The N.F. Mott award for 1983 Professor Jerzy Zarzycki
The N.F. Mott Award for 1983
Professor Jerzy Zarzycki Professor Jerzy Zarzycki, Professor of Materials Science and Solid State Physics at the Uni...
Professor Jerzy Zarzycki Professor Jerzy Zarzycki, Professor of Materials Science and Solid State Physics at the University of Montpellier 2 and Director of the CNRS Glass Laboratory at Montpellier, France, was selected to be the first recipient of the N.F. Mott Award 1983, of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids for his continuing contributions to the science of non-crystalline solids over many years. Professor Zarzycki was born on March 29, 1926 in Poland and is a French citizen. He received his Engineering Diploma from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris in 1949 and his Licence es Sciences and D o c t o r a t e s Sciences from the Sorbonne in 1950 and 1952 respectively. From 1954 to 1970 he was a research engineer and then Chief of the Laboratory of Fundamental Research of the Compagne de Saint-Gobain in Paris, France. He has been in Montpellier since 1970. Professor Zarzycki was a Laureate of the French Academy of Sciences (Prix G. Riboud) in 1967 and received the Vermilion Medal of the Socirt6 d'Encouragement pour la Recherche et l'Invention (SERI) of France in 1979. He has published over 130 papers on many aspects of the science of non-crystalline solids and is author of a book "Les Verres l'rtat vitreux" published by Masson of Paris in 1982. Professor Zarzycki has been a Regional Editor of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids since its inception in 1968.