,_ L
Chzssicui mechm2ics
of&D) +~I-IB&D&)
Quasiclassical trajectorySt&i&
abstractionand exchangereactions; Mp_Suclh&ua&audLM-Raff Three-bodydissociationdynamics.IL Applicationto HgCiT, I’d_Sizun,S_Gouxsaud,J_P_Ziesel,
95.(1985) 165 -~ 95 (1985) 189
RAzriaandlKTronc Quantum information Corn classical trajectories: scaling deconvolution of moments in diatom-diatom &&ions, R Bhargava and R Ramaswamy
95 i198Sj 2.53
A new approachto angularmomentum constraintsin bimolecularreactions,K. Ryneforsand S_ Norclhobn Coupling schemes ami perturbative trentments Non-resonant V-V @ergy transfer between diatomic molecules at low temperatures, MM Maticq, E-A_ Gregoryand CJ.SM Simpson
._ ..95 (1985) 345
95 (19SSj 43.
calculationand spectroscopicassignmentof charge-transfer statesin solid anthracene, tetraceneand pentacene,PJ_ Bounds,W. Siebraud,L Eisenstein,RW_ Munu and P_Petelen Determiuationof the radiativelifetimesof the b 1X+ and a 1~ states j.n NH by & ctio methods, CM_ Marianand R Kiotz
95 (1985i.197 95 (1985) 213
RelativLvticqwmrum mechanks Relativistic configuration-interaction calculationsof the low-lyingstatesof ICI and ICI+,
95 (1985)225
Equilibrium stati$rkrzI mechamks
Concentation fluctuationsin binarymixturesof model polar fluids,RN. Joarderand M_ Siibert
95 (1985) 357
StatWkaImechani2s of si?zh&ary states
StatisticalanaIysisof photoekctron and Auger energyshiftsin ionic solutions,IL Agren and He SiegbHhn
‘A momentiimqace view of the chemicalbond_ L The first-rowhomonucleardiatomics,
.-~ --k RozendaaIand EJ. Baerends .- -. .-..-- : Determinationoftheradiativelitetimesofthebl~~.audaldstatesmNHbyabir&io metho&, CM_ Marianand R IUotz
~. .
95 (1985)
:. .- _-.
: ..-- 95.(1985) -57 ----:. .9&985)21+ : _-
Relativistic configuration-interaction caIcuIations of the Iow-Iying states of ICI and ICI?, lLBakubmmanian Ab initio MO caIcuh+tionson the stable conformations and their binding energies of the ionmokcuIe complexes: ion = l-l+, Li?, Na*, K+, et, &I$*, and Ca*+; molecule = CO and N2, s_ Ikuta The eIectronic structure of 12,4,3-triazaphosphoks: a study by W photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio molecular orbital methods, D_ Gonbeau, G. PtiierGuillouzo, J_ Barrans and M_H_ palmer The energy band structure of polyfIuoroethyIene: inffuence of chemical substitution and conformation, P_ Otto, J_ Ladik and W_ Fomer A theoretical study of the force geld for carbon trioxide, J.S. Francisco and lH_ Williams Rydberg states and cprantum defects of the NO molecule, R Kaufmarm, C_ Nager and BL Jungen
95 (1985)
95 (19i35) 235
95 (1985) 243 95 (1985) 365 95 (1985) 373 95 (1985) 385
ciompurazion& and sinmhtion merim& The solid-state ekctronic structure and the nature of the chemical bond of the ternary ZintIphase Ii&S&_ A tight-binding analysis, R Ramirez, R Nesper, I-L-G. von Schnering and MC_ B&n QuasicIasiicaI trajectory studies of H(D) f HBr@Br) abstraction and exchange reactions, MP_ Sudhakamn and I_&%_Raff Quantum information from cIassicaI trajectories: scaling deconvolution of moments in diatom--diatom a&sions, R Bhargava and R Ramaswamy A new approach to angular momentum constraints in bimoIecuIar reactions, K. Rynefon and s. Nordhohn The influence of anharmonic and magnetic Innteractionson Iattice dynamics of a and t3phases of solid oxygen, B_ Ku&a IiIetimes of triatomic collision compkxes, Ch_ Schher and U. Vix
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 165 95 (1985) 253 95 (1985) 345 95 (1985) 391 95 (1985) 401
Molecu.hrdymmics and saztrerihgttrmry Nonresonant V-V energy transfer between diatomic molecules at low temperatures, MM_ Ma&q. E_A Gregory and C_J_SM_ Simpson QuasichusicaI trajectory studies of H(D) + HBr@Br) abstraction and exchange reactions, MP_SudhakaMandL_M_Raff Three-body dkociation dynamics_ IL Application to HgCIF , M. Sizun, S_ Goursaud, JP- Ziesei, R Azria and M Tronc Quantum information from &s&al trajectories: scaling deconvohrtion of moments in diatom+Iiatom ooI&sions, R Bhargwa and R Ramaswamy Angular distributions using the artificial channel method: application to 4HeD* infrared photodkociatioq O- Atabek, J-4 Beswi& G_ DeIgadoBarrio and P_ Vi&real A new approach to angular momentum comtmints in bimolecular reactions, K_ Rynefors and S. NordhoIm Lifetimes of adatomic co&ion complexes, Ch_ S&her and U_ Vi Bf-preseming propensities for rotationaUy inehrsticNH,-He coIIisions in the kinematic apse frame, S-L Davis Shape analysis of the velocity distribution in supersonic Ar beams: comparison between experiment and theory, R Engelhardt, Th_ Lorena, K_ Bergmann, Th. Mietzner and k%kewski
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 165 95 (1985) 189
9.5(1985) 253 95 (1985) 263 95 (1985) 345 95 (1985) 401 95 (1985) 411
95 (1985 j 417
., ~.
Magneti resonances H-atom abstraction from alcohols by a&d radicak Studies on the limiting stage, . V-L: Vyazovkin, B-V_ Bol’shakov and V-A- Tolkakhev The probability of hydrogen atom transfer in the reaction eH3 + CH&Oi as a function of the relative position of the reagents in the zinc acetate dihydrate lattice, V-M- Syutkin and V-A- ToIkatchev EIectron capture by tetra- and di-chlorobenzene molecules_ Comparative studies by positron annihilation and ODESR methods, 0-k Anisimov, V-V. L~zovoy, NJ. Pedersen and OEE. Mogensen Gas-phase NMR studies of akohols. I&ix&c acidities, J-P- Chauvel Jr. and N-S_ True
95(1985) 273 95 (1985) 435
Ir#i?zre~specrroscopy ReIaxation in pure and seeded supersonicjets of SFG, P-K- Chakraborti, R Talukdar- P-N_ Bajaj, A. Joshi and V.B. Kartha
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
Visible rmd UV spec2roscopy Non-radiative decay of the T, states of chloronaphtbalenes and protonated chloroquinoiines at 77 K, J, NaJ%ar*W_ Jqba and R-M_ Hochstrasser Zeeman study of the phosphorescent state of palladium phthalocyanine in Shpol’skii matrices, W.-H- Chen, K-E_ Rieckhoff and E.-M_ Voigt Fluorescence spectroscopy Non-radiative decay of the T, states of chloronaphthalenes and protonated chloroquinolines at 77 K, J. NaJ%ar,W_ Jvba and R-M- Holstrasser Electron capture by tetra- and di-chlorobenzene molecules. Comparative studies by positron -ation and ODESR methods, O-A- Anisimov, V_V_ Lozovoy, N-J- Pedersen and OE. Mogensen Fluorescence of dissociating fragments from supersonic jet--eIectron collisions, T_k Blake, RV_ Smilgys, J-M- LoBue, A-P_ S%ffman and S-E_ Nodck Observation and interpretation of the fluorescence excitation spectrum of hexafluorobiacetyl under free jet expansion, L_ So&u-d, F- Ffiaux, k Petit and B. Soep W emission of CF2 produced by electron and ion impact on CHF,, J-F-M- Aarts Phoroelecnvn and Auger specrroscopy Statistical analysis of photoelectron and Auger energy shifts in ionic solutions, H &ren and H Siegbahn The electronic structure of I ,2,4,3&azaphospholes: a study by W photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio molecular orbital methods, D_ Gonheau, G- Pfister-GuiiIouzo, J- Barransand M-H-Palmer Internalenergy-selected measuz ments on the relative cross section of the ion-molecuIe reaction Nl!@NH3,NH2)NH$, D. van PijIceren,J. van Eck and A- Mehati Core-electron relaxation energy in smail metallic particles; NJ- Caste&& D-B- Leroy and W- Iarnbrecht
9s (1985) 93 .-. 95 (1985)
95 (1985) 273 95 (1985) 2z+3 95 .(1985) 293 95 (1985) 443
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 243 95 (1985) 449 95 (1985) 459
Ezect?m i5nptzcrspt?c~scopy Threebody dissociation dynamics. L Dissociative electron attachment differential cross section of I3r in HgEk2 and Cl- iu HgCI2, M- Tronc, J-P- ZieseL R Azr& M- Sizun and S_ Gounaud W emission of CF, produced by electron and ion impact on CI-IFs, J-F& Aarts
95 (1985)-179 95 (1985) 443
Tiie-resoh-ed intracavity laser spectroscopy: 266 nm photodissociation of acetaldehyde vapor to form HCD, F- StocckeI, M-D- Schub, N- Goldstein and G-H- Atkinson Brdaxation in pure and seeded supersonic jets cf SFe, P-K_ Chakmborti, R Talukdar~P-N_ Bajaj, AJosbiaudV_B_Kartha Observationand interpretation of the fhroresccnce excitation spectmm of hexafluorobiacetyl under freejet mrpansiog L Soulard, F_ Fillaux, A Petit and B_ Soep Symmetry constraints in energy transfer between state-sekctcd Ar*(3P2, 3Po) metastable atoms and ground state H atoms. N_ Sadeghi and D-W_ Setscr Fmgmeutation dynamics and‘energy w in photodissociation of (&OS in the 458-660 mu waueIength Imnge,L Misev, AI_ IUies, M-F_ JarroId and I&T_ Bowers
95 (1985) 469
Symmetry consbabe in energy transfer between state-selected Ar*(sP2,3Po) atoms and ground state H atoms, N_ Sad&i and D-W_ Setser
95 (1985) 305
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 293 95 (1985) 305
Atomic and mdeakr kam techniques Relaxation in pure and seeded supersonic jets of SFe, P-K_ Chakraborti, R TaIukdar, P-N_ Bajaj, AJosbiandVRKartha Observation and interpretation of the fluorescence mccitation spectrum of hexafhrorobiacetyl under free jet expausion. l- Soulard, F- Fillaux, A Petit and B_ Seep Shape analysis of the vekity distribution in supersonic Ar beams: comparison between experiment and theory, R Engclbardt, lb_ Lorena, K_ Bcrgmatm, Th_ biietzuer and APaIczewski Fragmentation dynamics and energy d%posal in photodissociation of @$O)‘; in the 458-660 mu wayelengtb range, L Misev, AJ- Ill&, bkF_ Jan-old and M-T_ Bowers
Tripiet Iifetime of chIorotoIuenes in the vapor phase studied by time-resolved and stationary photosensitkd phosphorescence, T_ Ichimura, K_ N&am, Y_ MO& bi_ !hnitmi and K_YlXbiham The temperature dependence of free positron lifetimea and positronium fractions in gaseous C&_ and SF6, G-R Heyhmd, M_ Chadton, T-C_ GrifBtb and G_ Clark Etidcucc for Ps formation in spurs iu bigb-deusity gaseous w, P-J_ Curry and Al_ Cbadton Partial spin depokization of muonium in ice, P-W_ Percival, KM. Adamsonshaqe, J--C_ Brodovith S--K- Leung and K-E- Newman Shape analyxis of the w&city distribution iu supersonic Ar beams: comparison between expe&uent and theory, R Engelhardt~Th_ Lorenz, K_ Ikgmann. ‘lb. bfietzuer and APalcZewski
95 (1?85)
95 (1985) 293
95 (1985)417 95 (1985) 469
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 157 9s (1985) 313 95 (1985) 321
95 (1985) 417
_: .. .
.~ .-. _ : g*spec~qeQ
-_. -1:.
-- -~
~. .-‘-.
: MO cahdation~ on the stable conformations and their binding energies of the ionmolecule compIexesr ion = w; w, Na*, KS, B$*, Mg*+, and Ca*+; molecule= CG and N2, :.
Fragmentation dynamics and energy disposal in photodissociation of (N20)2+ in the 458-660 MI wavelengthrange,L. Misev;AJ_ IUies,M.F. Jarrold and MT_ Bowers
Radiolysik partial spin depolarization of muoniurn in ice, P.W. Percival, KM. Adamson-Sharpe, L-C Brodovitch, S-K Leung and KE_ Newman
~. : --::-. 493’
Ab initio
:-: .._ -. .-. ..‘._. .‘_‘:”
’ .. .--T.-: -1 95 (1985) 235
95 (1985) 469 :.. 95 (1985) 321
Meaznenzent of macroscopicva&bks Mokcdar equiI.ihiainvestigations in 3-acetyIpyridine using non-linear dielectric effect and dipole moment measurements, J. Nowak and J. Mate&i Gas-phase NhfR studies of alcohols_ Intrinsic acidities, JP_ Chauvel Jr_ and N.S. True Vitamin E and related ether-pherrohxa low-temperature dielectric relaxation study, J. le G. Gikhrist, G-W. Burton and KU. Ingold
95 (1985) 33 1 95 (1985). 435 95 (1985) 473
OBJECTS Bulk systems cases The temperature dependence of free positron lifetimes and positronium fractions in gaseous CO, and SF6, G.R Heyland. hi_ Charlton, T-C_ Griffith and G. Clark Thxe-hdy dissociation dynamics. L Dissociative electron attachment differential cross section of Br- iu HgBr2 and Cl- iu H&l*, M_ Tronc, J.P_ Ziesel, R Azria, M Sizun and S_ Gomsaud Ab initio MO calculations on the stabIe conformations and their binding energies of the ionmolecuie complexes: ion = H+, Ii*, Na+, K+, 8e2+, Mg*+, and Ca**; molecule = CO and N2, S. lkuta Gas-phase NMR studies of alcohols_ Intriusic acidities, J.P_ Chauvel Jr_ and N-S. True Supersonic beams ReIaxation in pure and seeded supersonic jets of SF+ PK. Chakraborti, R Tahdcdar, P-N. Bajaj, k Joshi and VJ3. Kartha Fluorescence of dissociating fragments from supersonic jet-eiectron collisions, T-k Blake, RV_ Smilgys, J&l_ LoBue, A.P_ Schif&nan and SE_ Nov$k Observation and interpretation of the fluorescence excitation spectrum of hexatluorobiacetyi under free jet expansion, L Soulard, F_ Filhtux, A Petit and B. Seep Shape anaIysis of the v2Iocity distribution in supersonic Ar beams: comparison between experiment and theory, R Engelhardt, Th. J.orenz, K_ Bergmann, Th. Mietzner and kP&zew&i
95 (1985) 157
95 (19853 179
95 (1985) 235 95 (1985) 435
95 (1985) 145 95 (1985) 283 95 (1985).293
95 (1985) 417
Liquid m@ures and soIutions Non-radiative decay of the T1 states of chloronaphthalenes and protonated chloroquinohnes at 77 K, J_ Najbar, W_ Jarzcba and RM Hochstrasser
95 (1985)
’ StatisticalanaI@s of photoe&ron and Auger energyshifts in ionic sohrtions,H &ren and .~ 95 (I9-is~ i7 HSegbahu , ~ Ekctnm capture by tetra-and di&Iorobenzene mokdes.~Co&uative stud& by positron. ztnn&Iation and ODESR metho& OA Anisimov,V-V_ Lozovoy, NJ_ Pedersenand 95 (1985) 273 OEMogensen biokcuIarequihiriainvestigationsin 3-acetyIpyridineusingnon-hrkardielectriceffect and 95(19&i) 331 merits,J_Nowak and J_Makcki dipoIemoment measure Comxntrationfhxctuationsin binary mixtwes of model polar fluids, R_N_Joarderand 9.5 (1985) 357 M_SiIbert
The probabihtyof hydrogenatom transferin the reaction&-is + CH,CO, as a functionof the relativepositionof the reagentsin the zinc acetatedihydratelattice, V&L Syutkinand VA ToIkatchev Celculationand spectroscopicassignmentof charge-transfer statesin solid anthracene, tetraceneand pentacene,P_J.Bounds,W_ Siebmnd,L Eisenstein,RW_ MUM and P_ Petelena The idhence of anharmonicand magneticinteractionson lattice dynamicsof Q and fl phases of solidoq-gen, B_Ku&a
9.5 (1985) I15
95 (1985) 197 95 (1985) 3?1
--meat The probabilityof hydrogenatom transferin the reactionCH3 + CI-I$O~ as a function of the
relativepositionof the reagentsin the zinc acetatedihydratelattice.V.M. Syutkinand VA ToIkatchev
9.5 (1985) 115
--mixed t state of palladiumphthalocyaninein Shpol’skiimatrices, Zeeman study of the phosphorescen W--H_Chen, K_E_Rieckhoff and E-M_ Voigt
95 (1985) 123
Glmses H-atom abstraction from alcohols by alky1 radicaIs_Studies on the limiting stage, V.I.. Vyazovkin, B.V. Bol’shakovand VA_ ToIkatchev
95 (1985)
PoZymezs The enemy band structure of polyfhomethykne: hfIuence of chemical substitution and ccnfommtion, P_ Otto, J_ Lad& and W_ Forner
95 (1985) 365
SemMctm The solid-stateekctronic structureand the natureof the chemicalbond of the ternary ZintI-phaseIigMgSi5_ A tight-binding analysis, R Ramirez,R Nesper, H-G. von Schneringand M.C. E36hm
95 (1985)
Metais and aUoys
Core-ekctronr&orationenergyin smaIImetallicpar-ticks,NJ_ CasteIIani,D_B. Leroy and W_J_ambrecfrt
95 (1985) 459
Core-ek&ron,rerMxation energy in small met&c W, Lambrecht :_- .m: :
NJ_ C%te~DB_ .
Leroy and ~:
Low-dimtinai materials The solid-state electronic structure and the nature =>fthe chemical bond of the ternary. Z@l-phase Li$@Si~_ A tight-binding analysis, R Bamimz, R Ncsper, FL% von Schnering and MC. B&n
Vitamin E and related ether-phenols: a Iow-temperature &elect& J_ le G_ Gikhrist, G-W_ Burton and KU_ Jngold
relaxation study,
95 (1985) 473 .~
‘. ..
Microscopicsystems MoZea&s fneutml and ionic] Symmetry constraints in energy transfer between state-selected Ar*(3P2, 3Po) met&able atoms and ground state H atoms, N. Sadeghi and D-W_ Setser A new approach to angularmomentum constraints in bimolecular reactions, K_ Rynefors and S. Nordhohn
95 (1985) 305 95 (1985) 345
-diatomic Non-resonant V-V energy transfer between diatomic molecules at Iow temperatures, MM- Maricq, E.A Gregory and CJ.SM_ Simpson A momentum-space view of the chemical bond L The fust-row homonuclear diatom& A Rozendard and EJ_ Baerends Quasiclassicalka+ctory studies of H(D) f HBr(DBr) abstraction and exchange reactions, MI’_ Sudhakaran and L&i. Raff Determination of the radiative lifetimes of the b lZ+ and a 1~ states in NH by ab initio methods, CM_ Maxim and R KIotz Relativistic configuration-interaction calculations of the low-lying states of ICI and JCl*, ICBalasubramanian Quantum information from classical trajectories: scaling deconvolution of moments in diatom-diatom colhsions, R Bhargava and R Bamaswamy Angular distributions using the artificirdcharme method: application to 4HeD+ infiw-ed photodissociation, O_ Atabek, J.A_ Beswick, G_ DelgadoBarrio and P_ Villareal Fluorescence of dissociating fragments from supersonic jet-electron coIli.sions,T-k Blake, RV_ SmiJgys; J.M. LoBue, A.P_ Schiffman and SE. Novick Transfer of eIectronic.excitation: the ArH system, G. Chambaud, B. L&y and P. Pemot Rydberg states and quantum defects ofthe NO molecule, K. Kaufmann, C. Nager and M. Jungen
-smd piyatomics A momentum-space view of the chemical bond L The first-row homonuclear &atomic& -A_ Rozesidaal
and EJ, Baerends
Tkne-rkolved intkavity Iaser spectroscopy: 266 MI photodissoc&on of acetaldehyde vapor to fork HCO, F. Stoeckel, M.D_ Schuh, N. Goldstein a& G.W. Atkinson
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 165 95 (1985) 213 95 (1985) 225 95. (1985) 253 95 (1985) 263 95 (1985) 283 95 (1985) 299 95 (1985) 385
&!iieIz i&&x
Three-body dissociation dynamics_ L Dksociative ekctron attachment differential cross section of Br in HgBrz and Cl- in HgClz, hi_ Tronc, JP- Ziesel, R Ania, M, Sizun and S. Goursaud Tbreebody dissociation dynamics_ IL AppIication to H&it, N. Sizun, S. Goursaud, J.P. ZieseJ, R Auia and N. Tronc A theoretical study of the force field for carbon trioxide, J-S_ Franc&o and llI_ Wilbams iWprese.aing propensities for rotationally inelastic NH3 -He coILisiousin the kinematic apse frame, s_L Davis W emission of CF2 produced by electron and ion impact on CHF,, J_F_N_ Aarts Internaknergy-selected meammmznts on the relative cross section of the ion-molecuie reaction NH@iiH13 $iH~)NH$,D _ van Kjkeren, J_ van EcJcand A_ Niehaus
Non-radfathe decay of the T, states ofchloronaphthzdenes and protonated chioroquhtolines at 77 K, J. rNajjar* W_ Jarzgba and RN_ Hochstrasser Tripiet lifetime of cblorotoluenes in the vapor phase studied by time-resolved and stationary photosensitizes phospho rescence, T_ Icbimura, K_ Nahaq Y_ Nori, N_ Sumitani and K_YosUXXa Cakulation and spectmscopic assignment of charge-tzansfer states in solid anthraceme, tetracene and pentacene, PJ_ Bounds, W_ Siebrand, L Eisenstein. RW_ Mum and P_ Peteknz Vitamin E and related ether-phenols: a low-temperature diekctric relaxation study, J_ LaG_ Gilchrist. G-W_ Burton and KU_ Ingold -0rherztnge Zeeman study of the phosphorescent state of palladium phthalocyanine in ShpolSii matrices, W--H_ Cben, KE_ Bkckboff and E-N. Voigt The ekctronic structure of i&4,3-triazaphosphcks: a study by W photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio mokcuIar orbital methods, D_ Gonbeau, G. J%ster-Guillouzo, J_ Banaus and N3L palmer Observation and interpretation of the fluorescence excitation spectrum of hexafluorobiacetyl under free jet expsnsion, I_ SouIard, F_ FiUaux, A Petit and B_ %ep
- 95 (lP85)
.95 (1985) 189 95 (1985) 373 95 (1985) 411 95 (1985) 443 95 (1983) 4kY
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 197 95 (1985) 473
95 (1985) 123
95 (1985) 243
95 (1985) 293
Moz~ aggrqgIes -diine.rs bfolecuku eqttria investigationsin 3-acetyipyridine using non-linear dieIectic effect and dipole momexit measurements. J_ Nowak and J_ Maiecki
95 (i985) 331
-wm der %a?s mokutk Ekkcuhr equiIihfa h~tions in 3-acetyIpykKne using non-linear diekctdc effkct and dipole moment measurements, J_ Now& and J_ Makcki
95 (1985) 331
The tenqperature dependence of free positron lifetimes and p&tronium fractions in gaseous % and SF6, G-R Heyland, hi. Char&on, T-C. Griffith and G. Clark Corwkctron relaxation energy in small metallic particles~ NJ_ CasteBarn, D_B_ Leroy and W. Lambrecbt
95 (;985)
95 (1985) 459
.~ ..._--.-.._ __-_.
-. --.497. . :: .
Amomentum-space view of the chemical bond L The f&t-row homonuckar diatomics, -. -A_ Rozendaal and EJ_ Baerends. Ab irdtio MO calculations on the stable conformations and their binding energies of the ion-inoIecuIe complexes: icq = H?, Li+, Naf, K*, Be2*= Mi2*, and Ca2’; molecule = CO and N,,
s. Ikuta
.:_.: :-_ _
Sbbjecx index
Lifetimes of triatomic collision compkxes, Ch_ S&her and U_ Vix ~. .. FreeradiaaLs/~&&ghy&o~&myonium~ H-atom abstraction from akohols by alkyl radicals. Studies on the limiting stage, V-L Vyazovkin; B--V_ Bol’shakov and VA To&at&w The probability of hydrogen atom transfer in the reaction CHs + CHsCOF as a function of the relative position of the reagents in the zinc acetate dihydrate lattice, V_M_ Syutkin and V-A_ ToIkatchev Time-resoIved intracavity laser spectroscopy: 266 nm photodissociation of acetaldehyde vapor to form HCO, F. Stoeckel, MD. Schuh, N. Goklstein and G.H. Atkinson Partial spin depolarization of muon&u in ice, P_W;Percival, KM_ Adamson-!%arpe, L-C_ Brodovitch, S.-K_ Leung and K_E_ Newman
_- ._.‘-. ..
._ 95 (1985)
.. ~.j :-. . ,s __ :-_.: 57
~--- -..I’ --
: _.95 (1985) 235 95 (1985) 401
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 135 9.5 (1985) 321
Caiculation and spectroscopk assignment of charge-transferstates in solid anthracene, tetracene and pentacene, PJ_ Bounds, W_ Siebrand. L Eisenstein, RW_ Munn and P_ Petelenz
95 (1985) 197
StatisticaI am&is H. Siegbahn
95 (1985)
of photoelectron and Auger energy shifts in ionic sohrtions, H_ Agren and _ 37
PHENOMENA MoZeaZar srmcture Relativistic configuration-interaction calculations of the low-lying states of ICI and ICi*, K BaIasubratnanian A theoretical study of the force field for carbon trioxide, J.S. Francisco and LH. Williams
95 (1985) 225 95 (1985) 373
Vibratks and roZa&urs of molerules Observation and interpretation of the fluorescence excitation spectrum of hexafluorobiacetyl under free jet expansion, L Soulard, F_ FiJlaux, A Petit and B. Seep A theoretical study of the force field for carbon trloxide, J-S. Francisco and LH. Wihiams
95 (1985) 293 95 (1985) 373
EZecmxukstntctureandstates The solid-state electronic structure and the nature of the chemical bond of the ternary Zintl-phase IiaMgSi6_ A tight-binding analysis, R Ramirez, R Nesper, -_. H-G_ van Schnerlng and h&C_B&m A momentum-space view-of the chemical bond, L The first-row homonuckar diatomics; .A_ Ro&n&al and E J,Baerends Keentan study of the phosphorescent state of palladium phthalocyanlne in Shpol%kii matrices, W--H_ Chen, K-E Rieckhoff and E--M, Voigt
95 (1985)
57. :
._ .-
95 (1985) 123
Subjea tier
Calcukttion and spectroscopic assignment of charge-transfer states in solid anthracene. tetracene an12pentaze~e, PJ_ Bounds, W_ Siebrand, L IBsenstein, RW. Munn and -P_ Petelenz Determination of the radiative lifetimes of the b lBf and a 1A states in NH by ab initio -. methods, C.&V_IHaxianand R Klotz Ftehti~c configuration-interaction calculations of the low-lying states of Ii-and I+, K. Belasubramanian The ekctronic structure of 1,2,4,3-triazaphosphoks: a study by W photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio mokcular orbital methods, D_ Gonbeau, G. PfiierGuiUouzo, J_ Barrans and b!LH_ Palmer Transfer of ekctronic excitationr the ArH system,.G_ Chambaud, B. L&y and P. Pemot EZectrkandmagnei%propemks The influence cf anharmonic
.. ~_ 95 (1985) 19i _.
.95(~985j~13 95 (1985) 225
95 (1985) 243 95 (1985) 299
and magnetic interactions on lattice dynamics of ct-uld fl phases
of solid oxygen, B_ Kuchta
95 (1985) 391
spik q3lwiqg-s Zeeman study of the phosphorescent state of palladium phthalocyanine in Shpol’skii matrices, W--r_‘. Chen, KE. FZkckhoff and E--M_ Voigt
Ab initio %f0 calculations on the stable conformations and their biding energies of the ionmolecule complexes: ion = p, Li+, Na*, K*; B&_ Mg2*, and Ca*+; mole&e = CO and N2, S. lkuta Transfer of electronic excitation: the ArH system, G_ Chambaud, B_ Ikvy and P_ Pemot A new approach to angular momentum constraints in bimolecular reaction K_ R_ynefors and S_ Nordhobrr InternaIenergy+&cted measurements on the relative cross section of the ion-mokcule reaction bB&NHa,NH,)~, D_ van Pijkeren. J_ van Eck and A_ Niehaus
95 (1985) 123
95 (1985) 235 95 (1985) 299 95 (1985) 345 95 (1985) 449
spectmi brzmidt~ani.iint~-~s
Rydbeg states and quantum defects of the NO molecule, K_ Kaufmann, C_ Nager and EL Jungen Ener;evtmrqferpm===r Triplet lifetime of chlorotoluencs in the vapor phase studied by time-resolved and stationary photosensitized phosphorescence, T_ Ichim~ K Nahara, Y_ Mori, hi. Sumitani and K Yoshiham Nonresonant V-V energy transfer between diatomic mokcuks at Iow temperatures, MM_ Mat-i- EA Gregory and C_JS_M_ Sunpson Reiaxation in pure and seeded supersonic jets of SF+ PK. Cbakraborti. R Talukdar, P-N_ k&j, A. Joshi and VB_ Kartha Quantum information from classical trajectories: scaling deconvolution of moments in diatom-diatom coliisions, R Bhargava and R Bamaswamy Fluorescence ofdksociating fragments from supersonic jet-electron collisions, &A_ Blake, RV_ SmiIgys, J&S_ LoBue, AP_ Schiffinan and SE_ Novick Transfer of ekctronic excitation: the ArH system, G. Chambaud, B. L&y end P. Pemot
95 (1985) 385
95 (1985)
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 145 95 (1985) 253 95 (1985) 283 95 (1985) 299
symmetry constraiiltsii +er& tr&&er iAveen-&e-selec*eli A?(&
lYli&&de--I -.
~., .atoms and groundstate H atoms, N. Sadeghiand D-W_ Setser M~preservingpropensitiesfor rotationallyineI&ic Mf3’-1He collisionsin the~kinematic apse: ~-. ., frame,.S.L Davis . . -- _;
;_ --
InmnnoIecz&w a?ynmniks Thrcebody dksociation dynamics. L Dissociative electron attachment different+ cross section of Br- in HgBq and Cl- in Hgc12, M. Tronc, JP. Ziescl, R AZ+, M. Sizun and ,. S. Goursaud Three-bodydissociaticndynamks. JL Application to HgCJz, M Sizun, S. Goursaud, J_P_Ziesel, R Azria and M_ Tronc : Lifetimesof triatomic collision complexes, Ch. S&her and U. Vix Vitamin E &~a r&ted ether-phenols: a low-tempcraturc dielectric relaxation study, J_ Ie G_ Gilchrist, G-W_ Burton and K-U. Ingold -vibraiional energy redi3tribution [inctudbg vibmtional diksociktion) krtemaknergy-selected measurements on the relative cross section of the ion-molecule reaction N&NH3.NH~)NH& D_ van pijkeren, J_ van Eck and A_ Niehaus
~. .’
95 (1985) 179 _ 95 (1985) 95 (1985)
189 4X
95 (1985) 473 _-. _
95 (1985) 449
Lwniizescence specsm, yiehi and hfettmes Non-radiative decay of the Tr statesof ChloronaphthaIenes and protonatedcbloroquinolinesat
77 K, J_Najbar,W_ Jarqba and RM_ Hochstraser Tripletlifetimeof chlorotohrenesin the vaporphasestudiedby time-resolvedand stationaryphotosensitizedphosphorescence,T_ Ichimura,K. Nabara,Y. Mori, M_ Sumitaniand K_ Yoshihara Determinationof the radiativelifetimesof the b IX+ and a rA statesin NH by ab initio methods, CM. Marlanand R Klou W emissionof CFz produced by electron and ion impact on CHF,, J.F.M. Aarts
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 213 95 (1985) 443
Coherence Gossprocesses Par&G spin depolarization of muonium in ice, P-W_Percival,KM. Adamson-Sbarpe,
J.-C. Brodovitch,S.-K. Leungand KJ?. Newman Non-linem resporser (i&cIudkg optical) Mokcuku equifibria investigations in 3-acetylpyridine using non-linear dielectric effect and dipoIe moment measurements, J. Nowak and I_ Ma%ecki
95 (1985) 32 1
95 (1985) 331
Electroncaptureby tetra-and dichlorobenzenemolecules.Comparativestudiesby positron v 7 tion and ODESR methods, OA Anisimov.V-V_ Lczovoy. NJ_ Pedersen and O_E_ Mogensen
95 (1985) 273
Tripletlifetimeof cblorotohrenesin the vaporphasestudiedbytime-resolvedand statior&-yphotosensitizedphosphorescence,T. Ichimura,K_ Nahara,Y. Mori, hi. Sumitaniand K. Yoshiham Tie-resolved intracavitylaserspectroscopy:266 MI photodissociationof acetaldehyde vaporto form ECO. F_ Stoeckel,MD_ Scbuh, N_ Goldsteinand G-H- Atkinson
95 (1985) 135.
Subjea iids
Quasiclassical tijectory stud@ Of H(D) + HBr@Br) abstractionand excha&e reactions, M.P.SudhakaranandL.M_Rsff : -~ ....: Fluorescent of disociatiug tigments from superso& jet_eIectron coBisi&, T-A- Blake, R-V_ SmiIgys,J&L LoBue, A.P_ S&ffman and S-E_Novick Internaluner8y-selected measurementson the relativecrosssectionof the ion-molecule &action N@@iHQlH@lZ$, I)_ xm Pijkeren,J_van Eck and A_ Niehaus
H-atom aEstm3ion
Corn alcoholsby aIkyir&i&_
95 (1985)-l& -5 .95 (1985) 28? 45 (1985) 449 :
Studieson the limitingstage,
V-L Vyazovkjn, B-V_Bohhakov and VA- Tolkatchev
The probabilityofhydro,oenatom tiansferin the reaction&lj f C&CXX$ as a functionof the relativeposition of the reagentsin the zinc acetatedihydratelattice,VM. Syutkinand VA Tolkatchw
Tii-resoibd intracavity laserspectroscopy:266 nm photodissociationof acetaldehyde vx_por to form ElCO,F_ StoeckeI,M-D_ Schuh, N_ Goklsttin and G-H_Atkinson z distriiutionsusingthe artificialchannelmethod: applicationto 4~D* infrared odiwciation, O_ Atabek, J-A- Beswick,G. De&ado-Barrioand P_Vii
H-atom abstrzction6romalcohok by alkyl radicals Studieson the Zmitingstage, VL Vyazovk& B-V_ BoMxikov and VA Tolkatchev The probabilityof hydrogenatom transferin the reaction&Is + CH,Cq as a functionof the relativepositionof the reaggts in the zinc acetate&hydrateIattice,VM_ Syuikin and V-A- Tolkatchev Angulardistributionsusingthe artificialchannelmethod: applicationto 4HeD+ infrared photodiwciation, O_ Atabek, JA- Beswick,G_ Delgad*Barrioand P_Vi&real Positronannihikrrion The temperaturedependenceof free positronlifetimesand positroniumfractionsin gaseousCo, and SF6, G-R Heyland,bi_ Chadton, T-C_ Griffith and G_ Clark Electroncaptureby t&a- and di-chIorobenzenemoIecuIes_Comparativestudiesby positron annihilationand ODESR methods, 0-A. Auisimov,V-V_ Lozovoy, NJ, Pedersenand OE- Mogensen Evidencefor F?sformationin spursin high-densitygaseousco;?, PJ- Cuny and M- Chariton Iorrization(&&u&g Rydbmg srares) Stafistisalamiysis of photoelectronand Auger energyshifts in ionic solutions.H_ &en and HSiegbahn The ekctronic structureof 1,2,43-triazaphospholesra study by W photoelectron spectroscopymd ab initio molecularorbitalmethods, D_ ConbeaK G_PEster-Guillouzo, J_BarransandM.H_Pahuer Rydbergstatesaud quantumdefects of the NO molecule,K- Kaufinann,C- Nagerand M- Jungen
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 1 IS
9.5 (1985) 135 95 (1985) 263
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 115 95 (1985) 263
95 (1985) 157
95 (1985) 273 95 (1985) 313
95 (1985)
95 (1985) 243 ~. 95 (1985) 385
F%tial spin depolarization of mtionium in i&z, P.W. P&civ& KM.’ Ahnshsharpe,. J.-C_Brodoiitcb, S-IL Lxmg and K-E_ Newman .. ’ -~ -~~~ .-
: -
Isotopic effeects H-atom abstraction from al&hoIs by akyl radicals_Studies on the limiting stage,
I- ‘.
.: .
V_L_Vyazovkin, B-V_ Bol’sha&ovand-VA Tokatchev Thi probabilityof hydrogenatom tram&r in the reactione_Hs+ CH$O~ as a function of the rehitiy p&ion of the reagentsin the zinc acetatedibydratelattice,V.M. Syutkinand V_A_ Tokatchev
95 (1985)~ i li -’
Collectivemotkm and excitations The i&hence of anharmonicand magneticinteractionson latticedynamicsof&and p phasesof solid oxygen, B_Kuchta
95 (1985) 391
effects rmd catdysis
Core-electronrelaxationenergyin small metalk particles,NJ_ Castellani,D-B. Leroy and W. Lambrecht l7lemzo&amic a?& t?wupi-t propertieR Concentrationfluctuationsin binarymixturesof model polar fhtids, RN. Joarderand M_ SiIbert Shapeaqalysisof the velocity distributicnin supersonicAr beams: comparisonbetween experimentand theory, R EIngelhardt, Th_ Lorenz, K_ Bergmaqn,Th_ Mietznerand kPakzewski Stnrclw-eof solids and liquids The solid-stateelectronicstructureand the natureof the chemicalbond of the ternary Zntl-phase IigMgSi,. A tight-bindinganaIysis,R Fkunirez,R. Nesper, H-G. von Schneringand M.C. B&m The energyband structureof poiyiluoroethylene:influenceof chemicalsubstitutionand conformation,P_ Otto, J_ Yklik and W_ F6mer
95 (1985) 459
95 (1985) 357 _ 95 (1985) 417
95 (-1985) 17 95 (1985) 365