Items The American
of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The National Federation of Obstetric-Gynecologic Societies has reconstituted itself as The American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This action was taken at the Federation meeting held on June 13, 1951, in Atlantic City, in response to the long-felt need for a national society for obstetricians and gynecologists based on individual and personal membership. The following
at this
President-Woodard D. Beacham, New Orleans, La. President-Elect-Carl P. Huber, Indianapolis, Ind. Vice-President-Louis H. Douglass, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer-Herbert E. Schmitz, Chicago, Ill. Secretary-Ralph A. Reis, Chicago, Ill. J’:xecutive Board-Robert G. Craig, San Francisco, Calif. John L. Parks, Washington, D. C. Charles D. Kimball, Seattle, Wash. Samuel B. Eirkwood, Winchester, Mass. Philip F. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. The Academy was incorporated on Aug. 4, 1951, as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois. Its objects are listed in the Constitution and By-Laws which were adopted at a meeting held at Hot Springs, Va., on Sept. 5, 1951. They include “fostering and stimulating interest in obstetrics and gyneeology and all aspects of the work for the welfare of women which properly come within the scope of obstetrics and gynecology.” The first business meeting of the Academy will be held at the time of the meeting of the American Congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology in Cincinnati, March 31 through April 4, 1952, The First Annual Clinical Meeting will be held in Chicago, Ill., during the winter of 1952-1953. Applications for Fellowship may be obtained from the Secretary’s office, 116 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 3, Ill. RALPH A. REIS, M.D. Secretary
The American Urological Association offers an annual award of $l,OOO.OO (first prize of $5011.00, second prize $300.00, and third prize $200.00) for essays on the result of some clinical or laboratory research in urology. Competition shall be limited to urologists who have been in such specific practice for not more than five years and to men in training to become urologists. The first prize essay will appear on the program of the forthcoming meeting of the *American Urological Association, to be held at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., .hne 2326, 1952. For full particulars write the Secretary, Dr. Charles H. de T. Shivers, Boardwalk Sational Arcade Building, Atlantic City, N. J. Essays must be in his hands before February !.7.
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