THROMBOSIS RESEARCH Printed in the United
vol. 6, pp. 203-204, 1975 Pergamon Press, Inc.
Vth CONGRESS OF TNE INTERNATIONALSOCIETY ON THROMBOSISAND BAEHOSTASIS JULY 21 to 26, 1975 - PARIS (France) The Meeting and the opening session will take place at the Nouvelle Faculte de Droit et de SciencesEconomiques,92 rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris. The official language of the Congress is English. Submittedpapers related to one of the following topics : Platelets,Vessel wall, Coagulation, ComparativeNaemostasis,Fibrinolysis,Thrombosis,Immune-pathologyof haemstasis, Artificial surfaces,ExperimentalThrombosis,Naemophilia, Anticoagulanttherapy, should reach the scientificSecretariatbefore March 1, 1975. No more than one paper can be submittedby each Congress Members. After an anonymousevaluationby the InternationalScientific Program Committee,accepted papers will be presented either during a PLENARY SESSION, or during a SIMULTANEOUSSESSION, or for one day as a POSTER, or during a SYMPOSIUMwith the Chairman'sagreement. Scientificcorrespondanceshould be sent to : ScientificSecretariat, Dgparteapntd'N&atologie, Gpital Lariboisigre,2 rue Ambroise Pars, F 75475 Paris Cedex 10 (France). Correspondanceregarding registration,fees, accomodation,exhibits should be addressed to : Congrss Service, 1 rue Jules Lefebvre, F 75009 Paris (France).
INTERNATIONALCOMMITTEE ON TBRONBOSISAND BAEMOSTASIS JULY 20, 21 and 27 - PARIS (France) Meetings will take place in the same building as the Congress of the Society. Simultaneousworkshop meetings of the Task Forces are scheduledon July 20 from 8.30 to 17.30, Reports of the Subcosssittees on Nomenclature,Standards,Clinical Investigation and of the Task Forces will be presented on July 21 from 8.30 to 17.30. The Meetings are opened to all Congress Members subject to limitation of space. The Business Meeting of the InternationalCommittee is to be held on SaturdayJuly 27.