The behaviour of fully bonded rockbolts. Conference. 5F, 1T, 5R.

The behaviour of fully bonded rockbolts. Conference. 5F, 1T, 5R.

18].A Rock and soil improvement Grouting and freezing techniques 1850 DIKINOV,KZ Two.dlmensional problem of ground freezing. In Russian. TR. NALCH...

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Rock and soil improvement

Grouting and freezing


1850 DIKINOV,KZ Two.dlmensional problem of ground freezing. In Russian. TR. NALCHIK. VYSOK. GEOF IZ. INST. TRUDY, QO801 .N28 VYP.26,V26,

1974,P50-53. CONF~CE Eighth all-union conferance on ground stabilization and compacting techniques used in construction, Kiev,197~. In Russian. KIEV ,BUDIVELNYK, 1974, 415P. Abridged versions of the reports presented at this meeting are included. They cover technological and economic data on construction of various buildings and structures on weak ground and descriptions of the practiced and proposed chemical and thermal techniques of ground stabilization.

Bolts and anchors

1851 KOVA~, NP KHUDIAKOV, AD KONDAKOV, VA Freezing peat bearing grounds for construction. In Russian. 5R. ARKHANGEL. LESOT~G~N. INST .TRUDY, V37,1973, P34-43 •

1852 ESCAM]~.T~,JM SOIL~ S.A.MEX.CITY, MEX JORGE, GR SoLETANCHE ENT .PARIS,F RoLDAN,RL SOI/;M S .A.MEX. CITY,ME~ Treatment of slides by injection during tunnel construction .Conference .IF, 2T. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK M E C H . D ~ , 1 9 7 ~ , V2, PART B,1974,P1200-1203.




JANIN, J SOLETANCHE ~Wf .PARIS,F JORGE,GR SOLETANCHE ~ T . PARIS, F ESCAMII/A, JM SOI/;M S.A.MEX.CITY,MEX Grouting treatment prior to the construction of deep shafts. Conf eric e. 5F. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS. INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.DE~V~,1974, V2 ,PART B,1974,P120~-1207.

sERANO,F Measurememts of the behaviour of grouted bolts used as reinforcing el~m~ats for the support of underground openings. Confer~e.6F,2R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.D~V~,I974, V2,PART B, 1974, PII89-1193.

1846 BJURSTROM~ S SWED.ROCK MECH .RES.FOUND. STOCKHOLM, S Shear stremgth of hard rock Joints reinforced by grouted untemsioned bolts.Conferemce.13F12T,4R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS. INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.DENV~,I974, V2,PART B, 1974,Pl1~-1199. 1847 LONDE,P COYNE,BELLI~, PARIS, F BONAZZI, D COYNE,BELLI~ ,PARIS,F Reinforced rock.Conference. In Fre~ch.3F. PROC.THIHD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.D~IVER,1974, V2, PART B,1974,PI208-1211.

18~8 P~I.q,PJ NAT .MECH.~ G .RES. INST. CSIR. PRETORIA, ZA The behaviour of fully bonded rockbolts.Conference. 5F,IT,SR. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT. SOC .ROCK MECH.DENVE~,197~, V2,PART B, 1974,P1212-1217.

1~9 THOMPSONjRR BUR. MINES, SPOKANE RES. C ~ T .WASH .USA HABB~IqSTAD,JL BUR.MINES,SPOKANE RES. C~.WASH.USA BATES,RC BUR.MINES,SPOKANE RES. C~IT .WASH.USA l ~ a b l e polymeric rock bolts. Conference. 8F,1T,5R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.,DENV~R,197h, V2, PART B,1974, P1223-1228. Research to develop a fully pumpable rock bolt ground support system is described. The best mix developed so far is a combination of mcmochlorostyrene end fireretarded polyester resin. The polymer is reinforced with flbreglass roving, which is pulled into the drilled bolt hole by an ~Lnm~nium tl/be at the same time as the resin is being pumped into the hole. A full intersection of 150 bolts was placed in a mine as a field test and the intersection was compared with intersection bolted with conventionally anchored and fully resin grouted steel bolts.

1854 ROLDAN,RL SOI//M S.A.MEXICO CITY, MEX ESCAMII/~,J SOLUM S.A.MEXIC0 CITY,MEX JORGE, GR SOLETANCHE ENT .PARIS,F Grouting injection as an aid during tunnel construction. Conference. 4F,5T. PROC. THIRD CONGRESS, INT. SOC. ROCK MECH., DE~IV~, 1974, V2, PART B,1974,P1218-1222. The methods used to and control hy means of grouting at high l~essure are describedj and flows in excavated tunnels in high fractured rocks are disCUSSed.

Soil stabilisation See also abstracts: 1711,1712.

1855 BOOUZHEVSKII,AA Soil improvement in the permafrost zone. In Russian. Textbook. Refs. MOSCOW, KOLOS, 1974, 254P. 1856 KoVALENKO, NP Stabilization and deformation characteristics of peat. In Russian. 18R. ARKHANGEL. LESOTEKHN. INST. TRUDY, V37,1973, P3_ ii. 1857 RYZHEOV, VA KOV~, NP Sand lamer laid over peat deposits. In Russian. 13R. ARKHANGEL. LKS(~EKHN. INST .TRUDY, V37,1973, P18-26.