Long Range
April 1991
Vol. 31
ansxver format to provide a basic introduction; list of sources of venture funds.
also contains
.-ldl~nrrceff Ir+rmntion Trcllrloloyy in f12eSe10 [rldftrtrial Society, Edited by ARTHUR COT-~ERELL. Osford University Press (1990). 133 pp., A7.93. Ten authors consider the impact ofthe current revolution on industry. education, training and society. A very introduction and generally U.K. perspective.
in IT basic
confusing relationships in the development industry, by relating general tendencies to their impact on particular sectors within the development process and on local land and property markets.
Tire Compmy Chairrrm, SIR ADRIAN Books (1990), 226 pp., Q3.00.
Provides advice and ideas on how best to carry out the considerable responsibilities involved in being a company chairman, by an author \vho spent over 20 years as chairman of Cadbury/Cadbury Sch\veppes.
.\fnrlnger,lcrlr: Principlux and Po/iry, COLIS C;\RNALL and SUSAN IMAXWELL, Prentice-Hall (1988), 173 pp.. AlS.95. Designed mainly for those preparing for the Management: Principles and Policy paper of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Also useful on other programmes Lvhere management is part of the curriculum. The book emphasizes that the key to success is to unleash, and manage, the resources of the organization. particularly when it comes to people and information.
Law irl n Busirless Context, BILL COLE. PETER SHEARS and JILLINDA TILEY, Chapman and Hall (1990), 233 pp., Al3.95.
Looks at the law from the background of making business decisions. A valuable and readable approach; written for U.K. based post-esperience or post-graduate management courses, as well as professional courses in such areas as accounting and marketing.
Tile Lever oj Riches: Techolqicnl Progresr, JOEL MOKYR, Oxford 349 pp., A20.00.
Crehvily University
ad Economic Press
Takes a historical look at the causes of technological creativity. Full of detail, but a pity it could not be combined with greater managerial/organizational insights. Certainly the final quotation is relevant: ‘A society that has ceased to concern itself Lvith the progress of the past Lvill soon lose belief in its capacity to progress in the future.’ But a more controversial statement is made a paragraph earlier: ‘The long-predicted decline of the West has thus far failed to materialize. Though it no longer sends gunboats to foreign ports, the West continues to prosper, thanks to its past technological creativit)-. If it is threatened at all, it is by non-Western nations that appear to be able to beat it at its o\vn game.’ Recent events suggest gunboats are far from redundant and that these can hinder. rather than help. economic progress at least in the short-term.
Buildiq Ewopem 237 pp., SSO.00.
Ver~twrs, Editor
S. BIRLEY, Elsevier
Early in 1989, researchers throughout Europe were invited to submit research proposals for sponsorship by the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research (EFER). Nine projects from eight countries lvere chosen and these form the foundation of this readable and practical book. It is good to see research produced Lvith consumers in mind, but then it was sponsored directly by them and not by self perpetuating groups of academics.
I~IJ;,rrmtim Techlogy md Hou, m C’se it, ROBERT HINTON, ICSA Publishing (198s). 186 pp., A;35.00. Designed to help those dealing lvith the human and administrative implications of IT in order to bring about change as painlessly as possible. Aimed particularly at lecturers and students of the ICSA’s Management of Systems syllabus. The author lead the team that prepared Hove Borough Council’s first comprehensive Information Technology Strategy and Development Plan.
Go/djtrike! Hutchinson
The Opperrheher Business Books
Empire in Crisir, BILL JAMIESOS, (1990), 252 pp., Al5.93.
Coidjtrike! is the dramatic story of ho\v Anglo American/ Oppenheimer empire rose to become a glittering corporate giant, one of the top ten companies in the world, but then blundered to defeat and finally sold out Gold Fields to Hanson. Case studies of this kind invariably make a good read.
C’sirlg ,Vfnrlnyement Gdrrws, CHRIS ELGOOD, Gower Second Edition, 176 pp.. 612.93. hrd md Properly Developmer~t irt n Chnngirg Context, Edited by PATSY HEALEY and RUPERT NABARRO, Go\ver (1990), 212 pp., E39.30. This book has its origins in a seminar which brought together practitioners and academics from the U.K., Europe and the U.S. It attempts to develop a better appreciation and understanding of contemporary trends within the often
What are mangement games? How do they work? How can the most appropriate game for a specific training objective be identified? Useful analysis, together Lvith a list of over 50 (U.K.) suppliers. (Sore: Anyone interested in reviewing management games relevant to Long Range Planning readers should contact the book revien- editor.)