, Y.-F. Chen, B.H.T. Chai and M.C. Richardson Intensity ratio of resonance lines as a diagnostic of initial conditions suitable for XUV laser action in recombining plasmas, J. Zhang, M.H. Key, P. Norreys and G.J. Tallents Effect of hydrogen in the CuBr- and CuCl-vapor lasers, N.V. Sabotinov, N.K. Vuchkov and D.N. Astadjov Theoretical analysis of a four-level laser without inversion driven by a pulsed Raman field, H.M. Doss, L.M. Narducci, M.O. Scully and J. Gao Influences of statistical phase distortions of active medium on laser performances, K. Du and P. Loosen Optical pulse synthesis with three cw semiconductor lasers using nonlinear phase-locking, T. Mukai, R. Wynands and T.W. H~insch Stabilization of sum or difference frequency by controlling one of the fundamental lasers of frequency mixing, K. Sugiyama and J. Yoda Femtosecond pulse generation around 650 nm in a passive mode-locked Kiton Red dye laser, V. Petrov, M. Wittmann, W. B~iumler and A. Penzkofer Mode-locking of the 1.66 ~tm transition of an Er:YA103 laser, K.A. Stankov, K. Hamal, H. Jelinkova and I. Prochazka Nano- and picosecond 3 ~tm Er: YSGG lasers using InAs as passive Q-switchers and modelockers, K.U Vodopyanov, A.V. Lukashev and C.C. Phillips Polarization instability of ring lasers, N.D. Milovsky and A.M. Tkachyov Nonlinear simulations of a FEL amplifier with an axisymmetric electron beam, E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidmiller and M.V. Yurkov Threshold behavior and optimum transmission for a pulsed laser, R. Sauerbrey and Z. Ball Polarization oscillations of coupled laser beams in an optically pumped atomic vapour, D. Suter Optimum output coupling for an optically pumped CF4 laser, S. Sinha XeC1 excimer laser with a continuously tunable output pulsewidth, P. Di Lazzaro, F. Flora, A. Gerardino and T. Letardi Applicability of the coherent photon seeding technique to hybridly mode-locked lasers, H. Ammann, W. Hodel and H.P. Weber

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95 (1993) 87 95 (1993) 127 95 (1993) 141 95 (1993) 153 95 (1993) 255 95 (1993) 272 95 (1993) 336 95 (1993) 345

Nonlinear optics Nano- and picosecond 3 ~tm Er: YSGG lasers using InAs as passive Q-switchers and modelockers, K.L. Vodopyanov, A.V. Lukashev and C.C. Phillips Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations of the quadratic polarizability dispersion for molecules with pronounced nonlinear optical properties, M.M. Mestechkin and G.E. Whyman Linewidth effects in resonant CARS processes, I. Aben, W. Ubachs, G. Van der Zwan and W. Hogervorst Temperature dependence of second harmonic generation in NYAB crystals, M.-Y. Hwang and J.T. Lin Nonclassical characteristics of the marginals for the radiation field, G.S. Agarwal Phase grating profiles in photopolymers, K. Curtis Dips and peaks in four-photon resonant two-color multiphoton ionization signals, S.P. Tewari

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95 (1993) 103 95 (1993) 109 95 (1993) 113 95 (1993) 117 375

Volume95, number4,5,6


Emission dynamics of a double mode C O 2 laser with an intracavity saturated absorber, V.Yu. Kurochkin, A.N. Rurukin, V.N. Petrovsky, E.D. Protsenko, V.M. Yermachenko and A.M. Golovchenko Effective nonlinearity coefficients for three-wave interactions in biaxial crystals of ram2 point group symmetry, V.G. Dmitriev and D.N. Nikogosyan Multiwave generation and interaction in a ring self-pumped phase conjugate oscillator, Y. Sun and M.G. Moharam Dark spatial soliton break-up in the transverse plane, G.S. McDonald, K.S. Syed and W.J. Firth Phase self-conjugation at degenerate four-wave mixing induced by nonstationary energy exchange in resonant media, A.A. Afanas'ev, B.A. Samson, A.A. Betin and V.M. Volkov Nonlinear optical parameters of 7',7'-dicyano-7'-apo-fl-carotene in hexane by self-action techniques, H.A. Abdeldayem, W. Sheng, P. Venkateswarlu, W.K. Witherow, D.O. Frazier, P. Chandra Sekhar, M.C. George, L. Kispert and M.R. Wasielewski Saturation effects in stimulated Raman scattering of multimode radiation, G.P. Djotyan and A.V. Mesropyan An elementary and nevertheless quantitative model describing the temporal reshaping of a laser pulse crossing an optically thick atomic medium, J. De Lamare, Ph. Kupecek and M. Comte Nonlinear pulse distortion at the zero dispersion wavelength of an optical fibre, J. Schiitz, W. Hodel and H.P. Weber



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