Supernumerary tooth bud in the maxillary antrum

Supernumerary tooth bud in the maxillary antrum

SUPERNUMERARY TOOTH BUD IN THE MAXILLARY ANTRUM .J. J. GoT.I).\MN, D.D.S., NEWI’TOS, X. .J. ----Case Report H IS’l’OIZY.-A white man, a.getl 28,...

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.J. J. GoT.I).\MN, D.D.S., NEWI’TOS, X. .J. ----Case Report


IS’l’OIZY.-A white man, a.getl 28, presented himself at my office on Nov. 18, 2948. He was referred to me hy his physicGan for a complete dent:~l. txaminat.iou. The past history of this patient revealed that as a child he He remembered nothing of consulhad hail the usual diseases in a mild form. quence of his previous medical history except that he had always heen subject t.0 rampant dental decay. At the age of 1.8, full upper and lower estxactions were done, ant1 upper and lower dentures constructed. At this time he cont.inuecl to hare pain, and s-rays revealed four supernumerary teeth in the maxilIac. In 1943, while this man was in military service, he again had pail1 in the right maxillnry region, and two more sL~1~e~~~l~l~~lt~~.i~~.y t&h were I~ound on s-ray esa.niination. These were removrtl iln(l new clt>nturcJs const.ruc.tec’l. ‘I‘hp Ij;ltient, had had no further tlifiicu1t.y until n \v~k 1)rior to his ;11>1>e;lr;ln(!e :~t my ofice.

Examination.-During this week, the patient was exilmined by his physician and a negative report was given to me. The cfhief complaint, was o.f a continuous dull pain which seemed to radiate from the right masillary cuspid region to t.he right auricular r7rea. Clinical esnmination of his mouth revealed that. it was edentnlous. The ritlge ant1 mucosa were uormal in every respect, am1 the dentures had good ret.ention and good occlusion at, rest and A full-a1out.h s-ray was taken and revealed one almormality. in function. This \vils the presence of a t0ot.h l)~rl with crown formation but no root. This l)ntl was locatetl on the anterio!* w:111 of the right maxillary ankwn. l~iff~~zo.sis: SSnpernmnr~~a~~y tooth 1~1 in th(l milGll;lry antrum. Treatment--The patient was hospitdized on 1.)~ . 2. 1948. I’rco1)erative metlicntion of 3/100 g r. dropine sulfate and ${; gr. morphinr sulfi1t.e WM iltlministcre(l one-half hour prior to operation. Pflntothnl Sodium (intravenous nnesthesiaj was used. An incision was made along th(b crest of the ridge ,from the upper right lateral incisor to t.he upper right s~ontl molar rrgion. A vertical incision in the area o-f t.he upper right lilt(~~;Il incaisor WHS made and the tissue was retracted. The antrum was opened as fnr forward as possihlr. The tooth I:ud was locnt.etl and removed with tissutr forceps. The wound was closed with Ge1fon.m nut1 t.hromhin. ‘l’ht~ ~UCOS;~. \viIs sutured with black silk. Postoperative healing was uric\-enbful. l’hcrc wi>s no swelling or hemorrh; l’nst.oper;ltive S-KL~S IYT.CR~PC~a. c*le;ll* fitald. ;It~tl the pa.tient WAS dis!EX

c*hnrgecl (III Ike. 2, :I wt;. Suturw wtlty I~c~II~o\-P~~I’ot*t\--eight, hours I; ‘1’11th tathvr WHS tliM!hill~g~tl fl’Olll thP of&W 011 I)tT. 20. .1W?. l‘htw \VHS IIO 1’11

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of thch r~vcv~leil thtl d’ollowing: thtb t’t*Rglll(lllt 11f t.(~oth h;ltl iltl iItlh(~t*t~tlt III;ISS oI’ s(*;lI*lik(a fil~t*~~tt~w)tmwtivc t.isslI(b I~IIIV~ l)y flaltvtltvl cldhcliunl. showing cddic;ttic,tI ~II \vhivh thrt*(s was il sttl;tll c*ltal’t. Comment.--This ~;IW is itltt~resiing itI t.hitI t hvt*c hitv(b I)tvstl W\.PII sttlu’t’Ilultlt’rxty jwth t~stt*il~tt~tl I’oI, hinl within ttbtl JYYII*S 1’rotll thr tilllts wh(htl I’dI 11])1)Pl iltltl lOWeI* (It’lltlll’t’S Ililtl IJCICtl ~‘OllSltTl~*t~lI. ‘l’hta Iitst IIII(L \\lils just it t.ooth hutl tlevelopittg OII tlit 1 ;Illtt~l*iot* will1 it’ the right Illilsill;ll*~ iItlt.l*l~r~l. I’llf(~dutltltel~. t.he1.e ilt*e IIO s-tailys :Icilil;tl)le. ;Ilthou~h the p:rt.itwt t~e~t~ille(l thi~l the sn],ei’llnllle~R~y t.wt11 \VPl’( ali iti thv right. nl;lsilla. itI the wgiwl ol’ the vuspitl. 160