The Evolution of High Diversity in the Ostracod Communities of the Upper Pliocene Faunas of St. Erth (Cornwall, England) and North West France c. MAYBURY AND R. c. WHATLEY
University College of Wales, Aberjsrtwyth, Wales
ABSTRACT The Upper Pliocene ostracod faunas from St. Erth (England) and Cotentin, Rennes, Redon, Nantes, Angers and Vendee (North West France) are the most diverse known (567 species) with simple species diversity within the families Cytheruridae, Loxoconchidae, Cytherideidae, Leptocytheridae and Paradoxostomatidae most unusually high. The faunal composition of each of the 7 regions is described and comparisons with other Neogene to Recent faunas made. The high diversity is probably due to favourable preservation, high abundance, efficient niche exploitation, the mixing of brackish, marine, cold and warm water species and some degree of allopatric speciation due to partial isolation of faunas because of the incomplete transgression of the Armorican and Cornubian massifs.
INTRODUCTION The Upper Pliocene ostracod faunas from St. Erth and the 16 French localities shown in Text-fig. 1 exibit abnormally high diversity. From a total of only 81 samples, no less than 567 species belonging to 93 genera were recovered. Twenty-three samples from St. Erth yielded 378 species and 58 from North West France yielded 384 species. This represents a much higher level of species diversity than has been previously recorded in the literature for any stratigraphical interval or geographical region. A further measure of the extraordinarily high diversity of these faunas, is that as many as 236 species were recovered from a single 50 gram wahsed residue sample at St. Erth and a sample of 49 grams washed residue at Le Temple du Cerisier yielded 240 species. This paper is devoted to the demonstration of this uniquely high diversity and also to a comparison with that of other selected Neogene to Recent faunas. In addition, a number of possible explanations are put forward to account for the richness of these faunas.
THEOSTRACODA OF ST. ERTHAND NORTH WESTFRANCE Of the 378 species which occur at St. Erth, 183 (48 %) do not occur in North West France and of the 384 species which occur in the latter area 189 (49%) do not occur at St. Erth. Thirty-four percent (195 species) of the total number of species from the two regions are common to both. 569
Given the fairly close proximity of the two regions, this percentage communality is relatively low and may be a pointer towards accounting for the overall high diversity of the faunas. The localities in North West France are divided geographically into 6 regions : Cotentin, Rennes, Redon, Nantes, Angers and VendCe as shown in Text-fig. 1. These divisions were first
1 St. Erth 2 Cotentin 3 Rennes L Redon 5 Nantes 6 Angers 7 Vendo‘e
TEXT-FIG.1-Sample localities and regions studied.
made by Margerel(l968) in his study of Redonian Foraminifera and the sample localities occurring within each of the 6 regions in the present study are described in detail in this latter work and in Maybury (1985, MS.).The names and illustrations of all the 567 species quoted in this paper are also found in Maybury (1985, MS.). In Text-fig. 2 the total number of species for St. Erth and each of the 6 regions in France is given, together with the adjusted mean number of specimens per gram of washed residue. (It was necessary to calculate the latter value as not all the samples were of equal weight and there was not an equal number of samples from each of the regions studied). The simple species diversity of the St. Erth fauna is 30% highqr than that of Rennes, the most diverse of the French localities. The mean diversity of all six French regions together is 128 species which is 34% less than that of St. Erth. However, the relatively large number of species from Rennes was from only 3 samples. It was not possible to adjust the weights of the washed residues from Redon, since the fauna was sent to the author in picked faunal slides, Text-fig. 3, however, shows clearly the remarkably higher incidence per gram at St. Erth when compared with the French localities. The mean number of specimens per gram of washed residue at St. Erth is 244 while the mean for the 5 French localities for which data is available is 25 specimens per gram or 90% less than at St. Erth. This is probably in large measure a function of the much finer grained lithology of the St. Erth deposit compared to the coarser, more arenaceous Pliocene “faluns” of North West France.
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 571
-a Eoa 0
E 0
m 0
.-C I E
.U ;200 0
0 0
1 W
-C0 F Roglon
Cotentin Renner 121
Redon (1 11
Nanter (41
Angers (101
Vendbe fP81
TEXT-FIG. 2-Species and specimen distribution.
Text-fig. 3 gives the total number of species in each family for both the Cornish and French faunas. The purpose of the histogram was to ascertain whether this high diversity was reflected across a wide or more restricted range of taxa. The histogram indicates clearly that the diversity is byeno means equally distributed. Some families are very rare and others are only poorly represented. However, in the main, these latter families are those which one would not expect to have
In oooh famlly)
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AdJuotod number of n pool mono I n 0 or0moof oomplo
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achieved prominence in a North West European, Upper Pliocene, shallow water environment. Those families on the left of Text-fig. 3 being prime examples. On the contrary the diversity of the Cytheruridae, Loxoconchidae, Cytherideidae, Leptocytheridae and Paradoxostomatidae is unusually high. That of the Hemicytheridae is also abnormally high, but this family in some other faunas often exhibits the highest diversity and it is perhaps surprising to see it ranking second to the Cytheruridae in the present study. In Text-fig. 4, the total number of species and adjusted number of specimens per gram by family is given for the St. Erth fauna. The main difference between this histogram and that of Text-fig. 3, for the combined Cornish and French fauna is that, in the former, three families are absent (Ilyocyprididae, Cytheridae, Polycopidae) and that the most diverse family, the Cytheruridae is approximately 52 % more diverse than its nearest rival, the Paradoxostomatidae. The 103 cytherurid species at St. Erth representing as they do 83 % of the total of 124 cytherurid species of the entire study, must surely be in part a reflection of the fine grained nature of the St. Erth lithology and low energy levels of deposition since this group contains most of the “small” ostracod species in the study. It is, however, very surprising to find that the Paradoxostomatidae should be the second most diverse family with 54 species. Again this family’s total number of species from the combined faunas is made up by a very high percentage from St. Erth (92%). The number of species of the Loxoconchidae (50 species), Cytherideidae (37 species), Leptocytheridae (36 species) are much higher than in other faunas known to the authors. The Hemicytheridae are sixth in the ranking order of families by species diversity (28 species). This is surprising since the first impression one gains in studying the ostracods of St. Erth is the overwhelming superabundance of the single hemicytherid genus, Aurila. This, of course, is reflected in the very high incidence per gram of the family. Also of significance is the high diversity of the Xestoleberididae at St. Erth. No less than 17 of the 19 total species for the combined faunas occur there (89%) and these, together with the paradoxostomatids, suggest a weed rich palaeoenvironment. Text-fig. 4 clearly shows that there is no definite relationship between diversity and incidence. For example, the mean adjusted incidence per gram of washed residue for the most diverse family, the Cytheruridae is 2,246 specimens, while for the sixth most diverse family, the Hemicytheridae the enormously high figure of 5,139 is calculated. The Loxoconchidae, with 50 species and 22,146 specimens per gram are much more abundant than the Paradoxostomatidae with 54 species but only 92 specimens per gram. Similarly, the Leptocytheridae with 36 species and 582 specimens per gram are approximately 4 times more abundant than the Cytherideidae with 37 species but only 145 specimens per gram. The high incidence of the Pontocyprididae, with 189 specimens per gram, is not matched by their diversity of only 3 species. Text-fig. 5 shows, as a histogram, the distribution of the species among the 14 families which occur in the Cotentin Region and also gives the adjusted mean number of specimm which occur in one gram of washed residue. The Cytheruridae in this region are again the most diverse family although represented by only 34 species. The next most diverse family is the Leptocytheridae (19 species) followed by the Cytherideidae (16 species) and the Loxoconchidae (14 species). The fauna of the Cotentin’region with 128 species is much less diverse than that of St. Erth although it must be remembered that these 128 species were recovered from only 2 samples. By comparison with other faunas, as indicated later in this paper, this figure, nonethless, represents a high diversity fauna. The mean calculated incidence of the fauna is much lower than at St. Erth and overall there is a much closer relationship between incidence and diversity as Text-fig. 5 shows. The distribution of species among the 18 families occurring in the 3 samples studied in the Rennes region and their calculated mean incidence per gram washed residue is given in Text-fig. 6. This is the first of the faunas analysed in which the Cytheruridae do not rank first; at Rennes they
C Y T H ~ R C T T I D A E(1)
CYPRlDlDAE ( 1 )
take second place to the Hemicytheridae. The Loxoconchidae, Cytherideidae and the Leptocytheridae respectively rank next after the Cytheruridae. The total simple species diversity of 266 is considerably higher than that of the Cotentin region as is the mean incidence. Both in the
a L 0
T o t a l number.of rpeelor
N 0
B A l R D l l D A E (3)
Famllr (Number o f e e n a r a l a u b o o n e r a In e a c h famlly)
TEXT-FIG. 6-Total number of species and adjusted number of specimens in a gram of sample in each of the families occurring in the Rennes Region calculated as a mean of the 3 samples which yielded Ostracoda. Total number of families = 18 Total number of generalsubgenera = 71 Total number of specisslsubspecies= 266 Total number of specimens - 5,475
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communftfex 577
Rennes and the Cotentin regions, the Paradoxostomatidae are notably less significant than they are at St. Erth. As Text-fig. 7 demonstrates, the fauna of the Redon region, represented by only 61 species and 8 families is relatively impoverished. No data on incidence for the 11 samples is available for reasons already stated. In this region the 5 most diverse families are the Loxoconchidae, Cytherideidae and Hemicytheridae respectively with the Cytheruridae and Trachyleberididaejoint fourth. Within the context of this study, the fauna of the Nantes region, as demonstrated in Text-fig. 8 is also relatively impoverished. The 4 samples examined from this region yielded only 57 species belonging to 10 families. The Hemicytheridae is the most diverse family and is followed by the
TEXT-FIG.7-Total number of species in each of the families occurring in the 11 samples which yielded Ostracoda in the Redon Region. Total number of-families - * 8 Total number of generalsubgenera = 33 61 Total number of specieslsubspecies = - 260 Total number of specimens TABLETHE TENMOSTDIVERSE FAMILIES FOR ST. ERTHAND NORTHWESTFRANCE IN RANKING ORDER(Number in brackets refer to the ranking position of the family in the other region). St. Erth Cytheruridae Paradoxostomatidae Loxoconchidae Cytherideidae Leptocytheridae Hemicytheridae Trachyleberididae Xestoleberididae Cytherettidae Cythereuidae
103 spp. 54 50 37 36 28 24 17 5 5
North West France 27.2% 14.3 13.2 9.8 9.5 1.4 6.3 4.5 1.3 1.3
Hemicytheridae Cytheruridae Loxoconchidae Cytherideidae Leptocytheridae Trachyleberididae Cytherettidae Paradoxostomatidae Xestoleberididae Leguminocythereididae
78 spp. 72 53 47 39 20 15 14 12 9
20.3 % 18.7 13.8 12.2 10.2 5.2 3.9 3.6 3.1 2.3
Leptocytheridae, Trachyleberididae, and the two equal fourth ranking families: the Cytheruridae and the Loxoconchidae. Diversity is low and is closely related to incidence per gram. Text-fig. 9 is a histogram of the distribution of species by family and mean incidence per gram of washed residue for the 10 samples studied from the Angers region. The fauna is considerably more diverse than that of the Redon and Nantes regions with 119 species belonging to
0 0 I) P c 0
Y r
TEXT-FIG.&Total number of species and adjusted number of specimens in a gram of sample in each of the families occurring in the Nantes Region calculated as a mean of the 4 samples which yielded Ostracoda. Total number of families 10 Total number of generalsubgenera = 24 Total number of spedeslsubspecies= 57 Total number of specimens = 269
BAlRDllDAE (1)
Family (Numb a r o f g en o r a / mu b 0 o n ore I n each family)
T o t a l - numbor of *poCIoa
15 families. Apart from the Hemicytheridae, with 90 specimens per gram of washed residue, incidence is generally low. The Hemicytheridae, with 37 species are by far the most diverse family followed by the Loxoconchidae (17 species), Cytherideidae (1 1 species), Cytherettidae(10 species and the Cytheruridae (9 species).
TEXT-FIG. 9-Total number of species and adjusted number of specimens in a gram of sample in each of the families occurring in the Angers Region calculated as a mean of the 10 samples which yielded Ostracoda. Total number of families 15 Total number of generalsubgenera = 43 Total number of specieslsubspecies = 119 Tots number of specimens - 1,881 -
Text-fig. 10 shows that 138 species belonging to 12 families were recovered from the 28 samples studied in the VendCe. Given the relatively large number of samples, the largest from any of the French regions and 5 more than the productive samples from St. Erth, the diversity is relatively low (only with& the context of this study, of course). The Hemicytheridae with 43
Famlly (Numb e r o f g 0 n er a / eu b g e n e r a I n e a c h family) T o t a l number of apeolea
* 0 P
P 0
U c
a 1 8
m a
0 a
in eeoh d Y 9or.leuboonor8
species, has more than twice the number of species of the second ranking family, the Loxoconchidae with 23. The third most diverse family is the Cytherideidae with the Cytheruridae and the Leptocytheridae joint fourth. Apart from the Hemicytheridae, with a mean adjusted figure of 115 specimens per gram of washed residue, the incidece is low. Diversity is closely related to incidence. Text-fig. 11 is a composite histogram showing the distribution of all the 384 species by family, recovered from all the samples studied in North West France. It is not possible to give the mean incidenee per gram because this data is not available for one of the French regions. The most
diverse family is the Hemicytheridae with 78 species followed by the Cytheruridae (72 species), Loxoconchidae (53 species) and the Cytherideidae (47 species) respectively. It is instructive to compare Text-fig. 11 with Text-fig. 4, which presents the same data with respect to the St. Erth fauna. The ten most diverse families in rank order for each fauna is given in Table 1. Although 3 families (Loxoconchidae, Cytherideidae and Leptocytheridae) rank equally in the Cornish and French faunas and others such as the Trachyleberididae, Xestoleberididae and Cytheruridae are only displaced by one rank, other families rank very differently within the two faunas. For example, the Paradoxostomatidae decline from second ranking in species diversity at St. Erth to eighth in North West France and the Hemicytheridae which ranks first in the French fauna is only sixth at St. Erth. The Cytherettidae rank seventh in North West France and ninth at St. Erth. Many genera in this family are distinctly thermophilic and their enhanced importance in the French fauna is probably a significant indication of higher palaeotemperatures for the more southern region. The high diversity of the Paradoxostomatidae at St. Erth is probably indicative of the greater availability of phytal substrates there than in any of the French localities. The overwhelming dominance of the Cytheruridae at St. Erth (13 % more diverse than the second ranking family) has no parallel in the French fauna in which the Hemicytheridae, the first ranking family, only exceeds the second family, the Cytheruridae, by 1.6%.
A COMPARISON OF THE DIVERSITY OF THE UPPER PLIOCENE OSTRACOD OF ST. ERTHAND NORTH WESTFRANCE WITH THAT OF OTHER FAUNAS AND RECENT OSTRACOD FAUNAS FOSSIL In many cases it was difficult to make direct comparisons of the present faunas and those of other published or MS. accounts of ostracod faunas because many published works are concerned with only certain elements of fauna and in some papers, the reader is left to guess the number or size of the samples studied. Despite some anomalies, there has been a general increase in ostracod diversity since the Palaeozoic. Some Mezozoic faunas are very diverse, e.g., Ware (1978 MS.) recovered 100 species from a 9 inch thick mammal bearing, marly clay in the Upper Bathonian of Oxfordshire, England. However, since Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ostracoda differ from those of the post Cretaceous at the generic and to a certain extent familial level, and since the fauna of the present study is of late Neogene age, this analysis of selected faunas is confined to the Neogene to Recent interval.
MIOCENE The Miocene Ostracoda of the Aquitaine Basin were described by Moyes (1965). He recorded 117 species belonging to 64,genera and 19 families. The precise number of samples studied by Moyes is not possible to determine from his paper, however, he appears to have examined at least one sample from 21 outcrop localities and 49 boreholes. This fauna has 450 species less than the number recovered in the present study, 29 less genera and 2 less families. When compared to the St. Erth fauna alone, the fauna described by Moyes has 261 less species and 13 less genera. The present fauna from North West France contains 267 more species and 22 more genera than the Miocene fauna of the Aquitaine Basin. Another French fauna was described by Carbonnel(l969). The ostracods from this fauna were predominantly Miocene in a e; but a few Pliocene species are also figured and described. The number of samples studied by arbonnel is not stated. The fauna comprised 121 species, 56 genera
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 583
and 18 families. This is 446 species less than that from the present study and 37 less genera. Com-
pared solely with the St. Erth fauna, that described by Carbonnel comprises 257 less species and 21 less genera. Compared to the fauna of North West France, Carbonnel's fauna contains 263 less species and 30 less genera. Whatley and Downing (1983) recorded 98 species belonging to 44 genera from a single large Miocene sample from South East Australia. Although this is a high number of species to be recovered from a single sample, it should be compared with 236 species from a single sample from St. Erth and 240 from one of the French samples of this study. Whatley (1983). using data from a MS. in preparation by Harlow, records 238 species belonging to 62 genera from 48 x 50 C.C. Miocene D.S.D.P. samples from the South West Pacific. Although this represents very high diversity for a deep sea fauna, it must be remembered that Harlow's samples embrace an enormous area of the South West Pacific and encompass a latitudinal range of some 60".Also, the number of species per sample in Harlow's study never exceeds 50.
PLIOCENE The Coralline Crag of East Anglia is approximately contemporaneous (Upper Pliocene) with the fauna studied herein. Its fauna is strikingly less diverse, however, with only 62 species belonging to 42 genera and 17 families (Wilkinson, 1980). This represents 505 species less than recovered in the present study (316 less than St. Erth and 322 less than North West France) and 51 less genera (35 less than St. Erth and 44 less than North West France). Carbonnel and Ballesio (1982) described a Pliocene fauna from South East France and recorded 90 marine species (52 lacustrine species are excluded from this analysis) belonging to 53 genera and 15 families. The number of samples studied is not given but they were collected from 28 different localities. It is difficult to understand why this fauna is so much less diverse than that of the present study. A fauna of similarly low diversity is described from the late Pliocene of the Greek Island of Kos by Mostafawi (1981). He records only 89 species belonging to 42 genera and 17 families. Whatley (1983) using data from Downing (MS. in preparation) records 200 species belonging to 50 genera from 61 Pliocene D.S.D.P. samples from the South West Pacific referred to above, this material covers a huge area and was sampled throughout the Pliocene rather than being confined to the late Pliocene as is the case with the present study.
QUATERNARY The most diverse ostracod fauna of Quaternary age known to the authors is that documented by Whatley (1983) from 52 samples from 12 widely separated D.S.D.P. sites in the South West Pacific. This fauna, a composite of 2 Magister (Dainty, 1984, MS. and Smith, 1983, MS.) and one doctoral study in preparation (Ayress) comprises no less than 365 species. While this is 202 species less than that of the total for the present fauna, it is only 13 species less than the St. Erth fauna and 19 less than the fauna from North West France. By any standards it is a highly diverse fauna, which includes only those species autochthonous to the Quaternary deep sea environment of the area. No other deep sea fauna has yet been encountered which approaches this level of species diversity. Its generic diversity is, however, with 58 genera, considerably lower than the 93 genera encountered in the present study. Whatley and Kaye (1971) described a fauna of Ipswichianagefrom Selsey, Sussex. Although from
near the mouth of the Pleistocene Solent River, and therefore probably not fully marine, this fauna comprised 62 species belonging to 31 genera. Of the 5 samples Whatley and Kaye studied, 3 clearly represented low salinity palaeoenvironments.
RECENT British Waters Wall (1969, MS.) in a study of the Ostracoda of Cardigan Bay in the southern Irish Sea, encountered 71 species belonging to 33 genera and 11 families. His study was based on a total of approximately 30,000 specimens from 504 samples, of which 230 were areal sediment samples, 126 seasonally duplicated sediment samples and 148 weed samples. Whittaker (1972, MS.) in a study of two essentially brackish water environments, Christchurch Harbour and The Fleet, together with marine samples from Weymouth Bay, lists only 60 species in 29 genera and 12 families. Ralph (1983, MS.) encountered a much larger fauna from the western seaboard of Britain. However, his study embraced a much larger area including sediment samples from a wide area of the southern Irish Sea, West of the St. George’s Channel, Caernarvon Bay and the Malin Sea, to the North of Ireland. He examined 393 samples of which 259 yielded Ostracoda. His approximately 15,800 specimens belonged to 171 species, 69 genera and 18 families. This is the most comprehensive account of British, Recent marine Ostracoda known to the author yet, despite its relatively high diversity, it falls short of that documented in the present study although it covers a similar areal extent.
North East Atlantic Yassini (1969) in an ecological study of ostracods collected from the Arcachon Bay and Bay of Biscay from depths of 0-5,000 m described 106 species belonging to 62 genera. Although ecological data is provided for each of the species Yassini encountered, the exact number of samples that he analysed is unclear. Ralph (1977, MS.) recovered 61 species (39 genera of 15 families) from 12 samples of the estuary and the adjacent continental shelf of the Rias of Pontevedra and Vigo (North West Spain). Ralph’s study encompassed a depth range of from 8-83 fm. Mediterranean The diversity of three Recent Mediterrean faunas is analysed for comparison with the present study. Puri, Bonaduce and Gervasio (1969) studied 70 bottom samples on an East-West transverse from Port Said through the Nile Cone, the Herodotus Abyssal Plain, the Mediterranean Ridge and the Sicilian Basin to Gibraltar, From this transect of some 2,200 miles, these authors encountered 132 species belonging to 48 genera and 17 families. Considering the very considerable depth range sampled, the fauna recovered is of low diversity compared to the present study. Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli (1975) examined 73 grab samples from a comprehensive range of depths in the Adriatic. They describe a very rich fauna of 246 species of 81 genera. Although more than 100 species less than either the St. Erth or the North West France fauna, it is, nonetheless, one of the highest diversity faunas yet described from an equivalent area in the Recent. In the western Mediterranean, from a narrow continental shelf zone of the Bou-Ismail Bay area, west of Algiers, Yassini (1979b) from 49 bottom samples and 7,952 specimens, described 115 species belonging to 54 genera.
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 585
Space and time do not allow a more exhaustive treatment of other faunas here. However, even very rich tropical and equatorial faunas described from various parts of the world usually do not exceed 150-160 species.For example,Titterton(l984, MS.) in a study of 31 bottom sediment samples from Guadalcanal and 6 from Shortland Island in the Solomon Islands, recovered only 156 species of 55 genera. Table 2 is designed to compare the distribution of species by family of the faunas of the two regions of the present study and 9 other Miocene to Recent faunas from Europe. Both actual numbers and percentages of the total faunas are given. This exercise has been undertaken to compare the distribution of species by families of the present study with that of other faunas in order to determine whether this will shed light on the reasons why the present fauna is so diverse. TABLE 2-THE DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES (ACTUAL NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE) BY FAMILY FOR THE PRESENT STUDY AND THE NINE COMPARATIVE FAUNAS.
Absolute number
01 SPeCleS
+8.7 -4.4
+1.3 +3.2 6.0
-6.2 +1.5 -1.6
Table 3 compares the total number of species and percentage of species per family at St. Erth with the maximum and mean total number of species and percentage of species per family of the 9 comparative faunas. TextLfigs. 12 and 13 illustrate the same relationship between the St. Erth fauna and the 9 comparative faunas graphically, by total number of species and percentage of species per family respectively. Of the 16 families at St. Erth considered in Table 3 and Text-fig. 12, the total number of species in 12 of them is higher than the mean figure for the comparative faunas. The number of the Cytheruridae at St. Erth is approximately double that of the maximum number of cytherurids among the 9 comparative faunas (54 species, Ralph, 1983, MS.,Recent, western Britain). Also notably higher numbers of species than recorded in any of the comparative faunas are found at St. Erth in the Cytherideidae,Ceptocytheridae, Loxoconchidae, Paradoxostomatidae and Xestoleberi-
a h)
* 0,
T o t a l numbar of 8 p O C l O a
*0 0
didae. It is important to note, however, in Text-fig. 12 that high species diversity in most families at St. Erth is mirrored by both the maximum and mean figures for the other faunas so that the peaks and troughs of the 3 lines drawn on the graph are approximately coincident. Text-fig. 13 is revealing in that it demonstrates that while the St. Erth fauna is apparently unique in the very high species diversity exhibited by several families, when expressed in percentage of species per family, St. Erth is not unique at all. As Text-fig. 13 shows, with respect to all families, the maximum percentage of species recorded among the 9 comparative faunas always exceeds that
TEXT-FIG. 13-St. Erth: Percentage per family of the total number of species versus the 9 comparative faunas
(minor families omitted). Key: -- St. Erth: Percentage per family of the total number of species. ...._._._. = Comparative faunas: Maximum percentage value of the total number of species per family. = Comparativdfaunas: Mean percentage of species per family.
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 589
of St. Erth. This is surprising, given the nature of the very high number of species in total numbers per family for the Cytheruridae, Leptocytheridae Loxoconchidae and Paradoxostomatidae as is shown in Text-fig. 13, at St. Erth. It does, however, confirm the overall diverse character of the St. Erth Ostracoda. Also important is the fact that the percentage of species at St. Erth only exceeds the mean percentage of the 9 comparative faunas the case of the Cytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Leptocytheridae, Loxoconchidae and Paradoxostomatidae. Text-figs. 12 and 13 in conjunction also sh3w that the St. Erth fauna is comparatively deficient in bairdiid, pontocypridid, brachycytherid, by:hocy!herid, cytherettid and cyt herellid ostraccds, although in all the faunas these families are relatively poorly represented. Tabk 4 compares the total number of species and percentage of species in each family from
North West France with maximum and mean total number of species and percentage of species per family of the 9 comparative faunas. These data are plotted graphically with respect to total numbers and percentages of species in Text-figs. 14 and 15 respectively. As Text-fig. 14 shows
TW-FIG. 14-North West France: Total number of species versus the 9 comparative faunas by families (minor families omitted). Key: = North West France: Total number of species per family. .....-.._-. = Comparative.faunas: Maximum value of species number per family. = Comparative faunas: Mean number of species per family.
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 591
the high total of hemicytherid species in the Upper Pliocene of North West France contrasts not only with their relatively modest diversity at St. Erth, but also with that of the 9 comparative faunas. Although the Cytheruridae rank second in North West France, they nonetheless conspicuously exceed the maximum and mean figures for the comparative faunas. The Leptocytheridae and Loxoconchidae are also notable for their comparatively high number of species. The 5 families : Cytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Hemicytheridae, Leptocytheridae and Loxoconchidae are the families dominantly responsible for the high species diversity of the North West France fauna. Text-fig. 14 also shows other important distinctions between the French and Cornish
-c 0
-P 0
a 0
> 0
< a < n,
c P 0 a n,
r > 0 > I-
I 0
< a m
< P iL-
0 I
> m
a Y
-a W 0
a a
> 0
a Y
< P
< L 0
> 0
a Y
< 0 0 a w m a W
I 0
> 0
TLXT-FIO. 15-North West France: Percentage per family of the total number of species versus the 9 comparative faunas (minor families omitted). Key: = North West France: Percentage per family of the total number of species. __________ = Comparative faunas: Maximum percentage value of the total number of species per family. = Comparative faunas: Mean percentage of species per family.
faunas. For example, the Cytherettidae are more prominent in the former and the Paradoxostomatidae much more in the latter. Text-fig. 15 compares the percentage of species by family of the North West France fauna with that of the maximum and mean percentages of species per family for the 9 comparative faunas. As was the case with St. Erth, no family in North West France exceeds the maximum percentage of species for the comparative faunas, except the Leguminocythereididae and that by only 0.6%. In comparison with the mean percentage of species for the comparative faunas, only the Cytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Hemicytheridae, Leptocytheridae and Loxoconchidae exceed this percentage in the North West France fauna. The latter fauna is also shown to be comparatively deficient in species diversity particularly in the Bardiidae, Pontocyprididae, Brachycytheridae, Bythocytheridae, Cytherettidae, Trachyleberididae and Xestoleberididae. Tables 3 and 4 and Text-figs. 12-15 demonstrate the families which have been responsible, both in Cornwall and North West France, for the uniquely high diversity of the Upper Pliocene Ostracoda from both regions. They also illustrate that, while the faunas are unique in high species totals for certain families, that it is these same families which contain, in almost all cases, the majority of species in the 9 comparative faunas. Although, therefore, the actual total of species in the present study is exceptionally high, the distribution of species among the families is unremarkable. The major exception to this is the Paradoxostomatidae whose high diversity at St. Erth is unusual despite a relatively high maximum total of 29 species recorded by Ralph (1983, MS.) from the Recent off western Britain. The mean figure for the Hemicytheridae in North West France is almost as worthy of comment. Text-figs. 13 and 15, reveal in percentage terms, however, that the distribution of species among the families at St. Erth and North West France is not unusual.
THECAUSES OF THE HIGHDIVERSITY In attempting to account for the abnormally high species diversity of Ostracoda in the Upper Pliocene deposits of St. Erth and North West France, one must consider a number of possibilities which would render this diversity apparent rather than real. If, for example, these faunas contained reworked material, this, together with the indigenous material could account for the enhanced diversity. Certainly among the Ostracoda from both regions are species which have only been previously recorded from the Miocene. However, there is no firm evidence to suggest that the faunas of either region represent anything other than Pliocene faunas. Also studies of the planktonic Foraminifera of St. Erth (Jenkins, 1982 and Jenkins, Whittaker and Carlton in press) have not yielded any contaminents. Similarly, Margerel(l968) did not find among the foraminifera1 faunas of the same material studied by the present authors in North West France, any evidence of the presence of reworked earlier material. Reworked material is usually apparent by its abraded nature; such specimens are conspicuous by their absence in the present study. For the same objection outlined above, the faunas cannot be similar to those derived from condensed sequences. To a certain extent, the tixonomic philosophy of a worker may influence the number of species recognized in any fauna. However, the writers are convinced that the high diversity of the faunas in question is not man-made and will soon demonstrate this by completing the publication of the species whose numbers are cited in this work. To date only 40 of these species have been formally described by the authors (Maybury and Whatley, 1980, 1983a,b, 1984 and Whatley and Maybury 1983a-c and 1984). The faunas of both regions, but particularly that of St. Erth, contain numerous small, fragile specimens, particularly juveniles. Probably, therefore, in some measure, taphonomy is a major factor contributing to the high species diversity. Similar biocoenoses will result in quite distinct
Evolution of High Diversity in Ostracod Communities 593
thanatocoenoses given differences in the physical, chemical and biological processes involved in their history of preservation. Is it possible that the Upper Pliocene Ostracoda of Cornwall and North West France owe their high diversity to some unique process of taphonomy? We are of the opinion that this may in part be responsible but that it could not be the sole reason. To opt for this solution would be to suggest that all other fossil ostracod faunas, had “lost” a not inconsiderable proportion of their species during their preservational history. There is certainly no evidence for this and the possibility is not supported by the careful studies of Recent Ostracoda cited earlier. Ware and Whatley (1983) have shown how the size fractions of residue picked can radically influence the appearance of a fauna. Also, if one compares the studies carried out by workers in the Aberystwyth ostracod group on deep sea faunas, where the fine fraction is carefully picked, with such studies as those of some other authors who do not examine in detail the fine fraction (less than 60 mesh or 215 pm), the difference is remarkable. The result of the studies at Aberystwyth has been to increase the known diversity of some Tertiary deep sea intervals in the Indo-Pacific four or five fold by the simple expedient of considering the small species as well as the large. In the present study, the cut-off point for picking has been the 100 mesh number sieve fraction (15Opm) and of the British studies with which the present faunas have been compared have had the same cutoff point for picking. It is not possible to be certain that this has been the case with the continental studies quoted above. If the high diversity of these faunas is not apparent but real, what combination of evolutionary and environmental conditions could have brought it about? The palaeotemperature of the Upper Pliocene sea in Cornwall and North West France was certainly warmer than that obtaining in the Western Approaches and the Bay of Biscay at the present day. Britain at that time was a peninsular appendage of Europe, probably washed on its western seaboard by a warm current from the South (Maybury and Whatley, 1980). In Maybury (1985, MS.) it is shown that the Upper Pliocene ostracod faunas of North West France and St. Erth have considerable affinities with contemporary and younger Mediterranean faunas. With, presumably, free access for migration from the South and given a warm sea, this alone could be argued to account in large measure for the enhanced diversity of the Ostracoda. However, as demonstrated above, none of the faunas of Upper Pliocene age, nor indeed Miocene or younger faunas, from the Mediterranean regions are as diverse as those of the present study. Also in Maybury (1985, MS.) evidence is presented of an admixture of southern, warm water species and northern colder water forms. If one imagines Cornwall and the northern part of North West France, as being an area near the limits of the ameliorating effect of a warm water current, allowing both thermophylic and cryophylic species to co-exist, then perhaps part of the enigma of the very high diversity of the St. Erth and Rennes faunas (Text-fig. 2) is resolved. This hypothesis would be more readily acceptable, however, if more of the species were less restricted in their geographical distribution. In fact 294 species were found to be confined to 1 locality, 112 to 2, 77 to 3, 39 to 4, 24 to 5, 16 to 6 and only 4 species occurred at St. Erth and all 6 of the regions in North West France. The late Pliocene, Redonian transgression was not a major transgressive event and did not inundate but rather lapped around the Cornish and Armorican massifs and probably other elevated areas in North West France were also emergent. This is indicated by Pomerol (1982, fig. 6.6) and Maybury and Whatley (1980, fig. 1). During the Miocene most, if not all of this area was dry land. The Redonian transgression can be envisaged as gradually inundating this Miocene sculptured landscape and extending deep into the massifs along river courses. At its maximum, therefore, the Redonian shoreline was probably very irregular affording the possibility of effective isolation or partial isolation of benthonic communities. Although the time scale of events is geologically very short, not exceeding 2 MY, it was possibly long enough to allow some allopatric speciation to take place.
As is demonstrated in Maybury (1985, MS.) there is considerable evidence that the present faunas were of shallow, possibly littoral character. The high diversity of the Leptocytheridae throughout attests to this as does that of the Xestoleberididae and, at St. Erth the Paradoxostomatidae. Evidence also exists for the existence of lagoonal communities. (Pomerol, 1982 and Catt and Wier in Mitchell et al., 1973). In conclusion, the high diversity of the Upper Pliocene ostracod faunas of North West France and St. Erth is thought to be due to the fortunate combination of a number of factors. An area near to the limits of the ameliorating effects of a warm sea allowing of the admixture of thermophylic and cryophylic species. A strongly indented, immature coastline with spatial heterogeneity, in comparatively shallow water favouring diversity, providing a variety of new niches for occupation and also favouring allopatric speciation in isolated communites (Pianka, 1967, 1969). Jenkins (verb. comm., 1983) has suggested, from studies of North Atlantic D.S.D.P. cores, that there was a late Pliocene warming period of short duration. Whatley (in prep.) has also suggested this possibility to account for the enhanced diversity of Pliocene Ostracoda in D.S.D.P. Leg 94 in the North Atlantic. This warming event, while evidently having little effect on the rather isolated faunas of the Coralline Crag, could have been a factor in the regions studied. The biological consequences of such a warming event are much more likely to be evident in an area such as Cornwall and North West France where, as suggested above, a warm sea is near the northern limits of its ameliorating effect. Such an event would have more influence here than in warmer regions to the South where its effects might not even be detectable. Without doubt, however, and particularly with respect to St. Erth, the favourable taphonomic history of the fauna has preserved its uniquely high diversity. All the factors mentioned above would also lead to the very high incidence of specimens per unit weight in the deposits.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our thanks are due to various colleagues with whom we have enjoyed useful discussion, notably Prof. J. R. Haynes, Dr. J.E.Whittaker and Mr. A.Wyatt. This study could not have been undertaken without the generous donation of material by Mr. T.N.Hitchens (Penzance, Cornwall), Dr. J.-P. Margerel (University of Nantes, France), Prof. G.F.Mitchel1 (Trinity College, Dublin), Dr. R. B. Rickards (Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge), Dr. R.W.Sanderson (Geological Museum, B.G.S., London) and Dr. J. E. Whittaker (B.M. (N.H.), London).
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DISCUSSION Henning Uffenorde: Is there a similar high diversity in the foraminiferal fauna? Higher accumulation rates of diverse ostracod and relatively low diverse foraminiferal assemblages have been observed in the NW German Miocene (e.g., in or just below the “Ammonia buccurii stratum”,
Hemmoor “stage”). It has been related there to a rapid decline in the environmental energy level (Uffenorde, 198 1, in press). Maybury: The foraminiferan faunas are diverse, although they do not attain such high levels of species diversity as do the Ostracoda. Margerel, for example, in Mitchell et al. (1973) lists 101 benthonic foraminiferan species from St. Erth: but this is 277 species less than the total number of ostracod species found at St. Erth. Similarly, the same author (1968) records 258 species(inc1uding varieties) from the Redonian deposits of North West France. This is 126 less than the total number of ostracod species occurring in the same area. That an inverse relationship exists between foraminiferan and ostracod species numbers in this instance must be viewed with care; for the numbers of foraminiferan species quoted above are unusually high for a littoral environment. Various localities, however, where this relationship obtains can be cited : for example, at L’Aigleti&e-la-Begassi&e in the Nantes region, Margerel (1972) recorded 94 foraminiferan species; but only 15 ostracod species occurred there and at Saint-Jean-la-Poteriein the Redon region Margerel (1968) recorded 23 foraminiferan species, whereas 6 1 ostracod species were recovered. Palaeoenvironmental considerations (see Maybury and Whatley, 1980) do not rule out the possibility that high ostracod diversity is attributable, in part, to low environmental energy levels. Wilkinson: Very often diversity and various statistical methods are related to relatively simple criteria e.g. salinity, water depth, temperature. But the problem is much more complex when such things as the trophic structure, food web, predation, environmental stability and heterogeneity is taken into account. The problem of your extremely high diversity will probably defy explanation. Maybury: I agree.