The Storacall range varies from teleatston set adaptors to business terminal
implementation. A one day seminar will cost cl80 for each attendee. The new Systems Engineering Service will provide systems housekeeping programming for users. The service is based in London, with plans to extend to Manchester. Altergo staff will maintain the user’s operating software and deal with tuning enhancements of software releases for the 4300. /(Altergo, 38 Soho Square, London
A range of viewdata equipment has been launched by Storacall on a nationwide basis. The range varies from a domestic adaptor for a television set through a full colour business terminal to the executive desk top unit. Both the business terminals can be purchased outright and are covered by a maintenance agreement, or can be rented on three or five year terms, including on site service. (Sroracall, 28 York Street, Twickenham, Middlesex.
Telex by micro Encotel Systems has developed software for the automatic sending and receiving of telexes by microcomputer. Developed on the Interec Superbrain, and to be available for other CPiM machines, the telex system performs dialling, transmission and reception procedures as a background activity. It includes an interface unit to enable connection of the microcomputer to the telex network. The system allows standard CR/M text tiles, such as those
L: 34
created by word processin g software, to be sent as tele X messages. The user adds th recipient’s telex number an ti answerback, and the telex sysitern software creates the fil e heading for use as a telex :. ‘Emote1 Systems, 530-538 Put ._ !ey Way, Croydon, Surrey. Tei 71-686 968718.) --
Black box approach Altergo is taking delivery of 2 IBM 4300 systems to be ma] keted to end users, togethc with applications package specifically for the 4300 rangr systems programming, and a education programme for SSXL> the Small Systems Executive :I VSE. The accounts payable an’d purchase order packages, fcbr use interactively with all 37 0 architectural machines, ar ‘e available now. The Genera 11 Ledger and Accounts Receiv r_
01-734 c
Links for retailers -
A viewdata for linking retail outlets has been launched by DISC, a subsidiary of the Debenhams group. Viewbase is fully interactive and sells at E18,500 as a software package. It is based on the Computex Viewdata software and CMC Reality minis with a Digital front end processor. (DZSC,
Taunton, Somerset Tel: (0823)
Street, 4DB. 0
Disc repairs
disc repair rI’he Winchester fgcility being offered by KSL is 1low in operation. Turnaround time for repair 2md test is about 10 working Station Road, able systems are to be availabl e (lays. (KSL, later in the year. The package :s CTalme, Wiltshire. Tel: (0249) 0 are table-driven and environ I- f113771.) ment independent. The soft _ ware was developed in the USI i and Altergo have the Europeal n marketing rights. The SSXIVSE seminars wilI1 :over system software, corn parison with DOSNSE, con tigurations, application use s and development, ant cl
remote computer, the terminal will print in 132 column width on plain paper. The printer weighs under 20 pounds, and is slightly smaller than an electric typewriter. Prices start from &1,351. (DEC,
Digital Park,
110, Reading (0734)
86871 I .)
Viewdata system Miracle Viewdata, recently announced by D M England & Partners, is a private viewdata system for business users comprising both hardware and software. The terminal consists of a display, a keyboard and a microprocessor control unit. It operates at selectable speeds of up to 19.2K baud, and offers a choice of seven colours. The software comprises a suite of programs which run on any of the DEC PDP-11 or VAX range. It provides standard Prestel communications and operating features including the ‘Gateway’ facility, which allows interactive data capture and access to third party computers. The system can be purchased with or without a host computer. The cost of a terminal is &950. The software is available in three modules with the basic user system costing 53,800. (D M England & Part1ners,
Street, Twyford,
Miracle viewdata uses the “Gateway” facility.
1Portable printer -The DEC “Correspondent” IJrinter is intended for execuI.ives on the move. Linking t hrough either an RS232 interf-ace or an acoustic coupler to a
data processing