Birdsong; Sexual motivation; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Song control system 307
Incubation in darkness; Lateralisation; Development; Chicks; Light exposure; Embryo; Social recognition; Choice of familiar 67 Internal models; Motor imagery; Arm movement; Motor prediction; Motor timing 231
Microwaves; High frequency; Spatial memory; Working memory 37
Laterality; Corpus callosum; Callosal development; Turning 13 Lateralization; Novelty handling; Neonatal stimulation; Early experience; Asymmetry; Longitudinal; Sex difference; Female 257 Learning and memory; Unpredictable chronic mild stress; Anhedonia; Sucrose consumption; Sucrose preference; Y-maze; Water maze; Inbred strains of mice 135 Learning curve; Rat; Motor skill learning; Forelimb reaching; Operant conditioning 249
Modified hole board; Open field; Dark–light box; Elevated plus-maze; Brain; Stress; Depression 197 Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Non-spatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 177 Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Nonspatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 109 Motor imagery; Arm movement; Internal models; Motor prediction; Motor timing 231
Lesion; Erythropoietin; Fear conditioning; Open-field; Amygdala 223
Motor timing; Motor imagery; Arm movement; Internal models; Motor prediction 231
Light exposure; Lateralisation; Development; Chicks; Incubation in darkness; Embryo; Social recognition; Choice of familiar 67 Lipid peroxidation; Immobilization stress; Cold stress; Immobilization– cold stress; Brain; Antioxidant enzymes; Reduced glutathione; Protein oxidation 241 Locomotion; Ground reaction forces; Von Frey filament; Skilled locomotion 55
Mouse; CCK2 receptors; Targeted mutagenesis; Gender; Social isolation; Behavioural changes; Dopamine D2 receptors; 5-Hydroxytryptamine2 receptors 1 Neocortex and space; Morris place task and visual cortex; Non-spatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 177
Neocortex and space; Morris place task and visual cortex; Nonspatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 109
Longitudinal; Novelty handling; Neonatal stimulation; Early experience; Asymmetry; Lateralization; Sex difference; Female 257
Neonatal stimulation; Novelty handling; Early experience; Asymmetry; Lateralization; Longitudinal; Sex difference; Female 257
Medial amygdala; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307 Medial preoptic nucleus; Lordosis; Behavior; d-Opioid receptor; m-Opioid receptor; Immunocytochemistry 301 Medial preoptic nucleus; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307 Medial septum; Hippocampus; Brain waves; Seizures; Phencyclidine; Psychoses 153
Non-spatial learning; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 177 Nonspatial learning; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 109 Novelty handling; Neonatal stimulation; Early experience; Asymmetry; Lateralization; Longitudinal; Sex difference; Female 257 Obesity; Energy balance; Reinforcement; Deprivation; Lateral hypothalamus; Body weight; Resistance 319
Reproduction; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307
Phencyclidine; Hippocampus; Medial septum; Brain waves; Seizures; Psychoses 153 Pig; Acoustic startle; Eye blink; Prepulse inhibition; Amphetamine disruption 217 Place learning and visual cortex; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Non-spatial learning; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 177 Place learning and visual cortex; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Nonspatial learning; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 109 Plasticity; Chick; Learning; NMDA receptors; GABAB 27 Predation risk; Defensive behavior; Risk assessment; Aggressive behavior; Orientation; Freeze and flee; Spiny mice; Voles 207 Prefrontal cortex; Estradiol; Working memory; Hippocampus; Learning; Female 45 Prepulse inhibition; Pig; Acoustic startle; Eye blink; Amphetamine disruption 217 Proliferative response; Social stress; Tumor; Dopamine; Serotonin; D2receptors 125 Protein oxidation; Immobilization stress; Cold stress; Immobilization– cold stress; Brain; Antioxidant enzymes; Reduced glutathione; Lipid peroxidation 241 Psychoses; Hippocampus; Medial septum; Brain waves; Seizures; Phencyclidine 153
Resistance; Obesity; Energy balance; Reinforcement; Deprivation; Lateral hypothalamus; Body weight 319 Retrosplenial cortex; Heading direction; Radial-arm maze; Rats; Spatial memory; Water maze 97 Risk assessment; Predation risk; Defensive behavior; Aggressive behavior; Orientation; Freeze and flee; Spiny mice; Voles 207 Risk-taking; Chronic ultra-mild stress; Rotating beam test; Locomotor performance; Attention; Mice 265 Rotating beam test; Chronic ultra-mild stress; Locomotor performance; Attention; Risk-taking; Mice 265 Seizures; Hippocampus; Medial septum; Brain waves; Phencyclidine; Psychoses 153 Serotonin; Social stress; Tumor; Dopamine; D2-receptors; Proliferative response 125 Sex difference; Novelty handling; Neonatal stimulation; Early experience; Asymmetry; Lateralization; Longitudinal; Female 257 Sex differences; Brain lateralisation; Asymmetry; Laterality; Spatial memory; Birds; Chicks 85 Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307 Skilled locomotion; Locomotion; Ground reaction forces; Von Frey filament 55
Psychosocial stress; Hypothyroidism; Hippocampal-dependent memory; Radial arm water maze 77
Social recognition; Lateralisation; Development; Chicks; Light exposure; Incubation in darkness; Embryo; Choice of familiar 67
Radial arm water maze; Psychosocial stress; Hypothyroidism; Hippocampal-dependent memory 77
Social stress; Tumor; Dopamine; Serotonin; D2-receptors; Proliferative response 125
Subject index of volume 155
Song control system; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Ventral tegmental area; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis 307
Spatial learning and visual cortex; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Non-spatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Visual cortex and space 177
Spatial learning and visual cortex; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Nonspatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Visual cortex and space 109 Spatial learning; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Non-spatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 177
Tumor; Social stress; Dopamine; Serotonin; D2-receptors; Proliferative response 125 Turning; Corpus callosum; Callosal development; Laterality 13 Unpredictable chronic mild stress; Anhedonia; Learning and memory; Sucrose consumption; Sucrose preference; Y-maze; Water maze; Inbred strains of mice 135
Spatial learning; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Nonspatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning and visual cortex; Visual cortex and space 109
Ventral tegmental area; Sexual motivation; Birdsong; Reproduction; Medial amygdala; Medial preoptic nucleus; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Song control system 307
Visual cortex and space; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Non-spatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex 177
Spatial memory; Heading direction; Radial-arm maze; Rats; Retrosplenial cortex; Water maze 97 Spatial memory; High frequency; Microwaves; Working memory 37
Visual cortex and space; Morris place task and visual cortex; Neocortex and space; Nonspatial learning; Place learning and visual cortex; Spatial learning; Spatial learning and visual cortex 109