The influence of water on some rock properties conference . 5F, 8R

The influence of water on some rock properties conference . 5F, 8R

138A depth diagram, the shear strength-depth curve can be constructed° Friction angles of 26-59 deg have been determined. The type end quantity of or...

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depth diagram, the shear strength-depth curve can be constructed° Friction angles of 26-59 deg have been determined. The type end quantity of organic matter present affects the results end the applicability of the method. 1360 MATSUOKA, H KYOT0 UNIV .UJI,J Stress-strain relationships of sands based on the mobilized plane. 19F,12R. SOIIS FOUND.VI4,N2,JUNE 1974,P47-61. Based on stress-straln relationships on the mobilized plane, general stress-strain relationships of soils under three different principal stresses were for~s/lated by introducing a new concept of three compounded mobilized planes ° The for~alae of these stress-straln relationships were verified with respect to measured data of triaxial compression tests, triaxial extension tests, plane strain tests and true triaxlal tests on sands and glass beads. 1361 MASUOKA, H KYOTO UNIV .UJI,J Stress-straln relationships of clays based on the mobilized plane. 16F,IIB. SOILS FOUND.,VI4,N2,JUNE 1974,P77-87. Taking special notice of the similarity of shear characteristics between sands end clays, the author has applied the stress-straln relationships which were derived from microscopic analysis to clays. The stress-straln relationships were verified with respect to measured data of drained trlsxial compression tests on various kinds of normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays end the related microscopic mechanism was also considered. It was shown from the test results that the shear phenomena of sands and clays could be enalyzed on the basis of the same principle, suggesting that they might occur in a fundamentally similar mechanism. 1362 BROCH, E NORWEG. INST .TECHNoL. TRONDHEIM, N The influence of water on some rock properties. Conference. 5F,8R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS INT .SOC .ROCK MECH. ,DENVER,1974, V2, PART A,1974,P33-38. Cores of strong rocks with low porosity were tested under variable degrees of water saturation. The rate of loss of water from fully saturated cores stored in a laboratory environment is demonstrated. 1363 CUREEV, AM B .E.VEDENEEV INST. LENINGRAD, SU VORONKOV, OK B .E.VEDENEEV INST .LENINGRAD, SU Geostructural, geophysical and geomechenical schemes of rock masses. Conference. ~F,4T,6R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS INT .SOC .ROCK MECH. ,D~N-V~, 197h, V2, PART A,1974,P56-51. The techniques used to assess the geostructural,geophysical and geomechanical properties of a rock mass in order to establish its mechenical behaviour are considered. Static modulus of deformation, static Polsson's ratio, con~pression strength, coefficient of molllfiabllity, frost resistance factor and the correlation between these and physical rock properties determined by geophysical methods are studied.

Texture,structure,composition and density See also abstract: 1505. 1364 TEXTBOOK Soil structure and methods of studying it. In Russian. POCHV~VNYI INST. IMENI V .V .DOCUCHAEVA,MOSCOW, $599 .h5. AIM67,1973,256P.

Fracture processes in rocks 1365 GOLDSHTEIN, RV UNIV .MOSCOW, SU LADYGIN, VM UNIV .MOSCOW, SU OSIPENK0,NM UNIV.MOSCOW, SU A model of the fracture of a slightly porous material under compression or tension° 6F,2T,28R. SOY .MIN. SC I. ,VlO,NI, 197h, PI-9. Compressive and tensile strengths of rocks with low porosity are predicted by a simple model based on the distribution of elastic stresses around circular or elliptical pores. Variables in the model are pore radius or axial dimensions, pore spacing, a strength parameter called the modulus of cohesion, and a critical crsak dimension parameter. After due allowance is made for differences between rocks from differenct locations, the theory gives an excellent fit to the results of uniaxial compression tests on Russian dolomites with porosities in the range 0.03 to 0.13. 1366 VOROBEV, AA EVSEEV, VD ZASHCHINSKII, LA The influence of a strong electric field on the growth of a crack.iF,16R. S0V .MIN.SCI.VI0,N2,1974, P164-167 •

Strength characteristics 1367 YOUD,TL US GEOL.SURV.ME~LO PARK, CALIF.USA CRAVEN,TN DAMES AND MOORE, PORTLAND, ORE.USA Lateral stresses in sands during cyclic loading. Technical note.3F, 4R. J .GEOTECH. ~ G N G DIV .ASCE,V101, GT2,FEB .1975, P217- 221. Laboratory data on the lateral stress chamges in dry send in response to cycling of vertical and shear loads are presented. Lateral stress is expressed in terms of the coefficient of lateral stress, the ratio of horizontal normal stress to the vertical normal stress. The data show the variation of this coefficient with initial void ratio, vertical loading history end shear loading history. 1368 PREVOST, JH NORWEG .GEOTECH. INST .oSLO, N HOEG, K NORWEG. GEOTECH. INST. osLO, N Stress-straln-strength model for soils.9F,33R. J .GEOTECH. ~ G N G DIV .ASCE,VIOI,GT3,MAR. 1975, P259- 278. An analytical model is proposed that treats soll as an elastlc-plastic straln-hardenlng or strain softanlng, frictional material. The forn~latlon, which is based o n the critical state model developed by CaMbridge University, ties together undrained and drained loading situations, and nonlinear behavlour is accounted for by specifying ~ppro. priate yield functions and using an associative flow rule. Mathematically simple but realistic yield functions are proposed to facilitate closed-form solutions. The incremental stress-straln relationships are developed for Use in finite element analyses, and, as an illUstration, the drained expansion of a cylindrical cavity (pressure meter test) is analyzed. Auth. 1369 SHAPOSHNIKoV, MA Precise formula for calculating strength of peat. In Rus s Jan. TRANSP. STROITEL. NI, JAN, 1975, P39- 40. 1370 DUPAK, YN VNIMI, LENINGRAD, SU Strength and classification of laminar surf sees of weakness in carbonaceous rocks of the Kuzbass .3T,3R. SOV .MIN. SC I.,VlO, N1,197h, P85- 88.