Synthesis of linear dimethylmethylpolysiloxanes by copolymerization of cyclosiloxanes

Synthesis of linear dimethylmethylpolysiloxanes by copolymerization of cyclosiloxanes

360 Abstracts of the polychelates showed them to be amorphous. The thermal stability of the compounds was determined and their reflection and lumine...

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of the polychelates showed them to be amorphous. The thermal stability of the compounds was determined and their reflection and luminescence spectra investigated. The magnetic susceptibility was determined and the E P R spectra of the copper chelated were obtained. Based on the magneto-chemical investigations assumptions were made as to the structure of the chelate bundle of the polymers. S T U D I E S OF COORDINATION P O L Y M E R S - - I X . METAL-CONTAINING POLYMERS B A S E D ON A L I P H A T I C DICARBOXYLIC, ~ , ~ ' - D I H Y D R O X Y D I C A R B O X Y L I C A N D ~,~'-DIA L K O X Y D I C A R B O X Y L I C ACIDS

V. V. Korshak, S. V. Rogozhin and V. I. Votkov, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. l, 2 0 - 2 4 , 1962. THE possibility has been investigated of synthesizing polymeric products on the basis of aliphatie dicarboxylic, a,a'-dihydroxydicarboxylie and ~,~'-dimethoxydicarboxylic acids and the chlorides or acetates of zinc, copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. I t has been shown that the insolubility of the resultant polymers is associated with the formation of a n ioniccoordination network. CRYSTALLINITY OF T H E H Y D R O G E N A T I O N PRODUCTS OF


B. I. Tikhomirov, A. I. Yakubchik and I. A. Klopotova, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. l, 2 5 - 2 9 , 1962. X-I~AY analysis bears evidence of tlle crystallinity of the hydrogenation products of cis1,4-polybutadiene with unsaturation of 70% and less. The products are capable of forming spherulites. The degree of crystallinity, perfectness of the spherulite structure and the melting points of the hydrogenated cis-l,4-polybutadiene increase with degree of hydrogenation. These phenomena are explainable on the basis of the packet theory of polymer structure proposed by Kargin, Kitaigorodskii and Slonimskii. SYNTHESIS OF L I N E A R D I M E T H Y L M E T H Y L P O L Y S I L O X A N E S TION OF CYCLOSILOXANES



V. O. Reikhsfe]d and A. G. ]vanova, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. 1, 30-36, ]962. THE synthesis of high molecular linear polysiloxanes with varying (CH3)2SiO and (CH3)HSiO ratios by means of the copolymerization of tctramethylcyclotetrasiloxane and pentamethyleyclopentasiloxane with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane has been investigated. The monomer reactivity constants have been calculated and inferences have been drawn as to the relative reactivity of cyclosiloxanes in the copolymerization process. Further proof is given in favour of the polymerization mechanism of conversion of cyclic polysilexane to linear products. STUDIES OF P O L Y M E R - F I L L E R INTERACTION -- III. T H E P R O P E R T I E S OF P O L Y S T Y R E N E W I T H GLASS F I B E R F I L L E R


Yu. S. Lipatov and R. P. Khoroshko, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. 1, 37-41, 1962. THE temperature dependence of deformation has been studied on polystyrene films with 30 and 60% glass fiber in the form of 0.1-2 m m pieces and without the fiber. The softening point of the films has been defined as the point of intersection of two almost linear portions of curves in the softening region. The softening point has been found to increase linearly