= Abstract;
= Clinico-pathologic
XV (E.)
= Editorial
Carcinoma, of periphery of lung (CPC), 578 Cardiovascular action of 1, 1 -dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide, 675 Catheterization, cardiac, in transposed pulmonary veins, 143 Cerebral vascular activity to COz, 171
Ab stracts of Western Society for Clinical Research, sixth annual meeting, January 30, 31, 1953, 408 Acidosis hyperchloremic, after ureterosigmoidostomy, 423 renal hyperchloremic, 122 ACTH and cortisone in non-tropical sprue (ab.), 415 Adrenal disease, electrolyte disturbances in, 771 response to bacterial pyrogens (ab.), 413 Age, influence of, on cerebral vascular activity, 171 rlging process, investigation of (E.), 1 Amyloidosis, secondary, and paraplegia, 216 Anemia, pernicious, erythropoiesis in (ab.), 412 .4nesthesia, influence of, on cerebral vascular activity, 171 .4ntianemic therapy, shotgun (E.), 141 Antibody and antibody formation (ab.), 412 Aorta, overriding, diagnosis of, 158 rlrteriosclerosis, influence of, on cerebral vascular activity, 171 Asbestosis and bronchogenic carcinoma, 721 Atria1 pressure wave and ventricular hypertrophy (ab.), 410 Aureomycin, ineffectiveness of, in atypical pneumonia, 593 .4uricular flutter, auricular sounds in, 134
Chest pain, differential Cholate/cholesterol
diagnosis of (CPC),
Choledocholithiasis twenty-two ectomy (CPC), 391
time tests in overriding
in (ab.), 420 post-cholrcyst-
aorta, 158
of mitral stenosis, 50
Cirrhosis, portal, and needle biopsy of liver, 207 Clinic on psychosomatic problems (Massachusetts General Hospital) case of low back and leg pain complicated by psychologic factors, 391 Clinico-pathologic conferences (Washington bronchial asthma, 112 differential diagnosis of chest pain terminating 258
Univ.) fatally,
pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary inliltration and hepatosplrnomegaly, 710 persistent left pleural effusion and localized ostroporosis, 578 recurrent jaundice, chills, fever and abdominal pain, 399 Cold sensitivity, 431 Columbia-Presbyterian Medical niversary of, 7499803 Coma mechanisms, 804
Bacterial pyrogens, adrenal response to (ab.), 413 Blastomycosis cutaneous, treatment of, with stilbamidine, 746 systemic, and 2_hydroxystilbamidine, 603 Blood flow, venous, during Valsalva experiment, 307 pressure, estimation of, in minute vessels of skin (ab.), 417 volume, circulatory states and, 785 Body fluids, hyperosmolarity of, in diabetes insipidus, 180 Bone and metabolic diseases of bone, 99 marrow embolism occluding pulmonary arteries, 137 failure, chronic, 499 Bowel lymphoma of, and sprue syndrome, 666 small, and ileojejunitis, 741 Bronchial asthma, intrinsic (CPC), 112 Bronchomotor tone and pulmonary circulation, 356
Combined staff clinics (Columbia Univ.) bone and metabolic diseases of bone, 99 malabsorption syndrome, 790 Condenser discharges and ventricular defibrillation 418 Conference on therapy (Cornell Univ.) some therapeutic applications of vasodilating 250 therapeutic application of psychosurgery, 570
Coronary artery disease, electrocardiogram in, 344 Coronary embolization, protracted shock after (ab.), 409 Corticoid fraction from urine of patients with edema (ah.), 417 Cortisone in sarcoidosis, 468 or .4<:TH during desensitization of allergic patients (ab.), 416 C-reactive protein in serum, a guide in rheumatic fever, 645 Cytology, exfoliative, of digestive tract (FL), 439
Capillary fragility of skin, tests for, 175 Carcinoma bronchogenic, and asbestosis, 721 893
Heart, failure (E.), 281 metabolic studies on, 284 Hemochromatosis of liver, 518
Diabetes insipidus, hyperosmolarity of body fluids in, 180 mellitus, hallucal circulation in, 316 vascular sclerosis in, 322 Diabetic nephropathy, kidney biopsy in, 187 Diathesis, hemorrhagic, of cancer of prostate, 875 Digestive tract, exfoliative cytology of (E.), 439 Desensitization of allergic patients (ab.), 416 Diffusion constants of proteins (ab.), 415 Digital vasoconstrictor reflexes (ab.), 422 DMPP in diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, 675
Hemorrhage, mediastinal, secondary to uremia, 588 Hepatolenticular degeneration, liver dysfunction in, 450 Hetrazan in filariasis, 272 Histidine, renal clearance of, in pregnancy (ab.), 418 Histoplasmosis in non-endemic regions, 624 of pharynx with generalized dissemination (CPC), 710 Hydrocortisoneintra-articular injection of, in rheumatic diseases, 656 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids, circulating, and response to salicylate (ab.), 412 2-Hydroxystilbamidine for systemic blastomycosis, 603
Electrocardiogram, falliability of, in coronary artery disease, 344 Electrokymogram in mitral regurgitation, 5 in rheumatic heart disease, 25 Electrolyte disturbances in adrenal disease, 771 sweat, and pancreatic disease, 777 metabolism, introduction to symposium on, 761 response to mitral valve surgery (ab.), 411 Electrolytes, role of, in gouty arthritis, 525 Embolism, bone marrow, 137 Encephalitis hyperosmolarity of extracellular fluid in, 885 varicella, 223 Endocardial fibroelastosis (ab.), 408 Erythema exudativum multiforme, 633 Erythropoiesis in pernicious anemia (ab.), 412 Esophagogram, auricular, in mitral regurgitation, 5 Exercise tolerance after surgery for mitral stenosis, 35 Exophthalmos, role of thyrotrophic hormone in (ab.), 421
Hypercholesteremia, dietary, susceptibility to (ab.), Hyperglycemia, paradoxic, in diabetics (ab.), 419
involving small bowel, 741
Infarct of heart with rupture Inheritance
of diseases in muscles, 558
Insulin action of (ab.), 422 distribution of (ab.), 414 hyperglycemia
in diabetics
Inulin, renal clearance
J aundice,
treated with (ab.), 419
of, in pregnancy
chills, fever and abdominal
(ab.), 418 pain (CPC),
Kidney biopsy in diabetic nephropathy, 187 needle biopsy in multiple myeloma, 198 role of, in regulation of acid-base metabolism, Leptospiral
infections of man (E.), 591
Leukocytes, auto-removal of, from peripheral lation (ab.), 410 Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in diabetics 416 Lipoprotein in xanthomatosis
(ab.), 417
Liver cell failure, hypokalemia in, 459 dysfunction in hepatolenticular degeneration, 450 needle biopsy of, 207 siderosis of, and radioactive iron absorption, 518
Gout associated with polycythemia, 845 metabolic studies in, 525 phenylbutazone in (ab.), 414 Granuloma, eosinophilic, xanthomatous, 130 Granulomatosis, pulmonary, in bridge workers, 733 cn-cu Halmcal . 1ation in diabetes mellitus, Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease, 130
in liver cell failure, 459
pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary infiltration and hepatosplenomegaly (CPC), 710 Fibrinolysin, prostatic, 875 Fibroelastosis, endocardial (ab.), 408 Filariasis due to Loa loa, thoracic manifestations in, 272 Founding of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, 754 globulin for prevention of paralytic litis (ab.), 408 Glycine-N’s in gout associated with polycythemia, 845 in myeloid metaplasia with gout, 857
Hyperosmolarity of body fluids with cerebral lesion, 180 of extracellular fluid in encephalitis, 885 Hyperparathyroidism, primary (ab.), 415
F ever,
G amma
Low back and leg pain and psychologic Lymphocytes, Lymphoma
syndrome, 790
Metabolic diseases of bone, 99 studies on human heart in vim, 284 894
factors, 391 of (ab.),
of small bowel and the sprue syndrome, 666
Heart carbohydrate metabolism of, 284 disease, Turner’s syndrome in (ab.), 421 effect of ouabain on (ab.), 420
Subject Index Metabolism acid-base, regulation of, 765 carbohydrate, of heart, 284 electrolyte, symposium on, 761-789 lipid and carbohydrate, in diabetics (ab.), 416 Mitral regurgitation, diagnosis of, 5 stenosis, abnormal circulatory dynamics of, 50 and pulmonary disease, 60 exercise tolerance after surgery for, 35 ventilatory studies in, 60 valve function, changes of, in rheumatic heart disease, 25 surgery and electrolyte response (ab.), 411 Muscles, inheritance of diseases in, 558 Myasthenia gravis and neuromuscular transmission, 695 Myeloid metaplasia associated with gout, 857 Myeloma multiple, needle biopsy of kidney in, 198 simulating hyperparathyroidism, 862 Myopathies in constitutional disease, 829 Naphuride Necrosis,
Poliomyelitis, paralytic, prevention of, in tonsillectomized monkeys (ab.), 408 Polycythemia and gout, 845 Porphyria, experimental production of (ab.), 409 Posture in tetralogy of Fallot, 297 Prostatic fibrinolysin, 875 Psychoses, toxic, and allied states, 813 Psychosurgery, therapeutic application of, 570 Pulmonary arteries, occlusion of by bone marrow embolism, 137 circulation and bronchomotor tone, 356 disease and mitral stenosis, 60 function in sarcoidosis, 468 granulomatosis in bridge workers, 733 veins, transposed, 143 Radioactive iron absorption in siderosis of liver, 518 Renal clearance of inulin and histidine in pregnancy (ab.), 418 complications of sarcoidosis and hypercalcemia, 484 function tests in diabetic nephropathy, 187 glomerulus in health and disease (ab.), 419 hyperchloremic acidosis, 122 Rheumatic diseases and locally administered hydrocortisone. 056 fever and C-reactive protein in serum, 645 heart disease, mitral valve function in, 25
sodium in filariasis, 272 tubular,
of recovery
535 Needle biopsy of kidney, 187, 198 of liver, 207 Nephrocalcinosis and hyperchloremia, familial occurrence of, 122 Nephropathy, diabetic, 187 Nephrosis, cholate/cholesterol relationship in (ab.), 420 Neuromuscular physiology, clinical problems in, 368 transmission, abnormalities in, 695 Nor-epinephrine in shock, 330
Sarcoidosis cortisone in, 468 pulmonary function in, 468 renal complications of, 484 therapy of, 477 Seminars on neuromuscular physiology abnormalities in neuromuscular transmission, with special reference to myasthenia gravis, 695 aspects of the pharmacology of neuromuscular function, 231 clinical problems in neuromuscular physiology, 368 inheritance of diseases primary in the muscles, 558 muscle and nerve-physiologic orientation, 83 myopathies: including their appearance in constitutional disease, 829 Sensitivity to cold, 431 Serum hemolysin for erythrocytes (ab.), 419 Shock nor-epinephrine in, 330 protracted, after coronary embolization with microspheres (ab.), 409 Spatial vectorcardiogram and right ventricular hypertrophy (ab.), 413 Sprue non-tropical, ACTH and cortisone in (ab.), 415 syndrome secondary to lymphoma of small bowel, 666 Stilbamidine, effect of, on cutaneous blastomycosis, 746 Sympathetic blocks in relief of pain (ab.), 411 Symposium on electrolyte metabolism effect of circulatory states on determinations of blood volume, 785
Ouabain, effect of, on heart (ab.), 420 Overriding aorta, diagnosis of, 158
P ain
low back and leg, and psychologic factors, 391 relief of, and sympathetic blocks (ab.), 411 Pancreatic disease, childhood, and electrolyte disturbances, 777 Paraplegia and secondary amyloidosis, 216 Peripheral circulation, auto-removal of leukocytes from (ab.)., 410 Phenylbutazone in gout (ab.), 414 Pheochromocytoma, diagnosis of, with DMPP, 675 Phonocardiogram in mitral regurgitation, 5 in rheumatic heart disease, 25 Pituitary insufficiency, hyperosmolarity of body fluids in, 180 Plasma thromboplastin component deficiency and fraction IV (ab.), 421 Plasmapheresis, human (ab.), 409 Pleural effusion and localized osteoporosis (CPC), 578 Pneumonia, primary atypical aureomycin in, 593 895
Subject Symposium on electrolyte metabolism, electrolyte disturbances in adrenal disease, 771 introduction to symposium on electrolyte metabolism, 761 sweat electrolyte disturbances associated with childhood pancreatic disease, 777 the role of the kidney in regulation of acid-base metabolism, 765
venous blood flow during, 307
Vascular disease and hallucal 316
in diabetes
positive tests in, 175 sclerosis in diabetes mellitus, Vasodilating Ventilatory
Tetralogy of Fallot, postural effects in, 297 Therapeutic application of psychosurgery, 570 of vasodilating agents, 250 Thrombi, occlusive, auricular, 77 Thyrotrophic, hormone, role of in exophthalmos (ab.), 421 Transposition of pulmonary veins, 143 Triethylene melamine, effects of, 684 Tubular necrosis, structure, function and mechanisms of recovery in, 535 Turner’s syndrome in congenital heart disease (ab.), 421 Uremia and mediastinal hemorrhage, 588 Ureterosigmoidostomy, acidosis after, 423 Uric acid production in myeloid metaplasia,
agents, therapeutic
322 application
of, 250
studies in mitral stenosis, 60
Ventricular defibrillation
(ab.), 418
hypertrophy and atria1 pressure wave (ab.), 410 and spatial vectorcardiogram (ab.), 413 Viral
infections 633
W erner’s
and erythema
Western Society for Clinical Research, sixth annual meeting, January 30, 31, 1953, 408 Wilson’s
disease, 442
and biochemical
studies in (ab.),