THE AORN CHAPTER STANDARD BYLAWS The AORN Chapter Standard Bylaws are based on the National Bylaws of AORN. In preparing this format, many chapter bylaws, as well as the bylaws of many professional and nonprofessional organizations, were reviewed in an effort to plan guidelines which will meet the needs of chapters with large or small memberships in any geographical area. Certain portions of the standard bylaws have been underlined in order to insure that all chapter bylaws shall be in conformity with AORN’s national bylaws. The portions that are underlined form the basis of the chapter bylaws and, following the amendment to AORN national bylaws which was adopted at the 15th Annual Congress by the House of Delegates, must be included in the chapter bylaws. There is still much room for chapter individuality. All chapters have the privilege of adding any information or instructions which are deemed feasible by the membership. However, no underlined portions may be deleted from the standard bylaws.
RUBYT. SANCHES,Chairman National Bylaws Committee Members : Leora Allen Naomi Nisenson Jane Chandler Rountree Glenn Runnells CHAPTER STANDARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I Name The name of this professional organization is the Association of Operating Room Nurses of (When boundary lines are not indicated by the name of the chapter, the area included in the chapter should be defined by stating the city, county or state.)
ARTICLE I1 Purposes The Purposes of this Association are: 1. To unite registered professional operating room nurses for the purpose of maintaining an Association dedicated to the constant endeavor of promoting the highest professional standards of operating room nursing for the
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better and safer care of the patient in the oDeratina room: 2. To study, ., discuss, and exchange - information, experiences and ideas in the field of operating room nursing; 3. To hold meetings at intervals for the advancement of the purposes of this Association; 4. To cooperate lawfully with other professional associations, hospitals, universities, industries, technical societies, research organizations and governmental agencies in matters affecting the foregoing purpose% of this Association. (The purposes as stated above are the same as in National AORN Bylaws.) v
ARTICLE 111 Membership Section 1. Membership in this Association is a privilege and is contingent on compliance with requirements as specified in these bylaws. (Which are based on AORN National Bylaws.) Section 2. Categories of membership in this Association are Active, Associate, and International Associate.
A. Active Membership Any registered professional nurse who is actively engaged in operating room nurs&, either full or part-time, working in a supervisory, teaching, or general staff nurse capacity in the operating room area. ~
B. Associate Membership 1. Any registered professional nurse who is inactive in nursing, but who was an operatine room nurse immediatelv Drior to becoming inactive; 2. Any registered professional nurse engaged in an allied field of nursing who has special skills or knowledge relative to operating room nursing. ~
C. International Associate Membership 1. A nurse, not eligible for registration in the United States but living here temporarily (two years or less), who submits proof of R.N. licensure and/or registration in the native country and who is working in an area defined in Article 111, Section 2A or B of these bylaws shall be considered for International Associate Membership in this chapter.
2. The nurse’s credentials shall be submitted through the president of this chapter to the National Credentials Committee. If eligible, the nurse shall become an International Associate Member. Section 3. Representation
A. Active members shall be eligible to hold office, serve on elected or appointed committees. vote, and serve as delegates to the Annual Congress. ~~
B. Associate members shall have voice, but
no delegate power; may serve as members of appointed committees, but may not hold an elected office.
C. International associate members shall have voice but no delegate power; may serve as members of appointed committees, but may not chair a committee or hold an elected office. Section 4. Censure, suspension, expulsion and reinstatement. ~
A. The Board of Directors may censure, suspend or expel any member after giving such member an opportunity to be heard.
B. Any member suspended or expelled may be reinstated by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1. The Officers of this Association shall be: (The officers should be listed. It is the privilege of any chapter to follow the national system of organization to include a president-elect if the membership so desires.) All officers shall be elected or appointed as provided in these bylaws. Section 2. Eligibility for ofice shall be dependent upon:
A. Active membership in this Association for two (2) years preceding nomination. -
(Active membership for a period of time will not be possible in new or very young chapters, but is suggested for all officers after the chapter has been organized for a reasonable length of time and mandatory for President and Vice-president.)
B. Membership in the American Nurses’ Association and/or National League for Nursing. (This is hoped for but not mandatory on a local level and will be left to the wishes of the local chapter membership.)
C. The Vice-president shall have served at least one year as a member of the Board of Directors prior to election to this office (except new chapters)
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Section 3. Terms of Office (Suggested)
A. The President and Treasurer shall be elected in the odd numbered years for a term of two (2) years and shall serve until their successors have assumed office.
B. The Vice-president and Secretary shall be elected in the even numbered years for a term of two (2) years and shall serve until their successors have assumed office.
C. Presiden t-elect (When the President-elect is included in the local chapter organization, we suggest the National AORN format be followed. A President-elect shall be elected every year, serve as President-elect for one year, then automatically become President for a term of one year. Instead of electing a President every two years, elect a President-elect every year.)
D. The term of office shall begin at the adjournment of the meeting at which they have been elected. (Unless unusual or extenuating circumstances prevail.)
E. No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. The President-elect shall serve one year as President-elect and one term as President. Section 4. Duties and Powers The duties and powers of the officers of this Association shall be such as are implied by their respective titles, and more specifically shall include the following:
A. The President shall: 1. Be responsible to the Board of Directors and have the approval of the Board for the activities of the Association; 2. Preside at all chapter meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors; 3. Represent the Association at meetings of other organizations or designate an alternate to serve in the President’s place;
4. Appoint committee chairman; (The President may also appoint the members of committees or the chairman of each committee may select the committee members.
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5. Appoint special committees; 6. Be a member, ex-officio, of all committees except the committee on nominations;
7. Terminate
committee appointments when committees are nonfunctioning or when a special committee project has been completed. B. The President-elect shall : 1. Have all the duties and powers of a member of the Board of Directors; 2. Serve as a member, ex-officio, without vote on standing and special committees; 3. Act as representative of the President in any delegated capacity. C. The Vice-president shall: 1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President; 2. Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the President.
D. The Secretary shall: 1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; 2. Preserve correspondence, reports and records in a permanent file; 3. Send notices of meetings to the membership ; 4. Maintain a current membership roster. ~~~
E. The Treasurer shall: 1. Be in charge of all funds of this Association ;
2. Forward to National Headquarters new members application form with appropriate local and national dues; 3. Sign checks (countersigned by another officer of the Association, usually the President) ;
4. Be bonded; 5. Keep a record of all receipts and disbursements. Section 5. Upon retiring from office, all officers of this Association shall deliver all rec______~ ords or other property of the Association to their successors within one month of retire-
ment. Section 6. Vacancies that occur in any elective office of this Association, due to the inability of the incumbent to perform the duties of the office, or the incumbent’s removal from office, shall be filled in the following manner :
A. The President : The Vice-president shall immediately assume office.
B. President-elect : (We suggest following the format of AORN National Bylaws.) 1. A vacancy in the office of Presidentelect within the first four (4) months shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors from a slate submitted by the Committee on Nominations; 2. A vacancy occuring after four (4) months shall be filled at the next annual election. C. The Board of Directors shall fill all other vacancies. D. Any member filling a vacancy for an unexpired term of one (1) year shall be deemed to have served one term.
serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. (Some of the members should be elected in the even numbered years and the remainder in the odd numbered years.) Section 4. Duties and Powers. A. The Board of Directors shall: 1. Direct the business and financial affairs of this Association; 2. Establish administrative policies; 3. Foster growth and development of this Association ; 4. Review committee reports and determine action to be taken; 5. Fill all vacancies on the Board of Directors with the exception of the office of President (or President-elect if the vacancy occurs four (4) months or later after the election of the President-elect)
6. Determine local chapter membership eligibility and apprize National Headquarters of members’ status.
B. The Policy Committee is a sub-committee
Board of Directors Section 1. The governing body of this Association shall be the Board of Directors which shall consist of the officers and (number) other members who shall be elected by the membership. (Suggestion: An odd numbered group will negate the possibility of a tie vote. We suggest a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) for the Board of Directors.) Section 2. Eligibility for election to the Board of Directors of this Association shall be active membership in this chapter for two (2) years preceding nomination. (Except new chapters.) Section 3. Terms of office.
of the Board of Directors which shall consist of a chairman and at least two (2) members. This committee shall establish policies which will be used toward interpreting and implementing the bylaws of this Association. (We suggest every chapter consider the value of a Policy Committee. All details of organization and responsibilities, which cannot be included in bylaws and which vary with individual chapters, are evaluated and recorded by this committee. It might be considered a reference manual for the individual chapter.) Section 5. Meetings and Quorum A. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors.
A. The term of office shall begin at the ad-
B. A minimum of two (2) business meetings
journment of the meeting at which they have been elected. (Unless unusual or extenuating circumstances prevail.) B. No member of the Board of Directors shall
shall be held during the year. C. A majority of the Board of Directors present shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
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ARTICLE VI Committees Section 1. The Standing Committees of this Association shall be: A. Bylaws. B. Membership. C. Program. (In order to function as an Association, these three basic committees must be provided for in the organization. Some chapters provide for many more, such as hospitality, budget and finance, public relations and others. When additional committees are included in the bylaws, the function and duties of each shall be clearly defined.) Section 2. The Chairman (and possibly the members) of standing committees shall be appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The committees shall consist of a chairman who is an active member and at least two (2) other members. (The other members may be active or associate.) A majority of the members present shall constitute a quorum. A. The Bylaws Committee shall: 1. Review these bylaws and submit recommendations for amendments to the Board of Directors. 2. Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors amendments which are considered to be advisable to facilitate the activities of this association. 3. Present the proposed amendments to the membership either by mail or at a regular meeting, at least thirty (30) days prior to the voting. B. The Membership Committee shall : 1. Promote the growth and development of the membership of this Association; 2. Keep a record of the attendance at all meetings. C. The Program Committee shall: 1. Plan and present programs of varied scope to hold the interest and meet the needs of the membership.
2. Make arrangements for the necessary facilities for presenting the programs. Section 3. Special Committees. Special committees are appointed by the President for a specific activity. A. The chairman (and possibly the members) of special committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The committees shall consist of a chairman and at least two (2) other members. A majority of the members present shall constitute a quorrum. B. When the project has been completed, a report is filed by the chairman and the committee is automatically dissolved. Section 4. The Committee on Nominations. The committee on nominations shall be elected by the membership of this Association. 'A. This committee shall consist of at least three (3) active members elected for a term of two (2) years. (The chairman may be the member receiving the highest number of votes or may be elected by the members of the committee. Some of the members should be elected in the even numbered years and the remainder in the odd numbered years.) B. This committee shall prepare a slate of eligible candidates for the annual election of officers, members of the Board of Directors and the committee on nominations. C. Eligibility for this committee shall be active membership in this Association for two (2) years preceding nomination. (Except new chapters.) Section 5. Each committee chairman shall submit a written report at the annual business meeting. Section 6. All committees shall function under the direction of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE VII Delegates Section 1. Eligibility. Delegates and alternate delegates to the ani
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nual congress shall be active members as prescribed in Article 111, Section 2A of these bylaws. Section 2. Representation. This Association shall have delegate representation in the House of Delegates at the Annual Congress. One delegate or alternate delegate to be seated in the place of the delegate, shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) active members or portion thereof.
A. The delegates and alternate delegates shall attend all business meetings of the House of Delegates.
B. The delegates and alternate delegates shall acquaint themselves with all activities and business of the Association and be prepared to vote on all issues presented to the voting body. (Only delegates vote. Alternate delegates should be familiar with all issues in the event they become delegates. j
C. Delegates shall be prepared to vote on the slate of candidates for election to national office. Section 3. Credentials. The President of this chapter shall send a list of the delegates and alternate delegates (with the name of the chairman of the delegates, if possible) for the annual Congress to National Headquarters. All pertinent data pertaining to each delegate and alternate delegate shall be included with the list and shall be postmarked no later than six (6) weeks preceding the congress. No delegate shall be seated in the House of Delegates until his or her credentials have been approved by the Credentials Committee.
ARTICLE VIII Elections Section 1. Time of elections. The election of officers, Board of Directors and the Committee on Nominations shall be held at the annual business meeting. Section 2. Nominations.
A. All nominees must have agreed in writ-
ing to serve if elected before their names are placed on the ballot. B. Opportunity shall be given to the membership to make nominations from the floor. C. A list of the nominees shall be presented to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of election. ~
Section 3. Voting.
A. Voting shall be by ballot and plurality shall elect. B. The Board of Directors shall speciiy the time when the polls shall be open.
C. The President shall appoint a chairman and tellers to serve during the election.
D. The Secretary shall provide the chairman of tellers with a list of active members before the polls open.
E. In case of a tie, choice shall be by lot.
ARTICLE IX Meetings Section 1. (The number of meetings per year, the months in which they are held, and the time and place shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Board of Directors and the membership of each local chapter. j (We suggest the specific day of the week or month or hour of the day be stated i n the local chapter policy manual instead of bylaws.) Section 2. Notices of the monthly meetings shall be sent to the membership at least ten (10j days prior to the meeting. Section 3. Twenty (20) percent of the membership including three ( 3 ) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for a business meeting. At no time shall the lack of a quorum prevent those present from proceeding with a planned program. (Twenty percent of the membership present for a business meeting is an accepted quorum for an organization such as AORN. However, if this figure seems too high in some areas, the chapter membership has the privilege of lowering the percentage. We suggest a minimum of 10 percent.)
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Section 4. Special Meetings. A., A sDecial meeting" of this Association mav be called by the President, upon request of a majority of the Board of Directors, or by a request of a quorum of the mem. bership. B. In the event of a call for a special meeting, all members shall be notified at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. (The length of time for notices of a special meeting will be determined by the area covered and the time required for mail delivery, unless other means of communication are to be employed.) C. The call shall state the purpose of the meeting, the time and the place where the meeting will be held. D. No business other than that stated in the call shall be transacted at a special meeting. -
E. Twenty (20) Percent of the membership including three (3) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at a special meeting. ARTICLE X Dues Section 1. The amount of dues of this chapter shall be determined by the Board of Directors of this Association, subject to approval by the membership. A. The current membership dues of this chapter are -. B. The annual dues in National AORN shall be determined by the National Board of Directors, subject to ratification by the House of Delegates. C. Current membership dues of National AORN are ten ($10.00) dollars. D. Both local and national membership dues shall be sent to National Headquarters office in accord with national bylaws. Section 2. Delinquency and Reinstatement. A. Any member whose dues have not been
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received in National Headquarters within two (2) months of the renewal date shall be considered delinquent and the name shall be removed from the roster, and all privileges of the Association withdrawn. B. Reinstatement may be effected by payment of current dues.
ARTICLE XI Fiscal Year The fiscal year of this Association shall be from July first through June thirtieth.
ARTICLE XI1 Headquarters Section 1. National AORN Headquarters office is located at 575 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022. Section 2. The mailing address of this chapter shall be the mailing- address of the current . (Chapter mailing addresses vary. Some direct mail to the current President, some to the secretary, others to the treasurer or post box. ARTICLE XI11 Parliamentary Authority Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this Association in all cases not covered bv these bvlaws.
ARTICLE XIV Amendments Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present, provided : A. The proposed amendments have been presented at a previous meeting, or B. The proposed amendments have been presented by mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Section 2. After amendments to these bylaws have been approved by the membership, four (4) copies shall be sent to National Headquarters for evaluation by the national bylaws committee.