A task force has recommended to the International Committee on Thrombosis and Haemostasis the adoption of a new nomenclature for the tffactor-VIII-related activities". An "on-the-lineft system of nomenclature has been recommended for the three major classes of activities related to blood coagulation factor VIII, i.e. VIII:C (for the coagulant activity), VIIIR:AG (for the antigenic activities related to factor VIII), and VIIIR:WF (for the "van Willebrand factor" activities related to factor VIII). Adoption of these recommendations, which are at present before will be deferred for at least one year the International Committee, while the task force receives and considers suggestions for modification. Anyone suggestions
who wishes a copy to the task force
of the should
full report contact its
or wishes chairman:
to make
Professor John B. Graham Department of Pathology School of Medicine University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514, U.S.A.