The Localization of Diamox-S35 in the Rabbit Eye*

The Localization of Diamox-S35 in the Rabbit Eye*

EYE PROTECTION AGAINST SMALL MISSILES 87 lenses much more uniformly and there is no increase in weight as there is with glass. Plastic lenses can be...

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lenses much more uniformly and there is no increase in weight as there is with glass. Plastic lenses can be made into single vision and bifocal powers. There are two principal disadvantages to plastic lenses, first their greater cost and second their susceptibility to scratching; however, these are primarily economic rather than physical disadvantages. Plajtic lenses are being manufactured today that offer high resistance to abrasives and with proper care should last for the duration of the prescription. Plastic lens spectacles can be furnished with side shields that can be in­ stantly attached or detached without the use of tools. Biophysics Division. Fig. 11 (Stewart). Sphere: 0.2SO inches, 16 gr„ retained in anterior chamber of eye.

tared which are about 50 percent lighter in weight than glass lenses, are as clear as the finest glass and their resistance to misting is much greater than glass. If absorption is a requirement, color can be added to plastic


I am greatly indebted to Dr. H. W. Rose of the School of Aviation Medicine, USAF, Randolph Field, Texas, for his interest in this study, valuable advice, technical assistance, and supplying lenses; to Dr. Elmer G. Worthley, Biophysics Division, for his comments and stimulating discussions; to Dave Grossman, Army Chemical Center, Maryland, for the design of optical baseline ; and to Maryan Lewis for her technical assistance.


1. Rose, H. W., and Stewart, G. M.: Eye protection against small high-speed missiles. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth., May-Jone, 19S7, pp. 404-409. 2. Stewart, G. M.: Chemical Warfare Laboratories Report (CWLR) 2046, Army Chemical Center (Nov.) 1957. 3. Balding, G., and Balding, W.: EENT Monthly, Nov. 1954, p. 33.


G O R E N , M.D.,


N E W E L L , M.D.,

A N D J O H N J.



Chicago, Illinois

The primary action of acetazolamide (Diamox, Lederle) is the inhibition of the ♦From the Department of Surgery (Ophthal­ mology), The University of Chicago. This inves­ tigation was supported in part by a research grant from the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness and by Research Grant Number B-1515 from the National Institute of Neurological Dis­ eases and Blindness. We are indebted to Mr. H. Lai for technical aid received in this study.

enzyme carbonic anhydrase which catalyzes the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. Although a general systemic effect may contribute to the decreased intraocular pres­ sure observed after the administration of the drug, it has been thought that Diamox acts primarily as a direct inhibitor of the enzy­ matic reactions in the ciliary processes.1"8 Since Diamox is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged in the urine,9"18










/ S*

\ S0 2 NH 2

Fig. 1 (Goren, Newell and O'Toole). Formula of acetazolagiide showing the position of the radio­ isotopic label. the possibility of breakdown products caus­ ing the observed physiologic responses has been dismissed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the localization and metab­ olism of acetazolamide in the rabbit eye by means of Diamox labelled with radioactive sulfur. TECHNIQUE 35

Diamox-S was synthesized by the meth­ od developed by Clark and Roth1* using S 35 as a substrate. The specific activity of the compound was 82 me. per mg. The position of the radioisotopic label in the azole ring of the molecule is shown in Figure 1. Chrornatograms were made in both butanol-water and methyl-ethyl-ketone-water systems in order to assure the radioactive purity of the drug used. Chromatograms were repeated immediately before and after all animal studies to exclude decomposition of the com­ pound into other radioactive substances. Male albino rabbits weighing 2.15 to 2.35 kg. were given a single dose of one mc. per kg. of body weight of acetazolamide-S3e into the marginal vein of the ear. The carrier Diamox amounted to 12.2 mg. per kg. of body weight. Two hours after the adminis­ tration of the labelled acetazolamide, 20 mg. of heparin was given intravenously and the animal was anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. The chest was then opened and the aorta cannulated through the left ventricle. The right ventricle was incised, the inferior great vessels clamped off, and the rabbit per­ fused with 2,000 cc. of human plasma con­ taining 0.375 mg. per cc. of nonradioactive

Diamox. The perfusion was started wllhin three minutes and completed within 20 min­ utes after the initial incision was made. The use of human plasma as the perfusing me­ dium rather than normal saline was the chief modification of the technique described by Roth, Schoolar, and Barlow in their studies of the localization of acetazolamide in the brain.15"17 Following the perfusion, the eyes were quickly enucleated and placed into a beaker of isopentane suspended in a Dewar flask of liquid nitrogen. After freezing, the eyes were transferred directly to a freezedry apparatus. They remained in the freezedryer at - 2 0 ° C . at 0.001 to 0.003 mm. H g for five days at which time they were im­ bedded in paraffin in vacuo. Sections one and three microns thick were cut with the sliding microtome. No liquid was used in the process. In order to obtain whole sections and to facilitate direct trans­ fer of the sections to autoradiographic plates, cellophane adhesive tape was placed on top of the paraffin block before each sec­ tion was cut.18 In this manner, each section

Fig. 2 (Goren, Newell and O'Toole). Autoradiograph showing the relatively high concentration of Diamox-S* in the iris. Note the accumulation of the radioisotope in the inner layers of the cornea.


LOCALIZATION OF DIAMOX-S*· had a "backing" which held the tissue intact so that the specimen could be easily handled. Autoradiographs were made using both Kodak No-Screen X-ray film and NTB-2 (5.0 micron thickness) emulsion plates. The sections were either placed directly onto the photographic plates or caused to adhere to it by means of a thin layer of egg albumin. Following exposure of the plates, the ad­ hesive backing of the sections were floated off in xylol, the autoradiograms developed, and the tissues stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The transfer of Diamox into the eye was studied by means of paracentèses of the an­ terior chamber aqueous humor or vitreous humor. Paracentèses were performed in various animals both before and after per­ fusion, and the ocular fluids obtained were analyzed for radioactivity. Chromatograms were also made of the extracts of the entire homogenized eye to assure that the radio-

Fig. 4 (Goren, Newell and O'Toole). Autoradio­ gram demonstrating the localization of Diamox-S*5 in the lens. The plate has been overexposed so that the lens may be studied. During processing, the lens tumbled so that the surface which appears to be posterior in the photograph is actually anterior. Note that the anterior surface contains more Dia­ mox-S*5 than the posterior. The iris is shown for orientation.

active sulfur was still incorporated into the acetazolamide molecule and not into break­ down substances. RESULTS

Fig. 3 (Goren, Newell and O'Toole). Autoradiogram showing the paucity of the radioisotope which has been incorporated into the lens. The lens (A) is seen as a light convex surface.

The ciliary processes, iris, and inner layers of the retina were found to have the highest concentrations of Diamox. The next greatest concentrations on the autoradiograms were in the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane. The sclera contained moderate amounts of Diamox, less than the abovementioned heavily impregnated tissues but more than the corneal stroma and epithelium. Very little Diamox was found in the lens and only with overexposure of the plates could an autoradiographic image of the lens be seen. More Diamox concentrated on the an-



Fig. S (Goren, Newell and O'Toole). Autoradiograph of an oblique section through the angle demonstrating the relatively high concentration of Diamox-S*5 in the ciliary processes and iris as com­ pared with the surrounding struc­ tures.

terior surface of the lens than on the pos­ terior surface with the transition from darker to lighter areas taking place in the vicinity of the equator. Minimal quantities of Diamox were found in the choroid. The level here was difficult to determine because of the marked shrinkage of the posterior uveal tract during freezing and dehydration. As can be seen from Figure 6A, the perfu­ sion removed the blood from the ocular tis­ sues, and erythrocytes were not seen in even very small vessels. Chromatograms of anterior chamber aqueous humor and vitreous humor, immedi­ ately before and after perfusion, revealed no Diamox-S 35 to be present, and no significant amounts of radioactivity was found in these fluids with the flow counter. Chromatograms of the extracts from the whole homogenized eye revealed no differ­ ence from the pure control Diamox-S 35 ; that is, all had only one band of the same magni­ tude, whether or not the eye had been per­ fused. Therefore, it may be assumed that Diamox is not metabolized in the eye. DISCUSSION

A discussion of the localization and metab­ olism of Diamox-S 35 in ocular tissues re­ quires an explanation of several factors. It is evident that the autoradiograms represent

unmetabolized Diamox-S 35 , and not break­ down products because Chromatographie studies demonstrate that Diamox in the eye is in an unaltered state. It is not probable that this drug reaches its final places of localization solely on the basis of random diffusion into body fluids. If this were the basic mechanism of distribution, one would expect to find moderately high amounts of radioactivity in the anterior and vitreous chambers. The absence of Diamox in the major intraocular fluids also dismisses the possibility that the localization in the inner cornea and retina is an artefact caused by the precipitation of radioactive particles in the anterior and vitreous chambers on con­ tiguous tissues as a result of freezing and dehydration. It is possible that no radioactivity was found in the ocular chambers because after two hours the Diamox which had entered the eye had been incorporated into the ocular tissues, thereby leaving the major ocular fluids free from radioactivity. Wistrand, 18 using chemical techniques, found appreciable amounts of acetazolamide to be present in the blood, anterior, posterior, and vitreous chambers two hours after the intravenous administration of the drug. However, he gave the animal either a continuous infusion of Diamox or a single injection of 100 mg.


per kg. of body weight. In the present in­ vestigation, no attempt was made to main­ tain steady-state conditions, and little radio­ activity was present in the blood plasma two hours after the administration of the diamox-S35. Therefore, the discrepancies be­ tween our results may be due to differences in the quantities of acetazolamide given. Preliminary studies revealed that both the perfusion with plasma and the freeze-dry technique were necessary in this experiment. If normal saline solution or plasma not con­ taining nonradioactive Diamox was used as a perfusing medium, the Diamox was leeched out of the tissues; if the eye was processed in routine water-containing solu­ tions, the water-soluble Diamox was also lost. This water-solubility factor also pre­ vented the use of high resolution autoradiographie stripping film in this investigation. It is quite probable that different struc­ tures have different affinities for Diamox on the basis of weak chemical bindings between the drug and tissue." This would give rise to a specific "Diamox-binding capacity" for specific tissues. This capacity for binding Diamox is probably not solely determined by the amount of carbonic anhydrase in the tissue involved. Previous workers19 have not found a good correlation between levels of carbonic anhydrase in different areas of the cat brain and the differential uptake of Diamox in those areas. Ballintine and Maren,8 using chemical techniques, observed no differences in carbonic anhydrase ac­ tivity, or in Diamox uptake by specific ocu­ lar tissues, in rabbits which responded to the administration of Diamox with a fall in intraocular pressure as compared with those that did not. These workers also found that the amount of acetazolamide reaching the lens was not sufficient to cause any decrease in the carbonic anhydrase activity of the lens. This may be explained on the basis of such minute quantities reaching the lens as is shown in the present study. It is felt that the localization of Diamox in the eye of the rabbit is not only dependent


Figs. 6A and 6B (Goren, Newell and O'Toole) (6A) Section of retina and choroid stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Note the artefact separation of the retina. (6B) Autoradiogram of the portion of the eye seen in (6A). The inner layers of the ret­ ina (1) are seen as a more dense area as compared with the outer layers (2).

upon the amount of Diamox being presented to the area concerned, but also upon a prefer­ ential uptake of specific tissues with a super­ imposed Diamox-binding capacity of those tissues. Since there is no direct blood supply to either the cornea or the lens, and since no Diamox was found in either the anterior or vitreous chambers, there is no reason to as­ sume that more Diamox reaches the corneal endothelium than the lens capsule. Al­ though no posterior chamber paracentèses were performed, one would not expect an appreciable amount of Diamox-S85 to be present there in view of our other findings. Therefore, it is quite possible that the Dia­ mox-binding capacity of the corneal endo­ thelium is greater than that of the lens with a resultant difference in the amounts of Diamox localized in these structures after two hours. Although very thin sections of tissues and



some extremely sensitive nuclear emulsion plates were used in this study, the very nature of S85, a relatively strong beta emitter, prevented the localization of Diamox on an intracellular level. The scatter of beta rays from S 35 precluded an analysis of cellular detail. This study is being extended, using Diamox labelled with tritium, so that intra­ cellular structures may be localized. SUMMARY

By means of S35-mcorporated Diamox, and autoradiographic and Chromatographie techniques, the localization and metabolism of Diamox in the rabbit eye have been studied. The findings are as follows: 1. The ciliary processes, iris, and inner layers of the retina were found to have the highest concentrations of Diamox. 2. Moderate amounts of Diamox were localized in the corneal endothelium and Deseemet's membrane. 3. The sclera, corneal stroma, and corneal

epithelium contained small amounts of Dia­ mox. 4. Very little Diamox was present in the lens, overexposure of the autoradiograms having been necessary in order to visualize it. 5. Minimal amounts of Diamox were found in the choroid. The level here was difficult to determine because of the marked shrinkage of the posterior uveal tract during freezing and dehydration. 6. No Diamox was found in the anterior chamber aqueous humor or in the vitreous humor two hours after the intravenous ad­ ministration of 12.2 mg. per kg. of body weight. 7. Diamox was present in the eye in an unmetabolized state. 8. It is felt that the localization of Diamox in the rabbit eye is partially dependent upon a preferential uptake of specific tissues with a superimposed Diamox-bindmg capacity of those tissues. 950 East 59 Street (37).


1. Becker, B.: Carbonic anhydrase and the formation of aqueous humor (The Friedenwald Memorial Lecture). Am. J. Ophth., 47:342, 1959. 2. Wistrand, P. J.: Carbonic anhydrase in the anterior uvea of the rabbit. Acta Physiol. Scandinav., 24:144,1951. 3. Ballintine, E. J., and Maren, T. H. : Carbonic anhydrase activity and the distribution of Diamox in the rabbit eye. Am. J. Ophth., 40:148,1955. 4. Green, H., Capper, S. A., Bocher, C. A., and Leopold, I. H.: Effect of acetazolamide (Diamox) on carbonic anhydrase activity of anterior uvea of the rabbit eye. AMA Arch. Ophth., 52:758, 1954. 5. Becker, B.: The mechanism of the fall in intraocular pressure induced by the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, Diamox. Am. J. Ophth., 39:177, 1955. 6. : Chemical composition of human aqueous humor: Effects of acetazolamide. AMA Arch. Ophth., 57:793, 1957. 7. Maren, T. H.: Carbonic anhydrase inhibition in the elasmobranch: Effect on aqueous humor and cerebrospinal fluid CO». Fed. Proa, 17:391, 1958. 8. Wistrand, P. J.: Local action of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide, on the intraocular pressure in cats. Acta Pharmacol. & Toxicol., 14:27, 1957. 9. Maren, T. H., Mayer, E., and Wadsworth, B. C : Carbonic anhydrase inhibition: I. The pharmacol­ ogy of Diamox 2-acetyl-amino-l,3,4-thiadiazole-5-sulfonamide. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 95:199, 1954. 10. Schoolar, J. C : Studies on the localization of urea-C", acetazoleamide-S* and isonicotinic acid hydrazide-C" in specific areas of the cat brain. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1957. 11. Achor, L. B., and Roth, L. J.: Metabolic fate of acetazoleamide S* (Diamox) in the cat. Fed. Proc., 16:277,1957. 12. Maren, T. H., and Robinson, B.: The pharmacology of acetazolamide as related to cerebrospinal fluid and the treatment of hydrocephalus. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 106:1, 1960. 13. Wistrand, P.: The effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor on intra-ocular pressure with observa­ tions on the pharmacology of acetazolamide in the rabbit. Acta Pharmacol. & Toxicol., 16:171, 1959. 14. Clark, L., and Roth, L. J.: The synthesis of l-S"-Diamox. J. Am. Pharm. A., 46:646, 1957. 15. Schoolar, J., Barlow, C, and Roth, L. J.: Autoradiography of carbon-14 labeled isoniazid in brain. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., 91:347,1956.



16. Barlow, C, Schoolar, J., and Roth, L. J.: Distribution of carbon-14 labeled isoniazid in brain. Neurology, 7:820,1957. 17. Roth, L. J., Schoolar, J., and Barlow, C : Sulfur"-labeled acetazolamide in cat brain. J. Phar­ macol. & Exper. Therap., 125:128, 1959. 18. Palmgren, A.: Tape for microsectioning of very large, hard or brittle specimens. Nature, 174:46, 1954. 19. Ashby, W., Garzoli, R. F., and Schuster, E. M.: Relative distribution patterns of three brain en­ zymes, carbonic anhydrase, choline esterase, and acetyl phosphatase. Ani. J. Physiol., 170:116, 1952.





Manila, Philippines

"Ang di marunong lumifigon sa pinanggalingan ay di makararating sa paroonan."* He who does not know his past will not reach his goal. This Filipino native saying stresses the importance of knowing history and the past in order to arrive at one's goal in the future. This is my theme and I shall try to trace the history of Philippine oph­ thalmology so that the Philippine Ophthalmological Society will know and visualize whither it is going. A sense of history is often more impor­ tant than a knowledge of history. The de­ tails of history arouse in us that sense of history which remains a force after the de­ tails are forgotten. The details of the history of Philippine ophthalmology that I shall re­ late may be incomplete but I hope that its lessons will be long lasting. The history of Philippine ophthalmology may be divided into three periods: the precolonial era, the colonial era, and the inde­ pendence era. PRECOLONIAL ERA

According to Bantug, 1 "the beginning of medicine in the Philippines are shrouded in the mist of time. No authentic monuments have come down to us that indicate with certainty early medical practices." It seems certain, however, that many primitive ophthalmologic practices, instruments, and be*Read at the Inaugural Meeting of the Philip­ pine Ophthalmological Society, December 12, 1958. t A Tagalog proverb.

liefs in the Philippines date from before the Spaniards came to this country. Just as the ways of life and living in pre­ historic times are seen even now in some outskirts of civilization so is ophthalmologic folklore in the Philippines still observed even now in our rural areas. These medical practices were intertwined with the pagan religion, myths and superstitions. There were gods and dieties for cu/e and protec­ tion or for evil and the cause of diseases. During this mythical period, medical practi­ tioners were priests or, mostly, priestesses who acted as the human media for the Spirits of Good or Evil in the treatment or prognosis of disease. According to Bantug, 1 citing from the Chronicler of Legaspi: "The priestess wears a wig of golden hair, a diadem on her head and in her hand she holds a straw fan and a bamboo stick." Ac­ cording to Loarca, 1 the priestesses dressed very elegantly with garlands on their heads and glittered with gold and jewels. The ceremonies of healing consisted of invoca­ tion and offerings. The eye diseases at this period must have been treated like any other diseases. In addition to the pagan priestesses who cured diseases through the Spirits, there were "curanderos."* These were men who were born with or possessed special healing powers. The "herbolarios,"8 who today are called "quack doctors," dealt with general * Healers. S Herb healers.