The ESPRIT microelectronics CAD catalogue One of the aims of the EC ESPRIT project was to unify the European effort in high tec...
The ESPRIT microelectronics CAD catalogue One of the aims of the EC ESPRIT project was to unify the European effort in high technology. CAD for VLSI is one of such areas. The urge for unification becomes clear from the ECIP project, wherein several other projects meet to discuss standards for CAD such as X-windows, uniform databaseaccess,C/Pascal, X/OPEN UNIX and EDIF. A recent initiative from the microelectronics division of ESPRIT itself is the call for a CAD catalogue. The division proposes to organise the creation and maintenance of a library or catalogue of advanced CAD tools and CAD systemsfor VLSI design in existencewithin the community. This way it hopes to improve on the exchangeof information between ESPRIT and/or Microelectronics Program projects. The catalogue will initially be in paper form, though billboard facilities are considered. A standard form for entry specification has been developed,which can be obtained from Mike Newman at + 32(2)2357063.Authors of items in the catalogue will automatically receive a copy; others will have to request for a copy, which will initially be also free of charge.
Eurobrokery for fast turn-around chips Brokery of silicon is a concern that exists as long as VLSI is around. The first brokers as MOSIS appeared in the US. In Europe only national brokers as NORDIC have been active. But scale-of-economy doesn’t make life easy for them. Commercial brokers as ELMOS or ES2 operate on a more international scale,but do not really serveeducational institutes. Nevertheless,the education of massesof designersat universities is the key to the future. For this reason the cry for a European-scalebrokery similar to MOSIS has been around for some time. In September 1986, Ole Olesen from the Electronics Institute at the Technical University of Lyngby (Denmark) spoke at the European Conference on