read a paper in defence of phrenology, in THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF BARTHOLOMEW’S. which he combated the arguments employed The meetings of this Society are held by Jeffrey in his article on phrenology, in in the Anatomical Theatre of the hospital the last Number of the Edinburgh Review. at seven.
admitted, by members writing their names in a book, which is kept in the Visitors
every Friday evening,
half past
council-room for that purpose. Dr. RODERICK MACLEOD in his two last The meetings are held every other Thurs- YELLOW TUBERCLES, and JEMMY JOHNSON day, at half past seven, at the Society’s in his last BLUE FUNGUS, present us with rooms, 13, Buckingham Street, Strand. of edisome of the most curious
torial wisdom and simplicity, we have ever THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. had the felicity to observe. JEMMY, who SIR JAMES EDWARD SMITH, President. has correspondents " in the moon," " has The meetings of this Society are held at reason to believe that the BOARD OF CURAthe house of the late Sir Joseph Banks, in TORS mean to pay no attention to the liberal Soho Square, every other Tuesday, at eight recommendation of the Trustees." Now the in the evening. The next meeting will be Curators have been the pliant servants of held on Nov. 21. the Trustees for twenty-six years ; have been The library and museum are open every acting under the " terms and conditions," not of the Trustees, but of Parliament, durday, from 12 to 4 in the afternoon. above five lustres, and yet Jemmy’s THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. " lunar spies" teach him to believe that the Curators mean to spurn " the law." MoreDr. BOSTOCK, President. the man of the MOBRICO-FUGICO, who The next meeting will be held on Friday, over, is a Licentiate of The College of Physicians, as Nov. 17, at 20, Bedford-street, Covent another instance of his sagacity and candour, Garden. The chair is taken precisely at tells us, that the title of Licentiate is diseight in the evening, and will be continued graced ! on the following days:— The Yellow Man "believes that the ofDec. 1 and 1826 15 ficious interference of the Censors is con1827 Jan. 5 — 19 Feb. 2 demned by none more heartily than by the March 2 — 16 Dr. Macleod Members of their own body." 20 — April 6 18 is in a letter — May 4 — requested signed " A Friend June 1 15 to the Censors," published in our 165th The annual meeting will be held on FriNumber, to name those Members; and he day, Feb. 16, at two in the afternoon.
ing the
the letter is anonymous. This shall not avail him; Dr. ELLIOTSON is its author, who
This Society meets every Wednesday neither then nor now wishes for concealevening, at the London Literary Society’s ment ; in truth, he need not, as he has disRooms, Aldermanbury, next door to Dr. charged the duties of his office in a most Babington’s. praiseworthy manner. The YELLOW MAN tells us that he is resolved to do his duty, at THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF GUY’S. which we marvel, as surely Dr. MACLEOD This Society meets every Saturday even- will consider it to be "an officious interingin the Medical Theatre of Guy’s Hospital, ference !" during the winter months, at eight o’clock.