i83z DA GAMA, CD UNIV. LUANDA, ANG The size of the largest fragment in rock blasting. Conference .SF,16R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH .DENVER,1974., V2, PART B, 1974.,PI34.B-1348. 1832 HAGAN, TN ON IV. QUE~SLAND, ST. LUCIA, AUS JUST, GD ON IV.QUE~SLAND, ST. LUCIA, AUS Rock breakage by explosives-theory, practice and optlml ~ation. Conferance. 2F, 19R. PRoC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT. SOC .ROCK MECH. D~VVER, 1974., V2, PART B, 1974,P134.9-1358. The various mechanisms by which rock can fracture in blasting are explained. These have been studied in the laboratory, and the limitations of extrapolating smallscale test data to full-scale blasting are discussed. The l~obable effects of the following parameters on fragmantation and displacement of the rock are discussed: strain energy; bubble energy and detonation velocity; rock properties; weight, dimensions and inclination of the charge; dacoupllng; st~-~i-g; type and location of the initiations; burdens and blasthole spacings; subgrade drillings; and initiation sequemce.
Cutting 1837 EVANS, I NAT.COAL BOARD,BURTON ON TRENT,GB Relative efficiency of picks and discs for cutting rock. Confer enc e. 8F, 1T, llR. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH .DENVER, 1974., V2, PART B, 1974, P1399-14.01.
1838 RoXBOROUGH, FF UNIV. NEWCASTLE, GB PHILLIPS, HR UNIV .NEWCASTLE, GB Experimental studies on the excavation of rock using picks. Conf er~ce.TF, 5T,15R. PROC. THIRD CONGRESS, INT. SOC .ROCK MECH. DENVER, 197h, V2, PART B, 1974, P1407-14.12. 1839 JUREWICZ, BR CARST~S, JP BANAS, CM Rock kerfing with high power lasers. Conference.8F, 2T, SR. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS. INT .SOC .ROCK MECH.D~VER, 1974., V2, PART B, 1974.,PI4.3~-Ih40•
1833 NOR~,CH IN/ PONT CO.MARTINSBURG,W.VA,USA PGRT~,DD DU PONT CO.WILMINGTON,DEL.USA A comparison of theoretical explosive energy and energy measured underwater with measured rock fragm~tation .Conference .6F,BT,14.R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS,INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.D~VVER,1974., V2,PART B,1974,P1371-1376.
1834. OUCHTERLONY, F SWED. DETON .RES.FOUND. STOCKHOLM, S Fracture mechanics applied to rock blastlng.Conferenc e.12F, 20R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH .D~[q~, 1974., V2,PART B, 1974, P1377-1383. Various expansion loaded radial crack systems are discussed in fracture mechanics terms. The influence of the blast hole and of the gas penetration into the cracks on the crack tip stresses and on the crack growth are treated. 1835 BLIGH, TP UNIV. MINNESOTA, USA Principles of breaking rock using high pressure gases .Conference. 5F, 1T, 13R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH .DENV~,1974., V2,PART B,197~, P1~21-14.27. Events during a conventional high explosive blast are outlined. The mathematical solution for dynsmic stresses on the walls of a cavity subjected to a blast is used to show that initially no radial cracks can be formed in the immediate zone around the cavity. An effective method of rockbreaking using high pressure gas is suggested, where cracks can be initiated and extended easily if no crushing is present. The "controlled explosive rockbreaker" is show to be able potentially, of meeting the requlrememts for effective rockbreaking; it produces nontoxic fumes, little dust, gentle breaking and heaving and a safe excavation. Auth. 1836 sASSA, K KYoTO UNIV. J ITO, I KYOTO UNIV.J On the relation between the strength of a rock end the pattern of breakage by blasting.Conference. 6F, 7R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH .D~VER,1974., V2, PART B, 1974,P1501-1505.
1840 PR ITCHETT, JW S Y S T ~ , SC I.SOFTWARE, LA JOLLA. CALIF.USA RINEY, TB SYST~4S, SC I.S09~/~4ARE,LA JOLLA. CALIF .USA NAYF~Z~,AH SYST~4S, SC I.SO~WARE, LA JOLLA.CALIF .uSA Calculation of rock disintegration processes under combined thermal and hydraulic loadlng.German.SF,16R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.D~IV~R,197h, V2, PART B,1974,P14.4.1-1h46. A number of theoretical calculations are presented concernlng the fluid flow, rock stress, heat transfer and crack formation occurring when a heated rock target is struck by a high-speed water Jet. Comparisons are made with classical solutions and with experimental results where available and appropriate. Auth. 1841 SHUMACH~,BW WESTINGHOUSE R ES. LABS. P I~SBURGH, USA SMITH,RC WESTINGHOUSE RES. LABS. PITTSBURGH, USA Rock breakage and rock cutting with focused electron beams .Conference .16F,7R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH.DH~VER, 1974, V2, PART B, 1974.,P14.54.-1459.
1842 BRYCH, J Self-sharpenlng tools for cutting hard rocks.Figs, Tabls,Refs. ANN.MINES BELG. FEB. 1975, P165-180.
Hardness, abrasion and wear 18h3 AIRES-BARROS3 L INST. S U P ~ .TECN.LISBON, P NF~I/O-M]~fDES,F INST. S U P ~ .TECN.LISBON, P MoURAZ-MIRANDA, A INST.SUPER .TECN.LISBON, P Microindemtation hardness in the characterization of rock sawing .Conferenc e. 2F, 1T, 2R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH .D~NVER, 1974, V2, PART B,197h,P14.Tl-1475. A preliminary study on the correlation between Vickers microhardness and the industrial sawing speed of rocks is presented. A number of samples of crystalline limestones from Portugal were studied by mlcropetrographic methods. The quantitative data obtained were correlated with sawing speed values for the same rock-types. Auth.