Textbook of Human Embryology.

Textbook of Human Embryology.

Reviews I Abstracts Edited by LOUIS M. HELLMAN, M.D. Reviews of new books And the Poor Get Children-A Study Sponsored by Planned Parenthood Federa...

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Reviews I Abstracts Edited by LOUIS




Reviews of new books And the Poor Get Children-A Study Sponsored by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. By Lee Rainwater. 202 pages, not illustrated. Chicago, J 960, Quadrangle Books. Although the title of this book leaves unwritten the beginning of the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get children," the unwritten part with all the bitterness implied remains presentwhispered only, but present-so that befor~ the book is even opened one feels somewhat uncomfortable-and for reasons that have nothing whatever to do with the contents of the book. A psychosocial study of contraception, and the problems related to contraception as they arc found among "the poor" is at best a very difficult task. Unfortunately, little of the task was performed in this study. The book proves nothing new, gives no new information, and, unfortunately, treats the psychological problems in a very superficial manner. Textbook of Human Embryology. By R. G. Harrison. 244 pages, 144 figures, 1 table. Springfield, Ill., 1959, Charles C Thomas, Publisher. $10.50. In order to produce a textbook of embryology for the medical student that will not only provide a knowledge of developmental anatomy but which would also provide some insight into the clinical manifestations of the field of embryology, Professor Harrison has begun with the chicken instead of the egg, and starts by reviewing the anatomy and physiology of the adult male and female reproductive systems. Following in a logical manner, he proceeds through fertilization, nidation, and early embryo growth. By limiting the number of photomicrographs and by utilizing simplified line drawings he presents a complete summary of the early developmental

phases. There is an excellent chapter on the development of the placenta with mention of its role in such clinical entities as placenta previa and Rh sensitization and a short summary of its hormone functions and relationships. As soon as the embryo has reached the somite and limb bud stage, the organism as a whole is abandoned, and each organ system is taken up individually and is followed through its development with clinical relationships brought out whenever possible. The details of much of the cellular morphology is left out in favor of emphasis on functional development. Accordingly, there is little or no mention of the complex and technical dcvclopments of chemical embryology which belongs more properly in the texts designed for specialized workers in this field. There are times when the reader feels the lleed for more correlation between the developmental stage of one organ system with that of another organ system or even with that of the embryo as a whole. Once you have completed the development of each of the systems and organs, you are left to yourself to bring all the parts together and come up with a unified and functioning fetus. The book is well enough written and so well thought out that one feels entirely capable of assembling the parts without much difficulty and the reader is left with a better understanding of the embryo's functional development. Over de Behandeling van Zwangeren met een Gestoorde Bloedsuikercurve en de Re. sultaten Ten Aanzien van de Fetal Loss. By R. J. J. Omers. 128 pages, I figure, 42 tables. Heerlen, 1960, N. V. Uitgeverij Winants. This report describes the study of 383 patients who had 1,364 pregnancies and on whom glucose